--- layout: page nav: talks title: Talks meta: description: 'Information about previous and upcoming talks that Oliver has presented at conferences and user groups' use: - talks --- <p>I regularly speak at conferences and user groups about a range of subjects including Drupal, Sculpin and Git. If you would like to me to speak at your group or conference, please <a href="mailto:{{ site.email }}?subject=Speaking%20enquiry">get in touch</a>.</p> <p>There is also information about events that I’ve attended and spoken at on my <a href="{{ site.lanyrd.url }}">Lanyrd</a> and <a href="{{ site.joindin.url }}">Joind.in</a> profiles.</p> <h2>Conferences</h2> {{ include('talk-list', { talks: data.talks, type: 'conference' }) }} <h2>User groups</h2> {{ include('talk-list', { talks: data.talks, type: 'meetup' }) }}