diff --git a/app/config/sculpin_site.yml b/app/config/sculpin_site.yml
index bcc0c8ea..fe6b0b5c 100644
--- a/app/config/sculpin_site.yml
+++ b/app/config/sculpin_site.yml
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ events:
     drupalcamp-london-16:   { title: DrupalCamp London 2016,   location: 'London, UK',     url: ~ }
     drupalcamp-london-17:   { title: DrupalCamp London 2017,   location: 'London, UK',     url: https://drupalcamp.london }
     drupalcamp-north-15:    { title: DrupalCamp North 2015,    location: 'Sunderland, UK', url: http://drupalcampnorth.org }
+    nomad_php:              { title: Nomad PHP,                location: Online,           url: https://nomadphp.com }
     nwdug:                  { title: NWDUG,                    location: 'Manchester, UK', url: http://nwdrupal.org.uk }
     phpsc-16:               { title: PHP South Coast 2016,     location: 'Portsmouth, UK', url: http://2016.phpsouthcoast.co.uk }
     phpsw:                  { title: PHPSW,                    location: 'Bristol, UK',    url: https://phpsw.uk }
diff --git a/source/_partials/talks-table.twig b/source/_partials/talks-table.twig
index 57b72f11..384d9c87 100644
--- a/source/_partials/talks-table.twig
+++ b/source/_partials/talks-table.twig
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
                 <th class="date">Date</th>
                 {% if show_talk %}<th>Talk</th>{% endif %}
-                <th class="feedback">Feedback</th>
+                {% if show_feedback %}<th class="feedback">Feedback</th>{% endif %}
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
                     <td class="date">
                         {{ event.date|date('j F Y') }}
+                        {% if event.time %}
+                            <small class="talk-type">
+                                {{ event.time }}
+                            </small>
+                        {% endif %}
                     {% if show_talk %}
@@ -42,13 +48,15 @@
                         {% endif %}
-                    <td class="feedback">
-                        {% if event.talk.joindin %}
-                            <a href="{{ event.talk.joindin }}" class="btn btn-primary" title="Read or leave feedback for this talk">
-                                <i class="fa fa-comment-o"></i> joind.in
-                            </a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </td>
+                    {% if show_feedback -%}
+                        <td class="feedback">
+                            {% if event.talk.joindin %}
+                                <a href="{{ event.talk.joindin }}" class="btn btn-primary" title="Read or leave feedback for this talk">
+                                    <i class="fa fa-comment-o"></i> joind.in
+                                </a>
+                            {% endif %}
+                        </td>
+                    {%- endif %}
             {% endfor %}
diff --git a/source/_talks/deploying-php-with-fabric.md b/source/_talks/deploying-php-with-fabric.md
index a85f03a8..f65cb7ad 100644
--- a/source/_talks/deploying-php-with-fabric.md
+++ b/source/_talks/deploying-php-with-fabric.md
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 title: Deploying PHP Applications with Fabric
+type: Lightning talk
 location: Nomad PHP
 slides: ~
 slides_embed: ~
 tags: [meetup, php, fabric]
 draft: true
-events: []
+    - { id: nomad_php, date: '2017-04-20', time: '19:00 CEST' }
 You’ve built your application, and now you just need to deploy it. There are various ways that this could be done – from (S)FTP, to SCP and rsync, to running commands like “git pull” and “composer install” directly on the server (not recommended).
diff --git a/source/talks.twig b/source/talks.twig
index 216069a3..6980d1df 100644
--- a/source/talks.twig
+++ b/source/talks.twig
@@ -11,13 +11,34 @@ use: [talks, posts]
 <p>There is also information about events that I’ve attended and spoken at on my <a href="{{ site.lanyrd.url }}">Lanyrd</a> and <a href="{{ site.joindin.url }}">Joind.in</a> profiles.</p>
-{% set events = [] %}
+{% set upcoming_events = [] %}
+{% set past_events = [] %}
 {% for talk in data.talks %}
-    {% for event in talk.events %}
+    {% for event in talk.events if event.date >= 'today'|date('Y-m-d') %}
         {% set event = event|merge({ talk: talk })|merge(site.events[event.id]) %}
-        {% set events = events|merge([event]) %}
+        {% set upcoming_events = upcoming_events|merge([event]) %}
+    {% endfor %}
+    {% for event in talk.events if event.date < 'today'|date('Y-m-d') %}
+        {% set event = event|merge({ talk: talk })|merge(site.events[event.id]) %}
+        {% set past_events = past_events|merge([event]) %}
     {% endfor %}
 {% endfor %}
-{% include "talks-table" with { events: events, show_talk: true, reverse_order: true } %}
+<h2>Upcoming Talks</h2>
+{% include "talks-table" with {
+    events: upcoming_events,
+    show_talk: true,
+    reverse_order: true,
+} %}
+<h2>Previous Talks</h2>
+{% include "talks-table" with {
+    events: past_events,
+    show_talk: true,
+    show_feedback: true,
+    reverse_order: true
+} %}