diff --git a/source/_includes/nav.html.twig b/source/_includes/nav.html.twig
index 00f765eb..cec2ab13 100644
--- a/source/_includes/nav.html.twig
+++ b/source/_includes/nav.html.twig
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@
- Contact
{# .nav-collapse #}
diff --git a/source/index.md b/source/index.md
index f2e7752a..104c719c 100644
--- a/source/index.md
+++ b/source/index.md
@@ -30,29 +30,18 @@ use:
My name is Oliver Davies (aka [opdavies][1]), I’m a Web Developer and System Administrator based in Wales, UK.
-Here is some more information about me:
+My main specialty is Drupal architecture and development, but I’m also familiar with Symfony, Silex, Sculpin, Laravel and WordPress. I’m a {{ site.author.company.role }} at [{{ site.author.company.name }}][20], and am usually available for part-time consultancy and development work.
-* I’m a {{ site.author.company.role }} at [{{ site.author.company.name }}][20]. I also provide part-time freelance development and consultancy services.
-* I work with open source technologies, specialising in [Drupal][2] and [Linux][5], but also [Symfony][3], [Silex][29], [Sculpin][31] and [Laravel][30].
-* I’m a Drupal 7 & 8 core contributor, module maintainer and mentor.
-* I’m a provisional member of the [Drupal Security Team][14] and the Git documentation maintainer for Drupal.org.
-* I’m the lead organiser of [Drupal Bristol][15], and an organiser of [PHPSW][17] and [DrupalCamp Bristol][18].
-* I [regularly speak][19] at conferences and user groups.
-* I previously worked for the [Drupal Association][7] and other agencies including [CTI Digital][34], [Microserve][8], [Precedent][9] and [Nomensa][10].
+I’m a regular open source contributor and mentor, a provisional member of the [Drupal Security team][14] and the Git documentation maintainer for Drupal.org. I organise and speak at conferences and user groups including [Drupal Bristol][15], [PHPSW][17] and [DrupalCamp Bristol][18].
+Want to get in touch? Send me an email.
## Elsewhere
* [Twitter][21] - @{{ site.twitter.name }}
* [Drupal.org][22]
* [GitHub][23]
-* [Packagist][24] (PHP)
-* [WordPress.org][35]
-* [Ansible Galaxy][25]
-* [SpeakerDeck][26]
-* [Joind.in][33]
-* [LinkedIn][27]
-* [YouTube][28]
-* IRC - {{ site.irc.name }} (freenode and OFTC)
+* IRC - {{ site.irc.name }} on freenode
[1]: https://www.google.com/#q=opdavies
[2]: https://www.drupal.org