Add gist embedding for code snippets

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Davies 2016-03-21 08:05:47 +00:00
parent 020f67fd30
commit 0b12d81b59
6 changed files with 207 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ g.task 'vendor-scripts', =>
g.js [
], 'vendor.js'

scripts/vendor/gist-embed.js vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
* author: Blair Vanderhoof
* version 2.4
(function($) {
'use strict';
function getLineNumbers(lineRangeString) {
var lineNumbers = [], range, lineNumberSections;
if (typeof lineRangeString === 'number') {
} else {
lineNumberSections = lineRangeString.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < lineNumberSections.length; i++) {
range = lineNumberSections[i].split('-');
if (range.length === 2) {
for (var j = parseInt(range[0], 10); j <= range[1]; j++) {
} else if (range.length === 1) {
lineNumbers.push(parseInt(range[0], 10));
return lineNumbers;
$.fn.gist = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $elem = $(this),
data = {};
// make block level so loading text shows properly
$elem.css('display', 'block');
id = $'gist-id') || '';
file = $'gist-file');
hideFooterOption = $'gist-hide-footer') === true;
hideLineNumbersOption = $'gist-hide-line-numbers') === true;
lines = $'gist-line');
highlightLines = $'gist-highlight-line');
showSpinner = $'gist-show-spinner') === true;
if (showSpinner) {
showLoading = false;
} else {
showLoading = $'gist-show-loading') !== undefined ?
$'gist-show-loading') : true;
if (file) {
data.file = file;
// if the id doesn't exist, then ignore the code block
if (!id) {
return false;
url = '' + id + '.json';
loading = 'Loading gist ' + url + (data.file ? ', file: ' + data.file : '') + '...';
// loading
if (showLoading) {
// loading spinner
if (showSpinner) {
$elem.html('<img style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto" alt="' + loading + '" src="">');
// request the json version of this gist
url: url,
data: data,
dataType: 'jsonp',
timeout: 10000,
success: function(response) {
var linkTag,
// the html payload is in the div property
if (response && response.div) {
// github returns /assets/embed-id.css now, but let's be sure about that
if (response.stylesheet) {
// github passes down html instead of a url for the stylehsheet now
// parse off the href
if (response.stylesheet.indexOf('<link') === 0) {
response.stylesheet =
} else if (response.stylesheet.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
// add leading slash if missing
if (response.stylesheet.indexOf('/') !== 0) {
response.stylesheet = '/' + response.stylesheet;
response.stylesheet = '' + response.stylesheet;
// add the stylesheet if it does not exist
if (response.stylesheet && $('link[href="' + response.stylesheet + '"]').length === 0) {
linkTag = document.createElement('link');
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
linkTag.type = 'text/css';
linkTag.rel = 'stylesheet';
linkTag.href = response.stylesheet;
head.insertBefore(linkTag, head.firstChild);
// refernce to div
$responseDiv = $(response.div);
// remove id for uniqueness constraints
// option to highlight lines
if (highlightLines) {
highlightLineNumbers = getLineNumbers(highlightLines);
// we need to set the line-data td to 100% so the highlight expands the whole line
'width': '100%'
// find all .js-file-line tds (actual code lines) that match the highlightLines and add the highlight class
$responseDiv.find('.js-file-line').each(function(index) {
if ($.inArray(index + 1, highlightLineNumbers) !== -1) {
'background-color': 'rgb(255, 255, 204)'
// if user provided a line param, get the line numbers based on the criteria
if (lines) {
lineNumbers = getLineNumbers(lines);
// find all trs containing code lines that don't exist in the line param
$responseDiv.find('.js-file-line').each(function(index) {
if (($.inArray(index + 1, lineNumbers)) === -1) {
// option to remove footer
if (hideFooterOption) {
// present a uniformed border when footer is hidden
$responseDiv.find('.gist-data').css('border-bottom', '0px');
$responseDiv.find('.gist-file').css('border-bottom', '1px solid #ddd');
// option to remove
if (hideLineNumbersOption) {
} else {
$elem.html('Failed loading gist ' + url);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
$elem.html('Failed loading gist ' + url + ': ' + textStatus);
$(function() {
// find all elements containing "data-gist-id" attribute.

scripts/vendor/gist-embed.min.js vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(function(b){function a(d){var c=[],e,g;if(typeof d==="number"){c.push(d)}else{g=d.split(",");for(var h=0;h<g.length;h++){e=g[h].split("-");if(e.length===2){for(var f=parseInt(e[0],10);f<=e[1];f++){c.push(f)}}else{if(e.length===1){c.push(parseInt(e[0],10))}}}}return c}b.fn.gist=function(){return this.each(function(){var e=b(this),d,c,h,m,k,j,f,g,l,i={};e.css("display","block");"gist-id")||"";"gist-file");"gist-hide-footer")===true;"gist-hide-line-numbers")===true;"gist-line");"gist-highlight-line");"gist-show-spinner")===true;if(l){g=false}else{"gist-show-loading")!==undefined?"gist-show-loading"):true}if(h){i.file=h}if(!d){return false}c=""+d+".json";loading="Loading gist "+c+(i.file?", file: "+i.file:"")+"...";if(g){e.html(loading)}if(l){e.html('<img style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto" alt="'+loading+'" src="">')}b.ajax({url:c,data:i,dataType:"jsonp",timeout:10000,success:function(p){var s,r,o,q,n;if(p&&p.div){if(p.stylesheet){if(p.stylesheet.indexOf("<link")===0){p.stylesheet=p.stylesheet.replace(/\\/g,"").match(/href=\"([^\s]*)\"/)[1]}else{if(p.stylesheet.indexOf("http")!==0){if(p.stylesheet.indexOf("/")!==0){p.stylesheet="/"+p.stylesheet}p.stylesheet=""+p.stylesheet}}}if(p.stylesheet&&b('link[href="'+p.stylesheet+'"]').length===0){s=document.createElement("link");r=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];s.type="text/css";s.rel="stylesheet";s.href=p.stylesheet;r.insertBefore(s,r.firstChild)}n=b(p.div);n.removeAttr("id");e.html("").append(n);if(k){q=a(k);n.find("td.line-data").css({width:"100%"});n.find(".js-file-line").each(function(t){if(b.inArray(t+1,q)!==-1){b(this).css({"background-color":"rgb(255, 255, 204)"})}})}if(m){o=a(m);n.find(".js-file-line").each(function(t){if((b.inArray(t+1,o))===-1){b(this).parent().remove()}})}if(j){n.find(".gist-meta").remove();n.find(".gist-data").css("border-bottom","0px");n.find(".gist-file").css("border-bottom","1px solid #ddd")}if(f){n.find(".js-line-number").remove()}}else{e.html("Failed loading gist "+c)}},error:function(n,o){e.html("Failed loading gist "+c+": "+o)}})})};b(function(){b("[data-gist-id]").gist()})})(jQuery);

View file

@ -43,24 +43,7 @@ Heres an example of it in action:
You can also define options when calling the command and skip any or all questions. Running the following would bypass all of the questions and create a new file with no interaction or additional steps.
drupalvm-generate \ \
--machine-name=example \
--ip-address= \
--cpus=1 \
--memory=512 \
--webserver=nginx \ \
--path=../site \
--destination=/var/www/site \
--docroot=/var/www/site/drupal \
--drupal-version=8 \
--build-makefile=no \
--install-site=true \
--installed-extras=xdebug,xhprof \
<code data-gist-id="24e569577ca4b72f049d" data-gist-file=""></code>
## Where do I get it?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
background: transparent
padding: 0

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
@import 'base'
@import 'components/badges'
@import 'components/content-types/blog-post'
@import 'components/footer'
@import 'components/meetups'
@import 'components/testimonials'