<h2>Using Remote Files when Developing Locally with Stage File Proxy Module</h2>
<pclass="posted">20th November 2014</p>
<p>How to install and configure the <ahref="https://www.drupal.org/project/stage_file_proxy">Stage File Proxy</a> module to serve remote images on your local Drupal site.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/11/20/using-remote-files-when-developing-locally-with-stage-file-proxy-module">Read more →</a>
<h2>Include CSS Fonts by Using a SASS each Loop</h2>
<pclass="posted">18th November 2014</p>
<p>How to use an @each loop in SASS to quickly include multiple font files within your stylesheet.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/11/18/include-css-fonts-using-sass-each-loop">Read more →</a>
<h2>Updating Features and Adding Components Using Drush</h2>
<pclass="posted">21st October 2014</p>
<p>If you use the <ahref="http://drupal.org/project/features">Features module</a> to manage your Drupal configuration, it can be time consuming to update features through the UI, especially if you are working on a remote server and need to keep downloading and uploading files.</p>
<p>If you re-create a feature through the UI, you'll be prompted to download a new archive of the feature in its entirety onto your local computer. You could either commit this into a local repository and then pull it remotely, or use a tool such as SCP to upload the archive onto the server and commit it from there. You can simplify this process by using <ahref="http://drush.org">Drush</a>.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/10/21/updating-features-and-adding-components-using-drush">Read more →</a>
<h2>How to fix Vagrant Loading the Wrong Virtual Machine</h2>
<pclass="posted">6th October 2014</p>
<p>A few times recently, I've had instances where <ahref="https://www.vagrantup.com">Vagrant</a> seems to have forgotten which virtual machine it's supposed to load, probably due to renaming a project directory or the .vagrant directory being moved accidentally.</p>
<p>Here are the steps that I took to fix this and point Vagrant back at the correct VM.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/10/06/fix-vagrant-loading-wrong-virtual-machine">Read more →</a>
<h2>drush make drupalbristol</h2>
<pclass="posted">2nd July 2014</p>
<p>Here are my slides from this month's talk night at the <ahref="https://groups.drupal.org/bristol-and-west-uk">Drupal Bristol user group</a>.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/07/02/drush-make-drupalbristol">Read more →</a>
<h2>git format-patch is your Friend</h2>
<pclass="posted">21st May 2014</p>
<p>An explanation of the "git format-patch" command, and how it could be used in Drupal's Git workflow.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/05/21/git-format-patch">Read more →</a>
<pclass="posted">6th May 2014</p>
<p>This is just a quick post to thank everyone for their comments and congratulations after my previous post about <ahref="/blog/drupal-association/">joining the Drupal Association</a>. I’m looking forward to my first day in the job tomorrow.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/05/06/thanks">Read more →</a>
<h2>Drupal Association</h2>
<pclass="posted">3rd May 2014</p>
<p>Today was my last day working at <ahref="http://www.precedent.com">Precedent</a>. Next week, I'll be starting my <ahref="https://assoc.drupal.org/node/18923"title="Drupal.org Developer">new job</a> at the <ahref="http://assoc.drupal.org">Drupal Association</a> working on Drupal's home - <ahref="http://www.drupal.org">Drupal.org</a>.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/05/03/drupal-association">Read more →</a>
<h2>DrupalCamp London: What is Git Flow?</h2>
<pclass="posted">3rd March 2014</p>
<p>Here are my slides from my "What is Git Flow?" session at <ahref="http://2014.drupalcamplondon.co.uk">DrupalCamp London</a>.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/03/03/what-git-flow">Read more →</a>
<h2>DrupalCamp London 2014</h2>
<pclass="posted">9th February 2014</p>
<p>It's all booked, I'm going to be attending <ahref="http://2014.drupalcamplondon.co.uk">DrupalCamp London</a> this year, my first DrupalCamp!</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/02/09/drupalcamp-london-2014">Read more →</a>