description: Similar to the SEO Checklist and QA Checklist modules, this module provides a checklist of accessibilty-related modules and tasks to perform on a Drupal site.
description: Inspired by Block Class, this module adds additional elements to the block configuration forms that allow users to assign a ARIA landmark role to a block.
description: This module allows site administrators to define multiple paths, and when a user visits a non-declared page, their shopping cart is emptied.
description: Creates a block that allows you to configure a copyright message that automatically updates using the current year from the server that your site is hosted on.
description: Allows permissions to be set to each field within the Authoring information and Publishing options field sets on the node form. It also allows selected field sets to be set as collapsed and/or collapsible.
description: Forces an update of the Pathauto-generated path when a menu link item has been updated. Useful if you use parent menu links to generate paths.
description: Adds ARIA support to forms created using the Webform module.
versions: [7]
- name: WP Blog Migrate
description: Convert your existing Drupal blog into the WP Blog module by re-assigning the content type for existing nodes and moving any existing tags into the WP Blog taxonomy vocabulary.
<p>I have written, open-sourced, and maintain a number of Drupal modules, Sculpin bundles and PHP projects - as well as the source code for this website! Here is some information about each project and a link to it’s project page.</p>