excerpt: How I rebuilt Acquia’s dashboard using Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
- drupal
- tailwind-css
- tweet
- vuejs
draft: true
After [rebuilding Drupal’s Bartik theme](/blog/rebuilding-bartik-with-vuejs-tailwind-css), I’ve now used [Vue.js][vue] and [Tailwind CSS][tailwind] to rebuild another Drupal related UI - this time it’s [Acquia’s](https://www.acquia.com) web hosting dashboard. Again, you can [view the site on Netlify][netlify] and [the code on GitHub][github].
The same as the Bartik rebuild, this was a good opportunity for me to gain more experience with new technologies - Vue in particular - and to provide another demonstration of how Tailwind CSS can be used.
Like the Bartik clone, this was originally going to be another single page rebuild, however after completing the first page I decided to expand it to include three pages which also gave me the opportunity to use [Vue Router](https://router.vuejs.org) - something that I had not used previously - and to organise a multi-page Vue application.
<imgsrc="/images/blog/rebuilding-acquia-vue-tailwind/2-environments.png"alt="A screenshot of the rebuilt Environments page."class="border border-grey-light p-2">
<figcaption>The rebuilt Environments page for an application.</figcaption>
<imgsrc="/images/blog/rebuilding-acquia-vue-tailwind/1-applications.png"alt="A screenshot of the rebuilt Applications page."class="border border-grey-light p-2">
<imgsrc="/images/blog/rebuilding-acquia-vue-tailwind/3-environment.png"alt="A screenshot of the rebuilt page for an environment within an application."class="border border-grey-light p-2">
<figcaption>The rebuilt page for an environment within an application.</figcaption>