<p>As in the original post, I'd generated a list of node ID values, and needed to add structure the SQL update statment formatted in a certain way. However, I changed my inital query slightly to out put the same nid value twice.
SELECT nid, nid FROM node WHERE TYPE = 'blog'…</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/11/04/use-regular-expressions-search-and-replace-coda-or-textmate">Read more →</a>
<p>Today, I realised that I hadn't published the code that I used to create the total figures of galleries and photos at the top of the gallery (I said at the end of Part 2 that I'd include it in Part 3, but I forgot). So, here it is:
// Queries …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/10/22/create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-21">Read more →</a>
<h2>Create a Better Photo Gallery in Drupal - Part 3</h2>
<p>The next part of the new gallery that I want to implement is to group the galleries by their respective categories. The first step is to edit my original photo_gallery view and add an additional display.
I've called it 'Taxonomy', and it's similar to the original 'All Galleries' view. The differences …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/10/13/create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-3">Read more →</a>
<p>Earlier this year, I posted a solution to <ahref="http://drupal.org/node/753898">an issue</a> on the Drupal.org issue queue. Originally, I just posted the code back onto the issue, but have now created a patch that can easily be applied to any Drupal 6 installation. Here is a run-through of the process of creating and applying a patch. In this case, I made changes to the <code>user_pass_validate()</code> function that's found within <code>modules/user/user.pages.inc</code>.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/10/10/create-and-apply-patches">Read more →</a>
<h2>The Inaugural Meetup for the South Wales Drupal User Group</h2>
<p>Up until as recent as last week, whenever I added an image into one of my Blog posts, I was manually adding the caption below each image and styling it accordingly. That was until I installed the Image Caption module.
The Image Caption module uses jQuery to dynamically add captions to …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/08/20/review-image-caption-module">Read more →</a>
<h2>Create a Better Photo Gallery in Drupal - Part 2</h2>
<p>At the end of my last post, I'd finished creating the first part of the new photo gallery, but I wanted to change the dates of the published photos to reflect the ones on the client's original website.
Firstly, I'll refer to the previous list of published galleries that …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/08/17/create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-2">Read more →</a>
<h2>Create a Better Photo Gallery in Drupal - Part 1</h2>
<p>Recently, I converted a client's static HTML website, along with their Coppermine Photo Gallery, into a Drupal-powered website.
Over the next few posts, I'll be replicating the process that I used during the conversion, and how I added some additional features to my Drupal gallery.
To begin with, I created my photo …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/08/11/create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-1">Read more →</a>
<p>Sorry for the lack of Blog posts lately, but my new job that I started a few weeks ago has certainly been keeping me busy! I've got a few more posts that I'm preparing content for, and I'll hopefully be back into my weekly-post routine before too long!
Today, I'd like …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2010/08/10/review-adminhover-module">Read more →</a>