<p>The <ahref="https://github.com/opdavies/drupal-meetups-twitterbot">Drupal Meetups Twitterbot</a> is a small project that I worked on a few months ago, but hadn't got around to promoting yet. It’s intention is to provide <ahref="https://twitter.com/drupal_meetups">one Twitter account</a> where people can get the up to date news from various Drupal meetups.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2017/06/09/introducing-the-drupal-meetups-twitterbot">Read more →</a>
<h2>Turning Your Custom Drupal Module into a Feature</h2>
<p>Yesterday I was fixing a bug in an inherited Drupal 7 custom module, and I decided that I was going to add some tests to ensure that the bug was fixed and doesn’t get accidentially re-introduced in the future. The test though required me to have a particular content type and fields which are specific to this site, so weren’t present within the standard installation profile used to run tests.</p>
<p>I decided to convert the custom module into a <ahref="https://www.drupal.org/project/features">Feature</a> so that the content type and it’s fields could be added to it, and therefore present on the testing site once the module is installed.</p>
<p>To do this, I needed to expose the module to the Features API.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2017/05/20/turning-drupal-module-into-feature">Read more →</a>
<h2>DrupalCamp Bristol 2017 - Early Bird Tickets, Call for Sessions, Sponsors</h2>
<p>In less than two months time, <ahref="https://2017.drupalcampbristol.co.uk">DrupalCamp Bristol</a> will be back for our third year! (July seems to come around quicker each year). This is this year’s schedule and venues:</p>
<li>30th June - CXO (Business) day - <ahref="http://www.watershed.co.uk">Watershed</a></li>
<li>1st July - Developer conference - <ahref="http://www.bris.ac.uk/chemistry">University of Bristol, School of Chemistry</a></li>
<li>2nd July - Contribution sprints - Venue TBC</li>
<ahref="/blog/2017/05/15/drupalcamp-bristol-early-bird-tickets-sessions-sponsors">Read more →</a>
<p>Recently, I reviewed a patch in the Override Node Options module issue queue. For those not familiar with it, the module adds extra permissions for node options like "authored by" and "published on" which are normally only available to users with the administer nodes permission. What the patch does is …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2017/05/05/updating-override-node-options-tests">Read more →</a>
<p>I’ve been a Drupal VM user for a long time, but lately I’ve been using a combination Drupal VM and Docker for my local development environment. There were a couple of issues preventing me from completely switching to Docker - one of which being that when I tried running of my Simpletest tests, a lot of them would fail where they would pass when run within Drupal VM.</p>
<p>Here’s an excerpt from my <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file:</p>
<ahref="/blog/2017/05/05/fixing-drupal-simpletest-docker">Read more →</a>
<h2>Nginx Redirects With Query String Arguments</h2>
<p>This is an example of how my Nginx configuration looked to redirect from an old domain to a new one, and also to redirect from the root <code>example.com</code> domain to the canonical <code>www</code> subdomain.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2017/01/31/nginx-redirects-with-query-string-arguments">Read more →</a>
<h2>Easier Sculpin Commands with Composer and NPM Scripts</h2>
<p>I spent some time yesterday working on the <ahref="http://www.drupalvmgenerator.com">Drupal VM Generator</a>, and have released versions 2.8.1, 2.9.0 and 2.9.1.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2016/12/30/drupal-vm-generator-291-released">Read more →</a>
<p>How to use the <ahref="https://www.drupal.org/project/xautoload">xautoload</a> module to autoload migration classes within your Drupal 7 migration modules.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2016/05/03/simplifying-drupal-migrations-with-xautoload">Read more →</a>