<p>For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a personal side project, based on Drupal VM. It’s called the <ahref="https://github.com/opdavies/drupal-vm-generator">Drupal VM Generator</a>, and over the weekend I’ve added the final features and fixed the remaining issues, and tagged the 1.0.0 release.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2016/02/15/announcing-the-drupal-vm-generator">Read more →</a>
<p>I recently had my first experience using the <ahref="https://www.drupal.org/project/entityform">Entityform module</a> in a project. It was quite easy to configure with different form types, but then I needed to embed the form into an overlay. I was expecting to use the <code>drupal_get_form()</code> function and render it, but this didn’t work.</p>
<p>Here are the steps that I took to be able to load, render and embed the form.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2015/12/22/programmatically-load-an-entityform-in-drupal-7">Read more →</a>
<h2>Automating Sculpin Builds with Jenkins CI</h2>
<p>As part of re-building this site with Sculpin, I wanted to automate the deployments, as in I wouldn't need to run a script like publish.sh locally and have that deploy my code onto my server. Not only did that mean that my local workflow was simpler (update, commit and push, …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2015/07/21/automating-sculpin-jenkins">Read more →</a>
<p>Here’s a list of resources that I compiled whilst preparing for my <ahref="http://drupalcampnorth.org/session/test-drive-twig-sculpin">Sculpin and Twig talk</a> at <ahref="http://drupalcampnorth.org">DrupalCamp North</a>.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2015/07/19/sculpin-twig-resources">Read more →</a>
People may or may not know, but this site runs on Sculpin, a PHP based static site generator (this may be the first time that I've mentioned it on this site). The source code is hosted on GitHub, and I've listed the site on the Community page on the Sculpin …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2015/06/18/updating-forked-repositories-on-github">Read more →</a>
<h2>How to Define a Minimum Drupal Core Version</h2>
<p>This week, my first code patch was committed to Drupal core. The patch adds the user_has_role() function to the user module, to simplify the way to check whether a user in Drupal has been assigned a specific role. This is something that I normally write a custom function for each …</p>
<ahref="/blog/2015/04/03/how-to-define-a-minimum-drupal-core-version">Read more →</a>
<p><ahref="https://www.drupal.org/project/reroute_email">Reroute Email</a> module uses <code>hook_mail_alter()</code> to prevent emails from being sent to users from non-production sites. It allows you to enter one or more email addresses that will receive the emails instead of delivering them to the original user.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/12/22/configuring-the-reroute-email-module">Read more →</a>
<p>How to create and include a local settings file to define and override environment-specific variables, and keep sensitive things like your database credentials and API keys safe.</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/12/20/include-local-drupal-settings-file-environment-configuration-and-overrides">Read more →</a>
<h2>Include environment-specific settings files on Pantheon</h2>
<p>I was recently doing some work on a site hosted on <ahref="http://getpantheon.com">Pantheon</a> and came across an issue, for which part of the suggested fix was to ensure that the <code>$base_url</code> variable was explicitly defined within settings.php (this is also best practice on all Drupal sites).</p>
<p>The way that was recommended was by using a <code>switch()</code> function based on Pantheon's environment variable. For example:</p>
<ahref="/blog/2014/11/27/pantheon-settings-files">Read more →</a>