Hi, I'm Oliver Davies, a <ahref="{{ site.drupalorg.nice }}">Drupal Developer</a> and System Administrator based in Newport, South Wales. I work for the [Drupal Association](https://assoc.drupal.org), while also working freelance on Drupal websites and Linux servers.
An active community member, I organise <ahref="{{ site.meetups.swdug.url }}">SWDUG</a> and co-organise <ahref="{{ site.meetups.drupalbristol.url }}">Bristol Drupal</a>, and am a founding member of the [DrupalCamp Bristol](http://2015.drupalcampbristol.co.uk) organising committee. I also attend other events and conferences related to Drupal, PHP, Linux and web accessibility.
I'm contributor to <ahref="http://cgit.drupalcode.org/drupal/log/?h=7.x&qt=grep&q={{ site.drupalorg.name }}">Drupal 7</a> and <ahref="http://cgit.drupalcode.org/drupal/log/?h=8.0.x&qt=grep&q={{ site.drupalorg.name }}">Drupal 8</a> core, and I <ahref="{{ site.drupalorg.url }}/people-mentored">mentor new contributors</a> online and in person at local sprints, DrupalCamps and DrupalCons. I maintain several projects on Drupal.org, and have contributed to numerous others.
I'm also the Git Documentation Maintainer for the Drupal project, and a provisional member of the [Drupal Security team](https://www.drupal.org/security-team).
You can follow me on <ahref="{{ site.twitter.url }}">Twitter</a> and <ahref="{{ site.linkedin.url }}">LinkedIn</a>, and you can view my code on <ahref="{{ site.drupalorg.url }}/track/code">Drupal.org</a> and <ahref="{{ site.github.url }}?tab=activity">GitHub</a>.