I've recently started using [SASS](http://sass-lang.com) rather than LESS to do my CSS preprocessing - namely due to its integration with [Compass](http://compass-style.org) and it's built-in CSS3 mixins. Here are three modules that provide the ability to use SASS within Drupal.
I've recently started using [SASS](http://sass-lang.com) rather than LESS to do my CSS preprocessing - namely due to its integration with [Compass](http://compass-style.org) and it's built-in CSS3 mixins. There are three modules that provide the ability to use SASS within Drupal:
* [Sassy](http://drupal.org/project/sassy "Sassy module on drupal.org")
* [Prepro](http://drupal.org/project/prepro "Prepro module on drupal.org")
* [Libraries API](http://drupal.org/project/libraries "Libraries API module on drupal.org")
Alternatively, you could use a base theme like [Sasson](http://drupal.org/project/sasson "Sasson theme on drupal.org") that includes a SASS compiler.
## Download the PHPSass Library
The first thing to do is download the PHPSass library from [GitHub](https://github.com/richthegeek/phpsass "PHPSass on GitHub"), as this is a requirement of the Sassy module and we can't enable it without the library. So, in a Terminal window:
Otherwise, download the each module from it's respective project page and place it within your `sites/all/modules` or `sites/all/modules/contrib` directory.
## Configuring the Prepro module
The Prepro module provides various settings that can be changed for each preprocessor. Go to `admin/config/media/prepro` to configure the module as required.
Personally, in development, I'd set caching to 'uncached' and the error reporting method to 'show on page'. In production, I'd change these to "cached" and "watchdog" respectively. I'd also set the output style to "compressed",