name: 'app' type: 'php:7.4' variables: env: NODE_VERSION: v14.13.1 NVM_VERSION: v0.36.0 dependencies: nodejs: npm: 6.14.10 php: composer/composer: '^2' runtime: extensions: - redis relationships: database: 'db:mysql' redis: 'cache:redis' disk: 2048 mounts: '/web/sites/default/files': source: local source_path: 'files' '/tmp': source: local source_path: 'tmp' '/private': source: local source_path: 'private' '/.drush': source: local source_path: 'drush' '/drush-backups': source: local source_path: 'drush-backups' build: flavor: none hooks: build: | set -e export PATH=/app/bin:$PATH curl -sS | php # source ~/.environment composer --no-ansi --no-interaction install --no-progress --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev # platform sql 'SELECT body_value FROM block_content__body UNION SELECT body_value FROM node__body' > /tmp/body-field-values.txt cd web/themes/custom/opdavies unset NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX export NVM_DIR="$PLATFORM_APP_DIR/.nvm" curl -f -o-$NVM_VERSION/ | bash [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" npm clean-install npm run production rm -fr node_modules unset NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX deploy: | set -e export PATH=/app/bin:$PATH drush -y cache-rebuild drush -y updatedb drush -y config-import web: locations: '/': root: 'web' expires: 5m passthru: '/index.php' allow: false rules: '\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svgz?|css|js|map|ico|bmp|eot|woff2?|otf|ttf)$': allow: true '^/robots\.txt$': allow: true '^/sitemap\.xml$': allow: true '^/sites/sites\.php$': scripts: false '^/sites/[^/]+/settings.*?\.php$': scripts: false '/sites/default/files': allow: true expires: 5m passthru: '/index.php' root: 'web/sites/default/files' scripts: false rules: '^/sites/default/files/(css|js)': expires: 2w crons: drupal: spec: '*/19 * * * *' cmd: 'cd web && drush core-cron' snapshot: spec: '0 5 * * *' cmd: | if [ "$PLATFORM_BRANCH" = production ]; then platform snapshot:create --yes --no-wait fi renewcert: # Force a redeploy at 5am (UTC) on the 1st and 15th of every month. spec: '0 5 1,15 * *' cmd: | if [ "$PLATFORM_BRANCH" = production ]; then platform redeploy --yes --no-wait fi