#!/bin/bash set -e TTY="" if [[ ! -t 1 ]]; then TTY="-T" fi function task:bash { task:exec bash "${@}" } function task:ci:build { docker-compose build php docker-compose push php } function task:ci:test { task:lint:dockerfile } function task:exec { # Run any command in the php container. docker-compose exec php "${@}" } function task:composer { # Execute Composer commands. task:exec composer "${@}" } function task:db:export { task:drush sql:dump \ --gzip \ --result-file=/app/drupal.sql } function task:drupal:install { # Install Drupal. task:drush site:install -y --account-pass admin123 --existing-config } function task:drush { # Execute Drush commands. task:exec drush "${@}" } function task:frontend:console { docker-compose run --rm node } function task:help { printf "%s <task> [args]\n\nTasks:\n" "${0}" # Only show functions that have the "task:" prefix. compgen -A function | sed -En 's/task:(.*)/\1/p' | cat -n printf "\nExtended help:\n Each task has comments for general usage\n" } function task:lint:dockerfile { docker container run --rm -i \ -v $(pwd)/.hadolint.yaml:/.config/hadolint.yaml \ hadolint/hadolint hadolint \ --ignore DL3008 \ --ignore DL3022 \ "${@}" - < tools/docker/Dockerfile } function task:test:functional { run-tests --testsuite functional "${@}" } function task:test:integration { # Run integration tests. run-tests --testsuite kernel "${@}" } function task:test:quality { # Run quality checks (code linting, static analysis, etc.). docker-compose run --no-deps php phpcs docker-compose run --no-deps php phpstan "--memory-limit=256M" } function task:test:unit { # Run unit tests. run-tests --testsuite unit "${@}" } function run-tests { # Run PHPUnit tests. docker-compose run php --user ${DOCKER_WEB_USER} php phpunit "${@}" } eval "task:${@:-help}"