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--- a/config/sync/system.action.redirect_delete_action.yml
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-uuid: c3a13665-2cc8-4c67-938b-f50f20d127f9
-langcode: en
-status: true
- enforced:
- module:
- - redirect
- module:
- - redirect
- default_config_hash: vcnRZRvBqTbK3nZ2M4_lKPlEGc8GjPzgaqapYUfyX8M
-id: redirect_delete_action
-label: 'Delete redirect'
-type: redirect
-plugin: redirect_delete_action
-configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.taxonomy_term_publish_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.taxonomy_term_publish_action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 187b5a0..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.action.taxonomy_term_publish_action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-uuid: a278fde0-b623-4135-aede-5436d2c866a0
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - taxonomy
- default_config_hash: DoVt_VGgVLcDD4XmVbSFzr0K17SJy9imFiYusKkJBgY
-id: taxonomy_term_publish_action
-label: 'Publish taxonomy term'
-type: taxonomy_term
-plugin: 'entity:publish_action:taxonomy_term'
-configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.taxonomy_term_unpublish_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.taxonomy_term_unpublish_action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b49c3d..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.action.taxonomy_term_unpublish_action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-uuid: cbee4bb1-0eae-4da7-a5fa-4a8e79cf6594
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - taxonomy
- default_config_hash: z2sNRM3ECa7FPCGnSNje_9SmZJQgwhD_6fG_L4Mr8zI
-id: taxonomy_term_unpublish_action
-label: 'Unpublish taxonomy term'
-type: taxonomy_term
-plugin: 'entity:unpublish_action:taxonomy_term'
-configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_block_user_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_block_user_action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b3e40..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.action.user_block_user_action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 0de02375-6606-401a-8da7-29b0d9861f87
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - user
- default_config_hash: DyypzTfThX10FFQw-399qPfEbLLyrhXgQrKPVsmAoJ4
-id: user_block_user_action
-label: 'Block the selected user(s)'
-type: user
-plugin: user_block_user_action
-configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 347554d..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 6feb463c-8a5b-4265-bd52-59666ba92a42
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - user
- default_config_hash: nvrL9bFilzBvm2bjO9rQnFDpBA7dBBUjShSSt6NS-DU
-id: user_cancel_user_action
-label: 'Cancel the selected user account(s)'
-type: user
-plugin: user_cancel_user_action
-configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c2b3f..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 80ad93eb-28e4-457d-88ad-626702d1548b
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - user
- default_config_hash: SPsUXsR3Rc8d1y3gewzaAKWa1ncea_ywXX3f7LTn7k0
-id: user_unblock_user_action
-label: 'Unblock the selected user(s)'
-type: user
-plugin: user_unblock_user_action
-configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.authorize.yml b/config/sync/system.authorize.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c469cae..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.authorize.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-filetransfer_default: null
- default_config_hash: z63ds8M4zPrylEgFRkRcOlfcsXWwfITzjD4cj1kRdfg
diff --git a/config/sync/system.cron.yml b/config/sync/system.cron.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6801fb5..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.cron.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- requirements_warning: 172800
- requirements_error: 1209600
-logging: 1
- default_config_hash: 5Pw921y1EPfFN98wykliBBLArm51pC-SmrXeYCe7d0Y
diff --git a/config/sync/system.date.yml b/config/sync/system.date.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59acb7a..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.date.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- default: ''
-first_day: 0
- default: UTC
- user:
- configurable: true
- warn: false
- default: 0
- default_config_hash: V9UurX2GPT05NWKG9f2GWQqFG2TRG8vczidwjpy7Woo
diff --git a/config/sync/system.diff.yml b/config/sync/system.diff.yml
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--- a/config/sync/system.diff.yml
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5a62870..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.file.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-allow_insecure_uploads: false
-default_scheme: public
-temporary_maximum_age: 21600
- default_config_hash: mguGHCYb9Dw5EcpfjwoShGV1Vjkbz3QuPRCLfxiye-g
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--- a/config/sync/system.image.gd.yml
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diff --git a/config/sync/system.image.yml b/config/sync/system.image.yml
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--- a/config/sync/system.image.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-toolkit: gd
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diff --git a/config/sync/system.logging.yml b/config/sync/system.logging.yml
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index e95b28a..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.logging.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-error_level: hide
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--- a/config/sync/system.mail.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- default: php_mail
- default_config_hash: rYgt7uhPafP2ngaN_ZUPFuyI4KdE0zU868zLNSlzKoE
diff --git a/config/sync/system.maintenance.yml b/config/sync/system.maintenance.yml
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index 79501fb..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.maintenance.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-message: '@site is currently under maintenance. We should be back shortly. Thank you for your patience.'
-langcode: en
- default_config_hash: Z5MXifrF77GEAgx0GQ6iWT8wStjFuY8BD9OruofWTJ8
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.account.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.account.yml
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--- a/config/sync/system.menu.account.yml
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: { }
- default_config_hash: M_Bh81osDyUQ4wV0GgU_NdBNqkzM87sLxjaCdFj9mnw
-id: account
-label: 'User account menu'
-description: 'Links related to the active user account'
-locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.admin.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.admin.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b3d24a..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.menu.admin.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: { }
- default_config_hash: sapEi2YDGoI9yQIT_WgIV2vUdQ6DScH0V3fAyTadAL0
-id: admin
-label: Administration
-description: 'Administrative task links'
-locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.footer.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.footer.yml
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--- a/config/sync/system.menu.footer.yml
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-status: true
-dependencies: { }
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-id: footer
-label: Footer
-description: 'Site information links'
-locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.main.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.main.yml
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--- a/config/sync/system.menu.main.yml
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-status: true
-dependencies: { }
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-id: main
-label: 'Main navigation'
-description: 'Site section links'
-locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.tools.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.tools.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/sync/system.menu.tools.yml
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: { }
- default_config_hash: BCM-vV1zzRaLHN18dqAR_CuGOj8AFJvTx7BKl_8Gcxc
-id: tools
-label: Tools
-description: 'User tool links, often added by modules'
-locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.performance.yml b/config/sync/system.performance.yml
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index 65d6e1a..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.performance.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- page:
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- exclude_paths: '/\/(?:styles|imagecache)\//'
- html: '404 Not Found Not Found
The requested URL "@path" was not found on this server.
- preprocess: false
- gzip: true
-stale_file_threshold: 2592000
- default_config_hash: b2cssrj-lOmATIbdehfCqfCFgVR0qCdxxWhwqa2KBVQ
diff --git a/config/sync/system.rss.yml b/config/sync/system.rss.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 858f127..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.rss.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- description: ''
- limit: 10
- view_mode: rss
-langcode: en
- default_config_hash: TlH7NNk46phfxu1mSUfwg1C0YqaGsUCeD4l9JQnQlDU
diff --git a/config/sync/system.site.yml b/config/sync/system.site.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4be9f..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.site.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 315b2e52-6e5f-4197-961b-777deee95063
-name: 'Oliver Davies'
-mail: oliver+website@oliverdavies.uk
-slogan: ''
- 403: ''
- 404: ''
- front: /user/login
-admin_compact_mode: false
-weight_select_max: 100
-langcode: en
-default_langcode: en
- default_config_hash: yXadRE77Va-G6dxhd2kPYapAvbnSvTF6hO4oXiOEynI
-mail_notification: ''
diff --git a/config/sync/system.theme.global.yml b/config/sync/system.theme.global.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0450b3a..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.theme.global.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- mimetype: image/vnd.microsoft.icon
- path: ''
- url: ''
- use_default: true
- comment_user_picture: true
- comment_user_verification: true
- favicon: true
- node_user_picture: false
- path: ''
- url: ''
- use_default: true
- default_config_hash: KHk8rzK2GMRtdfoAeocFrll8Q7gGtiocl2GF5jnX9cY
diff --git a/config/sync/system.theme.yml b/config/sync/system.theme.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fcbaa80..0000000
--- a/config/sync/system.theme.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-admin: claro
-default: stark
- default_config_hash: 6lQ55NXM9ysybMQ6NzJj4dtiQ1dAkOYxdDompa-r_kk
diff --git a/config/sync/taxonomy.settings.yml b/config/sync/taxonomy.settings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c98a316..0000000
--- a/config/sync/taxonomy.settings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-maintain_index_table: true
-override_selector: false
-terms_per_page_admin: 100
- default_config_hash: zKpaWT6cJc1tVQQaTqatGELaCqU_oyRym6zTl27Yias
diff --git a/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.tags.yml b/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.tags.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d071294..0000000
--- a/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.tags.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 1e665a58-d308-44d1-8c64-1799ba2aff20
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: { }
-name: Tags
-vid: tags
-description: 'Tags for categorising blog posts.'
-weight: 0
diff --git a/config/sync/text.settings.yml b/config/sync/text.settings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef751a5..0000000
--- a/config/sync/text.settings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-default_summary_length: 600
- default_config_hash: Bkewb77RBOK3_aXMPsp8p87gbc03NvmC5gBLzPl7hVA
diff --git a/config/sync/update.settings.yml b/config/sync/update.settings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index aca754f..0000000
--- a/config/sync/update.settings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- disabled_extensions: false
- interval_days: 1
- url: ''
- max_attempts: 2
- timeout: 30
- emails:
- - admin@example.com
- threshold: all
- default_config_hash: 2QzULf0zovJQx3J06Y9rufzzfi-CY2CTTlEfJJh2Qyw
diff --git a/config/sync/user.flood.yml b/config/sync/user.flood.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f165c95..0000000
--- a/config/sync/user.flood.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-uid_only: false
-ip_limit: 50
-ip_window: 3600
-user_limit: 5
-user_window: 21600
- default_config_hash: UYfMzeP1S8jKm9PSvxf7nQNe8DsNS-3bc2WSNNXBQWs
diff --git a/config/sync/user.mail.yml b/config/sync/user.mail.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 821eeee..0000000
--- a/config/sync/user.mail.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nA request to cancel your account has been made at [site:name].\r\n\r\nYou may now cancel your account on [site:url-brief] by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\r\n\r\n[user:cancel-url]\r\n\r\nNOTE: The cancellation of your account is not reversible.\r\n\r\nThis link expires in one day and nothing will happen if it is not used.\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Account cancellation request for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nA request to reset the password for your account has been made at [site:name].\r\n\r\nYou may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\r\n\r\n[user:one-time-login-url]\r\n\r\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used.\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Replacement login information for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nA site administrator at [site:name] has created an account for you. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\r\n\r\n[user:one-time-login-url]\r\n\r\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\r\n\r\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\r\n\r\nusername: [user:name]\r\npassword: Your password\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'An administrator created an account for you at [site:name]'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nThank you for registering at [site:name]. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\r\n\r\n[user:one-time-login-url]\r\n\r\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\r\n\r\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\r\n\r\nusername: [user:name]\r\npassword: Your password\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nThank you for registering at [site:name]. Your application for an account is currently pending approval. Once it has been approved, you will receive another email containing information about how to log in, set your password, and other details.\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (pending admin approval)'
- body: "[user:display-name] has applied for an account.\r\n\r\n[user:edit-url]"
- subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (pending admin approval)'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nYour account at [site:name] has been activated.\r\n\r\nYou may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\r\n\r\n[user:one-time-login-url]\r\n\r\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\r\n\r\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\r\n\r\nusername: [user:account-name]\r\npassword: Your password\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (approved)'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nYour account on [site:name] has been blocked.\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (blocked)'
- body: "[user:display-name],\r\n\r\nYour account on [site:name] has been canceled.\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team"
- subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (canceled)'
-langcode: en
- default_config_hash: IWzNdUVX2YSiflxrGSTLIiqTrhgIzbV2C-hRL5DniJM
diff --git a/config/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml b/config/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fb7b46b..0000000
--- a/config/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 6403da8e-a1bb-4d18-b8e0-5762f7e59244
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: { }
- default_config_hash: j5zLMOdJBqC0bMvSdth5UebkprJB8g_2FXHqhfpJzow
-id: anonymous
-label: 'Anonymous user'
-weight: 0
-is_admin: false
- - 'access content'
- - 'view media'
diff --git a/config/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml b/config/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b517afe..0000000
--- a/config/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-uuid: ce50ad2e-c42b-44e8-a9c2-7967eab57aaa
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: { }
- default_config_hash: dJ0L2DNSj5q6XVZAGsuVDpJTh5UeYkIPwKrUOOpr8YI
-id: authenticated
-label: 'Authenticated user'
-weight: 1
-is_admin: false
- - 'access content'
- - 'use text format full_html'
- - 'view media'
diff --git a/config/sync/user.settings.yml b/config/sync/user.settings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f4740..0000000
--- a/config/sync/user.settings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-anonymous: Anonymous
-verify_mail: true
- cancel_confirm: true
- password_reset: true
- status_activated: true
- status_blocked: false
- status_canceled: false
- register_admin_created: true
- register_no_approval_required: true
- register_pending_approval: true
-register: admin_only
-cancel_method: user_cancel_block
-password_reset_timeout: 86400
-password_strength: true
-langcode: en
- default_config_hash: w314Zp7B4NbrlV4KeeZLNSmTTpdJiv-KwZO2E1fSSK0
diff --git a/config/sync/views.settings.yml b/config/sync/views.settings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fbda2e6..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.settings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-display_extenders: { }
-skip_cache: false
-sql_signature: false
- show:
- additional_queries: false
- advanced_column: false
- master_display: false
- performance_statistics: false
- preview_information: true
- sql_query:
- enabled: false
- where: above
- display_embed: false
- always_live_preview: true
- exposed_filter_any_label: old_any
- div: DIV
- span: SPAN
- h1: H1
- h2: H2
- h3: H3
- h4: H4
- h5: H5
- h6: H6
- p: P
- header: HEADER
- footer: FOOTER
- article: ARTICLE
- section: SECTION
- aside: ASIDE
- details: DETAILS
- blockquote: BLOCKQUOTE
- figure: FIGURE
- address: ADDRESS
- code: CODE
- pre: PRE
- var: VAR
- samp: SAMP
- kbd: KBD
- strong: STRONG
- em: EM
- del: DEL
- ins: INS
- q: Q
- s: S
- default_config_hash: RaRd9EIcwA4u3qCSRLL8EnCicbda1kV__ASmVbyehvQ
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.archive.yml b/config/sync/views.view.archive.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 463cd74..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.archive.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 840c7c32-f4a5-42ea-84ed-7dc56bcd301e
-langcode: en
-status: false
- config:
- - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
- module:
- - node
- - user
- default_config_hash: gA3tLETtsrObWW1Uvb6Mh-fg0Qu_6uCEzgL9jKQgPgo
-id: archive
-label: Archive
-module: node
-description: 'All content, by month.'
-tag: default
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
- default:
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- display_plugin: default
- position: 0
- display_options:
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- query_comment: ''
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_tags: { }
- title: 'Monthly archive'
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: mini
- options:
- items_per_page: 10
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: 0
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- tags:
- previous: ‹‹
- next: ››
- sorts:
- created:
- id: created
- table: node_field_data
- field: created
- order: DESC
- plugin_id: date
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: created
- arguments:
- created_year_month:
- id: created_year_month
- table: node_field_data
- field: created_year_month
- default_action: summary
- exception:
- title_enable: true
- title_enable: true
- title: '{{ arguments.created_year_month }}'
- default_argument_type: fixed
- summary:
- sort_order: desc
- format: default_summary
- summary_options:
- override: true
- items_per_page: 30
- specify_validation: true
- plugin_id: date_year_month
- entity_type: node
- filters:
- status:
- id: status
- table: node_field_data
- field: status
- value: '1'
- group: 0
- expose:
- operator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: status
- langcode:
- id: langcode
- table: node_field_data
- field: langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value:
- '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: language
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: langcode
- style:
- type: default
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- uses_fields: false
- row:
- type: 'entity:node'
- options:
- view_mode: teaser
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty: { }
- relationships: { }
- fields: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- block_1:
- id: block_1
- display_title: Block
- display_plugin: block
- position: 1
- display_options:
- query:
- type: views_query
- options: { }
- defaults:
- arguments: false
- arguments:
- created_year_month:
- id: created_year_month
- table: node_field_data
- field: created_year_month
- default_action: summary
- exception:
- title_enable: true
- title_enable: true
- title: '{{ arguments.created_year_month }}'
- default_argument_type: fixed
- summary:
- format: default_summary
- summary_options:
- items_per_page: 30
- specify_validation: true
- plugin_id: date_year_month
- entity_type: node
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- page_1:
- id: page_1
- display_title: Page
- display_plugin: page
- position: 2
- display_options:
- query:
- type: views_query
- options: { }
- path: archive
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.block_content.yml b/config/sync/views.view.block_content.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3e35ae..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.block_content.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 01c17384-40ef-4df3-ba3a-b82384647985
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - block_content
- - user
- default_config_hash: 2J0rd5cWfFsdSX-kAb0f9EzvC0_vn4NxGlUpOQAXeOU
-id: block_content
-label: 'Custom block library'
-module: views
-description: 'Find and manage custom blocks.'
-tag: default
-base_table: block_content_field_data
-base_field: id
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'administer blocks'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: mini
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: null
- tags:
- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- info: info
- type: type
- changed: changed
- operations: operations
- info:
- info:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- type:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- changed:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- operations:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- default: changed
- empty_table: true
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- info:
- id: info
- table: block_content_field_data
- field: info
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Block description'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
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- rel: ''
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- suffix: ''
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- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
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- element_label_class: ''
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- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: value
- type: string
- settings:
- link_to_entity: true
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: null
- entity_field: info
- plugin_id: field
- type:
- id: type
- table: block_content_field_data
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Block type'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
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- suffix: ''
- target: ''
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- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
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- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
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- click_sort_column: target_id
- type: entity_reference_label
- settings:
- link: false
- group_column: target_id
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: block_content
- entity_field: type
- plugin_id: field
- changed:
- id: changed
- table: block_content_field_data
- field: changed
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Updated
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
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- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- entity_type: block_content
- entity_field: changed
- type: timestamp
- settings:
- date_format: short
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- plugin_id: field
- operations:
- id: operations
- table: block_content
- field: operations
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Operations
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
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- suffix: ''
- target: ''
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- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- destination: true
- entity_type: block_content
- plugin_id: entity_operations
- filters:
- info:
- id: info
- table: block_content_field_data
- field: info
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: contains
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: info_op
- label: 'Block description'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: info_op
- identifier: info
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: block_content
- entity_field: info
- plugin_id: string
- type:
- id: type
- table: block_content_field_data
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: type_op
- label: 'Block type'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: type_op
- identifier: type
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: block_content
- entity_field: type
- plugin_id: bundle
- reusable:
- id: reusable
- table: block_content_field_data
- field: reusable
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: block_content
- entity_field: reusable
- plugin_id: boolean
- sorts: { }
- title: 'Custom block library'
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'There are no custom blocks available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- block_content_listing_empty:
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- field: block_content_listing_empty
- group_type: group
- id: block_content_listing_empty
- label: ''
- relationship: none
- table: block_content
- plugin_id: block_content_listing_empty
- entity_type: block_content
- relationships: { }
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- page_1:
- display_plugin: page
- id: page_1
- display_title: Page
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- path: admin/structure/block/block-content
- menu:
- type: tab
- title: 'Custom block library'
- description: ''
- parent: block.admin_display
- weight: 0
- context: '0'
- menu_name: admin
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.content.yml b/config/sync/views.view.content.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5516323..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.content.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 8939d4af-dc47-4400-993d-c842061a4de7
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - node
- - user
- default_config_hash: P7F4DFe8BL31DRVqsvS-ix9KZZqvvaPjZ7zEvGo9yNM
-id: content
-label: Content
-module: node
-description: 'Find and manage content.'
-tag: default
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
- default:
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content overview'
- cache:
- type: tag
- query:
- type: views_query
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Filter
- reset_button: true
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: full
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- tags:
- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- first: '« First'
- last: 'Last »'
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: true
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- node_bulk_form: node_bulk_form
- title: title
- type: type
- name: name
- status: status
- changed: changed
- edit_node: edit_node
- delete_node: delete_node
- dropbutton: dropbutton
- timestamp: title
- info:
- node_bulk_form:
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- title:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- type:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- name:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- status:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- changed:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- edit_node:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- delete_node:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- dropbutton:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- timestamp:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- default: changed
- empty_table: true
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- node_bulk_form:
- id: node_bulk_form
- table: node
- field: node_bulk_form
- label: ''
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- element_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: node_bulk_form
- entity_type: node
- title:
- id: title
- table: node_field_data
- field: title
- label: Title
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- element_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: title
- type: string
- settings:
- link_to_entity: true
- plugin_id: field
- type:
- id: type
- table: node_field_data
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Content type'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
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- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
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- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: target_id
- type: entity_reference_label
- settings:
- link: false
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- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
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- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: type
- plugin_id: field
- name:
- id: name
- table: users_field_data
- field: name
- relationship: uid
- label: Author
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- element_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: field
- type: user_name
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: name
- status:
- id: status
- table: node_field_data
- field: status
- label: Status
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- element_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: boolean
- settings:
- format: custom
- format_custom_true: Published
- format_custom_false: Unpublished
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: status
- changed:
- id: changed
- table: node_field_data
- field: changed
- label: Updated
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- element_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: timestamp
- settings:
- date_format: short
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: changed
- operations:
- id: operations
- table: node
- field: operations
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Operations
- exclude: false
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- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
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- rel: ''
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- suffix: ''
- target: ''
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- more_link_path: ''
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- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
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- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
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- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- destination: true
- plugin_id: entity_operations
- filters:
- title:
- id: title
- table: node_field_data
- field: title
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: contains
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: title_op
- label: Title
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: title_op
- identifier: title
- required: false
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- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
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- operator_list: { }
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- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: string
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- type:
- id: type
- table: node_field_data
- field: type
- relationship: none
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- admin_label: ''
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- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
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- label: 'Content type'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: type_op
- identifier: type
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
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- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
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- label: ''
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- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: bundle
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: type
- status:
- id: status
- table: node_field_data
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: Status
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: status_op
- identifier: status
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: true
- group_info:
- label: 'Published status'
- description: ''
- identifier: status
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items:
- 1:
- title: Published
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- 2:
- title: Unpublished
- operator: '='
- value: '0'
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: status
- langcode:
- id: langcode
- table: node_field_data
- field: langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: langcode_op
- label: Language
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: langcode_op
- identifier: langcode
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: language
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: langcode
- status_extra:
- id: status_extra
- table: node_field_data
- field: status_extra
- operator: '='
- value: false
- plugin_id: node_status
- group: 1
- entity_type: node
- expose:
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- sorts: { }
- title: Content
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- empty: true
- content: 'No content available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- arguments: { }
- relationships:
- uid:
- id: uid
- table: node_field_data
- field: uid
- admin_label: author
- required: true
- plugin_id: standard
- show_admin_links: false
- filter_groups:
- operator: AND
- groups:
- 1: AND
- display_extenders: { }
- display_plugin: default
- display_title: Master
- id: default
- position: 0
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: 0
- tags: { }
- page_1:
- display_options:
- path: admin/content/node
- menu:
- type: 'default tab'
- title: Content
- description: ''
- menu_name: admin
- weight: -10
- context: ''
- tab_options:
- type: normal
- title: Content
- description: 'Find and manage content'
- menu_name: admin
- weight: -10
- display_extenders: { }
- display_plugin: page
- display_title: Page
- id: page_1
- position: 1
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: 0
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.content_recent.yml b/config/sync/views.view.content_recent.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 20e38ea..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.content_recent.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 2ec9c3ae-ae75-41d5-b540-0cf66f383d60
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - node
- - user
- default_config_hash: MxwbHUmXqKQgTGCTWcMxsfUH9NZJ8ZVqZp6801AOa40
-id: content_recent
-label: 'Recent content'
-module: node
-description: 'Recent content.'
-tag: default
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: some
- options:
- items_per_page: 10
- offset: 0
- style:
- type: html_list
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- type: ul
- wrapper_class: item-list
- class: ''
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- title:
- id: title
- table: node_field_data
- field: title
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: title
- label: ''
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- make_link: false
- absolute: false
- trim: false
- word_boundary: false
- ellipsis: false
- strip_tags: false
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- admin_label: ''
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- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: string
- settings:
- link_to_entity: true
- plugin_id: field
- changed:
- id: changed
- table: node_field_data
- field: changed
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: ''
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
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- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
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- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
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- suffix: ''
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- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
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- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: false
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: value
- type: timestamp_ago
- settings: { }
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: changed
- plugin_id: field
- filters:
- status_extra:
- id: status_extra
- table: node_field_data
- field: status_extra
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: false
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: node
- plugin_id: node_status
- langcode:
- id: langcode
- table: node_field_data
- field: langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value:
- '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: langcode
- plugin_id: language
- sorts:
- changed:
- id: changed
- table: node_field_data
- field: changed
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- order: DESC
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: changed
- plugin_id: date
- title: 'Recent content'
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'No content available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- relationships:
- uid:
- id: uid
- table: node_field_data
- field: uid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: author
- required: true
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: uid
- plugin_id: standard
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- use_more: false
- use_more_always: false
- use_more_text: More
- link_url: ''
- link_display: '0'
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- block_1:
- display_plugin: block
- id: block_1
- display_title: Block
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.files.yml b/config/sync/views.view.files.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18eb185..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.files.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1129 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 0448af3e-4b92-4e6f-93c7-cefdd29429ed
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - file
- - user
- default_config_hash: gLmoA0yjvlXfMRp9ihOhRKSSQQlbdLdvpDkbVwkYPrg
-id: files
-label: Files
-module: file
-description: 'Find and manage files.'
-tag: default
-base_table: file_managed
-base_field: fid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access files overview'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Filter
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: mini
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: 0
- tags:
- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- fid: fid
- filename: filename
- filemime: filemime
- filesize: filesize
- status: status
- created: created
- changed: changed
- count: count
- info:
- fid:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- filename:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- filemime:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-medium
- filesize:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- status:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- created:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- changed:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- count:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-medium
- default: changed
- empty_table: true
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- fid:
- id: fid
- table: file_managed
- field: fid
- alter:
- alter_text: false
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- absolute: false
- trim: false
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- ellipsis: false
- strip_tags: false
- html: false
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- empty_zero: false
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- entity_field: fid
- filename:
- id: filename
- table: file_managed
- field: filename
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Name
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
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- external: false
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- id: filemime
- table: file_managed
- field: filemime
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'MIME type'
- exclude: false
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- alter_text: false
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- id: filesize
- table: file_managed
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- plugin_id: field
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- entity_field: filesize
- status:
- id: status
- table: file_managed
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Status
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
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- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
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- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: boolean
- settings:
- format: custom
- format_custom_false: Temporary
- format_custom_true: Permanent
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: status
- created:
- id: created
- table: file_managed
- field: created
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Upload date'
- exclude: false
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- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
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- empty: ''
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- type: timestamp
- settings:
- date_format: medium
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: created
- changed:
- id: changed
- table: file_managed
- field: changed
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Changed date'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
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- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
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- rel: ''
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- trim: false
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- empty_zero: false
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- type: timestamp
- settings:
- date_format: medium
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: changed
- count:
- id: count
- table: file_usage
- field: count
- relationship: fid
- group_type: sum
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Used in'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
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- path: 'admin/content/files/usage/{{ fid }}'
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- external: false
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- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
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- empty: ''
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- empty_zero: false
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- precision: 0
- decimal: .
- separator: ','
- format_plural: true
- format_plural_string: !!binary MSBwbGFjZQNAY291bnQgcGxhY2Vz
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- plugin_id: numeric
- filters:
- filename:
- id: filename
- table: file_managed
- field: filename
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: word
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: filemime_op
- label: Filename
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: filename_op
- identifier: filename
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
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- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
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- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
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- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: string
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: filename
- filemime:
- id: filemime
- table: file_managed
- field: filemime
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: word
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: filemime_op
- label: 'MIME type'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: filemime_op
- identifier: filemime
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: string
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: filemime
- status:
- id: status
- table: file_managed
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: status_op
- label: Status
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: status_op
- identifier: status
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
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- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: file_status
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: status
- sorts: { }
- title: Files
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- empty: true
- content: 'No files available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- relationships:
- fid:
- id: fid
- table: file_managed
- field: fid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: 'File usage'
- required: true
- arguments: { }
- group_by: true
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- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
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- tags: { }
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- title: Files
- description: ''
- menu_name: admin
- weight: 0
- context: ''
- display_description: ''
- defaults:
- pager: true
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- id: fid
- table: file_managed
- field: fid
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- required: false
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
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- next: 'Next ›'
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- id: entity_label
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- type:
- id: type
- table: file_usage
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Entity type'
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- plugin_id: standard
- module:
- id: module
- table: file_usage
- field: module
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Registering module'
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- alter_text: false
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- empty_zero: false
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- count:
- id: count
- table: file_usage
- field: count
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Use count'
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- alter_text: false
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- format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- plugin_id: numeric
- group_by: false
- title: 'File usage'
- arguments:
- fid:
- id: fid
- table: file_managed
- field: fid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- default_action: 'not found'
- exception:
- value: all
- title_enable: false
- title: All
- title_enable: true
- title: 'File usage information for {{ arguments.fid }}'
- default_argument_type: fixed
- default_argument_options:
- argument: ''
- default_argument_skip_url: false
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- base_path: ''
- count: true
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- number_of_records: 0
- format: default_summary
- specify_validation: false
- validate:
- type: none
- fail: 'not found'
- validate_options: { }
- break_phrase: false
- not: false
- plugin_id: file_fid
- entity_type: file
- entity_field: fid
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- entity_label: entity_label
- type: type
- module: module
- count: count
- info:
- entity_label:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- type:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-medium
- module:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- count:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- default: entity_label
- empty_table: true
- row:
- type: fields
- options: { }
- relationships:
- fid:
- id: fid
- table: file_managed
- field: fid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: 'File usage'
- required: true
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.frontpage.yml b/config/sync/views.view.frontpage.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 487dd59..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.frontpage.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 52c5c3d9-5d17-45f3-b20a-12de621c82d1
-langcode: en
-status: true
- config:
- - core.entity_view_mode.node.rss
- - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
- module:
- - node
- - user
- default_config_hash: Xk6puCoRlHSJG8mU9Zg2iN4fbnzaw2dFolwMfpWxDSE
-id: frontpage
-label: Frontpage
-module: node
-description: 'All content promoted to the front page.'
-tag: default
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
- default:
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- admin_label: ''
- content: 'No front page content has been created yet.
Follow the User Guide to start building your site.'
- empty: true
- field: area_text_custom
- group_type: group
- id: area_text_custom
- label: ''
- relationship: none
- table: views
- tokenize: false
- plugin_id: text_custom
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- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- field: node_listing_empty
- group_type: group
- id: node_listing_empty
- label: ''
- relationship: none
- table: node
- plugin_id: node_listing_empty
- entity_type: node
- title:
- id: title
- table: views
- field: title
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: ''
- empty: true
- title: 'Welcome to [site:name]'
- plugin_id: title
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- filters:
- promote:
- admin_label: ''
- expose:
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- label: ''
- multiple: false
- operator: ''
- operator_id: ''
- remember: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- required: false
- use_operator: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- exposed: false
- field: promote
- group: 1
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- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- description: ''
- group_items: { }
- identifier: ''
- label: ''
- multiple: false
- optional: true
- remember: false
- widget: select
- group_type: group
- id: promote
- is_grouped: false
- operator: '='
- relationship: none
- table: node_field_data
- value: '1'
- plugin_id: boolean
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- entity_field: promote
- status:
- expose:
- operator: ''
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- field: status
- group: 1
- id: status
- table: node_field_data
- value: '1'
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: status
- langcode:
- id: langcode
- table: node_field_data
- field: langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value:
- '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
- group: 1
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- expose:
- operator_id: ''
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- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
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- authenticated: authenticated
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- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: language
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- entity_field: langcode
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- type: full
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- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- first: '« First'
- last: 'Last »'
- quantity: 9
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
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- replica: false
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- row:
- type: 'entity:node'
- options:
- view_mode: teaser
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- sticky:
- admin_label: ''
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- label: ''
- exposed: false
- field: sticky
- group_type: group
- id: sticky
- order: DESC
- relationship: none
- table: node_field_data
- plugin_id: boolean
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- entity_field: sticky
- created:
- field: created
- id: created
- order: DESC
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- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: created
- style:
- type: default
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- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
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- footer: { }
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- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
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- tags: { }
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diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.glossary.yml b/config/sync/views.view.glossary.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e9f27b..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.glossary.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-uuid: f3b85a46-c44f-4468-931d-62a911e596e8
-langcode: en
-status: false
- config:
- - system.menu.main
- module:
- - node
- - user
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-id: glossary
-label: Glossary
-module: node
-description: 'All content, by letter.'
-tag: default
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
- default:
- id: default
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- label: 'Last update'
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- id: title
- table: node_field_data
- field: title
- default_action: default
- exception:
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- default_argument_type: fixed
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- argument: a
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- format: default_summary
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- title: ''
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- type: none
- fail: 'not found'
- validate_options: { }
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- relationships:
- uid:
- id: uid
- table: node_field_data
- field: uid
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- type: table
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- '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
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- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
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- type: views_query
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- id: title
- table: node_field_data
- field: title
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- argument: a
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- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- title_enable: false
- title: ''
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- type: none
- fail: 'not found'
- validate_options: { }
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- default: default
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- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
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- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
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- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.media.yml b/config/sync/views.view.media.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cf3458c..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.media.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 29793a0e-f43d-41a7-b459-bc4261300e49
-langcode: en
-status: true
- config:
- - image.style.thumbnail
- module:
- - image
- - media
- - user
- default_config_hash: UZP23LgBdE1XbvscbLCdd9uTk5t4qqA1Z56koqbvYP0
-id: media
-label: Media
-module: views
-description: 'Find and manage media.'
-tag: ''
-base_table: media_field_data
-base_field: mid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access media overview'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Filter
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: full
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- offset: 0
- id: 0
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- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
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- offset_label: Offset
- tags:
- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- first: '« First'
- last: 'Last »'
- quantity: 9
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- name: name
- bundle: bundle
- changed: changed
- uid: uid
- status: status
- thumbnail__target_id: thumbnail__target_id
- info:
- name:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- bundle:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- changed:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- uid:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- status:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- thumbnail__target_id:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- default: changed
- empty_table: true
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- media_bulk_form:
- id: media_bulk_form
- table: media
- field: media_bulk_form
- relationship: none
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- selected_actions: { }
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- id: thumbnail__target_id
- table: media_field_data
- field: thumbnail__target_id
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
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- alter_text: false
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- entity_field: media
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- id: uid
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- field: uid
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- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: value
- type: timestamp
- settings:
- date_format: short
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: media
- entity_field: changed
- plugin_id: field
- operations:
- id: operations
- table: media
- field: operations
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Operations
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- destination: true
- entity_type: media
- plugin_id: entity_operations
- filters:
- name:
- id: name
- table: media_field_data
- field: name
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: contains
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: name_op
- label: 'Media name'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: name_op
- identifier: name
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: media
- entity_field: name
- plugin_id: string
- bundle:
- id: bundle
- table: media_field_data
- field: bundle
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: bundle_op
- label: Type
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: bundle_op
- identifier: type
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: media
- entity_field: bundle
- plugin_id: bundle
- status:
- id: status
- table: media_field_data
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: 'True'
- description: null
- use_operator: false
- operator: status_op
- identifier: status
- required: true
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: true
- group_info:
- label: 'Published status'
- description: ''
- identifier: status
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items:
- 1:
- title: Published
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- 2:
- title: Unpublished
- operator: '='
- value: '0'
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: media
- entity_field: status
- status_extra:
- id: status_extra
- table: media_field_data
- field: status_extra
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: media
- plugin_id: media_status
- langcode:
- id: langcode
- table: media_field_data
- field: langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: langcode_op
- label: Language
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: langcode_op
- identifier: langcode
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: media
- entity_field: langcode
- plugin_id: language
- sorts:
- created:
- id: created
- table: media_field_data
- field: created
- order: DESC
- entity_type: media
- entity_field: created
- plugin_id: date
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- title: Media
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'No media available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- relationships: { }
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: 0
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user
- - user.permissions
- tags: { }
- media_page_list:
- display_plugin: page
- id: media_page_list
- display_title: Media
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- path: admin/content/media
- menu:
- type: tab
- title: Media
- description: ''
- expanded: false
- parent: ''
- weight: 0
- context: '0'
- menu_name: main
- display_description: ''
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: 0
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user
- - user.permissions
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.redirect.yml b/config/sync/views.view.redirect.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 61dacd1..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.redirect.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 1166d329-5cfc-403b-8d5c-453ce24c7491
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - link
- - redirect
- - user
- default_config_hash: szL-A_Er9yaiA51EXGl3yYAj1T_LnNrYdxxY6UwRisU
-id: redirect
-label: Redirect
-module: views
-description: 'List of redirects'
-tag: ''
-base_table: redirect
-base_field: rid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'administer redirects'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Filter
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: full
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: null
- tags:
- previous: '‹ previous'
- next: 'next ›'
- first: '« first'
- last: 'last »'
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- quantity: 9
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- redirect_source__path: redirect_source__path
- redirect_redirect__uri: redirect_redirect__uri
- status_code: status_code
- language: language
- created: created
- operations: operations
- info:
- redirect_source__path:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- redirect_redirect__uri:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- status_code:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- language:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- created:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- operations:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- default: created
- empty_table: false
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- redirect_bulk_form:
- id: redirect_bulk_form
- table: redirect
- field: redirect_bulk_form
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: ''
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: false
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- action_title: 'With selection'
- include_exclude: exclude
- selected_actions: { }
- entity_type: redirect
- plugin_id: redirect_bulk_form
- redirect_source__path:
- id: redirect_source__path
- table: redirect
- field: redirect_source__path
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: From
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: path
- type: redirect_source
- settings: { }
- group_column: ''
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: redirect_source
- plugin_id: field
- redirect_redirect__uri:
- id: redirect_redirect__uri
- table: redirect
- field: redirect_redirect__uri
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: redirect_redirect
- plugin_id: field
- status_code:
- id: status_code
- table: redirect
- field: status_code
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: status_code
- plugin_id: field
- language:
- id: language
- table: redirect
- field: language
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: language
- plugin_id: field
- created:
- id: created
- table: redirect
- field: created
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Created
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- date_format: fallback
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: created
- plugin_id: date
- operations:
- id: operations
- table: redirect
- field: operations
- entity_type: redirect
- plugin_id: entity_operations
- filters:
- redirect_source__path:
- id: redirect_source__path
- table: redirect
- field: redirect_source__path
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: contains
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: redirect_source__path_op
- label: From
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: redirect_source__path_op
- identifier: redirect_source__path
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: redirect_source
- plugin_id: string
- redirect_redirect__uri:
- id: redirect_redirect__uri
- table: redirect
- field: redirect_redirect__uri
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: contains
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: redirect_redirect__uri_op
- label: To
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: redirect_redirect__uri_op
- identifier: redirect_redirect__uri
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: redirect_redirect
- plugin_id: string
- status_code:
- id: status_code
- table: redirect
- field: status_code
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value:
- min: ''
- max: ''
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: status_code_op
- label: 'Status code'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: status_code_op
- identifier: status_code
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: true
- group_info:
- label: 'Status code'
- description: ''
- identifier: status_code
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items:
- 1:
- title: '300 Multiple Choices'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '300'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- 2:
- title: '301 Moved Permanently'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '301'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- 3:
- title: '302 Found'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '302'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- 4:
- title: '303 See Other'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '303'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- 5:
- title: '304 Not Modified'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '304'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- 6:
- title: '305 Use Proxy'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '305'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- 7:
- title: '307 Temporary Redirect'
- operator: '='
- value:
- value: '307'
- min: ''
- max: ''
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: status_code
- plugin_id: numeric
- language:
- id: language
- table: redirect
- field: language
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: language_op
- label: 'Original language'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: language_op
- identifier: language
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: redirect
- entity_field: language
- plugin_id: language
- sorts: { }
- title: Redirect
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'There is no redirect yet.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- relationships: { }
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- filter_groups:
- operator: AND
- groups:
- 1: AND
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- cacheable: false
- max-age: 0
- tags: { }
- page_1:
- display_plugin: page
- id: page_1
- display_title: Page
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- path: admin/config/search/redirect
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- cacheable: false
- max-age: 0
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml b/config/sync/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 988e2c9..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-uuid: d982abfe-2745-4608-96ee-33ed28582706
-langcode: en
-status: true
- config:
- - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
- module:
- - node
- - taxonomy
- - user
- default_config_hash: uvMAn5Qf8Uni989mhr5KY4hx66xkSpP8nFYZMHgj7kY
-id: taxonomy_term
-label: 'Taxonomy term'
-module: taxonomy
-description: 'Content belonging to a certain taxonomy term.'
-tag: default
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
- default:
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- display_plugin: default
- position: 0
- display_options:
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- query_comment: ''
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_tags: { }
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: mini
- options:
- items_per_page: 10
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: 0
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- tags:
- previous: ‹‹
- next: ››
- sorts:
- sticky:
- id: sticky
- table: taxonomy_index
- field: sticky
- order: DESC
- plugin_id: standard
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- created:
- id: created
- table: taxonomy_index
- field: created
- order: DESC
- plugin_id: date
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- arguments:
- tid:
- id: tid
- table: taxonomy_index
- field: tid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- default_action: 'not found'
- exception:
- value: ''
- title_enable: false
- title: All
- title_enable: true
- title: '{{ arguments.tid }}'
- default_argument_type: fixed
- default_argument_options:
- argument: ''
- default_argument_skip_url: false
- summary_options:
- base_path: ''
- count: true
- items_per_page: 25
- override: false
- summary:
- sort_order: asc
- number_of_records: 0
- format: default_summary
- specify_validation: true
- validate:
- type: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
- fail: 'not found'
- validate_options:
- access: true
- operation: view
- multiple: 0
- bundles: { }
- break_phrase: false
- add_table: false
- require_value: false
- reduce_duplicates: false
- plugin_id: taxonomy_index_tid
- filters:
- langcode:
- id: langcode
- table: node_field_data
- field: langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value:
- '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: language
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: langcode
- status:
- id: status
- table: taxonomy_index
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: boolean
- style:
- type: default
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- uses_fields: false
- row:
- type: 'entity:node'
- options:
- view_mode: teaser
- header:
- entity_taxonomy_term:
- id: entity_taxonomy_term
- table: views
- field: entity_taxonomy_term
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: true
- target: '{{ raw_arguments.tid }}'
- view_mode: full
- bypass_access: false
- plugin_id: entity
- footer: { }
- empty: { }
- relationships: { }
- fields: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- link_url: ''
- link_display: page_1
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- feed_1:
- id: feed_1
- display_title: Feed
- display_plugin: feed
- position: 2
- display_options:
- query:
- type: views_query
- options: { }
- pager:
- type: some
- options:
- items_per_page: 10
- offset: 0
- path: taxonomy/term/%/feed
- displays:
- page_1: page_1
- default: '0'
- style:
- type: rss
- options:
- description: ''
- grouping: { }
- uses_fields: false
- row:
- type: node_rss
- options:
- relationship: none
- view_mode: default
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- page_1:
- id: page_1
- display_title: Page
- display_plugin: page
- position: 1
- display_options:
- query:
- type: views_query
- options: { }
- path: taxonomy/term/%
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.user_admin_people.yml b/config/sync/views.view.user_admin_people.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f1550..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.user_admin_people.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,926 +0,0 @@
-uuid: c2e68e98-2dc3-491e-b2e2-9c3661fe42fb
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - user
- default_config_hash: J5EbGNdz0YUaSIYKwomyFSOtZjsV9TrBA3qdb3ZwBS0
-id: user_admin_people
-label: People
-module: user
-description: 'Find and manage people interacting with your site.'
-tag: default
-base_table: users_field_data
-base_field: uid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'administer users'
- cache:
- type: tag
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Filter
- reset_button: true
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: full
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: 0
- tags:
- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- first: '« First'
- last: 'Last »'
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- quantity: 9
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- summary: ''
- columns:
- user_bulk_form: user_bulk_form
- name: name
- status: status
- rid: rid
- created: created
- access: access
- edit_node: edit_node
- dropbutton: dropbutton
- info:
- user_bulk_form:
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- name:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- status:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- rid:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- created:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- access:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- edit_node:
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- dropbutton:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- default: created
- empty_table: true
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- user_bulk_form:
- id: user_bulk_form
- table: users
- field: user_bulk_form
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Bulk update'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: user_bulk_form
- entity_type: user
- name:
- id: name
- table: users_field_data
- field: name
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Username
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: field
- type: user_name
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: name
- status:
- id: status
- table: users_field_data
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Status
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: field
- type: boolean
- settings:
- format: custom
- format_custom_true: Active
- format_custom_false: Blocked
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: status
- roles_target_id:
- id: roles_target_id
- table: user__roles
- field: roles_target_id
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Roles
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: ul
- separator: ', '
- plugin_id: user_roles
- created:
- id: created
- table: users_field_data
- field: created
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Member for'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: timestamp_ago
- settings:
- future_format: '@interval'
- past_format: '@interval'
- granularity: 2
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: created
- access:
- id: access
- table: users_field_data
- field: access
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Last access'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- type: timestamp_ago
- settings:
- future_format: '@interval hence'
- past_format: '@interval ago'
- granularity: 2
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: access
- operations:
- id: operations
- table: users
- field: operations
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Operations
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- destination: true
- entity_type: user
- plugin_id: entity_operations
- mail:
- id: mail
- table: users_field_data
- field: mail
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: ''
- exclude: true
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: false
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: value
- type: basic_string
- settings: { }
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- plugin_id: field
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: mail
- filters:
- combine:
- id: combine
- table: views
- field: combine
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: contains
- value: ''
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: combine_op
- label: 'Name or email contains'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: combine_op
- identifier: user
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- fields:
- name: name
- mail: mail
- plugin_id: combine
- status:
- id: status
- table: users_field_data
- field: status
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: status_op
- identifier: status
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: true
- group_info:
- label: Status
- description: ''
- identifier: status
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items:
- 1:
- title: Active
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- 2:
- title: Blocked
- operator: '='
- value: '0'
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: status
- roles_target_id:
- id: roles_target_id
- table: user__roles
- field: roles_target_id
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: or
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: roles_target_id_op
- label: Role
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: roles_target_id_op
- identifier: role
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- reduce_duplicates: false
- plugin_id: user_roles
- permission:
- id: permission
- table: user__roles
- field: permission
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: or
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: permission_op
- label: Permission
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: permission_op
- identifier: permission
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- reduce_duplicates: false
- plugin_id: user_permissions
- default_langcode:
- id: default_langcode
- table: users_field_data
- field: default_langcode
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '='
- value: '1'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: ''
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: default_langcode
- plugin_id: boolean
- uid_raw:
- id: uid_raw
- table: users_field_data
- field: uid_raw
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '!='
- value:
- min: ''
- max: ''
- value: '0'
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: '0'
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: numeric
- entity_type: user
- sorts:
- created:
- id: created
- table: users_field_data
- field: created
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- order: DESC
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- plugin_id: date
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: created
- title: People
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'No people available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- use_more: false
- use_more_always: false
- use_more_text: more
- display_comment: ''
- use_ajax: false
- hide_attachment_summary: false
- show_admin_links: true
- group_by: false
- link_url: ''
- link_display: page_1
- css_class: ''
- filter_groups:
- operator: AND
- groups:
- 1: AND
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- max-age: 0
- tags: { }
- page_1:
- display_plugin: page
- id: page_1
- display_title: Page
- position: 1
- display_options:
- path: admin/people/list
- show_admin_links: false
- menu:
- type: 'default tab'
- title: List
- description: 'Find and manage people interacting with your site.'
- menu_name: admin
- weight: -10
- context: ''
- tab_options:
- type: normal
- title: People
- description: 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.'
- menu_name: admin
- weight: 0
- defaults:
- show_admin_links: false
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- max-age: 0
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.watchdog.yml b/config/sync/views.view.watchdog.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e259de..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.watchdog.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 63de34d4-6641-491f-9c05-a6d5878db7ee
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - dblog
- - user
- default_config_hash: oG4FVrpj6HxivwdvkAyY23ApbR-iWTnKvM4JHdJ6XmA
-id: watchdog
-label: Watchdog
-module: views
-description: 'Recent log messages'
-tag: ''
-base_table: watchdog
-base_field: wid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access site reports'
- cache:
- type: none
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Filter
- reset_button: true
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: false
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: mini
- options:
- items_per_page: 50
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: null
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
- items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- tags:
- previous: ‹‹
- next: ››
- style:
- type: table
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: '{{ type }} {{ severity }}'
- default_row_class: true
- override: true
- sticky: false
- caption: ''
- summary: ''
- description: ''
- columns:
- nothing: nothing
- wid: wid
- severity: severity
- type: type
- timestamp: timestamp
- message: message
- name: name
- link: link
- info:
- nothing:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-medium
- wid:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- severity:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- type:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-medium
- timestamp:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: desc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- message:
- sortable: false
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: ''
- name:
- sortable: true
- default_sort_order: asc
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-medium
- link:
- align: ''
- separator: ''
- empty_column: false
- responsive: priority-low
- default: wid
- empty_table: false
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- nothing:
- id: nothing
- table: views
- field: nothing
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: Icon
- label: ''
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: true
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: icon
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: false
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: false
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: false
- plugin_id: custom
- wid:
- id: wid
- table: watchdog
- field: wid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: WID
- exclude: true
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
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- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: standard
- severity:
- id: severity
- table: watchdog
- field: severity
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Severity
- exclude: true
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
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- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- machine_name: false
- plugin_id: machine_name
- type:
- id: type
- table: watchdog
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Type
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
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- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: standard
- timestamp:
- id: timestamp
- table: watchdog
- field: timestamp
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Date
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- date_format: short
- custom_date_format: ''
- timezone: ''
- plugin_id: date
- message:
- id: message
- table: watchdog
- field: message
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Message
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: true
- path: 'admin/reports/dblog/event/{{ wid }}'
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: '{{ message }}'
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 56
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: true
- trim: true
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: true
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- replace_variables: true
- plugin_id: dblog_message
- name:
- id: name
- table: users_field_data
- field: name
- relationship: uid
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: User
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: value
- type: user_name
- settings:
- link_to_entity: true
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: name
- plugin_id: field
- link:
- id: link
- table: watchdog
- field: link
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Operations
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- plugin_id: dblog_operations
- filters:
- type:
- id: type
- table: watchdog
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: type_op
- label: Type
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: type_op
- identifier: type
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: true
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: dblog_types
- severity:
- id: severity
- table: watchdog
- field: severity
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: severity_op
- label: Severity
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: severity_op
- identifier: severity
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: true
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: in_operator
- sorts:
- wid:
- id: wid
- table: watchdog
- field: wid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- order: DESC
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- plugin_id: standard
- title: 'Recent log messages'
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: 'No log messages available.'
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'No log messages available.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- relationships:
- uid:
- id: uid
- table: watchdog
- field: uid
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: User
- required: false
- plugin_id: standard
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- filter_groups:
- operator: AND
- groups:
- 1: AND
- css_class: admin-dblog
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- tags: { }
- page:
- display_plugin: page
- id: page
- display_title: Page
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- path: admin/reports/dblog
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user.permissions
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.who_s_new.yml b/config/sync/views.view.who_s_new.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eaefdf..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.who_s_new.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 34022fd3-309b-43f8-b290-ed6abb2cb84a
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - user
- default_config_hash: nCa1oy25w2fh-nk_iQ7IJFQwQIcKxrV_5EQW2y8dzPc
-id: who_s_new
-label: 'Who''s new'
-module: user
-description: 'Shows a list of the newest user accounts on the site.'
-tag: default
-base_table: users_field_data
-base_field: uid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: some
- options:
- items_per_page: 5
- offset: 0
- style:
- type: html_list
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- name:
- id: name
- table: users_field_data
- field: name
- label: ''
- plugin_id: field
- type: user_name
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- make_link: false
- absolute: false
- trim: false
- word_boundary: false
- ellipsis: false
- strip_tags: false
- html: false
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exclude: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_alter_empty: true
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: name
- filters:
- status:
- value: '1'
- table: users_field_data
- field: status
- id: status
- expose:
- operator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- group: 1
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: status
- access:
- id: access
- table: users_field_data
- field: access
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '>'
- value:
- min: ''
- max: ''
- value: '1970-01-01'
- type: date
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: '0'
- label: ''
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: ''
- identifier: ''
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: date
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: access
- sorts:
- created:
- id: created
- table: users_field_data
- field: created
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- order: DESC
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- plugin_id: date
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: created
- title: 'Who''s new'
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty: { }
- relationships: { }
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- block_1:
- display_plugin: block
- id: block_1
- display_title: 'Who''s new'
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_description: 'A list of new users'
- block_description: 'Who''s new'
- block_category: User
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.who_s_online.yml b/config/sync/views.view.who_s_online.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0556620..0000000
--- a/config/sync/views.view.who_s_online.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-uuid: c7cf928b-025a-4c6d-aabf-f4bd6f57c94d
-langcode: en
-status: true
- module:
- - user
- default_config_hash: t9qu6R6PnnbZNOft0SpIMxwCg6VCfaX3aW2W-NjeFyc
-id: who_s_online
-label: 'Who''s online block'
-module: user
-description: 'Shows the user names of the most recently active users, and the total number of active users.'
-tag: default
-base_table: users_field_data
-base_field: uid
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access user profiles'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: some
- options:
- items_per_page: 10
- offset: 0
- style:
- type: html_list
- options:
- grouping: { }
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- type: ul
- wrapper_class: item-list
- class: ''
- row:
- type: fields
- fields:
- name:
- id: name
- table: users_field_data
- field: name
- label: ''
- plugin_id: field
- type: user_name
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- make_link: false
- absolute: false
- trim: false
- word_boundary: false
- ellipsis: false
- strip_tags: false
- html: false
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exclude: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: true
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_alter_empty: true
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: name
- filters:
- status:
- value: '1'
- table: users_field_data
- field: status
- id: status
- expose:
- operator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- group: 1
- plugin_id: boolean
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: status
- access:
- id: access
- table: users_field_data
- field: access
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: '>='
- value:
- min: ''
- max: ''
- value: '-15 minutes'
- type: offset
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: access_op
- label: 'Last access'
- description: 'A user is considered online for this long after they have last viewed a page.'
- use_operator: false
- operator: access_op
- identifier: access
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- plugin_id: date
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: access
- sorts:
- access:
- id: access
- table: users_field_data
- field: access
- order: DESC
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- plugin_id: date
- entity_type: user
- entity_field: access
- title: 'Who''s online'
- header:
- result:
- id: result
- table: views
- field: result
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: false
- content: 'There are currently @total users online.'
- plugin_id: result
- footer: { }
- empty:
- area_text_custom:
- id: area_text_custom
- table: views
- field: area_text_custom
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- empty: true
- tokenize: false
- content: 'There are currently 0 users online.'
- plugin_id: text_custom
- relationships: { }
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
- who_s_online_block:
- display_plugin: block
- id: who_s_online_block
- display_title: 'Who''s online'
- position: 1
- display_options:
- block_description: 'Who''s online'
- display_description: 'A list of users that are currently logged in.'
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - user.permissions
- max-age: -1
- tags: { }
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