171 lines
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171 lines
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* @file
* Platform.sh settings.
use Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerKernel;
$platformsh = new \Platformsh\ConfigReader\Config();
// Configure the database.
if ($platformsh->hasRelationship('database')) {
$creds = $platformsh->credentials('database');
$databases['default']['default'] = [
'driver' => $creds['scheme'],
'database' => $creds['path'],
'username' => $creds['username'],
'password' => $creds['password'],
'host' => $creds['host'],
'port' => $creds['port'],
'pdo' => [PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS => !empty($creds['query']['compression'])]
// Enable verbose error messages on development branches, but not on the production branch.
// You may add more debug-centric settings here if desired to have them automatically enable
// on development but not production.
if (isset($platformsh->branch)) {
// Production type environment.
if ($platformsh->branch == 'master' || $platformsh->onDedicated()) {
$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'hide';
} // Development type environment.
else {
$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';
// Enable Redis caching.
if ($platformsh->hasRelationship('redis') && !InstallerKernel::installationAttempted() && extension_loaded('redis') && class_exists('Drupal\redis\ClientFactory')) {
$redis = $platformsh->credentials('redis');
// Set Redis as the default backend for any cache bin not otherwise specified.
$settings['cache']['default'] = 'cache.backend.redis';
$settings['redis.connection']['host'] = $redis['host'];
$settings['redis.connection']['port'] = $redis['port'];
// Apply changes to the container configuration to better leverage Redis.
// This includes using Redis for the lock and flood control systems, as well
// as the cache tag checksum. Alternatively, copy the contents of that file
// to your project-specific services.yml file, modify as appropriate, and
// remove this line.
$settings['container_yamls'][] = 'modules/contrib/redis/example.services.yml';
// Allow the services to work before the Redis module itself is enabled.
$settings['container_yamls'][] = 'modules/contrib/redis/redis.services.yml';
// Manually add the classloader path, this is required for the container cache bin definition below
// and allows to use it without the redis module being enabled.
$class_loader->addPsr4('Drupal\\redis\\', 'modules/contrib/redis/src');
// Use redis for container cache.
// The container cache is used to load the container definition itself, and
// thus any configuration stored in the container itself is not available
// yet. These lines force the container cache to use Redis rather than the
// default SQL cache.
$settings['bootstrap_container_definition'] = [
'parameters' => [],
'services' => [
'redis.factory' => [
'class' => 'Drupal\redis\ClientFactory',
'cache.backend.redis' => [
'class' => 'Drupal\redis\Cache\CacheBackendFactory',
'arguments' => ['@redis.factory', '@cache_tags_provider.container', '@serialization.phpserialize'],
'cache.container' => [
'class' => '\Drupal\redis\Cache\PhpRedis',
'factory' => ['@cache.backend.redis', 'get'],
'arguments' => ['container'],
'cache_tags_provider.container' => [
'class' => 'Drupal\redis\Cache\RedisCacheTagsChecksum',
'arguments' => ['@redis.factory'],
'serialization.phpserialize' => [
'class' => 'Drupal\Component\Serialization\PhpSerialize',
if ($platformsh->inRuntime()) {
// Configure private and temporary file paths.
if (!isset($settings['file_private_path'])) {
$settings['file_private_path'] = $platformsh->appDir . '/private';
if (!isset($settings['file_temp_path'])) {
$settings['file_temp_path'] = $platformsh->appDir . '/tmp';
// Configure the default PhpStorage and Twig template cache directories.
if (!isset($settings['php_storage']['default'])) {
$settings['php_storage']['default']['directory'] = $settings['file_private_path'];
if (!isset($settings['php_storage']['twig'])) {
$settings['php_storage']['twig']['directory'] = $settings['file_private_path'];
// Set the project-specific entropy value, used for generating one-time
// keys and such.
$settings['hash_salt'] = $settings['hash_salt'] ?? $platformsh->projectEntropy;
// Set the deployment identifier, which is used by some Drupal cache systems.
$settings['deployment_identifier'] = $settings['deployment_identifier'] ?? $platformsh->treeId;
// The 'trusted_hosts_pattern' setting allows an admin to restrict the Host header values
// that are considered trusted. If an attacker sends a request with a custom-crafted Host
// header then it can be an injection vector, depending on how the Host header is used.
// However, Platform.sh already replaces the Host header with the route that was used to reach
// Platform.sh, so it is guaranteed to be safe. The following line explicitly allows all
// Host headers, as the only possible Host header is already guaranteed safe.
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = ['.*'];
// Import variables prefixed with 'd8settings:' into $settings
// and 'd8config:' into $config.
foreach ($platformsh->variables() as $name => $value) {
$parts = explode(':', $name);
list($prefix, $key) = array_pad($parts, 3, null);
switch ($prefix) {
// Variables that begin with `d8settings` or `drupal` get mapped
// to the $settings array verbatim, even if the value is an array.
// For example, a variable named d8settings:example-setting' with
// value 'foo' becomes $settings['example-setting'] = 'foo';
case 'd8settings':
case 'drupal':
$settings[$key] = $value;
// Variables that begin with `d8config` get mapped to the $config
// array. Deeply nested variable names, with colon delimiters,
// get mapped to deeply nested array elements. Array values
// get added to the end just like a scalar. Variables without
// both a config object name and property are skipped.
// Example: Variable `d8config:conf_file:prop` with value `foo` becomes
// $config['conf_file']['prop'] = 'foo';
// Example: Variable `d8config:conf_file:prop:subprop` with value `foo` becomes
// $config['conf_file']['prop']['subprop'] = 'foo';
// Example: Variable `d8config:conf_file:prop:subprop` with value ['foo' => 'bar'] becomes
// $config['conf_file']['prop']['subprop']['foo'] = 'bar';
// Example: Variable `d8config:prop` is ignored.
case 'd8config':
if (count($parts) > 2) {
$temp = &$config[$key];
foreach (array_slice($parts, 2) as $n) {
$prev = &$temp;
$temp = &$temp[$n];
$prev[$n] = $value;
if (!empty($_ENV['PLATFORM_BRANCH'])) {
switch ($_ENV['PLATFORM_BRANCH']) {
case 'production':
$config['config_split.config_split.live']['status'] = TRUE;