--- - name: 'Menu bar: Hide by default' osx_defaults: domain: 'Apple Global Domain' key: _HIHideMenuBar type: bool value: true - name: 'Menu bar: Show battery' osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.menuextra.battery key: ShowPercent type: string value: yes - name: 'Menu bar: Show date' osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.menuextra.clock key: DateFormat type: string value: 'EEE d MMM HH:mm' - name: Check for software updates daily, not just once per week osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.SoftwareUpdate key: ScheduleFrequency type: integer value: 1 - name: Download newly available updates in background osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.SoftwareUpdate key: AutomaticDownload type: integer value: 1 - name: Install System data files & security updates osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.SoftwareUpdate key: CriticalUpdateInstall type: integer value: 1 - name: Automatically download apps purchased on other Macs osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.SoftwareUpdate key: ConfigDataInstall type: integer value: 1 - name: Turn on app auto-update osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.commerce key: AutoUpdate type: boolean value: true - name: Allow the App Store to reboot machine on macOS updates osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.commerce key: AutoUpdateRestartRequired type: boolean value: true - name: 'Finder: allow quitting via ⌘+Q; doing so will also hide desktop icons' osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: QuitMenuItem type: boolean value: true - name: Kill affected applications command: 'killall {{ item }}' with_items: - Dock - Finder - SystemUIServer