--- - name: Empty the Dock shell: 'dockutil --remove all --no-restart' - name: Disable launch animation osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: launchanim type: bool value: false - name: Hide open indicators osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: show-process-indicators type: bool value: false - name: Hide recent apps osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: show-recents type: bool value: false - name: Set the icon size of Dock items. osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: tilesize type: int value: 35 notify: - killall Dock - name: Automatically hide and show the Dock. osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: autohide type: bool value: true notify: - killall Dock - name: Remove the autohide delay. osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: autohide-delay type: float value: 0 notify: - killall Dock