diff --git a/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Afterglow.tmTheme b/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Afterglow.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b195b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Afterglow.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+ name
+ Afterglow
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #2E2E2E
+ caret
+ foreground
+ #d6d6d6
+ invisibles
+ #404040
+ lineHighlight
+ #333435
+ selection
+ #5A647E
+ name
+ Source
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cc7832
+ name
+ Comment
+ scope
+ comment
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #797979
+ name
+ Keyword
+ scope
+ keyword, storage
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #CC7833
+ name
+ Keyword
+ scope
+ storage
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a1617a
+ name
+ Function (definition)
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, keyword.other.name-of-parameter.objc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #FFC66D
+ name
+ Class (definition)
+ scope
+ entity.name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ name
+ Number
+ scope
+ constant.numeric
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #b4c973
+ name
+ Variable
+ scope
+ variable.language, variable.other
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #D0D0FF
+ name
+ Constant
+ scope
+ constant
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #6D9CBE
+ name
+ Constant (other variable)
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c45837
+ name
+ Constant (built-in)
+ scope
+ constant.language
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #6c99bb
+ name
+ String
+ scope
+ string
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #b4c973
+ name
+ Library function
+ scope
+ support.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #c45837
+ name
+ Library type
+ scope
+ support.type
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6c99bb
+ name
+ Library constant
+ scope
+ support.constant
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4c973
+ name
+ Markup tag
+ scope
+ meta.tag, declaration.tag, entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #E8BF6A
+ name
+ Invalid
+ scope
+ invalid
+ settings
+ background
+ #990000
+ foreground
+ name
+ String interpolation
+ scope
+ constant.character.escaped, constant.character.escape, string source, string source.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a1617a
+ name
+ Diff Add
+ scope
+ markup.inserted
+ settings
+ background
+ #144212
+ foreground
+ #E6E1DC
+ name
+ Diff Remove
+ scope
+ markup.deleted
+ settings
+ background
+ #660000
+ foreground
+ #E6E1DC
+ name
+ Diff Header
+ scope
+ meta.diff.header, meta.separator.diff, meta.diff.index, meta.diff.range
+ settings
+ background
+ #2F33AB
+ name
+ CSS: units
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4c973
+ name
+ css.id
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.id.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cc7732
+ name
+ css.class
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cc7732
+ name
+ less.mixin
+ scope
+ entity.other.less.mixin
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1617a
+ name
+ less.variable
+ scope
+ variable.declaration.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cc7732
+ name
+ css.element
+ scope
+ keyword.control.html.elements
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e5b567
+ name
+ css.string
+ scope
+ meta.attribute-selector.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cc7732
+ name
+ Keyword.control
+ scope
+ keyword.control.at-rule.css.sass
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a1617a
+ name
+ GitGutter deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #90516b
+ name
+ GitGutter inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b4c973
+ name
+ GitGutter changed
+ scope
+ markup.changed.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cc7732
+ name
+ GitGutter ignored
+ scope
+ markup.ignored.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #999999
+ name
+ GitGutter untracked
+ scope
+ markup.untracked.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cccccc
+ name
+ SublimeLinter Warning
+ scope
+ sublimelinter.mark.warning
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e5b567
+ name
+ SublimeLinter Error
+ scope
+ sublimelinter.mark.error
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c45330
+ name
+ SublimeLinter Gutter Mark
+ scope
+ sublimelinter.gutter-mark
+ settings
+ foreground
+ uuid
+ B80CD0D8-613C-46FD-9C06-A1201108BC2A
diff --git a/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Ocean-Dark-Soda.tmTheme b/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Ocean-Dark-Soda.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff4311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Ocean-Dark-Soda.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ author
+ Saad Quadri
+ name
+ Ocean Dark Soda
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.base16_ocean_dark
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ gutterSettings
+ background
+ #343d46
+ divider
+ #343d46
+ foreground
+ #65737e
+ selectionBackground
+ #4f5b66
+ selectionForeground
+ #a7adba
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #222222
+ caret
+ #c0c5ce
+ foreground
+ #c0c5ce
+ invisibles
+ #65737e
+ lineHighlight
+ #65737e55
+ selection
+ #4f5b66
+ name
+ Text
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c0c5ce
+ name
+ Comments
+ scope
+ comment, punctuation.definition.comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #65737e
+ name
+ Punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.string, punctuation.definition.variable, punctuation.definition.string, punctuation.definition.parameters, punctuation.definition.string, punctuation.definition.array
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c0c5ce
+ name
+ Delimiters
+ scope
+ none
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c0c5ce
+ name
+ Operators
+ scope
+ keyword.operator
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c0c5ce
+ name
+ Keywords
+ scope
+ keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Variables
+ scope
+ variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Functions
+ scope
+ entity.name.function, meta.require, support.function.any-method
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8fa1b3
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ support.class, entity.name.class, entity.name.type.class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Classes
+ scope
+ meta.class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #eff1f5
+ name
+ Methods
+ scope
+ keyword.other.special-method
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8fa1b3
+ name
+ Storage
+ scope
+ storage
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Support
+ scope
+ support.function
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #96b5b4
+ name
+ Strings, Inherited Class
+ scope
+ string, constant.other.symbol, entity.other.inherited-class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Integers
+ scope
+ constant.numeric
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Floats
+ scope
+ none
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Boolean
+ scope
+ none
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Constants
+ scope
+ constant
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Tags
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Attributes
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Attribute IDs
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.id, punctuation.definition.entity
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #8fa1b3
+ name
+ Selector
+ scope
+ meta.selector
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Values
+ scope
+ none
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Headings
+ scope
+ markup.heading punctuation.definition.heading, entity.name.section
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #8fa1b3
+ name
+ Units
+ scope
+ keyword.other.unit
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Bold
+ scope
+ markup.bold, punctuation.definition.bold
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #ebcb8b
+ name
+ Italic
+ scope
+ markup.italic, punctuation.definition.italic
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Code
+ scope
+ markup.raw.inline
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Link Text
+ scope
+ string.other.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Link Url
+ scope
+ meta.link
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Lists
+ scope
+ markup.list
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Quotes
+ scope
+ markup.quote
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #d08770
+ name
+ Separator
+ scope
+ meta.separator
+ settings
+ background
+ #4f5b66
+ foreground
+ #c0c5ce
+ name
+ Inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a3be8c
+ name
+ Deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #bf616a
+ name
+ Changed
+ scope
+ markup.changed
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #b48ead
+ name
+ Colors
+ scope
+ constant.other.color
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #96b5b4
+ name
+ Regular Expressions
+ scope
+ string.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #96b5b4
+ name
+ Escape Characters
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #96b5b4
+ name
+ Embedded
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.embedded, variable.interpolation
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ab7967
+ name
+ Invalid
+ scope
+ invalid.illegal
+ settings
+ background
+ #bf616a
+ foreground
+ #2b303b
+ uuid
+ d471ffc5-2888-4a13-b27b-5cbcb44fa8c4
+ comment
+ Modified Version of Base16's Ocean Dark
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/idleFingers.tmTheme b/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/idleFingers.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d86a0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/sublime/Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/idleFingers.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ name
+ idleFingers
+ settings
+ settings
+ background
+ #323232
+ caret
+ #91FF00
+ foreground
+ invisibles
+ #404040
+ lineHighlight
+ #353637
+ selection
+ #5A647EE0
+ name
+ text
+ scope
+ text
+ settings
+ foreground
+ name
+ Source base
+ scope
+ source
+ settings
+ background
+ #282828
+ foreground
+ name
+ Comment
+ scope
+ comment
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #BC9458
+ name
+ Html Tags
+ scope
+ meta.tag, declaration.tag, meta.doctype
+ settings
+ foreground
+ name
+ Function Name
+ scope
+ entity.name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #FFC66D
+ name
+ Ruby Function Name
+ scope
+ source.ruby entity.name
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #FFF980
+ name
+ Other Variable
+ scope
+ variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #B7DFF8
+ name
+ Ruby Class Name
+ scope
+ support.class.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #CCCC33
+ name
+ Constant
+ scope
+ constant, support.constant
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6C99BB
+ name
+ Keyword
+ scope
+ keyword
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #CC7833
+ name
+ Pre-processor Line
+ scope
+ other.preprocessor.c
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #D0D0FF
+ name
+ Pre-processor Directive
+ scope
+ entity.name.preprocessor
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Function argument
+ scope
+ variable.parameter
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ Block comment
+ scope
+ source comment.block
+ settings
+ background
+ #575757
+ foreground
+ name
+ String
+ scope
+ string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #A5C261
+ name
+ String escapes
+ scope
+ string constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ name
+ String (executed)
+ scope
+ string.interpolated
+ settings
+ background
+ #CCCC33
+ foreground
+ #000000
+ name
+ Regular expression
+ scope
+ string.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #CCCC33
+ name
+ String (literal)
+ scope
+ string.literal
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #CCCC33
+ name
+ String escapes (executed)
+ scope
+ string.interpolated constant.character.escape
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #787878
+ name
+ Class name
+ scope
+ entity.name.class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ name
+ Class inheritance
+ scope
+ entity.other.inherited-class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic underline
+ name
+ Tag name
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Tag attribute
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ Support function
+ scope
+ support.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #B83426
+ name
+ Textile List
+ scope
+ markup.list.unnumbered.textile
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6EA533
+ name
+ Textile Numbered list
+ scope
+ markup.list.numbered.textile
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #6EA533
+ name
+ Textile Bold
+ scope
+ markup.bold.textile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #C2C2C2
+ name
+ Invalid
+ scope
+ invalid
+ settings
+ background
+ #FF0000
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ name
+ User1
+ scope
+ collab.user1
+ settings
+ background
+ #FFF980
+ foreground
+ #323232
+ uuid
+ 95BEF169-A2E5-4041-A84A-AAFC1DD61558