[ ['host_name' => 'Lee Stone'], ['host_name' => 'Dave Liddament'], ['host_name' => 'Kat Zien'], ], ], [ 'hosts' => [ ['host_name' => 'Oliver Davies'], ['host_name' => 'Lee Stone'], ['host_name' => 'Lucia Velasco'], ['host_name' => 'Dave Liddament'], ], ], ]; $hosts = (new Picker()) ->setHosts(collect($data)) ->getHosts(); $this->assertInstanceOf(Collection::class, $hosts); $this->assertCount(5, $hosts); } /** @test */ public function comments_for_multiple_events_are_flattened_and_combined() { $comment1 = new \stdClass(); $comment1->comment = 'Great talk!'; $comment1->user_display_name = 'Dan Ackroyd'; $comment2 = new \stdClass(); $comment2->comment = 'Could be better.'; $comment2->user_display_name = 'Lucia Velasco'; $comment3 = new \stdClass(); $comment3->comment = 'Needs more cat pictures.'; $comment3->user_display_name = 'Rupert Jabelman'; $data = [ [$comment1, $comment2], [$comment3], ]; $comments = (new Picker()) ->setComments(collect($data)) ->getComments(); $this->assertInstanceOf(Collection::class, $comments); $this->assertCount(3, $comments); } /** @test */ public function comments_from_event_hosts_cannot_be_picked() { $event = [ 'hosts' => [ ['host_name' => 'Oliver Davies'], ], ]; $comment1 = new \stdClass(); $comment1->comment = 'Great talk!'; $comment1->user_display_name = 'Peter Fisher'; $comment2 = new \stdClass(); $comment2->comment = 'Text on slides could be bigger.'; $comment2->user_display_name = 'Oliver Davies'; $comment3 = new \stdClass(); $comment3->comment = 'Speak slower.'; $comment3->user_display_name = 'Zan Baldwin'; $comments = [ [$comment1, $comment2, $comment3], ]; $comments = (new Picker()) ->setHosts(collect([$event])) ->setComments(collect($comments)) ->getComments(); $this->assertCount(2, $comments); $this->assertSame('Peter Fisher', $comments[0]->getUserDisplayName()); $this->assertSame('Zan Baldwin', $comments[1]->getUserDisplayName()); } /** @test */ public function winners_can_be_selected() { $comment1 = new \stdClass(); $comment1->comment = 'Great talk!'; $comment1->user_display_name = 'Peter Fisher'; $comment2 = new \stdClass(); $comment2->comment = 'Text on slides could be bigger.'; $comment2->user_display_name = 'Michael Bush'; $comment3 = new \stdClass(); $comment3->comment = 'Speak slower.'; $comment3->user_display_name = 'Zan Baldwin'; $comments = [ [$comment1, $comment2, $comment3], ]; $picker = new Picker(); $picker->setComments(collect($comments)); $this->assertCount(3, $picker->getComments()); tap($picker->getWinners(1), function (Collection $winners) use ($picker) { $this->assertCount(1, $winners); $this->assertInstanceOf(Comment::class, $winners->first()); $this->assertTrue($picker->getComments()->contains($winners->first())); }); tap($picker->getWinners(2), function (Collection $winners) use ($picker) { $this->assertCount(2, $winners); $this->assertInstanceOf(Comment::class, $winners->first()); $this->assertTrue($picker->getComments()->contains($winners->first())); $this->assertInstanceOf(Comment::class, $winners->last()); $this->assertTrue($picker->getComments()->contains($winners->last())); }); } }