# Inviqa Tailwind CSS example This is a component from the [Inviqa](https://inviqa.com) website that I recreated as an example for a front-end community of practice session on utility-first CSS. [The original version](https://play.tailwindcss.com/Yfmw8O5UNN) used a number of `@apply` rules to change the appearance based on a `data-theme` attribute. After attending the [Pro Tailwind theming workshop](), I moved it into a Next.js application and refactored it to use CSS custom properties, and moved the button and corner styles into a custom plugin. The `flex-basis` styles have also been moved into a separate plugin. ## Themes ### Blue ![](./docs/blue.png) ### Purple ![](./docs/purple.png) ### Teal ![](./docs/teal.png)