filter = new Filter(); } /** * @covers Filter::has() */ public function testHas() { $this->assertEquals( ['hasTheWord' => 'something'], $this->filter->has('something')->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::hasNot() */ public function testHasNot() { $this->assertEquals( ['doesNotHaveTheWord' => 'something'], $this->filter->hasNot('something')->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::from() */ public function testFrom() { // Ensure that we can set one from address. $this->assertEquals( ['from' => ['']], $this->filter->from('')->getProperties() ); // Ensure that we can set multiple from addresses. $this->assertEquals( ['from' => ['', '']], $this->filter ->from('', '') ->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::to() */ public function testTo() { $this->assertEquals( ['to' => ['']], $this->filter->to('')->getProperties() ); $this->assertEquals( ['to' => ['', '']], $this->filter->to('', '') ->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::subject() */ public function testSubject() { $this->assertEquals( ['subject' => 'Something'], $this->filter->subject('Something')->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::hasAttachment() */ public function testHasAttachment() { $this->assertEquals( ['hasAttachment' => 'true'], $this->filter->hasAttachment()->getProperties() ); } public function testExcludeChats() { $this->assertEquals( ['excludeChats' => 'true'], $this->filter->excludeChats()->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::label() */ public function testLabel() { $this->assertEquals( ['label' => 'Foo'], $this->filter->label('Foo')->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::archive() */ public function testArchive() { $this->assertEquals( ['shouldArchive' => 'true'], $this->filter->archive()->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::labelAndArchive() */ public function testLabelAndArchive() { $this->assertEquals( ['shouldArchive' => 'true', 'label' => 'Foo'], $this->filter->labelAndArchive('Foo')->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::spam() */ public function testSpam() { $this->assertEquals( [ 'shouldSpam' => 'true', 'shouldNeverSpam' => 'false' ], $this->filter->spam()->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::neverSpam() */ public function testNeverSpam() { $this->assertEquals( [ 'shouldSpam' => 'false', 'shouldNeverSpam' => 'true' ], $this->filter->neverSpam()->getProperties() ); } /** * @covers Filter::trash() */ public function testTrash() { $this->assertEquals( ['shouldTrash' => 'true'], $this->filter->trash()->getProperties() ); } public function testMarkAsRead() { $this->assertEquals( ['markAsRead' => 'true'], $this->filter->read()->getProperties() ); } public function testStar() { $this->assertEquals( ['shouldStar' => 'true'], $this->filter->star()->getProperties() ); } public function testForwardTo() { $this->assertEquals( ['forwardTo' => ''], $this->filter->forward('')->getProperties() ); } public function testMarkImportant() { $this->assertEquals( ['shouldAlwaysMarkAsImportant' => 'true'], $this->filter->important()->getProperties() ); } public function testMarkNotImportant() { $this->assertEquals( ['shouldNeverMarkAsImportant' => 'true'], $this->filter->notImportant()->getProperties() ); } public function testCategorise() { $this->assertEquals( ['smartLabelToApply' => 'Foo'], $this->filter->categorise('Foo')->getProperties() ); } public function testMethodsCanBeChained() { $this->assertEquals( [ 'from' => ['', ''], 'hasTheWord' => 'Something', 'excludeChats' => 'true', 'label' => 'Foo', 'markAsRead' => 'true', 'shouldArchive' => 'true', 'shouldNeverSpam' => 'true', 'shouldSpam' => 'false', 'shouldStar' => 'true', 'shouldAlwaysMarkAsImportant' => 'true', ], $this->filter->from(' ', '') ->has('Something') ->excludeChats() ->labelAndArchive('Foo') ->read() ->important() ->neverSpam() ->star() ->getProperties() ); } }