
namespace Opdavies\Tests\GmailFilterBuilder;

use Opdavies\GmailFilterBuilder\Filter;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class FilterTest extends TestCase
     * @var Filter
    private $filter;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setUp()
        $this->filter = new Filter();

     * @covers Filter::has()
    public function testHas()
            ['hasTheWord' => 'something'],

     * @covers Filter::hasNot()
    public function testHasNot() {
            ['doesNotHaveTheWord' => 'something'],

     * @covers Filter::from()
    public function testFrom()
        // Ensure that we can set one from address.
            ['from' => ['foo@example.com']],

        // Ensure that we can set multiple from addresses.
            ['from' => ['foo@example.com', 'bar@example.com']],
            $this->filter->from(['foo@example.com', 'bar@example.com'])->getProperties()

     * @covers Filter::to()
    public function testTo()
            ['to' => ['foo@example.com']],

            ['to' => ['bar@example.com', 'baz@example.com']],
            $this->filter->to(['bar@example.com', 'baz@example.com'])->getProperties()

     * @covers Filter::subject()
    public function testSubject()
            ['subject' => 'Something'],

     * @covers Filter::hasAttachment()
    public function testHasAttachment()
            ['hasAttachment' => 'true'],

    public function testExcludeChats()
            ['excludeChats' => 'true'],
     * @covers Filter::label()
    public function testLabel()
            ['label' => 'Foo'],

     * @covers Filter::archive()
    public function testArchive()
            ['shouldArchive' => 'true'],

     * @covers Filter::labelAndArchive()
    public function testLabelAndArchive()
            ['shouldArchive' => 'true', 'label' => 'Foo'],

     * @covers Filter::spam()
    public function testSpam()
                'shouldSpam' => 'true',
                'shouldNeverSpam' => 'false'

     * @covers Filter::neverSpam()
    public function testNeverSpam()
                'shouldSpam' => 'false',
                'shouldNeverSpam' => 'true'

     * @covers Filter::trash()
    public function testTrash()
            ['shouldTrash' => 'true'],

    public function testMarkAsRead()
            ['markAsRead' => 'true'],

    public function testStar()
            ['shouldStar' => 'true'],

    public function testForwardTo()
            ['forwardTo' => 'foo@example.com'],

    public function testMarkImportant()
            ['shouldAlwaysMarkAsImportant' => 'true'],

    public function testMarkNotImportant()
            ['shouldNeverMarkAsImportant' => 'true'],
    public function testCategorise()
            ['smartLabelToApply' => 'Foo'],

    public function testMethodsCanBeChained()
                'from' => ['foo@example.com', 'bar@example.com'],
                'hasTheWord' => 'Something',
                'excludeChats' => 'true',
                'label' => 'Foo',
                'markAsRead' => 'true',
                'shouldArchive' => 'true',
                'shouldNeverSpam' => 'true',
                'shouldSpam' => 'false',
                'shouldStar' => 'true',
                'shouldAlwaysMarkAsImportant' => 'true',
            $this->filter->from(['foo@example.com ', 'bar@example.com'])