Log in to your Gmail account and import your filters using the generated XML file.
## Available Methods
### Conditions
_Conditions that a message must satisfy for the filter to be applied:_
-`has` - can be used to check for various properties, such as attachments, stars or labels. Can also be used as an alternative to some of the following methods previously - e.g. `from:john@example.com` - and can be useful for more advanced queries.
-`hasNot` - the opposite of the above.
-`from` - if the message is from a certain name or email address.
-`to` - if the message is to a certain name or email address.
-`subject` - if the message has a certain subject.
-`hasAttachment` - if the message has an attachment.
If you want to split your filters into different partials, return an array of filters from each partial and add `return Opdavies\GmailFilterBuilder\Service\Partials::load()` to `filters.php`. This defaults to a directory called `filters`, but you can specify an alternative directory name as an argument.
## Loading Addresses from a Separate File
If you want to filter based on the `to` address and not include your addresses within the filters repository, you can include them from within a different file using `Addresses::load()`: