1634 lines
55 KiB
1634 lines
55 KiB
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Variable;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Parameter;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\DumperInterface as ProxyDumper;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\NullDumper;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ExpressionLanguage;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;
* PhpDumper dumps a service container as a PHP class.
* @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <schmittjoh@gmail.com>
class PhpDumper extends Dumper
* Characters that might appear in the generated variable name as first character.
* @var string
const FIRST_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
* Characters that might appear in the generated variable name as any but the first character.
* @var string
const NON_FIRST_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_';
private $inlinedDefinitions;
private $definitionVariables;
private $referenceVariables;
private $variableCount;
private $reservedVariables = array('instance', 'class');
private $expressionLanguage;
private $targetDirRegex;
private $targetDirMaxMatches;
private $docStar;
* @var ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface[]
private $expressionLanguageProviders = array();
* @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\DumperInterface
private $proxyDumper;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct(ContainerBuilder $container)
$this->inlinedDefinitions = new \SplObjectStorage();
* Sets the dumper to be used when dumping proxies in the generated container.
* @param ProxyDumper $proxyDumper
public function setProxyDumper(ProxyDumper $proxyDumper)
$this->proxyDumper = $proxyDumper;
* Dumps the service container as a PHP class.
* Available options:
* * class: The class name
* * base_class: The base class name
* * namespace: The class namespace
* @param array $options An array of options
* @return string A PHP class representing of the service container
public function dump(array $options = array())
$this->targetDirRegex = null;
$options = array_merge(array(
'class' => 'ProjectServiceContainer',
'base_class' => 'Container',
'namespace' => '',
'debug' => true,
), $options);
$this->docStar = $options['debug'] ? '*' : '';
if (!empty($options['file']) && is_dir($dir = dirname($options['file']))) {
// Build a regexp where the first root dirs are mandatory,
// but every other sub-dir is optional up to the full path in $dir
// Mandate at least 2 root dirs and not more that 5 optional dirs.
$dir = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath($dir));
$i = count($dir);
if (3 <= $i) {
$regex = '';
$lastOptionalDir = $i > 8 ? $i - 5 : 3;
$this->targetDirMaxMatches = $i - $lastOptionalDir;
while (--$i >= $lastOptionalDir) {
$regex = sprintf('(%s%s)?', preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir[$i], '#'), $regex);
do {
$regex = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir[$i], '#').$regex;
} while (0 < --$i);
$this->targetDirRegex = '#'.preg_quote($dir[0], '#').$regex.'#';
$code = $this->startClass($options['class'], $options['base_class'], $options['namespace']);
if ($this->container->isFrozen()) {
$code .= $this->addFrozenConstructor();
$code .= $this->addFrozenCompile();
$code .= $this->addIsFrozenMethod();
} else {
$code .= $this->addConstructor();
$code .=
$this->targetDirRegex = null;
return $code;
* Retrieves the currently set proxy dumper or instantiates one.
* @return ProxyDumper
private function getProxyDumper()
if (!$this->proxyDumper) {
$this->proxyDumper = new NullDumper();
return $this->proxyDumper;
* Generates Service local temp variables.
* @param string $cId
* @param string $definition
* @return string
private function addServiceLocalTempVariables($cId, $definition)
static $template = " \$%s = %s;\n";
$localDefinitions = array_merge(
$calls = $behavior = array();
foreach ($localDefinitions as $iDefinition) {
$this->getServiceCallsFromArguments($iDefinition->getArguments(), $calls, $behavior);
$this->getServiceCallsFromArguments($iDefinition->getMethodCalls(), $calls, $behavior);
$this->getServiceCallsFromArguments($iDefinition->getProperties(), $calls, $behavior);
$this->getServiceCallsFromArguments(array($iDefinition->getConfigurator()), $calls, $behavior);
$this->getServiceCallsFromArguments(array($iDefinition->getFactory()), $calls, $behavior);
$code = '';
foreach ($calls as $id => $callCount) {
if ('service_container' === $id || $id === $cId) {
if ($callCount > 1) {
$name = $this->getNextVariableName();
$this->referenceVariables[$id] = new Variable($name);
if (ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE === $behavior[$id]) {
$code .= sprintf($template, $name, $this->getServiceCall($id));
} else {
$code .= sprintf($template, $name, $this->getServiceCall($id, new Reference($id, ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE)));
if ('' !== $code) {
$code .= "\n";
return $code;
* Generates code for the proxies to be attached after the container class.
* @return string
private function addProxyClasses()
/* @var $definitions Definition[] */
$definitions = array_filter(
array($this->getProxyDumper(), 'isProxyCandidate')
$code = '';
$strip = '' === $this->docStar && method_exists('Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel', 'stripComments');
foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
$proxyCode = "\n".$this->getProxyDumper()->getProxyCode($definition);
if ($strip) {
$proxyCode = "<?php\n".$proxyCode;
$proxyCode = substr(Kernel::stripComments($proxyCode), 5);
$code .= $proxyCode;
return $code;
* Generates the require_once statement for service includes.
* @param string $id The service id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return string
private function addServiceInclude($id, $definition)
$template = " require_once %s;\n";
$code = '';
if (null !== $file = $definition->getFile()) {
$code .= sprintf($template, $this->dumpValue($file));
foreach ($this->getInlinedDefinitions($definition) as $definition) {
if (null !== $file = $definition->getFile()) {
$code .= sprintf($template, $this->dumpValue($file));
if ('' !== $code) {
$code .= "\n";
return $code;
* Generates the inline definition of a service.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return string
* @throws RuntimeException When the factory definition is incomplete
* @throws ServiceCircularReferenceException When a circular reference is detected
private function addServiceInlinedDefinitions($id, $definition)
$code = '';
$variableMap = $this->definitionVariables;
$nbOccurrences = new \SplObjectStorage();
$processed = new \SplObjectStorage();
$inlinedDefinitions = $this->getInlinedDefinitions($definition);
foreach ($inlinedDefinitions as $definition) {
if (false === $nbOccurrences->contains($definition)) {
$nbOccurrences->offsetSet($definition, 1);
} else {
$i = $nbOccurrences->offsetGet($definition);
$nbOccurrences->offsetSet($definition, $i + 1);
foreach ($inlinedDefinitions as $sDefinition) {
if ($processed->contains($sDefinition)) {
$class = $this->dumpValue($sDefinition->getClass());
if ($nbOccurrences->offsetGet($sDefinition) > 1 || $sDefinition->getMethodCalls() || $sDefinition->getProperties() || null !== $sDefinition->getConfigurator() || false !== strpos($class, '$')) {
$name = $this->getNextVariableName();
$variableMap->offsetSet($sDefinition, new Variable($name));
// a construct like:
// $a = new ServiceA(ServiceB $b); $b = new ServiceB(ServiceA $a);
// this is an indication for a wrong implementation, you can circumvent this problem
// by setting up your service structure like this:
// $b = new ServiceB();
// $a = new ServiceA(ServiceB $b);
// $b->setServiceA(ServiceA $a);
if ($this->hasReference($id, $sDefinition->getArguments())) {
throw new ServiceCircularReferenceException($id, array($id));
$code .= $this->addNewInstance($id, $sDefinition, '$'.$name, ' = ');
if (!$this->hasReference($id, $sDefinition->getMethodCalls(), true) && !$this->hasReference($id, $sDefinition->getProperties(), true)) {
$code .= $this->addServiceProperties(null, $sDefinition, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls(null, $sDefinition, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceConfigurator(null, $sDefinition, $name);
$code .= "\n";
return $code;
* Adds the service return statement.
* @param string $id Service id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return string
private function addServiceReturn($id, $definition)
if ($this->isSimpleInstance($id, $definition)) {
return " }\n";
return "\n return \$instance;\n }\n";
* Generates the service instance.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return string
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws RuntimeException
private function addServiceInstance($id, Definition $definition)
$class = $definition->getClass();
if ('\\' === substr($class, 0, 1)) {
$class = substr($class, 1);
$class = $this->dumpValue($class);
if (0 === strpos($class, "'") && !preg_match('/^\'[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(\\\{2}[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)*\'$/', $class)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid class name for the "%s" service.', $class, $id));
$simple = $this->isSimpleInstance($id, $definition);
$isProxyCandidate = $this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition);
$instantiation = '';
if (!$isProxyCandidate && $definition->isShared() && ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER === $definition->getScope(false)) {
$instantiation = "\$this->services['$id'] = ".($simple ? '' : '$instance');
} elseif (!$isProxyCandidate && $definition->isShared() && ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE !== $scope = $definition->getScope(false)) {
$instantiation = "\$this->services['$id'] = \$this->scopedServices['$scope']['$id'] = ".($simple ? '' : '$instance');
} elseif (!$simple) {
$instantiation = '$instance';
$return = '';
if ($simple) {
$return = 'return ';
} else {
$instantiation .= ' = ';
$code = $this->addNewInstance($id, $definition, $return, $instantiation);
if (!$simple) {
$code .= "\n";
return $code;
* Checks if the definition is a simple instance.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return bool
private function isSimpleInstance($id, Definition $definition)
foreach (array_merge(array($definition), $this->getInlinedDefinitions($definition)) as $sDefinition) {
if ($definition !== $sDefinition && !$this->hasReference($id, $sDefinition->getMethodCalls())) {
if ($sDefinition->getMethodCalls() || $sDefinition->getProperties() || $sDefinition->getConfigurator()) {
return false;
return true;
* Adds method calls to a service definition.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @param string $variableName
* @return string
private function addServiceMethodCalls($id, Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance')
$calls = '';
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call) {
$arguments = array();
foreach ($call[1] as $value) {
$arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($value);
$calls .= $this->wrapServiceConditionals($call[1], sprintf(" \$%s->%s(%s);\n", $variableName, $call[0], implode(', ', $arguments)));
return $calls;
private function addServiceProperties($id, Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance')
$code = '';
foreach ($definition->getProperties() as $name => $value) {
$code .= sprintf(" \$%s->%s = %s;\n", $variableName, $name, $this->dumpValue($value));
return $code;
* Generates the inline definition setup.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return string
* @throws ServiceCircularReferenceException when the container contains a circular reference
private function addServiceInlinedDefinitionsSetup($id, Definition $definition)
$this->referenceVariables[$id] = new Variable('instance');
$code = '';
$processed = new \SplObjectStorage();
foreach ($this->getInlinedDefinitions($definition) as $iDefinition) {
if ($processed->contains($iDefinition)) {
if (!$this->hasReference($id, $iDefinition->getMethodCalls(), true) && !$this->hasReference($id, $iDefinition->getProperties(), true)) {
// if the instance is simple, the return statement has already been generated
// so, the only possible way to get there is because of a circular reference
if ($this->isSimpleInstance($id, $definition)) {
throw new ServiceCircularReferenceException($id, array($id));
$name = (string) $this->definitionVariables->offsetGet($iDefinition);
$code .= $this->addServiceProperties(null, $iDefinition, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls(null, $iDefinition, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceConfigurator(null, $iDefinition, $name);
if ('' !== $code) {
$code .= "\n";
return $code;
* Adds configurator definition.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @param string $variableName
* @return string
private function addServiceConfigurator($id, Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance')
if (!$callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) {
return '';
if (is_array($callable)) {
if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference
|| ($callable[0] instanceof Definition && $this->definitionVariables->contains($callable[0]))) {
return sprintf(" %s->%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName);
$class = $this->dumpValue($callable[0]);
// If the class is a string we can optimize call_user_func away
if (strpos($class, "'") === 0) {
return sprintf(" %s::%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $callable[1], $variableName);
return sprintf(" call_user_func(array(%s, '%s'), \$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName);
return sprintf(" %s(\$%s);\n", $callable, $variableName);
* Adds a service.
* @param string $id
* @param Definition $definition
* @return string
private function addService($id, Definition $definition)
$this->definitionVariables = new \SplObjectStorage();
$this->referenceVariables = array();
$this->variableCount = 0;
$return = array();
if ($definition->isSynthetic()) {
$return[] = '@throws RuntimeException always since this service is expected to be injected dynamically';
} elseif ($class = $definition->getClass()) {
$return[] = sprintf('@return %s A %s instance', 0 === strpos($class, '%') ? 'object' : '\\'.ltrim($class, '\\'), ltrim($class, '\\'));
} elseif ($definition->getFactory()) {
$factory = $definition->getFactory();
if (is_string($factory)) {
$return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s()', $factory);
} elseif (is_array($factory) && (is_string($factory[0]) || $factory[0] instanceof Definition || $factory[0] instanceof Reference)) {
if (is_string($factory[0]) || $factory[0] instanceof Reference) {
$return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s::%s()', (string) $factory[0], $factory[1]);
} elseif ($factory[0] instanceof Definition) {
$return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s::%s()', $factory[0]->getClass(), $factory[1]);
} elseif ($definition->getFactoryClass(false)) {
$return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s::%s()', $definition->getFactoryClass(false), $definition->getFactoryMethod(false));
} elseif ($definition->getFactoryService(false)) {
$return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s::%s()', $definition->getFactoryService(false), $definition->getFactoryMethod(false));
$scope = $definition->getScope(false);
if (!in_array($scope, array(ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER, ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE))) {
if ($return && 0 === strpos($return[count($return) - 1], '@return')) {
$return[] = '';
$return[] = sprintf("@throws InactiveScopeException when the '%s' service is requested while the '%s' scope is not active", $id, $scope);
if ($definition->isDeprecated()) {
if ($return && 0 === strpos($return[count($return) - 1], '@return')) {
$return[] = '';
$return[] = sprintf('@deprecated %s', $definition->getDeprecationMessage($id));
$return = str_replace("\n * \n", "\n *\n", implode("\n * ", $return));
$doc = '';
if ($definition->isShared() && ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE !== $scope) {
$doc .= <<<'EOF'
* This service is shared.
* This method always returns the same instance of the service.
if (!$definition->isPublic()) {
$doc .= <<<'EOF'
* This service is private.
* If you want to be able to request this service from the container directly,
* make it public, otherwise you might end up with broken code.
if ($definition->isAutowired()) {
$doc .= <<<EOF
* This service is autowired.
if ($definition->isLazy()) {
$lazyInitialization = '$lazyLoad = true';
$lazyInitializationDoc = "\n * @param bool \$lazyLoad whether to try lazy-loading the service with a proxy\n *";
} else {
$lazyInitialization = '';
$lazyInitializationDoc = '';
// with proxies, for 5.3.3 compatibility, the getter must be public to be accessible to the initializer
$isProxyCandidate = $this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition);
$visibility = $isProxyCandidate ? 'public' : 'protected';
$code = <<<EOF
* Gets the '$id' service.$doc
* $return
{$visibility} function get{$this->camelize($id)}Service($lazyInitialization)
$code .= $isProxyCandidate ? $this->getProxyDumper()->getProxyFactoryCode($definition, $id) : '';
if (!in_array($scope, array(ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER, ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE))) {
$code .= <<<EOF
if (!isset(\$this->scopedServices['$scope'])) {
throw new InactiveScopeException('$id', '$scope');
if ($definition->isSynthetic()) {
$code .= sprintf(" throw new RuntimeException('You have requested a synthetic service (\"%s\"). The DIC does not know how to construct this service.');\n }\n", $id);
} else {
if ($definition->isDeprecated()) {
$code .= sprintf(" @trigger_error(%s, E_USER_DEPRECATED);\n\n", var_export($definition->getDeprecationMessage($id), true));
$code .=
$this->addServiceInclude($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceLocalTempVariables($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceInlinedDefinitions($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceInstance($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceInlinedDefinitionsSetup($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceProperties($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceMethodCalls($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceConfigurator($id, $definition).
$this->addServiceReturn($id, $definition)
$this->definitionVariables = null;
$this->referenceVariables = null;
return $code;
* Adds multiple services.
* @return string
private function addServices()
$publicServices = $privateServices = $synchronizers = '';
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if ($definition->isPublic()) {
$publicServices .= $this->addService($id, $definition);
} else {
$privateServices .= $this->addService($id, $definition);
$synchronizers .= $this->addServiceSynchronizer($id, $definition);
return $publicServices.$synchronizers.$privateServices;
* Adds synchronizer methods.
* @param string $id A service identifier
* @param Definition $definition A Definition instance
* @return string|null
* @deprecated since version 2.7, will be removed in 3.0.
private function addServiceSynchronizer($id, Definition $definition)
if (!$definition->isSynchronized(false)) {
if ('request' !== $id) {
@trigger_error('Synchronized services were deprecated in version 2.7 and won\'t work anymore in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$code = '';
foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $definitionId => $definition) {
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call) {
foreach ($call[1] as $argument) {
if ($argument instanceof Reference && $id == (string) $argument) {
$arguments = array();
foreach ($call[1] as $value) {
$arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($value);
$call = $this->wrapServiceConditionals($call[1], sprintf("\$this->get('%s')->%s(%s);", $definitionId, $call[0], implode(', ', $arguments)));
$code .= <<<EOF
if (\$this->initialized('$definitionId')) {
if (!$code) {
return <<<EOF
* Updates the '$id' service.
protected function synchronize{$this->camelize($id)}Service()
$code }
private function addNewInstance($id, Definition $definition, $return, $instantiation)
$class = $this->dumpValue($definition->getClass());
$arguments = array();
foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $value) {
$arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($value);
if (null !== $definition->getFactory()) {
$callable = $definition->getFactory();
if (is_array($callable)) {
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $callable[1])) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s)', $callable[1] ?: 'n/a'));
if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference
|| ($callable[0] instanceof Definition && $this->definitionVariables->contains($callable[0]))) {
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}%s->%s(%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
$class = $this->dumpValue($callable[0]);
// If the class is a string we can optimize call_user_func away
if (strpos($class, "'") === 0) {
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}%s::%s(%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $callable[1], $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}call_user_func(array(%s, '%s')%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $arguments ? ', '.implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}\\%s(%s);\n", $callable, $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
} elseif (null !== $definition->getFactoryMethod(false)) {
if (null !== $definition->getFactoryClass(false)) {
$class = $this->dumpValue($definition->getFactoryClass(false));
// If the class is a string we can optimize call_user_func away
if (strpos($class, "'") === 0) {
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}%s::%s(%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $definition->getFactoryMethod(false), $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}call_user_func(array(%s, '%s')%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($definition->getFactoryClass(false)), $definition->getFactoryMethod(false), $arguments ? ', '.implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
if (null !== $definition->getFactoryService(false)) {
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}%s->%s(%s);\n", $this->getServiceCall($definition->getFactoryService(false)), $definition->getFactoryMethod(false), implode(', ', $arguments));
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Factory method requires a factory service or factory class in service definition for %s', $id));
if (false !== strpos($class, '$')) {
return sprintf(" \$class = %s;\n\n $return{$instantiation}new \$class(%s);\n", $class, implode(', ', $arguments));
return sprintf(" $return{$instantiation}new %s(%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), implode(', ', $arguments));
* Adds the class headers.
* @param string $class Class name
* @param string $baseClass The name of the base class
* @param string $namespace The class namespace
* @return string
private function startClass($class, $baseClass, $namespace)
$bagClass = $this->container->isFrozen() ? 'use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\FrozenParameterBag;' : 'use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\\ParameterBag;';
$namespaceLine = $namespace ? "\nnamespace $namespace;\n" : '';
return <<<EOF
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InactiveScopeException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException;
* $class.
* This class has been auto-generated
* by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component.
class $class extends $baseClass
private \$parameters;
private \$targetDirs = array();
* Adds the constructor.
* @return string
private function addConstructor()
$targetDirs = $this->exportTargetDirs();
$arguments = $this->container->getParameterBag()->all() ? 'new ParameterBag($this->getDefaultParameters())' : null;
$code = <<<EOF
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
if (count($scopes = $this->container->getScopes(false)) > 0) {
$code .= "\n";
$code .= ' $this->scopes = '.$this->dumpValue($scopes).";\n";
$code .= ' $this->scopeChildren = '.$this->dumpValue($this->container->getScopeChildren(false)).";\n";
$code .= $this->addMethodMap();
$code .= $this->addAliases();
$code .= <<<'EOF'
return $code;
* Adds the constructor for a frozen container.
* @return string
private function addFrozenConstructor()
$targetDirs = $this->exportTargetDirs();
$code = <<<EOF
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
if ($this->container->getParameterBag()->all()) {
$code .= "\n \$this->parameters = \$this->getDefaultParameters();\n";
$code .= <<<'EOF'
$this->services =
$this->scopedServices =
$this->scopeStacks = array();
$code .= "\n";
if (count($scopes = $this->container->getScopes(false)) > 0) {
$code .= ' $this->scopes = '.$this->dumpValue($scopes).";\n";
$code .= ' $this->scopeChildren = '.$this->dumpValue($this->container->getScopeChildren(false)).";\n";
} else {
$code .= " \$this->scopes = array();\n";
$code .= " \$this->scopeChildren = array();\n";
$code .= $this->addMethodMap();
$code .= $this->addAliases();
$code .= <<<'EOF'
return $code;
* Adds the constructor for a frozen container.
* @return string
private function addFrozenCompile()
return <<<EOF
* {@inheritdoc}
public function compile()
throw new LogicException('You cannot compile a dumped frozen container.');
* Adds the isFrozen method for a frozen container.
* @return string
private function addIsFrozenMethod()
return <<<EOF
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isFrozen()
return true;
* Adds the methodMap property definition.
* @return string
private function addMethodMap()
if (!$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions()) {
return '';
$code = " \$this->methodMap = array(\n";
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
$code .= ' '.var_export($id, true).' => '.var_export('get'.$this->camelize($id).'Service', true).",\n";
return $code." );\n";
* Adds the aliases property definition.
* @return string
private function addAliases()
if (!$aliases = $this->container->getAliases()) {
return $this->container->isFrozen() ? "\n \$this->aliases = array();\n" : '';
$code = " \$this->aliases = array(\n";
foreach ($aliases as $alias => $id) {
$id = (string) $id;
while (isset($aliases[$id])) {
$id = (string) $aliases[$id];
$code .= ' '.var_export($alias, true).' => '.var_export($id, true).",\n";
return $code." );\n";
* Adds default parameters method.
* @return string
private function addDefaultParametersMethod()
if (!$this->container->getParameterBag()->all()) {
return '';
$parameters = $this->exportParameters($this->container->getParameterBag()->all());
$code = '';
if ($this->container->isFrozen()) {
$code .= <<<'EOF'
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getParameter($name)
$name = strtolower($name);
if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parameter "%s" must be defined.', $name));
return $this->parameters[$name];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function hasParameter($name)
$name = strtolower($name);
return isset($this->parameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setParameter($name, $value)
throw new LogicException('Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag.');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getParameterBag()
if (null === $this->parameterBag) {
$this->parameterBag = new FrozenParameterBag($this->parameters);
return $this->parameterBag;
if ('' === $this->docStar) {
$code = str_replace('/**', '/*', $code);
$code .= <<<EOF
* Gets the default parameters.
* @return array An array of the default parameters
protected function getDefaultParameters()
return $parameters;
return $code;
* Exports parameters.
* @param array $parameters
* @param string $path
* @param int $indent
* @return string
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function exportParameters(array $parameters, $path = '', $indent = 12)
$php = array();
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->exportParameters($value, $path.'/'.$key, $indent + 4);
} elseif ($value instanceof Variable) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain variable references. Variable "%s" found in "%s".', $value, $path.'/'.$key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Definition) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain service definitions. Definition for "%s" found in "%s".', $value->getClass(), $path.'/'.$key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Reference) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain references to other services (reference to service "%s" found in "%s").', $value, $path.'/'.$key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain expressions. Expression "%s" found in "%s".', $value, $path.'/'.$key));
} else {
$value = $this->export($value);
$php[] = sprintf('%s%s => %s,', str_repeat(' ', $indent), var_export($key, true), $value);
return sprintf("array(\n%s\n%s)", implode("\n", $php), str_repeat(' ', $indent - 4));
* Ends the class definition.
* @return string
private function endClass()
return <<<'EOF'
* Wraps the service conditionals.
* @param string $value
* @param string $code
* @return string
private function wrapServiceConditionals($value, $code)
if (!$services = ContainerBuilder::getServiceConditionals($value)) {
return $code;
$conditions = array();
foreach ($services as $service) {
$conditions[] = sprintf("\$this->has('%s')", $service);
// re-indent the wrapped code
$code = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return $line ? ' '.$line : $line; }, explode("\n", $code)));
return sprintf(" if (%s) {\n%s }\n", implode(' && ', $conditions), $code);
* Builds service calls from arguments.
* @param array $arguments
* @param array &$calls By reference
* @param array &$behavior By reference
private function getServiceCallsFromArguments(array $arguments, array &$calls, array &$behavior)
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (is_array($argument)) {
$this->getServiceCallsFromArguments($argument, $calls, $behavior);
} elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) {
$id = (string) $argument;
if (!isset($calls[$id])) {
$calls[$id] = 0;
if (!isset($behavior[$id])) {
$behavior[$id] = $argument->getInvalidBehavior();
} elseif (ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE !== $behavior[$id]) {
$behavior[$id] = $argument->getInvalidBehavior();
* Returns the inline definition.
* @param Definition $definition
* @return array
private function getInlinedDefinitions(Definition $definition)
if (false === $this->inlinedDefinitions->contains($definition)) {
$definitions = array_merge(
$this->inlinedDefinitions->offsetSet($definition, $definitions);
return $definitions;
return $this->inlinedDefinitions->offsetGet($definition);
* Gets the definition from arguments.
* @param array $arguments
* @return array
private function getDefinitionsFromArguments(array $arguments)
$definitions = array();
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (is_array($argument)) {
$definitions = array_merge($definitions, $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments($argument));
} elseif ($argument instanceof Definition) {
$definitions = array_merge(
return $definitions;
* Checks if a service id has a reference.
* @param string $id
* @param array $arguments
* @param bool $deep
* @param array $visited
* @return bool
private function hasReference($id, array $arguments, $deep = false, array &$visited = array())
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (is_array($argument)) {
if ($this->hasReference($id, $argument, $deep, $visited)) {
return true;
} elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) {
$argumentId = (string) $argument;
if ($id === $argumentId) {
return true;
if ($deep && !isset($visited[$argumentId]) && 'service_container' !== $argumentId) {
$visited[$argumentId] = true;
$service = $this->container->getDefinition($argumentId);
// if the proxy manager is enabled, disable searching for references in lazy services,
// as these services will be instantiated lazily and don't have direct related references.
if ($service->isLazy() && !$this->getProxyDumper() instanceof NullDumper) {
$arguments = array_merge($service->getMethodCalls(), $service->getArguments(), $service->getProperties());
if ($this->hasReference($id, $arguments, $deep, $visited)) {
return true;
return false;
* Dumps values.
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $interpolate
* @return string
* @throws RuntimeException
private function dumpValue($value, $interpolate = true)
if (is_array($value)) {
$code = array();
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$code[] = sprintf('%s => %s', $this->dumpValue($k, $interpolate), $this->dumpValue($v, $interpolate));
return sprintf('array(%s)', implode(', ', $code));
} elseif ($value instanceof Definition) {
if (null !== $this->definitionVariables && $this->definitionVariables->contains($value)) {
return $this->dumpValue($this->definitionVariables->offsetGet($value), $interpolate);
if ($value->getMethodCalls()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have method calls.');
if ($value->getProperties()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have properties.');
if (null !== $value->getConfigurator()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have a configurator.');
$arguments = array();
foreach ($value->getArguments() as $argument) {
$arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($argument);
if (null !== $value->getFactory()) {
$factory = $value->getFactory();
if (is_string($factory)) {
return sprintf('\\%s(%s)', $factory, implode(', ', $arguments));
if (is_array($factory)) {
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $factory[1])) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s)', $factory[1] ?: 'n/a'));
if (is_string($factory[0])) {
return sprintf('%s::%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($factory[0])), $factory[1], implode(', ', $arguments));
if ($factory[0] instanceof Definition) {
return sprintf("call_user_func(array(%s, '%s')%s)", $this->dumpValue($factory[0]), $factory[1], count($arguments) > 0 ? ', '.implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
if ($factory[0] instanceof Reference) {
return sprintf('%s->%s(%s)', $this->dumpValue($factory[0]), $factory[1], implode(', ', $arguments));
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory');
if (null !== $value->getFactoryMethod(false)) {
if (null !== $value->getFactoryClass(false)) {
return sprintf("call_user_func(array(%s, '%s')%s)", $this->dumpValue($value->getFactoryClass(false)), $value->getFactoryMethod(false), count($arguments) > 0 ? ', '.implode(', ', $arguments) : '');
} elseif (null !== $value->getFactoryService(false)) {
$service = $this->dumpValue($value->getFactoryService(false));
return sprintf('%s->%s(%s)', 0 === strpos($service, '$') ? sprintf('$this->get(%s)', $service) : $this->getServiceCall($value->getFactoryService(false)), $value->getFactoryMethod(false), implode(', ', $arguments));
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have factory method without factory service or factory class.');
$class = $value->getClass();
if (null === $class) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have no class nor factory.');
return sprintf('new %s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($class)), implode(', ', $arguments));
} elseif ($value instanceof Variable) {
return '$'.$value;
} elseif ($value instanceof Reference) {
if (null !== $this->referenceVariables && isset($this->referenceVariables[$id = (string) $value])) {
return $this->dumpValue($this->referenceVariables[$id], $interpolate);
return $this->getServiceCall((string) $value, $value);
} elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
return $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile((string) $value, array('this' => 'container'));
} elseif ($value instanceof Parameter) {
return $this->dumpParameter($value);
} elseif (true === $interpolate && is_string($value)) {
if (preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $value, $match)) {
// we do this to deal with non string values (Boolean, integer, ...)
// the preg_replace_callback converts them to strings
return $this->dumpParameter(strtolower($match[1]));
} else {
$that = $this;
$replaceParameters = function ($match) use ($that) {
return "'.".$that->dumpParameter(strtolower($match[2])).".'";
$code = str_replace('%%', '%', preg_replace_callback('/(?<!%)(%)([^%]+)\1/', $replaceParameters, $this->export($value)));
return $code;
} elseif (is_object($value) || is_resource($value)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Unable to dump a service container if a parameter is an object or a resource.');
return $this->export($value);
* Dumps a string to a literal (aka PHP Code) class value.
* @param string $class
* @return string
* @throws RuntimeException
private function dumpLiteralClass($class)
if (false !== strpos($class, '$')) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have a variable class name.');
if (0 !== strpos($class, "'") || !preg_match('/^\'[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(\\\{2}[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)*\'$/', $class)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid class name (%s)', $class ?: 'n/a'));
return '\\'.substr(str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $class), 1, -1);
* Dumps a parameter.
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function dumpParameter($name)
if ($this->container->isFrozen() && $this->container->hasParameter($name)) {
return $this->dumpValue($this->container->getParameter($name), false);
return sprintf("\$this->getParameter('%s')", strtolower($name));
* @deprecated since version 2.6.2, to be removed in 3.0.
* Use \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder::addExpressionLanguageProvider instead.
* @param ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface $provider
public function addExpressionLanguageProvider(ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface $provider)
@trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 2.6.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder::addExpressionLanguageProvider method instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$this->expressionLanguageProviders[] = $provider;
* Gets a service call.
* @param string $id
* @param Reference $reference
* @return string
private function getServiceCall($id, Reference $reference = null)
if ('service_container' === $id) {
return '$this';
if (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE !== $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) {
return sprintf('$this->get(\'%s\', ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE)', $id);
if ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) {
$id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id);
return sprintf('$this->get(\'%s\')', $id);
* Convert a service id to a valid PHP method name.
* @param string $id
* @return string
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function camelize($id)
$name = Container::camelize($id);
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]+$/', $name)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Service id "%s" cannot be converted to a valid PHP method name.', $id));
return $name;
* Returns the next name to use.
* @return string
private function getNextVariableName()
$firstChars = self::FIRST_CHARS;
$firstCharsLength = strlen($firstChars);
$nonFirstChars = self::NON_FIRST_CHARS;
$nonFirstCharsLength = strlen($nonFirstChars);
while (true) {
$name = '';
$i = $this->variableCount;
if ('' === $name) {
$name .= $firstChars[$i % $firstCharsLength];
$i = (int) ($i / $firstCharsLength);
while ($i > 0) {
$name .= $nonFirstChars[$i % $nonFirstCharsLength];
$i = (int) ($i / $nonFirstCharsLength);
// check that the name is not reserved
if (in_array($name, $this->reservedVariables, true)) {
return $name;
private function getExpressionLanguage()
if (null === $this->expressionLanguage) {
if (!class_exists('Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage')) {
throw new RuntimeException('Unable to use expressions as the Symfony ExpressionLanguage component is not installed.');
$providers = array_merge($this->container->getExpressionLanguageProviders(), $this->expressionLanguageProviders);
$this->expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage(null, $providers);
if ($this->container->isTrackingResources()) {
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
return $this->expressionLanguage;
private function exportTargetDirs()
return null === $this->targetDirRegex ? '' : <<<EOF
\$dir = __DIR__;
for (\$i = 1; \$i <= {$this->targetDirMaxMatches}; ++\$i) {
\$this->targetDirs[\$i] = \$dir = dirname(\$dir);
private function export($value)
if (null !== $this->targetDirRegex && is_string($value) && preg_match($this->targetDirRegex, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$prefix = $matches[0][1] ? var_export(substr($value, 0, $matches[0][1]), true).'.' : '';
$suffix = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]);
$suffix = isset($value[$suffix]) ? '.'.var_export(substr($value, $suffix), true) : '';
$dirname = '__DIR__';
if (0 < $offset = 1 + $this->targetDirMaxMatches - count($matches)) {
$dirname = sprintf('$this->targetDirs[%d]', $offset);
if ($prefix || $suffix) {
return sprintf('(%s%s%s)', $prefix, $dirname, $suffix);
return $dirname;
return var_export($value, true);