routeProvider = $this->getMock('Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\PagedRouteProviderInterface'); } /** * Tests iterating a small amount of routes. * * @dataProvider providerIterator */ public function testIterator($amountRoutes, $routesLoadedInParallel, $expectedCalls = array()) { $routes = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $amountRoutes; $i++) { $routes['test_' . $i] = new Route("/example-$i"); } $names = array_keys($routes); foreach ($expectedCalls as $i => $range) { $this->routeProvider->expects($this->at($i)) ->method('getRoutesPaged') ->with($range[0], $range[1]) ->will($this->returnValue(array_slice($routes, $range[0], $range[1]))); } $route_collection = new PagedRouteCollection($this->routeProvider, $routesLoadedInParallel); $counter = 0; foreach ($route_collection as $route_name => $route) { // Ensure the route did not changed. $this->assertEquals($routes[$route_name], $route); // Ensure that the order did not changed. $this->assertEquals($route_name, $names[$counter]); $counter++; } } /** * Provides test data for testIterator(). */ public function providerIterator() { $data = array(); // Non total routes. $data[] = array(0, 20, array(array(0, 20))); // Less total routes than loaded in parallel. $data[] = array(10, 20, array(array(0, 20))); // Exact the same amount of routes then loaded in parallel. $data[] = array(20, 20, array(array(0, 20), array(20, 20))); // Less than twice the amount. $data[] = array(39, 20, array(array(0, 20), array(20, 20))); // More total routes than loaded in parallel. $data[] = array(40, 20, array(array(0, 20), array(20, 20), array(40, 20))); $data[] = array(41, 20, array(array(0, 20), array(20, 20), array(40, 20))); // why not. $data[] = array(42, 23, array(array(0, 23), array(23, 23))); return $data; } /** * Tests the count() method. */ public function testCount() { $this->routeProvider->expects($this->once()) ->method('getRoutesCount') ->will($this->returnValue(12)); $routeCollection = new PagedRouteCollection($this->routeProvider); $this->assertEquals(12, $routeCollection->count()); } /** * Tests the rewind method once the iterator is at the end. */ public function testIteratingAndRewind() { $routes = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { $routes['test_' . $i] = new Route("/example-$i"); } $this->routeProvider->expects($this->any()) ->method('getRoutesPaged') ->will($this->returnValueMap(array( array(0, 10, array_slice($routes, 0, 10)), array(10, 10, array_slice($routes, 9, 10)), array(20, 10, array()), ))); $routeCollection = new PagedRouteCollection($this->routeProvider, 10); // Force the iterating process. $routeCollection->rewind(); for ($i = 0; $i < 29; $i++) { $routeCollection->next(); } $routeCollection->rewind(); $this->assertEquals('test_0', $routeCollection->key()); $this->assertEquals($routes['test_0'], $routeCollection->current()); } }