* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint; use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException; /** * Validates whether the value is a valid ISBN-10 or ISBN-13. * * @author The Whole Life To Learn * @author Manuel Reinhard * @author Bernhard Schussek * * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isbn */ class IsbnValidator extends ConstraintValidator { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint) { if (!$constraint instanceof Isbn) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, __NAMESPACE__.'\Isbn'); } if (null === $value || '' === $value) { return; } if (!is_scalar($value) && !(\is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString'))) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($value, 'string'); } $value = (string) $value; $canonical = str_replace('-', '', $value); // Explicitly validate against ISBN-10 if ('isbn10' === $constraint->type) { if (true !== ($code = $this->validateIsbn10($canonical))) { $this->context->buildViolation($this->getMessage($constraint, $constraint->type)) ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value)) ->setCode($code) ->addViolation(); } return; } // Explicitly validate against ISBN-13 if ('isbn13' === $constraint->type) { if (true !== ($code = $this->validateIsbn13($canonical))) { $this->context->buildViolation($this->getMessage($constraint, $constraint->type)) ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value)) ->setCode($code) ->addViolation(); } return; } // Try both ISBNs // First, try ISBN-10 $code = $this->validateIsbn10($canonical); // The ISBN can only be an ISBN-13 if the value was too long for ISBN-10 if (Isbn::TOO_LONG_ERROR === $code) { // Try ISBN-13 now $code = $this->validateIsbn13($canonical); // If too short, this means we have 11 or 12 digits if (Isbn::TOO_SHORT_ERROR === $code) { $code = Isbn::TYPE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_ERROR; } } if (true !== $code) { $this->context->buildViolation($this->getMessage($constraint)) ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value)) ->setCode($code) ->addViolation(); } } protected function validateIsbn10($isbn) { // Choose an algorithm so that ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTERS is preferred // over ERROR_TOO_SHORT/ERROR_TOO_LONG // Otherwise "0-45122-5244" passes, but "0-45122_5244" reports // "too long" // Error priority: // 1. ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTERS // 2. ERROR_TOO_SHORT/ERROR_TOO_LONG // 3. ERROR_CHECKSUM_FAILED $checkSum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { // If we test the length before the loop, we get an ERROR_TOO_SHORT // when actually an ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTERS is wanted, e.g. for // "0-45122_5244" (typo) if (!isset($isbn[$i])) { return Isbn::TOO_SHORT_ERROR; } if ('X' === $isbn[$i]) { $digit = 10; } elseif (ctype_digit($isbn[$i])) { $digit = $isbn[$i]; } else { return Isbn::INVALID_CHARACTERS_ERROR; } $checkSum += $digit * (10 - $i); } if (isset($isbn[$i])) { return Isbn::TOO_LONG_ERROR; } return 0 === $checkSum % 11 ? true : Isbn::CHECKSUM_FAILED_ERROR; } protected function validateIsbn13($isbn) { // Error priority: // 1. ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTERS // 2. ERROR_TOO_SHORT/ERROR_TOO_LONG // 3. ERROR_CHECKSUM_FAILED if (!ctype_digit($isbn)) { return Isbn::INVALID_CHARACTERS_ERROR; } $length = \strlen($isbn); if ($length < 13) { return Isbn::TOO_SHORT_ERROR; } if ($length > 13) { return Isbn::TOO_LONG_ERROR; } $checkSum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i += 2) { $checkSum += $isbn[$i]; } for ($i = 1; $i < 12; $i += 2) { $checkSum += $isbn[$i] * 3; } return 0 === $checkSum % 10 ? true : Isbn::CHECKSUM_FAILED_ERROR; } protected function getMessage($constraint, $type = null) { if (null !== $constraint->message) { return $constraint->message; } elseif ('isbn10' === $type) { return $constraint->isbn10Message; } elseif ('isbn13' === $type) { return $constraint->isbn13Message; } return $constraint->bothIsbnMessage; } }