
 * @file
 * Autoloader for Drupal PHPUnit testing.
 * @see phpunit.xml.dist

use Drupal\Component\Assertion\Handle;

 * Finds all valid extension directories recursively within a given directory.
 * @param string $scan_directory
 *   The directory that should be recursively scanned.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of extension directories found within the scanned
 *   directory, keyed by extension name.
function drupal_phpunit_find_extension_directories($scan_directory) {
  $extensions = array();
  $dirs = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($scan_directory, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS));
  foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    if (strpos($dir->getPathname(), '.info.yml') !== FALSE) {
      // Cut off ".info.yml" from the filename for use as the extension name. We
      // use getRealPath() so that we can scan extensions represented by
      // directory aliases.
      $extensions[substr($dir->getFilename(), 0, -9)] = $dir->getPathInfo()
  return $extensions;

 * Returns directories under which contributed extensions may exist.
 * @param string $root
 *   (optional) Path to the root of the Drupal installation.
 * @return array
 *   An array of directories under which contributed extensions may exist.
function drupal_phpunit_contrib_extension_directory_roots($root = NULL) {
  if ($root === NULL) {
    $root = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));
  $paths = array(
    $root . '/core/modules',
    $root . '/core/profiles',
    $root . '/modules',
    $root . '/profiles',
    $root . '/themes',
  $sites_path = $root . '/sites';
  // Note this also checks sites/../modules and sites/../profiles.
  foreach (scandir($sites_path) as $site) {
    if ($site[0] === '.' || $site === 'simpletest') {
    $path = "$sites_path/$site";
    $paths[] = is_dir("$path/modules") ? realpath("$path/modules") : NULL;
    $paths[] = is_dir("$path/profiles") ? realpath("$path/profiles") : NULL;
    $paths[] = is_dir("$path/themes") ? realpath("$path/themes") : NULL;
  return array_filter($paths);

 * Registers the namespace for each extension directory with the autoloader.
 * @param array $dirs
 *   An associative array of extension directories, keyed by extension name.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of extension directories, keyed by their namespace.
function drupal_phpunit_get_extension_namespaces($dirs) {
  $namespaces = array();
  foreach ($dirs as $extension => $dir) {
    if (is_dir($dir . '/src')) {
      // Register the PSR-4 directory for module-provided classes.
      $namespaces['Drupal\\' . $extension . '\\'][] = $dir . '/src';
    if (is_dir($dir . '/tests/src')) {
      // Register the PSR-4 directory for PHPUnit test classes.
      $namespaces['Drupal\\Tests\\' . $extension . '\\'][] = $dir . '/tests/src';
  return $namespaces;

// We define the COMPOSER_INSTALL constant, so that PHPUnit knows where to
// autoload from. This is needed for tests run in isolation mode, because
// phpunit.xml.dist is located in a non-default directory relative to the
// PHPUnit executable.
  define('PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL', __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php');

 * Populate class loader with additional namespaces for tests.
 * We run this in a function to avoid setting the class loader to a global
 * that can change. This change can cause unpredictable false positives for
 * phpunit's global state change watcher. The class loader can be retrieved from
 * composer at any time by requiring autoload.php.
function drupal_phpunit_populate_class_loader() {

  /** @var \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader $loader */
  $loader = require __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php';

  // Start with classes in known locations.
  $loader->add('Drupal\\Tests', __DIR__);
  $loader->add('Drupal\\KernelTests', __DIR__);
  $loader->add('Drupal\\FunctionalTests', __DIR__);
  $loader->add('Drupal\\FunctionalJavascriptTests', __DIR__);

  if (!isset($GLOBALS['namespaces'])) {
    // Scan for arbitrary extension namespaces from core and contrib.
    $extension_roots = drupal_phpunit_contrib_extension_directory_roots();

    $dirs = array_map('drupal_phpunit_find_extension_directories', $extension_roots);
    $dirs = array_reduce($dirs, 'array_merge', array());
    $GLOBALS['namespaces'] = drupal_phpunit_get_extension_namespaces($dirs);
  foreach ($GLOBALS['namespaces'] as $prefix => $paths) {
    $loader->addPsr4($prefix, $paths);

  return $loader;

// Do class loader population.

// Set sane locale settings, to ensure consistent string, dates, times and
// numbers handling.
// @see \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel::bootEnvironment()
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');

// Set the default timezone. While this doesn't cause any tests to fail, PHP
// complains if 'date.timezone' is not set in php.ini. The Australia/Sydney
// timezone is chosen so all tests are run using an edge case scenario (UTC+10
// and DST). This choice is made to prevent timezone related regressions and
// reduce the fragility of the testing system in general.

// Runtime assertions. PHPUnit follows the php.ini assert.active setting for
// runtime assertions. By default this setting is on. Here we make a call to
// make PHP 5 and 7 handle assertion failures the same way, but this call does
// not turn runtime assertions on if they weren't on already.