 * @file
 * Sticky table headers.

(function ($, Drupal, displace) {

  'use strict';

   * Attaches sticky table headers.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attaches the sticky table header behavior.
  Drupal.behaviors.tableHeader = {
    attach: function (context) {
      $(window).one('scroll.TableHeaderInit', {context: context}, tableHeaderInitHandler);

  function scrollValue(position) {
    return document.documentElement[position] || document.body[position];

  // Select and initialize sticky table headers.
  function tableHeaderInitHandler(e) {
    var $tables = $(e.data.context).find('table.sticky-enabled').once('tableheader');
    var il = $tables.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < il; i++) {
      TableHeader.tables.push(new TableHeader($tables[i]));

  // Helper method to loop through tables and execute a method.
  function forTables(method, arg) {
    var tables = TableHeader.tables;
    var il = tables.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < il; i++) {

  function tableHeaderResizeHandler(e) {

  function tableHeaderOnScrollHandler(e) {

  function tableHeaderOffsetChangeHandler(e, offsets) {
    forTables('stickyPosition', offsets.top);

  // Bind event that need to change all tables.

     * When resizing table width can change, recalculate everything.
     * @ignore
    'resize.TableHeader': tableHeaderResizeHandler,

     * Bind only one event to take care of calling all scroll callbacks.
     * @ignore
    'scroll.TableHeader': tableHeaderOnScrollHandler
  // Bind to custom Drupal events.

     * Recalculate columns width when window is resized and when show/hide
     * weight is triggered.
     * @ignore
    'columnschange.TableHeader': tableHeaderResizeHandler,

     * Recalculate TableHeader.topOffset when viewport is resized.
     * @ignore
    'drupalViewportOffsetChange.TableHeader': tableHeaderOffsetChangeHandler

   * Constructor for the tableHeader object. Provides sticky table headers.
   * TableHeader will make the current table header stick to the top of the page
   * if the table is very long.
   * @constructor Drupal.TableHeader
   * @param {HTMLElement} table
   *   DOM object for the table to add a sticky header to.
   * @listens event:columnschange
  function TableHeader(table) {
    var $table = $(table);

     * @name Drupal.TableHeader#$originalTable
     * @type {HTMLElement}
    this.$originalTable = $table;

     * @type {jQuery}
    this.$originalHeader = $table.children('thead');

     * @type {jQuery}
    this.$originalHeaderCells = this.$originalHeader.find('> tr > th');

     * @type {null|bool}
    this.displayWeight = null;
    this.tableHeight = $table[0].clientHeight;
    this.tableOffset = this.$originalTable.offset();

    // React to columns change to avoid making checks in the scroll callback.
    this.$originalTable.on('columnschange', {tableHeader: this}, function (e, display) {
      var tableHeader = e.data.tableHeader;
      if (tableHeader.displayWeight === null || tableHeader.displayWeight !== display) {
      tableHeader.displayWeight = display;

    // Create and display sticky header.

   * Store the state of TableHeader.
  $.extend(TableHeader, /** @lends Drupal.TableHeader */{

     * This will store the state of all processed tables.
     * @type {Array.<Drupal.TableHeader>}
    tables: []

   * Extend TableHeader prototype.
  $.extend(TableHeader.prototype, /** @lends Drupal.TableHeader# */{

     * Minimum height in pixels for the table to have a sticky header.
     * @type {number}
    minHeight: 100,

     * Absolute position of the table on the page.
     * @type {?Drupal~displaceOffset}
    tableOffset: null,

     * Absolute position of the table on the page.
     * @type {?number}
    tableHeight: null,

     * Boolean storing the sticky header visibility state.
     * @type {bool}
    stickyVisible: false,

     * Create the duplicate header.
    createSticky: function () {
      // Clone the table header so it inherits original jQuery properties.
      var $stickyHeader = this.$originalHeader.clone(true);
      // Hide the table to avoid a flash of the header clone upon page load.
      this.$stickyTable = $('<table class="sticky-header"/>')
          visibility: 'hidden',
          position: 'fixed',
          top: '0px'

      this.$stickyHeaderCells = $stickyHeader.find('> tr > th');

      // Initialize all computations.

     * Set absolute position of sticky.
     * @param {number} offsetTop
     *   The top offset for the sticky header.
     * @param {number} offsetLeft
     *   The left offset for the sticky header.
     * @return {jQuery}
     *   The sticky table as a jQuery collection.
    stickyPosition: function (offsetTop, offsetLeft) {
      var css = {};
      if (typeof offsetTop === 'number') {
        css.top = offsetTop + 'px';
      if (typeof offsetLeft === 'number') {
        css.left = (this.tableOffset.left - offsetLeft) + 'px';
      return this.$stickyTable.css(css);

     * Returns true if sticky is currently visible.
     * @return {bool}
     *   The visibility status.
    checkStickyVisible: function () {
      var scrollTop = scrollValue('scrollTop');
      var tableTop = this.tableOffset.top - displace.offsets.top;
      var tableBottom = tableTop + this.tableHeight;
      var visible = false;

      if (tableTop < scrollTop && scrollTop < (tableBottom - this.minHeight)) {
        visible = true;

      this.stickyVisible = visible;
      return visible;

     * Check if sticky header should be displayed.
     * This function is throttled to once every 250ms to avoid unnecessary
     * calls.
     * @param {jQuery.Event} e
     *   The scroll event.
    onScroll: function (e) {
      // Track horizontal positioning relative to the viewport.
      this.stickyPosition(null, scrollValue('scrollLeft'));
      this.$stickyTable.css('visibility', this.stickyVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden');

     * Event handler: recalculates position of the sticky table header.
     * @param {jQuery.Event} event
     *   Event being triggered.
    recalculateSticky: function (event) {
      // Update table size.
      this.tableHeight = this.$originalTable[0].clientHeight;

      // Update offset top.
      displace.offsets.top = displace.calculateOffset('top');
      this.tableOffset = this.$originalTable.offset();
      this.stickyPosition(displace.offsets.top, scrollValue('scrollLeft'));

      // Update columns width.
      var $that = null;
      var $stickyCell = null;
      var display = null;
      // Resize header and its cell widths.
      // Only apply width to visible table cells. This prevents the header from
      // displaying incorrectly when the sticky header is no longer visible.
      var il = this.$originalHeaderCells.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < il; i++) {
        $that = $(this.$originalHeaderCells[i]);
        $stickyCell = this.$stickyHeaderCells.eq($that.index());
        display = $that.css('display');
        if (display !== 'none') {
          $stickyCell.css({width: $that.css('width'), display: display});
        else {
          $stickyCell.css('display', 'none');
      this.$stickyTable.css('width', this.$originalTable.outerWidth());

  // Expose constructor in the public space.
  Drupal.TableHeader = TableHeader;

}(jQuery, Drupal, window.parent.Drupal.displace));