Development Notes ----------------- Below are useful commands that make it a little easier for me to maintain the Webform module. ### Patching **[Create and manage patches](** ```bash # Create and checkout issue branch git checkout -b [issue-number]-[issue-description] # Push issue branch to D.O. (optional) git push -u origin [issue-number]-[issue-description] # Create patch by comparing (current) issue branch with 8.x-5.x branch git diff 8.x-5.x > [project_name]-[issue-description]-[issue-number]-[comment-number]-[drupal-version].patch ``` **Ignoring *.patch, *.diff, and .gitignore files** ```bash cat >> .gitignore <<'EOF' .gitignore *.patch *.diff EOF ``` **[Apply patch](** ```bash curl[patch-name].patch | git apply - ``` **[Revert patch](** ```bash curl[patch-name].patch | git apply -R - ``` ### Branching **Merge branch** ```bash # Merge branch with all commits git checkout 8.x-5.x git merge [issue-number]-[issue-description] git push # Merge branch as a single new commit git checkout 8.x-5.x git merge --squash [issue-number]-[issue-description] git commit -m 'Issue #[issue-number]: [issue-description]' git push ``` **Exporting a branch** ```bash # Create a zip archive for a branch git archive --format zip --output webform-[issue-number]-[issue-description].zip [issue-number]-[issue-description] ``` **Delete issue branch** ```bash # Delete local issue branch. git branch -d [issue-number]-[issue-description] # Delete remote issue branch. git push origin :[issue-number]-[issue-description] ``` ### [Interdiff]( ```bash interdiff \ [issue-number]-[old-comment-number].patch \ [issue-number]-[new-comment-number].patch \ > interdiff-[issue-number]-[old-comment-number]-[new-comment-number].txt ``` ### Drush **Reinstall Webform module.** ```bash drush php-eval 'module_load_include('install', 'webform'); webform_uninstall();'; drush cron; drush php-eval 'module_load_include('install', 'webform_node'); webform_node_uninstall();'; drush cron; drush webform-purge --all -y; drush pmu -y webform_test; drush pmu -y webform_devel; drush pmu -y webform_examples; drush pmu -y webform_templates; drush pmu -y webform_ui; drush pmu -y webform_node; drush pmu -y webform; drush en -y webform webform_ui webform_devel webform_examples webform_templates webform_node; # Optional. drush en -y webform_test; drush en -y webform_test_third_party_settings; drush en -y webform_test_translation; drush pmu -y webform_test_third_party_settings webform_test_translation; ``` **Reinstall Webform Test module.** ```bash drush webform-purge --all -y; drush pmu -y webform_test; drush en -y webform_test; ``` **Install extra modules.** ```bash drush en -y webform captcha image_captcha honeypot validators; ``` **Create test roles and users.** ```bash drush role-create developer drush role-add-perm developer 'view the administration theme,access toolbar,access administration pages,access content overview,access webform overview,administer webform,edit webform assets,administer blocks,administer nodes' drush user-create developer --password="developer" drush user-add-role developer developer drush role-create admin drush role-add-perm admin 'view the administration theme,access toolbar,access administration pages,access content overview,access webform overview,administer webform submission' drush user-create admin --password="admin" drush user-add-role admin admin drush role-create manager drush role-add-perm manager 'view the administration theme,access toolbar,access administration pages,access content overview,access webform overview' drush user-create manager --password="manager" drush user-add-role manager manager drush role-create viewer drush role-add-perm viewer 'view the administration theme,access toolbar,access administration pages,access content overview,access webform overview,view any webform submission' drush user-create viewer --password="viewer" drush user-add-role viewer viewer drush role-create user drush user-create user --password="user" drush user-add-role user user drush role-create any drush user-create any --password="any" drush role-add-perm any 'view the administration theme,access administration pages,access toolbar,access webform overview,edit webform assets,create webform,edit any webform,delete any webform,view webform submissions any node,edit webform submissions any node,delete webform submissions any node' drush user-add-role any any drush role-create own drush user-create own --password="own" drush role-add-perm own 'view the administration theme,access administration pages,access toolbar,access webform overview,edit webform assets,create webform,edit own webform,delete own webform,view webform submissions own node,edit webform submissions own node,delete webform submissions own node' drush user-add-role own own ``` **Create test submissions for 'Contact' and 'Example: Elements' webform.** ```bash drush webform-generate contact drush webform-generate example_elements ``` **Test update hooks** ```bash drush php-eval 'module_load_include('install', 'webform'); ($message = webform_update_8001()) ? drupal_set_message($message) : NULL;' ``` **Access developer information** ```bash drush role-add-perm anonymous 'access devel information' drush role-add-perm authenticated 'access devel information' ``` **Reinstall** ```bash drush -y site-install\ --account-mail=""\ --account-name="webmaster"\ --account-pass="drupal.admin"\ --site-mail=""\ --site-name="Drupal 8 (Webform)"; # Enable core modules drush -y pm-enable\ book\ simpletest\ telephone\ language\ locale\ content_translation\ config_translation; # Disable core modules drush -y pm-uninstall\ update; # Enable contrib modules drush -y pm-enable\ devel\ devel_generate\ kint\ webprofiler\ webform\ webform_devel\ webform_examples\ webform_node\ webform_templates\ webform_test\ webform_test_translation; ``` ### How to take a screencast **Setup** - Drupal - Install Drupal locally. - Remove all blocks in first sidebar. http://localhost/d8_dev/admin/structure/block - Desktop - Switch to laptop. - Turn 'Hiding on' in the Dock System Preferences. - Set screen display to 'Large Text' - Chrome - Hide Bookmarks. - Hide Extra Icons. - Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen. - Delete all webform.* keys from local storage. **Generate list of screencasts** ```php $help = _webform_help(); print '
foreach ($help as $name => $info) {
  print "webform-" . $name . PHP_EOL;
  print 'Webform Help: ' . $info['title'] . PHP_EOL;
  print PHP_EOL;
print '
'; exit; ``` **Uploading** - Title : Webform Help: {title} [v01] - Tags: Drupal 8,Webform,Form Builder - Privacy: Unlisted