['path: '], 'syslog.settings' => ['facility: '], 'simpletest.settings' => TRUE, ]; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // @todo ModuleInstaller calls system_rebuild_module_data which is part of // system.module, see https://www.drupal.org/node/2208429. include_once $this->root . '/core/modules/system/system.module'; // Set up the state values so we know where to find the files when running // drupal_get_filename(). // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491 system_rebuild_module_data(); } /** * Tests if installed config is equal to the exported config. * * @dataProvider providerTestModuleConfig */ public function testModuleConfig($module) { // System and user are required in order to be able to install some of the // other modules. Therefore they are put into static::$modules, which though // doesn't install config files, so import those config files explicitly. switch ($module) { case 'system': case 'user': $this->installConfig([$module]); break; } $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/'; /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface $module_installer */ $module_installer = $this->container->get('module_installer'); // @todo https://www.drupal.org/node/2308745 Rest has an implicit dependency // on the Node module remove once solved. if (in_array($module, ['rest', 'hal'])) { $module_installer->install(['node']); } // Work out any additional modules and themes that need installing to create // and optional config. $optional_config_storage = new FileStorage($module_path . InstallStorage::CONFIG_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORY, StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION); $modules_to_install = [$module]; $themes_to_install = []; foreach ($optional_config_storage->listAll() as $config_name) { $data = $optional_config_storage->read($config_name); if (isset($data['dependencies']['module'])) { $modules_to_install = array_merge($modules_to_install, $data['dependencies']['module']); } if (isset($data['dependencies']['theme'])) { $themes_to_install = array_merge($themes_to_install, $data['dependencies']['theme']); } } $module_installer->install(array_unique($modules_to_install)); $this->container->get('theme_installer')->install($themes_to_install); // Test configuration in the module's config/install directory. $module_config_storage = new FileStorage($module_path . InstallStorage::CONFIG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY, StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION); $this->doTestsOnConfigStorage($module_config_storage); // Test configuration in the module's config/optional directory. $this->doTestsOnConfigStorage($optional_config_storage); } /** * Tests that default config matches the installed config. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $default_config_storage * The default config storage to test. */ protected function doTestsOnConfigStorage(StorageInterface $default_config_storage) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManagerInterface $config_manager */ $config_manager = $this->container->get('config.manager'); // Just connect directly to the config table so we don't need to worry about // the cache layer. $active_config_storage = $this->container->get('config.storage'); foreach ($default_config_storage->listAll() as $config_name) { if ($active_config_storage->exists($config_name)) { // If it is a config entity re-save it. This ensures that any // recalculation of dependencies does not cause config change. if ($entity_type = $config_manager->getEntityTypeIdByName($config_name)) { $entity_storage = $config_manager ->getEntityManager() ->getStorage($entity_type); $id = $entity_storage->getIDFromConfigName($config_name, $entity_storage->getEntityType() ->getConfigPrefix()); $entity_storage->load($id)->calculateDependencies()->save(); } $result = $config_manager->diff($default_config_storage, $active_config_storage, $config_name); $this->assertConfigDiff($result, $config_name, static::$skippedConfig); } } } /** * Test data provider for ::testModuleConfig(). * * @return array * An array of module names to test. */ public function providerTestModuleConfig() { $module_dirs = array_keys(iterator_to_array(new \FilesystemIterator(__DIR__ . '/../../../../modules/'))); $module_names = array_map(function($path) { return str_replace(__DIR__ . '/../../../../modules/', '', $path); }, $module_dirs); $modules_keyed = array_combine($module_names, $module_names); $data = array_map(function ($module) { return [$module]; }, $modules_keyed); return $data; } }