webform.settings: type: config_object label: 'Webform settings' mapping: settings: type: mapping label: 'Webform default settings' mapping: default_status: type: string label: 'Default status' default_page_base_path: type: string label: 'Default base path' default_submit_button_label: type: label label: 'Default submit button label' default_reset_button_label: type: label label: 'Default reset button label' default_form_submit_once: type: boolean label: 'Prevent duplicate submissions' default_form_open_message: type: text label: 'Default form open message' default_form_close_message: type: text label: 'Default form close message' default_form_exception_message: type: text label: 'Default form exception message' default_form_confidential_message: type: text label: 'Default form confidential message' default_form_access_denied_message: type: text label: 'Default form access denied message' default_form_novalidate: type: boolean label: 'Disable client-side validation' default_form_disable_inline_errors: type: boolean label: 'Disable inline form errors' default_form_required: type: boolean label: 'Display required indicator' default_form_required_label: type: label label: 'Display required indicator label' default_form_unsaved: type: boolean label: 'Warn users about unsaved changes' default_form_disable_back: type: boolean label: 'Disable back button' default_form_submit_back: type: boolean label: 'Submit previous wizard page when browser back button is clicked' default_form_details_toggle: type: boolean label: 'Display collapse/expand all details link' default_form_file_limit: type: string label: 'Default file upload limit per form' default_wizard_prev_button_label: type: label label: 'Default wizard previous page button label' default_wizard_next_button_label: type: label label: 'Default wizard next page button label' default_wizard_start_label: type: label label: 'Default wizard start label' default_wizard_confirmation_label: type: label label: 'Default wizard confirmation label' default_preview_next_button_label: type: label label: 'Default preview button label' default_preview_prev_button_label: type: label label: 'Default preview previous page button label' default_preview_label: type: text label: 'Default preview label' default_preview_title: type: text label: 'Default preview page title' default_preview_message: type: text label: 'Default preview message' default_draft_button_label: type: label label: 'Default draft button label' default_draft_saved_message: type: text label: 'Default draft save message' default_draft_loaded_message: type: text label: 'Default draft load message' default_confirmation_message: type: text label: 'Default confirmation message' default_confirmation_back_label: type: text label: 'Default confirmation back label' default_limit_total_message: type: text label: 'Default limit total message' default_limit_user_message: type: text label: 'Default limit user message' default_submission_label: type: label label: 'Default submission label' default_submission_log: type: boolean label: 'Default submission logging' default_submission_views: type: sequence label: 'Default submission views' sequence: type: mapping label: 'Submission view' mapping: title: type: text label: Title view: type: string label: 'View name / Display ID' global_routes: type: sequence label: 'Apply to global' sequence: type: string label: Route webform_routes: type: sequence label: 'Apply to webform' sequence: type: string label: Route node_routes: type: sequence label: 'Apply to node' sequence: type: string label: Route default_submission_views_replace: type: mapping label: 'Default submission view replace' mapping: global_routes: type: sequence label: 'Replace to global' sequence: type: string label: Route webform_routes: type: sequence label: 'Replace to webform' sequence: type: string label: Route node_routes: type: sequence label: 'Replace to node' sequence: type: string label: Route default_submission_access_denied_message: type: text label: 'Default submission access denied message' default_submission_exception_message: type: text label: 'Default submission exception message' default_submission_locked_message: type: text label: 'Default submission locked message' default_previous_submission_message: type: text label: 'Default previous submission message' default_previous_submissions_message: type: text label: 'Default previous submissions message' default_autofill_message: type: text label: 'Default submission autofill message' form_classes: type: string label: 'Form CSS classes ' button_classes: type: string label: 'Button CSS classes' preview_classes: type: string label: 'Preview CSS classes' confirmation_classes: type: string label: 'Confirmation CSS classes' confirmation_back_classes: type: string label: 'Confirmation back link CSS classes' dialog: type: boolean label: 'Enable webform dialog support' dialog_options: type: sequence label: 'Preset dialog options' sequence: type: mapping label: 'Dialog options' mapping: name: type: string label: 'Dialog name' title: type: label label: 'Dialog title' width: type: integer label: 'Dialog width' height: type: integer label: 'Dialog height' assets: type: mapping label: 'Global Assets (CSS/JavaScript)' mapping: css: type: string label: 'CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)' javascript: type: string label: JavaScript element: type: mapping label: 'Element default settings' mapping: empty_message: type: label label: 'Empty element message/placeholder' allowed_tags: type: string label: 'Allowed tags' wrapper_classes: type: string label: 'Wrapper CSS classes' classes: type: string label: 'Element CSS classes' horizontal_rule_classes: type: string label: 'Horizontal rule CSS classes' default_icheck: type: string label: 'Default iCheck style' default_description_display: type: string label: 'Default title display' default_more_title: type: label label: 'Default more title' default_section_title_tag: type: label label: 'Default section title tag' default_empty_option: type: boolean label: 'Default empty option' default_empty_option_required: type: label label: 'Default empty option required label' default_empty_option_optional: type: label label: 'Default empty option optional label' default_google_maps_api_key: type: string label: 'Default Google Maps API key' default_algolia_places_app_id: type: string label: 'Default Algolia application id' default_algolia_places_api_key: type: string label: 'Default Algolia API key' excluded_elements: type: ignore label: 'Excluded types' html_editor: type: mapping label: 'HTML editor settings' mapping: disabled: type: boolean label: 'Disable HTML editor' element_format: type: string label: 'Element text format' mail_format: type: string label: 'Mail text format' tidy: type: boolean label: 'Tidy HTML markup' make_unused_managed_files_temporary: type: boolean label: 'Controls if unused HTML editor files should be marked temporary' file: type: mapping label: 'File upload default settings' mapping: file_public: type: boolean label: 'Allow files to be uploaded to public file system.' file_private_redirect: type: boolean label: 'Redirect anonymous users to login when attempting to access private file uploads.' file_private_redirect_message: type: text label: 'Login message when access denied to private file uploads.' default_max_filesize: type: string label: 'Default maximum file upload size' default_managed_file_extensions: type: string label: 'Default allowed managed file extensions' default_image_file_extensions: type: string label: 'Default allowed image file extensions' default_video_file_extensions: type: string label: 'Default allowed video file extensions' default_audio_file_extensions: type: string label: 'Default allowed audio file extensions' default_document_file_extensions: type: string label: 'Default allowed document file extensions' make_unused_managed_files_temporary: type: boolean label: 'Controls if unused webform submission files should be marked temporary' delete_temporary_managed_files: type: boolean label: 'Immediately deleted temporary managed webform submission files' format: type: ignore label: 'Format default settings' mail: type: mapping label: 'Email default settings' mapping: default_to_mail: type: email label: 'Default to email' default_from_mail: type: email label: 'Default from email' default_from_name: type: label label: 'Default from name' default_reply_to: type: label label: 'Default reply to email' default_return_path: type: label label: 'Default return path email' default_sender_mail: type: email label: 'Default sender email' default_sender_name: type: label label: 'Default sender name' default_subject: type: label label: 'Default email subject' default_body_text: type: text label: 'Default email body (Plain text)' default_body_html: type: text label: 'Default email body (HTML)' roles: type: sequence label: Roles sequence: type: string label: Role export: type: mapping label: 'Export default settings' mapping: temp_directory: type: string label: 'Export temporary directory' exporter: type: string label: 'Results exporter' delimiter: type: string label: 'Delimiter text format' multiple_delimiter: type: string label: 'Element multiple values delimiter' excel: type: boolean label: 'Open HTML table in Excel' file_name: type: string label: 'File name' header_format: type: string label: 'Column header format' header_prefix: type: boolean label: 'Column header prefix' header_prefix_key_delimiter: type: string label: 'Column header prefix key delimiter' header_prefix_label_delimiter: type: string label: 'Column header prefix label delimiter' entity_reference_items: type: sequence label: 'Entity reference format items' sequence: type: string label: 'Entity reference format item' options_single_format: type: string label: 'Options single value format' options_multiple_format: type: string label: 'Options multiple values format' options_item_format: type: string label: 'Options item format' likert_answers_format: type: string label: 'Likert answers format' signature_format: type: string label: 'Signature format' composite_element_item_format: type: string label: 'Composite element item format' excluded_exporters: type: ignore label: 'Excluded submission exporters' handler: type: mapping label: 'Handler settings' mapping: excluded_handlers: type: ignore label: 'Excluded submission handlers' batch: type: mapping label: 'Batch settings' mapping: default_batch_export_size: type: integer label: 'Batch export size' default_batch_update_size: type: integer label: 'Batch update size' default_batch_delete_size: type: integer label: 'Batch delete size' default_batch_email_size: type: integer label: 'Batch email size' purge: type: mapping label: 'Purging settings' mapping: cron_size: type: integer label: 'Amount of submissions to process' test: type: mapping label: 'Test settings' mapping: types: type: text label: 'Test types' names: type: text label: 'Test names' ui: type: mapping label: 'User interface settings' mapping: video_display: type: string label: 'Video display' help_disabled: type: boolean label: 'Disable help' dialog_disabled: type: boolean label: 'Disable dialogs' contribute_disabled: type: boolean label: 'Disable contribute' offcanvas_disabled: type: boolean label: 'Disable system tray' promotions_disabled: type: boolean label: 'Disable promotions' details_save: type: boolean label: 'Save details open/close state' description_help: type: boolean label: 'Display element description as help text (tooltip)' libraries: type: mapping label: 'Library settings' mapping: excluded_libraries: type: ignore label: 'Excluded libraries' cdn: type: boolean label: 'Use CDN' requirements: type: mapping label: Requirements mapping: cdn: type: boolean label: 'Check if CDN is being used for external libraries' bootstrap: type: boolean label: 'Check if Webform Bootstrap Integration module is installed when using the Bootstrap theme' spam: type: boolean label: 'Check if SPAM protection module is installed' contribute: type: mapping label: Contribute mapping: account_type: type: string label: 'Account type' account_id: type: string label: 'Account ID' third_party_settings: type: sequence label: 'Third party settings' sequence: type: 'webform.admin_settings.third_party.[%key]'