'webform.handler.*': type: mapping label: 'Handler settings' webform.handler.action: type: mapping label: Action mapping: states: type: sequence label: States sequence: type: string label: State notes: label: Notes type: text sticky: label: Flag type: boolean locked: label: Locked type: boolean data: label: Data type: text message: label: Message type: text message_type: label: 'Message type' type: string debug: type: boolean label: 'Enable debugging' webform.handler.log: type: mapping label: Log mapping: { } webform.handler.email: type: mapping label: Email mapping: states: type: sequence label: States sequence: type: string label: State to_mail: label: 'Email to address' type: email to_options: label: 'Email to address options' type: ignore bcc_mail: label: 'Email BCC address' type: email bcc_options: label: 'Email BCC address options' type: ignore cc_mail: label: 'Email CC address' type: email cc_options: label: 'Email CC address options' type: ignore from_mail: label: 'Email from address' type: email from_options: label: 'Email from address options' type: ignore from_name: label: 'Email from name' type: label reply_to: type: label label: 'Reply to email' return_path: type: label label: 'Return path email' sender_mail: type: email label: 'Sender email' sender_name: type: label label: 'Sender name' subject: label: 'Email subject' type: label body: label: 'Email body' type: text excluded_elements: type: sequence label: 'Exclude elements' sequence: type: string label: 'Element key' ignore_access: type: boolean label: 'Always include private and restricted access elements.' exclude_empty: type: boolean label: 'Exclude empty elements' exclude_empty_checkbox: type: boolean label: 'Exclude unselected checkboxes' html: type: boolean label: HTML attachments: type: boolean label: Attachments twig: type: boolean label: Twig theme_name: type: string label: 'Theme name' debug: type: boolean label: 'Enable debugging' webform.handler.remote_post: type: mapping label: 'Remote Post' mapping: method: label: Method type: string type: label: Type type: string excluded_data: type: sequence label: 'Excluded data' sequence: type: string label: 'Data name' custom_data: label: 'Custom data' type: string custom_options: label: 'Custom options' type: string debug: type: boolean label: 'Enable debugging' completed_url: label: 'Completed URL' type: uri completed_custom_data: label: 'Completed custom data' type: string updated_url: label: 'Updated URL' type: uri updated_custom_data: label: 'Updated custom data' type: string deleted_url: label: 'Deleted URL' type: uri deleted_custom_data: label: 'Deleted custom data' type: string draft_url: label: 'Draft URL' type: uri draft_custom_data: label: 'Draft custom data' type: string converted_url: label: 'Converted URL' type: uri converted_custom_data: label: 'Converted custom data' type: string message: type: text label: 'Error response message' messages: label: 'Error response messages' type: sequence sequence: type: mapping label: Message mapping: code: type: integer label: 'Response status code' message: type: text label: 'Response message' webform.handler.settings: type: mapping label: Settings mapping: debug: type: string label: 'Enable debugging' ajax: type: string label: 'Use Ajax' ajax_scroll_top: type: string label: 'Ajax scroll top' page: type: string label: 'Enable page' page_submit_path: type: string label: 'Page submit URL alias' page_confirm_path: type: string label: 'Page confirm URL alias' form_submit_once: type: string label: 'Prevent duplicate submissions' form_open_message: type: text label: 'Form open message' form_close_message: type: text label: 'Form closed message' form_exception_message: type: text label: 'Form exception message' form_previous_submissions: type: string label: 'Form previous submissions notification' form_confidential: type: string label: 'Form confidential' form_confidential_message: type: text label: 'Form confidential message' form_convert_anonymous: type: string label: 'Convert anonymous drafts and submissions to authenticated' form_prepopulate: type: string label: 'Form prepopulate elements' form_prepopulate_source_entity: type: string label: 'Form prepopulate source entity' form_prepopulate_source_entity_required: type: string label: 'Form prepopulate source entity required' form_prepopulate_source_entity_type: type: string label: 'Form prepopulate source entity type' form_unsaved: type: string label: 'Warn users about unsaved changes' form_disable_back: type: string label: 'Disable back button' form_submit_back: type: string label: 'Submit previous wizard page when browser back button is clicked' form_disable_autocomplete: type: string label: 'Disable autocompletion' form_novalidate: type: string label: 'Disable client-side validation' form_disable_inline_errors: type: string label: 'Disable inline form errors' form_required: type: string label: 'Display required indicator' form_autofocus: type: string label: Autofocus form_details_toggle: type: string label: 'Display collapse/expand all details link' form_reset: type: string label: 'Display reset button' form_access_denied: type: string label: 'Form access denied action' form_access_denied_title: type: label label: 'Form access denied title' form_access_denied_message: type: text label: 'Form access denied message' form_access_denied_attributes: type: ignore label: 'Form access denied message attributes' submission_label: type: label label: 'Default submission label' submission_exception_message: type: text label: 'Submission exception message' submission_locked_message: type: text label: 'Submission locked message' submission_log: type: string label: 'Submission logging' submission_views: type: sequence label: 'Submission views' sequence: type: mapping label: 'Submission view' mapping: title: type: text label: Title view: type: string label: 'View name / Display ID' webform_routes: type: sequence label: 'Apply to webform' sequence: type: string label: Route node_routes: type: sequence label: 'Apply to node' sequence: type: string label: Route submission_views_replace: type: mapping label: 'Submission view replace' mapping: global_routes: type: sequence label: 'Replace to global' sequence: type: string label: Route webform_routes: type: sequence label: 'Replace to webform' sequence: type: string label: Route node_routes: type: sequence label: 'Replace to node' sequence: type: string label: Route submission_user_columns: type: sequence label: 'Submission user columns' sequence: type: string label: 'Column name' submission_user_duplicate: type: string label: 'Submission user duplicate' submission_access_denied: type: string label: 'Submission access denied action' submission_access_denied_title: type: label label: 'Submission access denied title' submission_access_denied_message: type: text label: 'Submission access denied message' submission_access_denied_attributes: type: ignore label: 'Submission access denied message attributes' previous_submission_message: type: text label: 'Previous submission message' previous_submissions_message: type: text label: 'Previous submissions message' autofill: type: string label: 'Autofill with previous submission' autofill_message: type: text label: 'Autofill with previous submission message' autofill_excluded_elements: type: sequence label: 'Autofill excluded elements' sequence: type: string label: 'Element key' wizard_progress_bar: type: string label: 'Show wizard progress bar' wizard_progress_pages: type: string label: 'Show wizard progress pages' wizard_progress_percentage: type: string label: 'Show wizard progress pages' wizard_progress_link: type: string label: 'Link to previous pages in progress bar' wizard_start_label: type: label label: 'Wizard start label' wizard_start_attributes: type: ignore label: 'Wizard start attributes' wizard_preview_link: type: string label: 'Link to previous pages in preview' wizard_confirmation: type: string label: 'Include confirmation page in progress' wizard_confirmation_label: type: label label: 'Wizard confirmation label' wizard_track: type: text label: 'Track wizard progress in the URL' preview: type: string label: 'Enable preview page' preview_label: type: text label: 'Preview label' preview_title: type: text label: 'Preview page title' preview_message: type: text label: 'Preview message' preview_attributes: type: ignore label: 'Preview attributes' preview_excluded_elements: type: sequence label: 'Preview excluded elements' sequence: type: string label: 'Element key' preview_exclude_empty: type: string label: 'Preview exclude empty elements' preview_exclude_empty_checkbox: type: string label: 'Preview exclude unselected checkboxes' draft: type: string label: 'Allow users to save and finish the webform later.' draft_multiple: type: string label: 'Allow users to save multiple drafts' draft_auto_save: type: string label: 'Automatically save as draft when previewing and when there are validation errors.' draft_saved_message: type: text label: 'Draft saved message' draft_loaded_message: type: text label: 'Draft loaded message' confirmation_type: type: string label: 'Confirmation type' confirmation_url: type: string label: 'Confirmation URL' confirmation_title: type: label label: 'Confirmation title' confirmation_message: type: text label: 'Confirmation message' confirmation_attributes: type: ignore label: 'Confirmation attributes' confirmation_back: type: string label: 'Display back to webform link.' confirmation_back_label: type: text label: 'Confirmation back link label' confirmation_back_attributes: type: ignore label: 'Confirmation back link attributes' confirmation_exclude_query: type: string label: 'Exclude query string from confirmation URL' confirmation_exclude_token: type: string label: 'Exclude token from confirmation URL' limit_total: type: string label: 'Limit total submissions' limit_total_interval: type: string label: 'Limit total interval' limit_total_message: type: text label: 'Limit total message' limit_total_unique: type: string label: 'Limit total to one submission per source entity' limit_user: type: string label: 'Limit user submissions' limit_user_interval: type: string label: 'Limit user interval' limit_user_message: type: text label: 'Limit user message' limit_user_unique: type: string label: 'Limit user to one submission per source entity' entity_limit_total: type: string label: 'Entity limit total submissions' entity_limit_total_interval: type: string label: 'Entity limit total interval' entity_limit_user: type: string label: 'Entity limit user submissions' entity_limit_user_interval: type: string label: 'Entity limit user interval' purge: type: string label: 'Default purging' purge_days: type: string label: 'Default days to retain submissions' results_disabled: type: string label: 'Results disabled' results_disabled_ignore: type: string label: 'Ignore disabled results warning' token_update: type: string label: 'Allow updates using token'