[ 'variables' => ['info' => []], ], 'webform_help_video_youtube' => [ 'variables' => ['youtube_id' => NULL, 'autoplay' => TRUE], ], 'webform_contribute' => [ 'variables' => [ 'account' => [], 'membership' => [], 'contribution' => [], ], ], 'webform' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_actions' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_handler_action_summary' => [ 'variables' => ['settings' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_handler_debug_summary' => [ 'variables' => ['settings' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_handler_email_summary' => [ 'variables' => ['settings' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_handler_remote_post_summary' => [ 'variables' => ['settings' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_handler_settings_summary' => [ 'variables' => ['settings' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_confirmation' => [ 'variables' => ['webform' => NULL, 'source_entity' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL], ], 'webform_required' => [ 'variables' => ['label' => NULL], ], 'webform_submission' => [ 'render element' => 'elements', ], 'webform_submission_form' => [ 'render element' => 'form', ], 'webform_submission_navigation' => [ 'variables' => ['webform_submission' => NULL], ], 'webform_submission_information' => [ 'variables' => ['webform_submission' => NULL, 'source_entity' => NULL, 'open' => TRUE], ], 'webform_element_base_html' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => []], ], 'webform_element_base_text' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => []], ], 'webform_container_base_html' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => []], ], 'webform_container_base_text' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => []], ], 'webform_element_help' => [ 'variables' => ['help' => NULL, 'help_title' => '', 'attributes' => []], ], 'webform_element_more' => [ 'variables' => ['more' => NULL, 'more_title' => '', 'attributes' => []], ], 'webform_element_managed_file' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => [], 'file' => NULL], ], 'webform_element_audio_file' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => [], 'file' => NULL], ], 'webform_element_document_file' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => [], 'file' => NULL], ], 'webform_element_image_file' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => [], 'file' => NULL, 'style_name' => NULL, 'format' => NULL], ], 'webform_element_video_file' => [ 'variables' => ['element' => [], 'value' => NULL, 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'options' => [], 'file' => NULL], ], 'webform_email_html' => [ 'variables' => ['subject' => '', 'body' => '', 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_email_message_html' => [ 'variables' => ['message' => '', 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_email_message_text' => [ 'variables' => ['message' => '', 'webform_submission' => NULL, 'handler' => NULL], ], 'webform_horizontal_rule' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_message' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_section' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_composite_address' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_composite_contact' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_composite_location' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_composite_link' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_composite_name' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_composite_telephone' => [ 'render element' => 'element', ], 'webform_codemirror' => [ 'variables' => ['code' => NULL, 'type' => 'text'], ], 'webform_progress' => [ 'variables' => [ 'webform' => NULL, 'current_page' => NULL, 'operation' => NULL, ], ], 'webform_progress_bar' => [ 'variables' => [ 'webform' => NULL, 'current_page' => NULL, 'operation' => NULL, 'max_pages' => 10, ], ], 'webform_progress_tracker' => [ 'variables' => [ 'webform' => NULL, 'current_page' => NULL, 'operation' => NULL, 'max_pages' => 10, ], ], ]; // Since any rendering of a webform is going to require 'webform.theme.inc' // we are going to just add it to every template. foreach ($info as &$template) { $template['file'] = 'includes/webform.theme.template.inc'; } return $info; } /** * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter(). */ function webform_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) { // Allow attributes to be defined for status messages so that #states // can be added to messages. // @see \Drupal\webform\Element\WebformMessage if (!isset($theme_registry['status_messages']['variables']['attributes'])) { $theme_registry['status_messages']['variables']['attributes'] = []; } } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocessors. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for single local action link templates. * * Applies custom link attributes to local actions. * Custom attributes are used to open Webform UI modals. * * @see template_preprocess_menu_local_action(); * @see \Drupal\webform\WebformEntityHandlersForm * @see \Drupal\webform_ui\WebformUiEntityEditForm * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2897396 */ function webform_preprocess_menu_local_action(&$variables) { $link = $variables['element']['#link']; // Only need to update local actions with link attributes. if (!isset($link['attributes'])) { return; } $link += [ 'localized_options' => [], ]; $link['localized_options']['attributes'] = $link['attributes']; $link['localized_options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'button'; $link['localized_options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'button-action'; $link['localized_options']['set_active_class'] = TRUE; $variables['link'] = [ '#type' => 'link', '#title' => $link['title'], '#options' => $link['localized_options'], '#url' => $link['url'], ]; } /** * Prepares variables for checkboxes templates. * * @see \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElement\OptionsBase */ function webform_preprocess_checkboxes(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } _webform_preprocess_options($variables); } /** * Prepares variables for radios templates. * * @see \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElement\OptionsBase */ function webform_preprocess_radios(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } _webform_preprocess_options($variables); } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocess tables. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for table templates. */ function webform_preprocess_table(&$variables) { // Add links to 'Translate' webform tab. if (\Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteName() === 'entity.webform.config_translation_overview') { /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $webform */ $webform = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('webform'); foreach ($variables['rows'] as &$row) { // Check first cell. if (!isset($row['cells'][0]['content']) || !isset($row['cells'][0]['content']['#markup'])) { continue; } // Check last cell edit link. if (!isset($row['cells'][1]['content']) || !isset($row['cells'][1]['content']['#links']) || !isset($row['cells'][1]['content']['#links']['edit'])) { continue; } // Get language from edit link. $route_parameters = $row['cells'][1]['content']['#links']['edit']['url']->getRouteParameters(); $langcode = (isset($route_parameters['langcode'])) ? $route_parameters['langcode'] : NULL; $language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguage($langcode); // Convert first to link. $row['cells'][0]['content'] = [ '#type' => 'link', '#url' => $webform->toUrl('canonical', ['language' => $language]), '#title' => $row['cells'][0]['content'], ]; } } } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocess containers. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for datetime form element templates. */ function webform_preprocess_datetime_form(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } // Add .container-inline to datetime form wrapper which is missing from the // stable base theme. // @see core/themes/classy/templates/form/datetime-form.html.twig // @see core/themes/stable/templates/form/datetime-form.html.twig $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'container-inline'; } /** * Prepares variables for details element templates. */ function webform_preprocess_details(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } // Setup description, help, and more. _webform_preprocess_element($variables); $element = &$variables['element']; // Hide details title. if (isset($element['#title_display']) && $element['#title_display'] === 'invisible') { $variables['title'] = WebformAccessibilityHelper::buildVisuallyHidden($variables['title']); } // Remove invalid 'required' and 'aria-required' attributes from details. if (isset($element['#webform_key'])) { unset( $variables['attributes']['required'], $variables['attributes']['aria-required'] ); } } /** * Prepares variables for fieldset element templates. */ function webform_preprocess_fieldset(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } // Setup description, help, and more. _webform_preprocess_element($variables, ['legend', 'title']); $element = &$variables['element']; // If the description is displayed 'before' we need to move it to the // fieldset's prefix. // @see fieldset.html.twig if (isset($element['#description_display']) && $element['#description_display'] === 'before' && !empty($variables['description']['content'])) { if (isset($variables['prefix'])) { if (is_array($variables['prefix'])) { $variables['prefix'] = ['prefix' => $variables['prefix']]; } else { $variables['prefix'] = ['prefix' => ['#markup' => $variables['prefix']]]; } } else { $variables['prefix'] = []; } $variables['prefix']['description'] = $variables['description']['content']; unset($variables['description']['content']); } // Apply inline title defined by radios, checkboxes, and buttons. // @see \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElement\OptionsBase::prepare if (isset($element['#_title_display'])) { $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'webform-fieldset--title-inline'; } // Add .js-webform-form-type-* class to be used JavaScript and #states API. // @see js/webform.element.location.geocomplete.js // @see js/webform.states.js if (isset($element['#type'])) { $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'js-webform-type-' . Html::getClass($element['#type']); $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'webform-type-' . Html::getClass($element['#type']); } // Remove invalid 'required' and 'aria-required' attributes from fieldset. if (isset($element['#webform_key'])) { unset( $variables['attributes']['required'], $variables['attributes']['aria-required'] ); } } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocess form element. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for form element templates. */ function webform_preprocess_form_element(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } // Setup description, help, and more. _webform_preprocess_element($variables); $element = &$variables['element']; // Add #help, #help_attributes, and #_title_display to label. // Note: #_title_display is used to track inline titles. // @see \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElementBase::prepare $variables['label'] += array_intersect_key($element, array_flip(['#help', '#help_title', '#help_attributes', '#_title_display'])); } /** * Prepares variables for form label templates. */ function webform_preprocess_form_element_label(&$variables) { $element = &$variables['element']; // Restructure the label's title to include #help. _webform_preprocess_help_title($variables['title'], $element); } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocess file/image elements. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for file managed file templates. * * @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21842274/cross-browser-custom-styling-for-file-upload-button * @see template_preprocess_file_managed_file() */ function webform_preprocess_file_managed_file(&$variables) { if (!WebformElementHelper::isWebformElement($variables['element'])) { return; } $element = &$variables['element']; if (empty($element['#button'])) { return; } // Don't alter hidden file upload input. if (isset($element['upload']['#access']) && $element['upload']['#access'] === FALSE) { return; } // Create an unique id for the file upload input and label. $button_id = Html::getUniqueId($variables['element']['upload']['#id'] . '-button'); // Create a label that is styled like an action button. $label = [ '#type' => 'html_tag', '#tag' => 'label', '#value' => (isset($element['#button__title'])) ? $element['#button__title'] : (empty($element['#multiple']) ? t('Choose file') : t('Choose files')), '#attributes' => (isset($element['#button__attributes'])) ? $element['#button__attributes'] : [], ]; // Add 'for' attribute. $label['#attributes']['for'] = $button_id; // Add default button classes. if (empty($label['#attributes']['class'])) { $label['#attributes']['class'][] = 'button'; $label['#attributes']['class'][] = 'button-action'; } // Add .webform-file-button. $label['#attributes']['class'][] = 'webform-file-button'; // Make sure the label is first. $element = ['label' => $label] + $element; // Set the custom button ID for file upload input. $element['upload']['#attributes']['id'] = $button_id; // Hide the file upload. $element['upload']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'webform-file-button-input'; // Attach library. $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'webform/webform.element.file.button'; } /** * Prepares variables for file upload help text templates. */ function webform_preprocess_file_upload_help(&$variables) { $upload_validators = $variables['upload_validators']; if (isset($upload_validators['webform_file_limit']) && $upload_validators['webform_file_limit'][0]) { $variables['descriptions'][] = t('@size limit per form.', ['@size' => format_size($upload_validators['webform_file_limit'][0])]); } } /** * Prepares variables for file link templates. * * @see webform_file_access */ function webform_preprocess_file_link(&$variables) { /** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file */ $file = $variables['file']; $file = ($file instanceof File) ? $file : File::load($file->fid); // Remove link to temporary anonymous private file uploads. if ($file->isTemporary() && $file->getOwner()->isAnonymous() && strpos($file->getFileUri(), 'private://webform/') === 0) { $variables['link'] = $file->getFilename(); } } /** * Prepares variables for image. * * Make sure the image src for the 'webform_image_file' src is an absolute URL. */ function webform_preprocess_image(&$variables) { global $base_url; if (isset($variables['attributes']['class']) && in_array('webform-image-file', (array) $variables['attributes']['class'])) { $variables['attributes']['src'] = $base_url . preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(base_path(), '/') . '/', '/', $variables['attributes']['src']); } } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocess webform specific elements. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for webform section element templates. */ function webform_preprocess_webform_section(&$variables) { // Setup description, help, and more. _webform_preprocess_element($variables); } /******************************************************************************/ // Preprocess helpers. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Prepares variables for checkboxes and radios options templates. * * Below code must be called by template_preprocess_(radios|checkboxes) which * reset the element's 'attributes'; */ function _webform_preprocess_options(array &$variables) { $element =& $variables['element']; $variables['attributes']['class'][] = Html::getClass('js-webform-' . $element['#type']); if (!empty($element['#options_display'])) { $variables['attributes']['class'][] = Html::getClass('webform-options-display-' . $element['#options_display']); $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'webform/webform.element.options'; } } /** * Prepares webform element description, help, and more templates. * * @see template_preprocess_form_element() * @see core/modules/system/templates/form-element.html.twig * @see template_preprocess_details() * @see /core/modules/system/templates/details.html.twig * @see template_preprocess_fieldset() * @see /core/modules/system/templates/fieldset.html.twig * @see template_preprocess_webform_section() * @see /webform/templates/webform-section.html.twig */ function _webform_preprocess_element(array &$variables, $title_parents = ['title']) { $element =& $variables['element']; $type = $element['#type']; // Fix details 'description' property which does not have description.content. // @see template_preprocess_details // @see Issue #2896169: Details elements have incorrect aria-describedby attributes if (!empty($element['#description'])) { // Convert the current description to simple #markup. if (is_array($element['#description'])) { // Make a copy of the element's #description so that it can be rendered // without affecting the element's #description. $element_description = $element['#description']; $description = ['#markup' => \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($element_description)]; } else { $description = ['#markup' => $element['#description']]; } if ($type === 'details') { $description_attributes = []; if (!empty($element['#id'])) { $description_attributes['id'] = $element['#id'] . '--description'; } $variables['description'] = []; $variables['description']['content'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => new Attribute($description_attributes), ] + $description; } else { // Wrap description in a container. $variables['description']['content'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => $variables['description']['attributes'], ] + $description; $variables['description']['attributes'] = new Attribute(); } $variables['description']['content']['#attributes']->addClass('webform-element-description'); // Handle invisible descriptions. if (isset($element['#description_display']) && $element['#description_display'] === 'invisible') { $variables['description']['content']['#attributes']->addClass('visually-hidden'); $variables['description_display'] = 'after'; } // Nest description content so that we can a more link // below the description. $variables['description']['content'] = [ 'description' => $variables['description']['content'], ]; } $title =& NestedArray::getValue($variables, $title_parents); // Move #description to #help for webform admin routes. _webform_preprocess_description_help($variables); // Add (read) more to #description. _webform_preprocess_form_element_description_more($variables); // Add help to title (aka label). _webform_preprocess_help_title($title, $element); } /** * Prepares #description and #help properties for form element templates. */ function _webform_preprocess_description_help(array &$variables) { $element = &$variables['element']; // Move #description to #help for webform admin routes. if (\Drupal::config('webform.settings')->get('ui.description_help') && \Drupal::service('webform.request')->isWebformAdminRoute() && \Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteName() != 'webform.contribute.settings' && !isset($element['#help']) && !empty($element['#title']) && (empty($element['#title_display']) || !in_array($element['#title_display'], ['attribute', 'invisible'])) && !empty($element['#description']) && (empty($element['#description_display']) || !in_array($element['#description_display'], ['invisible'])) ) { // Render the description. $description = (is_array($element['#description'])) ? \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($element['#description']) : $element['#description']; // Replace breaks in admin tooltips with horizontal rules. $description = str_replace('

', '
', $description); $element['#help'] = ['#markup' => $description]; // We must still render the description as visually hidden because the input // has an 'aria-describedby' attribute pointing to the description's id. $variables['description_display'] = 'after'; $variables['description']['content']['description']['#attributes']->addClass('visually-hidden'); // Remove all links from the #description since it will be .visually-hidden // and unreachable via tabbing. if (isset($variables['description']['content']['description']['#markup'])) { $variables['description']['content']['description']['#markup'] = strip_tags($variables['description']['content']['description']['#markup']); } } } /** * Append #help to title variable. */ function _webform_preprocess_help_title(&$variables, array &$element) { if (empty($variables) || empty($element['#help'])) { return; } // Default #help_title to element's #title. if (empty($element['#help_title']) && !empty($element['#title'])) { $element['#help_title'] = $element['#title']; } $variables = [ 'title' => (is_array($variables)) ? $variables : ['#markup' => $variables], 'help' => [ '#type' => 'webform_help', ] + array_intersect_key($element, array_flip(['#help', '#help_title'])), ]; // Add help attributes. if (isset($element['#help_attributes'])) { $variables['help']['#attributes'] = $element['#help_attributes']; } // Get #title_display and move help before title for 'inline' titles. if (isset($element['#_title_display'])) { // #_title_display is set via WebformElementBase::prepare. // @see \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElementBase::prepare. $title_display = $element['#_title_display']; } elseif (isset($element['#title_display'])) { $title_display = $element['#title_display']; } else { $title_display = NULL; } if ($title_display === 'inline') { $variables['title']['#weight'] = 0; $variables['help']['#weight'] = -1; } } /** * Prepares #more property for form element template. * * @see template_preprocess_form_element() * @see form-element.html.twig * @see template_preprocess_datetime_wrapper() * @see datetime-wrapper.html.twig */ function _webform_preprocess_form_element_description_more(array &$variables) { $element = &$variables['element']; if (empty($element['#more'])) { return; } // Make sure description is displayed. if (!isset($variables['description_display'])) { $variables['description_display'] = 'after'; } // Add more element. $variables['description']['content']['more'] = [ '#type' => 'webform_more', '#attributes' => (!empty($element['#id'])) ? ['id' => $element['#id'] . '--more'] : [], ] + array_intersect_key($element, array_flip(['#more', '#more_title'])); } /******************************************************************************/ // Theme suggestions. /******************************************************************************/ /** * Provides alternate named suggestions for a specific theme hook. * * @param array $variables * An array of variables passed to the theme hook. * @param string $hook * The base hook name. * * @return array * An array of theme suggestions. */ function _webform_theme_suggestions(array $variables, $hook) { $suggestions = []; if ($hook == 'webform' && isset($variables['element']) && isset($variables['element']['#webform_id'])) { $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $variables['element']['#webform_id']; } elseif ($hook == 'webform_submission_form' && isset($variables['form']) && isset($variables['form']['#webform_id'])) { $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $variables['form']['#webform_id']; } elseif (strpos($hook, 'webform_element_base_') === 0 || strpos($hook, 'webform_container_base_') === 0) { $element = $variables['element']; if (!empty($element['#type'])) { $type = $element['#type']; $name = $element['#webform_key']; $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $type; $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $type . '__' . $name; } } else { $webform = NULL; $webform_submission = NULL; $sanitized_view_mode = NULL; if (isset($variables['elements']) && isset($variables['elements']['#webform_submission'])) { /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission */ $webform_submission = $variables['elements']['#webform_submission']; $webform = $webform_submission->getWebform(); $sanitized_view_mode = strtr($variables['elements']['#view_mode'], '.', '_'); } elseif (isset($variables['webform_submission'])) { /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission */ $webform_submission = $variables['webform_submission']; $webform = $webform_submission->getWebform(); } elseif (isset($variables['webform'])) { /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $webform */ $webform = $variables['webform']; } if ($webform) { $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $webform->id(); if (isset($variables['handler'])) { /** @var \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformHandlerInterface $handler */ $handler = $variables['handler']; $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $webform->id() . '__' . $handler->getPluginId(); $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $webform->id() . '__' . $handler->getPluginId() . '__' . $handler->getHandlerId(); } if ($sanitized_view_mode) { $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $webform->id() . '__' . $sanitized_view_mode; $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $sanitized_view_mode; } } } return $suggestions; } /** * Helper function used to generate hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function _webform_devel_hook_theme_suggestions_generate() { $theme = webform_theme(); print '
  foreach ($theme as $hook => $info) {
    $suggestion = FALSE;
    if ($hook == 'webform') {
      $suggestion = TRUE;
    elseif (strpos($hook, 'webform_element_base_') === 0 || strpos($hook, 'webform_container_base_') === 0) {
      $suggestion = TRUE;
    elseif (isset($info['variables'])
      && !array_key_exists('element', $info['variables'])
      && (array_key_exists('webform_submission', $info['variables']) || array_key_exists('webform', $info['variables']))) {
      $suggestion = TRUE;

    if ($suggestion) {
      print "/**
 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
function webform_theme_suggestions_$hook(array \$variables) {
  return _webform_theme_suggestions(\$variables, '$hook');

  print '
'; exit; } /******************************************************************************/ // Theme suggestions. // Generate using _webform_devel_hook_theme_suggestions_generate(); /******************************************************************************/ /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_confirmation(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_confirmation'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_preview(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_preview'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_submission_navigation(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_submission_navigation'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_submission(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_submission'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_submission_form(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_submission_form'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_submission_information(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_submission_information'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_element_base_html(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_element_base_html'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_element_base_text(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_element_base_text'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_container_base_html(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_container_base_html'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_container_base_text(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_container_base_text'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_email_html(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_email_html'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_email_message_html(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_email_message_html'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_email_message_text(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_email_message_text'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_progress(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_progress'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_progress_bar(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_progress_bar'); } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function webform_theme_suggestions_webform_progress_tracker(array $variables) { return _webform_theme_suggestions($variables, 'webform_progress_tracker'); }