html5 = $this->getInstance(); } /** * Parse and serialize a string. */ protected function cycle($html) { $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML('' . $html . ''); $out = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); return $out; } protected function cycleFragment($fragment) { $dom = $this->html5->loadHTMLFragment($fragment); $out = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); return $out; } public function testImageTagsInSvg() { $html = " foo "; $doc = $this->html5->loadHTML($html); $this->assertInstanceOf('DOMElement', $doc->getElementsByTagName('image')->item(0)); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); } public function testLoadOptions() { // doc $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML($this->wrap(''), array( 'implicitNamespaces' => array('t' => ''), "xmlNamespaces" => true )); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $this->assertFalse($this->html5->hasErrors()); $xpath = new \DOMXPath( $dom ); $xpath->registerNamespace( "t", "" ); $this->assertEquals(1, $xpath->query( "//t:tag" )->length); // doc fragment $frag = $this->html5->loadHTMLFragment('', array( 'implicitNamespaces' => array('t' => ''), "xmlNamespaces" => true )); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocumentFragment', $frag); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $this->assertFalse($this->html5->hasErrors()); $frag->ownerDocument->appendChild($frag); $xpath = new \DOMXPath( $frag->ownerDocument ); $xpath->registerNamespace( "t", "" ); $this->assertEquals(1, $xpath->query( "//t:tag" , $frag)->length); } public function testErrors() { $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML(''); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertNotEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $this->assertTrue($this->html5->hasErrors()); } public function testLoad() { $dom = $this->html5->load(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $this->assertFalse($this->html5->hasErrors()); $file = fopen(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html', 'r'); $dom = $this->html5->load($file); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $dom = $this->html5->loadHTMLFile(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); } public function testLoadHTML() { $contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html'); $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML($contents); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); } public function testLoadHTMLWithComments() { $contents = ' '; $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML($contents); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $expected = ' '; $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->html5->saveHTML($dom)); } public function testLoadHTMLFragment() { $fragment = '
'; $dom = $this->html5->loadHTMLFragment($fragment); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocumentFragment', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); } public function testSaveHTML() { $dom = $this->html5->load(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $saved = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $this->assertRegExp('|

This is a test.

|', $saved); } public function testSaveHTMLFragment() { $fragment = '
'; $dom = $this->html5->loadHTMLFragment($fragment); $string = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $this->assertEquals($fragment, $string); } public function testSave() { $dom = $this->html5->load(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); // Test resource $file = fopen('php://temp', 'w'); $this->html5->save($dom, $file); $content = stream_get_contents($file, - 1, 0); $this->assertRegExp('|

This is a test.

|', $content); // Test file $tmpfname = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "html5-php"); $this->html5->save($dom, $tmpfname); $content = file_get_contents($tmpfname); $this->assertRegExp('|

This is a test.

|', $content); unlink($tmpfname); } // This test reads a document into a dom, turn the dom into a document, // then tries to read that document again. This makes sure we are reading, // and generating a document that works at a high level. public function testItWorks() { $dom = $this->html5->load(__DIR__ . '/Html5Test.html'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $saved = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $dom2 = $this->html5->loadHTML($saved); $this->assertInstanceOf('\DOMDocument', $dom2); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); } public function testConfig() { $html5 = $this->getInstance(); $options = $html5->getOptions(); $this->assertEquals(false, $options['encode_entities']); $html5 = $this->getInstance(array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'encode_entities' => true )); $options = $html5->getOptions(); $this->assertEquals('bar', $options['foo']); $this->assertEquals(true, $options['encode_entities']); // Need to reset to original so future tests pass as expected. // $this->getInstance()->setOption('encode_entities', false); } public function testSvg() { $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML( '
foo bar baz
Test Text. '); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); // Test a mixed case attribute. $list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('svg'); $this->assertNotEmpty($list->length); $svg = $list->item(0); $this->assertEquals("0 0 3 2", $svg->getAttribute('viewBox')); $this->assertFalse($svg->hasAttribute('viewbox')); // Test a mixed case tag. // Note: getElementsByTagName is not case sensetitive. $list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('textPath'); $this->assertNotEmpty($list->length); $textPath = $list->item(0); $this->assertEquals('textPath', $textPath->tagName); $this->assertNotEquals('textpath', $textPath->tagName); $html = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $this->assertRegExp('||', $html); $this->assertRegExp('||', $html); } public function testMathMl() { $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML( '
foo bar baz
x ± y '); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('math'); $this->assertNotEmpty($list->length); $list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('div'); $this->assertNotEmpty($list->length); $div = $list->item(0); $this->assertEquals('', $div->getAttribute('definitionurl')); $this->assertFalse($div->hasAttribute('definitionURL')); $list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('csymbol'); $csymbol = $list->item(0); $this->assertEquals('', $csymbol->getAttribute('definitionURL')); $this->assertFalse($csymbol->hasAttribute('definitionurl')); $html = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $this->assertRegExp('||', $html); $this->assertRegExp('|y|', $html); } public function testUnknownElements() { // The : should not have special handling accourding to section 2.9 of the // spec. This is differenant than XML. Since we don't know these elements // they are handled as normal elements. Note, to do this is really // an invalid example and you should not embed prefixed xml in html5. $dom = $this->html5->loadHTMLFragment( " Big rectangle thing 40 80 um, yeah"); $this->assertEmpty($this->html5->getErrors()); $markup = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $this->assertRegExp('|Big rectangle thing|', $markup); $this->assertRegExp('|um, yeah|', $markup); } public function testElements() { // Should have content. $res = $this->cycle('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); // Should be empty $res = $this->cycle(''); $this->assertRegExp('||', $res); // Should have content. $res = $this->cycleFragment('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); // Should be empty $res = $this->cycleFragment(''); $this->assertRegExp('||', $res); // Elements with dashes and underscores $res = $this->cycleFragment(''); $this->assertRegExp('||', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment(''); $this->assertRegExp('||', $res); // Should have no closing tag. $res = $this->cycle('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); } public function testAttributes() { $res = $this->cycle(''); $this->assertContains('', $res); $res = $this->cycle('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); // XXX: Note that spec does NOT require attrs in the same order. $res = $this->cycle('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); $res = $this->cycle('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); // XXX: Note that spec does NOT require attrs in the same order. $res = $this->cycleFragment('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('
'); $this->assertRegExp('|
|', $res); } public function testPCData() { $res = $this->cycle('This is a test.'); $this->assertRegExp('|This is a test.|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('This is a test.'); $this->assertRegExp('|This is a test.|', $res); $res = $this->cycle('This is a test.'); // Check that newlines are there, but don't count spaces. $this->assertRegExp('|This\n\s*is\n\s*a\n\s*test.|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('This is a test.'); // Check that newlines are there, but don't count spaces. $this->assertRegExp('|This\n\s*is\n\s*a\n\s*test.|', $res); $res = $this->cycle('This is a test.'); $this->assertRegExp('|This is a test.|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('This is a test.'); $this->assertRegExp('|This is a test.|', $res); } public function testUnescaped() { $res = $this->cycle(''); $this->assertRegExp('|2 < 1|', $res); $res = $this->cycle(''); $this->assertRegExp('|div>div>div|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment(''); $this->assertRegExp('|2 < 1|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment(''); $this->assertRegExp('|div>div>div|', $res); } public function testEntities() { $res = $this->cycle('Apples & bananas.'); $this->assertRegExp('|Apples & bananas.|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('Apples & bananas.'); $this->assertRegExp('|Apples & bananas.|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('


'); $this->assertRegExp('|R&D|', $res); } public function testCaseSensitiveTags() { $dom = $this->html5->loadHTML( '', array( "xmlNamespaces" => true ) ); $out = $this->html5->saveHTML($dom); $this->assertRegExp('||', $out); } public function testComment() { $res = $this->cycle('ab'); $this->assertRegExp('||', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('ab'); $this->assertRegExp('||', $res); } public function testCDATA() { $res = $this->cycle('a a test. ]]>b'); $this->assertRegExp('| a test\. \]\]>|', $res); $res = $this->cycleFragment('a a test. ]]>b'); $this->assertRegExp('| a test\. \]\]>|', $res); } }