createDriver(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Behat\Mink\Driver\CoreDriver', $driver); return $driver; } /** * @depends testExtendsCoreDriver */ public function testImplementFindXpath() { $driver = $this->createDriver(); $this->assertNotImplementMethod('find', $driver, 'The driver should overwrite `findElementXpaths` rather than `find` for forward compatibility with Mink 2.'); $this->assertImplementMethod('findElementXpaths', $driver, 'The driver must be able to find elements.'); $this->assertNotImplementMethod('setSession', $driver, 'The driver should not deal with the Session directly for forward compatibility with Mink 2.'); } /** * @dataProvider provideRequiredMethods */ public function testImplementBasicApi($method) { $driver = $this->createDriver(); $this->assertImplementMethod($method, $driver, 'The driver is unusable when this method is not implemented.'); } public function provideRequiredMethods() { return array( array('start'), array('isStarted'), array('stop'), array('reset'), array('visit'), array('getCurrentUrl'), array('getContent'), array('click'), ); } private function assertImplementMethod($method, $object, $reason = '') { $ref = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($object)); $refMethod = $ref->getMethod($method); $message = sprintf('The driver should implement the `%s` method.', $method); if ('' !== $reason) { $message .= ' '.$reason; } $this->assertSame($ref->name, $refMethod->getDeclaringClass()->name, $message); } private function assertNotImplementMethod($method, $object, $reason = '') { $ref = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($object)); $refMethod = $ref->getMethod($method); $message = sprintf('The driver should not implement the `%s` method.', $method); if ('' !== $reason) { $message .= ' '.$reason; } $this->assertNotSame($ref->name, $refMethod->getDeclaringClass()->name, $message); } }