<?php /** * @file * Controls the visual building blocks a page is constructed with. */ use Drupal\block\BlockInterface; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface; use Drupal\Core\Url; use Drupal\language\ConfigurableLanguageInterface; use Drupal\system\Entity\Menu; use Drupal\block\Entity\Block; /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function block_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) { switch ($route_name) { case 'help.page.block': $block_content = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('block_content') ? \Drupal::url('help.page', array('name' => 'block_content')) : '#'; $output = ''; $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>'; $output .= '<p>' . t('The Block module allows you to place blocks in regions of your installed themes, and configure block settings. For more information, see the <a href=":blocks-documentation">online documentation for the Block module</a>.', array(':blocks-documentation' => 'https://www.drupal.org/documentation/modules/block/')) . '</p>'; $output .= '<h3>' . t('Uses') . '</h3>'; $output .= '<dl>'; $output .= '<dt>' . t('Placing and moving blocks') . '</dt>'; $output .= '<dd>' . t('You can place a new block in a region by selecting <em>Place block</em> on the <a href=":blocks">Block layout page</a>. Once a block is placed, it can be moved to a different region by drag-and-drop or by using the <em>Region</em> drop-down list, and then clicking <em>Save blocks</em>.', array(':blocks' => \Drupal::url('block.admin_display'))) . '</dd>'; $output .= '<dt>' . t('Toggling between different themes') . '</dt>'; $output .= '<dd>' . t('Blocks are placed and configured specifically for each theme. The Block layout page opens with the default theme, but you can toggle to other installed themes.') . '</dd>'; $output .= '<dt>' . t('Demonstrating block regions for a theme') . '</dt>'; $output .= '<dd>' . t('You can see where the regions are for the current theme by clicking the <em>Demonstrate block regions</em> link on the <a href=":blocks">Block layout page</a>. Regions are specific to each theme.', array(':blocks' => \Drupal::url('block.admin_display'))) . '</dd>'; $output .= '<dt>' . t('Configuring block settings') . '</dt>'; $output .= '<dd>' . t('To change the settings of an individual block click on the <em>Configure</em> link on the <a href=":blocks">Block layout page</a>. The available options vary depending on the module that provides the block. For all blocks you can change the block title and toggle whether to display it.', array(':blocks' => Drupal::url('block.admin_display'))) . '</dd>'; $output .= '<dt>' . t('Controlling visibility') . '</dt>'; $output .= '<dd>' . t('You can control the visibility of a block by restricting it to specific pages, content types, and/or roles by setting the appropriate options under <em>Visibility settings</em> of the block configuration.') . '</dd>'; $output .= '<dt>' . t('Adding custom blocks') . '</dt>'; $output .= '<dd>' . t('You can add custom blocks, if the <em>Custom Block</em> module is installed. For more information, see the <a href=":blockcontent-help">Custom Block help page</a>.', array(':blockcontent-help' => $block_content)) . '</dd>'; $output .= '</dl>'; return $output; } if ($route_name == 'block.admin_display' || $route_name == 'block.admin_display_theme') { $demo_theme = $route_match->getParameter('theme') ?: \Drupal::config('system.theme')->get('default'); $themes = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo(); $output = '<p>' . t('Block placement is specific to each theme on your site. Changes will not be saved until you click <em>Save blocks</em> at the bottom of the page.') . '</p>'; $output .= '<p>' . \Drupal::l(t('Demonstrate block regions (@theme)', array('@theme' => $themes[$demo_theme]->info['name'])), new Url('block.admin_demo', array('theme' => $demo_theme))) . '</p>'; return $output; } } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function block_theme() { return array( 'block' => array( 'render element' => 'elements', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_page_top(). */ function block_page_top(array &$page_top) { if (\Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteName() === 'block.admin_demo') { $theme = \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName(); $page_top['backlink'] = array( '#type' => 'link', '#title' => t('Exit block region demonstration'), '#options' => array('attributes' => array('class' => array('block-demo-backlink'))), '#weight' => -10, ); if (\Drupal::config('system.theme')->get('default') == $theme) { $page_top['backlink']['#url'] = Url::fromRoute('block.admin_display'); } else { $page_top['backlink']['#url'] = Url::fromRoute('block.admin_display_theme', ['theme' => $theme]); } } } /** * Initializes blocks for installed themes. * * @param $theme_list * An array of theme names. */ function block_themes_installed($theme_list) { foreach ($theme_list as $theme) { // Don't initialize themes that are not displayed in the UI. if (\Drupal::service('theme_handler')->hasUi($theme)) { block_theme_initialize($theme); } } } /** * Assigns an initial, default set of blocks for a theme. * * This function is called the first time a new theme is installed. The new * theme gets a copy of the default theme's blocks, with the difference that if * a particular region isn't available in the new theme, the block is assigned * to the new theme's default region. * * @param $theme * The name of a theme. */ function block_theme_initialize($theme) { // Initialize theme's blocks if none already registered. $has_blocks = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('block', array('theme' => $theme)); if (!$has_blocks) { $default_theme = \Drupal::config('system.theme')->get('default'); // Apply only to new theme's visible regions. $regions = system_region_list($theme, REGIONS_VISIBLE); $default_theme_blocks = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('block', array('theme' => $default_theme)); foreach ($default_theme_blocks as $default_theme_block_id => $default_theme_block) { if (strpos($default_theme_block_id, $default_theme . '_') === 0) { $id = str_replace($default_theme, $theme, $default_theme_block_id); } else { $id = $theme . '_' . $default_theme_block_id; } $block = $default_theme_block->createDuplicateBlock($id, $theme); // If the region isn't supported by the theme, assign the block to the // theme's default region. if (!isset($regions[$block->getRegion()])) { $block->setRegion(system_default_region($theme)); } $block->save(); } } } /** * Implements hook_rebuild(). */ function block_rebuild() { foreach (\Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo() as $theme => $data) { if ($data->status) { $regions = system_region_list($theme); /** @var \Drupal\block\BlockInterface[] $blocks */ $blocks = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('block', ['theme' => $theme]); foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $block) { // Disable blocks in invalid regions. $region = $block->getRegion(); if ($region !== BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE) { if (!empty($region) && !isset($regions[$region]) && $block->status()) { drupal_set_message(t('The block %info was assigned to the invalid region %region and has been disabled.', ['%info' => $block_id, '%region' => $region]), 'warning'); $block->disable(); } // Set region to none if not enabled. if (!$block->status()) { $block->setRegion(BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE); $block->save(); } } } } } } /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). */ function block_theme_suggestions_block(array $variables) { $suggestions = array(); $suggestions[] = 'block__' . $variables['elements']['#configuration']['provider']; // Hyphens (-) and underscores (_) play a special role in theme suggestions. // Theme suggestions should only contain underscores, because within // drupal_find_theme_templates(), underscores are converted to hyphens to // match template file names, and then converted back to underscores to match // pre-processing and other function names. So if your theme suggestion // contains a hyphen, it will end up as an underscore after this conversion, // and your function names won't be recognized. So, we need to convert // hyphens to underscores in block deltas for the theme suggestions. // We can safely explode on : because we know the Block plugin type manager // enforces that delimiter for all derivatives. $parts = explode(':', $variables['elements']['#plugin_id']); $suggestion = 'block'; while ($part = array_shift($parts)) { $suggestions[] = $suggestion .= '__' . strtr($part, '-', '_'); } if (!empty($variables['elements']['#id'])) { $suggestions[] = 'block__' . $variables['elements']['#id']; } return $suggestions; } /** * Prepares variables for block templates. * * Default template: block.html.twig. * * Prepares the values passed to the theme_block function to be passed * into a pluggable template engine. Uses block properties to generate a * series of template file suggestions. If none are found, the default * block.html.twig is used. * * Most themes use their own copy of block.html.twig. The default is located * inside "core/modules/block/templates/block.html.twig". Look in there for the * full list of available variables. * * @param array $variables * An associative array containing: * - elements: An associative array containing the properties of the element. * Properties used: #block, #configuration, #children, #plugin_id. */ function template_preprocess_block(&$variables) { $variables['configuration'] = $variables['elements']['#configuration']; $variables['plugin_id'] = $variables['elements']['#plugin_id']; $variables['base_plugin_id'] = $variables['elements']['#base_plugin_id']; $variables['derivative_plugin_id'] = $variables['elements']['#derivative_plugin_id']; $variables['label'] = !empty($variables['configuration']['label_display']) ? $variables['configuration']['label'] : ''; $variables['content'] = $variables['elements']['content']; // A block's label is configuration: it is static. Allow dynamic labels to be // set in the render array. if (isset($variables['elements']['content']['#title']) && !empty($variables['configuration']['label_display'])) { $variables['label'] = $variables['elements']['content']['#title']; } // Create a valid HTML ID and make sure it is unique. if (!empty($variables['elements']['#id'])) { $variables['attributes']['id'] = Html::getUniqueId('block-' . $variables['elements']['#id']); } // Proactively add aria-describedby if possible to improve accessibility. if ($variables['label'] && isset($variables['attributes']['role'])) { $variables['title_attributes']['id'] = Html::getUniqueId($variables['label']); $variables['attributes']['aria-describedby'] = $variables['title_attributes']['id']; } } /** * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete() for user_role entities. * * Removes deleted role from blocks that use it. */ function block_user_role_delete($role) { foreach (Block::loadMultiple() as $block) { /** @var $block \Drupal\block\BlockInterface */ $visibility = $block->getVisibility(); if (isset($visibility['user_role']['roles'][$role->id()])) { unset($visibility['user_role']['roles'][$role->id()]); $block->setVisibilityConfig('user_role', $visibility['user_role']); $block->save(); } } } /** * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete() for menu entities. */ function block_menu_delete(Menu $menu) { if (!$menu->isSyncing()) { foreach (Block::loadMultiple() as $block) { if ($block->getPluginId() == 'system_menu_block:' . $menu->id()) { $block->delete(); } } } } /** * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete() for 'configurable_language'. * * Delete the potential block visibility settings of the deleted language. */ function block_configurable_language_delete(ConfigurableLanguageInterface $language) { // Remove the block visibility settings for the deleted language. foreach (Block::loadMultiple() as $block) { /** @var $block \Drupal\block\BlockInterface */ $visibility = $block->getVisibility(); if (isset($visibility['language']['langcodes'][$language->id()])) { unset($visibility['language']['langcodes'][$language->id()]); $block->setVisibilityConfig('language', $visibility['language']); $block->save(); } } }