2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Tests ;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder ;
* @ author Robert Schönthal < seroscho @ googlemail . com >
class PhpExecutableFinderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* tests find () with the env var PHP_PATH .
public function testFindWithPhpPath ()
if ( defined ( 'PHP_BINARY' )) {
$this -> markTestSkipped ( 'The PHP binary is easily available as of PHP 5.4' );
$f = new PhpExecutableFinder ();
$current = $f -> find ();
//not executable PHP_PATH
putenv ( 'PHP_PATH=/not/executable/php' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $f -> find (), '::find() returns false for not executable PHP' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $f -> find ( false ), '::find() returns false for not executable PHP' );
//executable PHP_PATH
putenv ( 'PHP_PATH=' . $current );
$this -> assertEquals ( $f -> find (), $current , '::find() returns the executable PHP' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $f -> find ( false ), $current , '::find() returns the executable PHP' );
* tests find () with the env var PHP_PATH .
public function testFindWithHHVM ()
if ( ! defined ( 'HHVM_VERSION' )) {
$this -> markTestSkipped ( 'Should be executed in HHVM context.' );
$f = new PhpExecutableFinder ();
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$current = getenv ( 'PHP_BINARY' ) ? : PHP_BINARY ;
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$this -> assertEquals ( $current . ' --php' , $f -> find (), '::find() returns the executable PHP' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $current , $f -> find ( false ), '::find() returns the executable PHP' );
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* tests find () with the env var PHP_PATH .
public function testFindArguments ()
$f = new PhpExecutableFinder ();
if ( defined ( 'HHVM_VERSION' )) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $f -> findArguments (), array ( '--php' ), '::findArguments() returns HHVM arguments' );
} else {
$this -> assertEquals ( $f -> findArguments (), array (), '::findArguments() returns no arguments' );
* tests find () with default executable .
public function testFindWithSuffix ()
if ( defined ( 'PHP_BINARY' )) {
$this -> markTestSkipped ( 'The PHP binary is easily available as of PHP 5.4' );
putenv ( 'PHP_PATH=' );
putenv ( 'PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=' );
$f = new PhpExecutableFinder ();
$current = $f -> find ();
//TODO maybe php executable is custom or even Windows
if ( '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) {
$this -> assertTrue ( is_executable ( $current ));
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue (( bool ) preg_match ( '/' . addslashes ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) . 'php\.(exe|bat|cmd|com)$/i' , $current ), '::find() returns the executable PHP with suffixes' );
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