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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Tests;
use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\CssSelector;
class CssSelectorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testCssToXPath()
$this->assertEquals('descendant-or-self::*', CssSelector::toXPath(''));
$this->assertEquals('descendant-or-self::h1', CssSelector::toXPath('h1'));
$this->assertEquals("descendant-or-self::h1[@id = 'foo']", CssSelector::toXPath('h1#foo'));
$this->assertEquals("descendant-or-self::h1[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' foo ')]", CssSelector::toXPath(''));
$this->assertEquals('descendant-or-self::foo:h1', CssSelector::toXPath('foo|h1'));
/** @dataProvider getCssToXPathWithoutPrefixTestData */
public function testCssToXPathWithoutPrefix($css, $xpath)
$this->assertEquals($xpath, CssSelector::toXPath($css, ''), '->parse() parses an input string and returns a node');
public function testParseExceptions()
try {
$this->fail('->parse() throws an Exception if the css selector is not valid');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('\Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception\ParseException', $e, '->parse() throws an Exception if the css selector is not valid');
$this->assertEquals('Expected identifier, but <eof at 3> found.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws an Exception if the css selector is not valid');
public function getCssToXPathWithoutPrefixTestData()
return array(
array('h1', 'h1'),
array('foo|h1', 'foo:h1'),
array('h1, h2, h3', 'h1 | h2 | h3'),
array('h1:nth-child(3n+1)', "*/*[name() = 'h1' and (position() - 1 >= 0 and (position() - 1) mod 3 = 0)]"),
array('h1 > p', 'h1/p'),
array('h1#foo', "h1[@id = 'foo']"),
array('', "h1[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' foo ')]"),
array('h1[class*="foo bar"]', "h1[@class and contains(@class, 'foo bar')]"),
array('h1[foo|class*="foo bar"]', "h1[@foo:class and contains(@foo:class, 'foo bar')]"),
array('h1[class]', 'h1[@class]'),
array('h1 .foo', "h1/descendant-or-self::*/*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' foo ')]"),
array('h1 #foo', "h1/descendant-or-self::*/*[@id = 'foo']"),
array('h1 [class*=foo]', "h1/descendant-or-self::*/*[@class and contains(@class, 'foo')]"),
array('div>.foo', "div/*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' foo ')]"),
array('div > .foo', "div/*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' foo ')]"),