2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\Helper ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\StreamOutput ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question ;
* @ group tty
class QuestionHelperTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testAskChoice ()
$questionHelper = new QuestionHelper ();
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$questionHelper -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$heroes = array ( 'Superman' , 'Batman' , 'Spiderman' );
$questionHelper -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " \n 1 \n 1 \n Fabien \n 1 \n Fabien \n 1 \n 0,2 \n 0 , 2 \n \n \n " ));
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes , '2' );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
// first answer is an empty answer, we're supposed to receive the default value
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Spiderman' , $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Batman' , $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Batman' , $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes );
$question -> setErrorMessage ( 'Input "%s" is not a superhero!' );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 2 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Batman' , $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $output = $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
rewind ( $output -> getStream ());
$stream = stream_get_contents ( $output -> getStream ());
$this -> assertContains ( 'Input "Fabien" is not a superhero!' , $stream );
try {
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes , '1' );
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
$questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $output = $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question );
$this -> fail ();
} catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Value "Fabien" is invalid' , $e -> getMessage ());
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes , null );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$question -> setMultiselect ( true );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'Batman' ), $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'Superman' , 'Spiderman' ), $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'Superman' , 'Spiderman' ), $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes , '0,1' );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$question -> setMultiselect ( true );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'Superman' , 'Batman' ), $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'What is your favorite superhero?' , $heroes , ' 0 , 1 ' );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$question -> setMultiselect ( true );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'Superman' , 'Batman' ), $questionHelper -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
public function testAsk ()
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " \n 8AM \n " ));
$question = new Question ( 'What time is it?' , '2PM' );
$this -> assertEquals ( '2PM' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$question = new Question ( 'What time is it?' , '2PM' );
$this -> assertEquals ( '8AM' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $output = $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
rewind ( $output -> getStream ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'What time is it?' , stream_get_contents ( $output -> getStream ()));
public function testAskWithAutocomplete ()
if ( ! $this -> hasSttyAvailable ()) {
$this -> markTestSkipped ( '`stty` is required to test autocomplete functionality' );
$inputStream = $this -> getInputStream ( " Acm \n Ac \177 \177 s \t Test \n \n \033 [A \033 [A \n \033 [A \033 [A \033 [A \033 [A \033 [A \t Test \n \033 [B \n S \177 \177 \033 [B \033 [B \n F00 \177 \177 oo \t \n " );
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $inputStream );
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$dialog -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$question = new Question ( 'Please select a bundle' , 'FrameworkBundle' );
$question -> setAutocompleterValues ( array ( 'AcmeDemoBundle' , 'AsseticBundle' , 'SecurityBundle' , 'FooBundle' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'AcmeDemoBundle' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'AsseticBundleTest' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'FrameworkBundle' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'SecurityBundle' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'FooBundleTest' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'AcmeDemoBundle' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'AsseticBundle' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'FooBundle' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
public function testAskHiddenResponse ()
if ( '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) {
$this -> markTestSkipped ( 'This test is not supported on Windows' );
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " 8AM \n " ));
$question = new Question ( 'What time is it?' );
$question -> setHidden ( true );
$this -> assertEquals ( '8AM' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
* @ dataProvider getAskConfirmationData
public function testAskConfirmation ( $question , $expected , $default = true )
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( $question . " \n " ));
$question = new ConfirmationQuestion ( 'Do you like French fries?' , $default );
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ), 'confirmation question should ' . ( $expected ? 'pass' : 'cancel' ));
public function getAskConfirmationData ()
return array (
array ( '' , true ),
array ( '' , false , false ),
array ( 'y' , true ),
array ( 'yes' , true ),
array ( 'n' , false ),
array ( 'no' , false ),
public function testAskConfirmationWithCustomTrueAnswer ()
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " j \n y \n " ));
$question = new ConfirmationQuestion ( 'Do you like French fries?' , false , '/^(j|y)/i' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$question = new ConfirmationQuestion ( 'Do you like French fries?' , false , '/^(j|y)/i' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
public function testAskAndValidate ()
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$dialog -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$error = 'This is not a color!' ;
$validator = function ( $color ) use ( $error ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $color , array ( 'white' , 'black' ))) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( $error );
return $color ;
$question = new Question ( 'What color was the white horse of Henry IV?' , 'white' );
$question -> setValidator ( $validator );
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 2 );
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " \n black \n " ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'white' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'black' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " green \n yellow \n orange \n " ));
try {
$dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question );
$this -> fail ();
} catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $error , $e -> getMessage ());
* @ dataProvider simpleAnswerProvider
public function testSelectChoiceFromSimpleChoices ( $providedAnswer , $expectedValue )
$possibleChoices = array (
'My environment 1' ,
'My environment 2' ,
'My environment 3' ,
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( $providedAnswer . " \n " ));
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$dialog -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'Please select the environment to load' , $possibleChoices );
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$answer = $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question );
$this -> assertSame ( $expectedValue , $answer );
public function simpleAnswerProvider ()
return array (
array ( 0 , 'My environment 1' ),
array ( 1 , 'My environment 2' ),
array ( 2 , 'My environment 3' ),
array ( 'My environment 1' , 'My environment 1' ),
array ( 'My environment 2' , 'My environment 2' ),
array ( 'My environment 3' , 'My environment 3' ),
* @ dataProvider mixedKeysChoiceListAnswerProvider
public function testChoiceFromChoicelistWithMixedKeys ( $providedAnswer , $expectedValue )
$possibleChoices = array (
'0' => 'No environment' ,
'1' => 'My environment 1' ,
'env_2' => 'My environment 2' ,
3 => 'My environment 3' ,
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( $providedAnswer . " \n " ));
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$dialog -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'Please select the environment to load' , $possibleChoices );
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
$answer = $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question );
$this -> assertSame ( $expectedValue , $answer );
public function mixedKeysChoiceListAnswerProvider ()
return array (
array ( '0' , '0' ),
array ( 'No environment' , '0' ),
array ( '1' , '1' ),
array ( 'env_2' , 'env_2' ),
array ( 3 , '3' ),
array ( 'My environment 1' , '1' ),
* @ dataProvider answerProvider
public function testSelectChoiceFromChoiceList ( $providedAnswer , $expectedValue )
$possibleChoices = array (
'env_1' => 'My environment 1' ,
'env_2' => 'My environment' ,
'env_3' => 'My environment' ,
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( $providedAnswer . " \n " ));
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$dialog -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'Please select the environment to load' , $possibleChoices );
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
$answer = $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question );
$this -> assertSame ( $expectedValue , $answer );
* @ expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage The provided answer is ambiguous . Value should be one of env_2 or env_3 .
public function testAmbiguousChoiceFromChoicelist ()
$possibleChoices = array (
'env_1' => 'My first environment' ,
'env_2' => 'My environment' ,
'env_3' => 'My environment' ,
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$dialog -> setInputStream ( $this -> getInputStream ( " My environment \n " ));
$helperSet = new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
$dialog -> setHelperSet ( $helperSet );
$question = new ChoiceQuestion ( 'Please select the environment to load' , $possibleChoices );
$question -> setMaxAttempts ( 1 );
$dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock (), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question );
public function answerProvider ()
return array (
array ( 'env_1' , 'env_1' ),
array ( 'env_2' , 'env_2' ),
array ( 'env_3' , 'env_3' ),
array ( 'My environment 1' , 'env_1' ),
public function testNoInteraction ()
$dialog = new QuestionHelper ();
$question = new Question ( 'Do you have a job?' , 'not yet' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'not yet' , $dialog -> ask ( $this -> createInputInterfaceMock ( false ), $this -> createOutputInterface (), $question ));
protected function getInputStream ( $input )
$stream = fopen ( 'php://memory' , 'r+' , false );
fwrite ( $stream , $input );
rewind ( $stream );
return $stream ;
protected function createOutputInterface ()
return new StreamOutput ( fopen ( 'php://memory' , 'r+' , false ));
protected function createInputInterfaceMock ( $interactive = true )
$mock = $this -> getMock ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface' );
$mock -> expects ( $this -> any ())
-> method ( 'isInteractive' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( $interactive ));
return $mock ;
private function hasSttyAvailable ()
exec ( 'stty 2>&1' , $output , $exitcode );
return $exitcode === 0 ;