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* 2.2.0 (2014-12-30)
* Introduce new ExtendedPromiseInterface implemented by all promises
* Add new .done() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)
* Add new .otherwise() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)
* Add new .always() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)
* Add new .progress() method (part of the ExtendedPromiseInterface)
* Rename Deferred::progress to Deferred::notify to avoid confusion with
ExtendedPromiseInterface::progress (a Deferred::progress alias is still
available for backward compatibility)
* resolve() now always returns a ExtendedPromiseInterface
* 2.1.0 (2014-10-15)
* Introduce new CancellablePromiseInterface implemented by all promises
* Add new .cancel() method (part of the CancellablePromiseInterface)
* 2.0.0 (2013-12-10)
New major release. The goal was to streamline the API and to make it more
compliant with other promise libraries and especially with the new upcoming
[ES6 promises specification](https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/).
* Add standalone Promise class.
* Add new React\Promise\race() function.
* BC break: Bump minimum PHP version to PHP 5.4.
* BC break: Remove ResolverInterface and PromiseInterface from Deferred.
* BC break: Change signature of PromiseInterface.
* BC break: Remove When and Util classes and move static methods to functions.
* BC break: FulfilledPromise and RejectedPromise now throw an exception when
initialized with a promise instead of a value/reason.
* BC break: React\Promise\Deferred::resolve() and React\Promise\Deferred::reject()
no longer return a promise.
* 1.0.4 (2013-04-03)
* Trigger PHP errors when invalid callback is passed.
* Fully resolve rejection value before calling rejection handler.
* Add When::lazy() to create lazy promises which will be initialized once a
consumer calls the then() method.
* 1.0.3 (2012-11-17)
* Add `PromisorInterface` for objects that have a `promise()` method.
* 1.0.2 (2012-11-14)
* Fix bug in When::any() not correctly unwrapping to a single result value
* $promiseOrValue argument of When::resolve() and When::reject() is now optional
* 1.0.1 (2012-11-13)
* Prevent deep recursion which was reaching `xdebug.max_nesting_level` default of 100
* 1.0.0 (2012-11-07)
* First tagged release