2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Translation ;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\LoaderInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception\NotFoundResourceException ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCacheInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCacheFactoryInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCacheFactory ;
* Translator .
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
class Translator implements TranslatorInterface , TranslatorBagInterface
* @ var MessageCatalogueInterface []
protected $catalogues = array ();
* @ var string
protected $locale ;
* @ var array
private $fallbackLocales = array ();
* @ var LoaderInterface []
private $loaders = array ();
* @ var array
private $resources = array ();
* @ var MessageSelector
private $selector ;
* @ var string
private $cacheDir ;
* @ var bool
private $debug ;
* @ var ConfigCacheFactoryInterface | null
private $configCacheFactory ;
* Constructor .
* @ param string $locale The locale
* @ param MessageSelector | null $selector The message selector for pluralization
* @ param string | null $cacheDir The directory to use for the cache
* @ param bool $debug Use cache in debug mode ?
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException If a locale contains invalid characters
public function __construct ( $locale , MessageSelector $selector = null , $cacheDir = null , $debug = false )
$this -> setLocale ( $locale );
$this -> selector = $selector ? : new MessageSelector ();
$this -> cacheDir = $cacheDir ;
$this -> debug = $debug ;
* Sets the ConfigCache factory to use .
* @ param ConfigCacheFactoryInterface $configCacheFactory
public function setConfigCacheFactory ( ConfigCacheFactoryInterface $configCacheFactory )
$this -> configCacheFactory = $configCacheFactory ;
* Adds a Loader .
* @ param string $format The name of the loader ( @ see addResource ())
* @ param LoaderInterface $loader A LoaderInterface instance
public function addLoader ( $format , LoaderInterface $loader )
$this -> loaders [ $format ] = $loader ;
* Adds a Resource .
* @ param string $format The name of the loader ( @ see addLoader ())
* @ param mixed $resource The resource name
* @ param string $locale The locale
* @ param string $domain The domain
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException If the locale contains invalid characters
public function addResource ( $format , $resource , $locale , $domain = null )
if ( null === $domain ) {
$domain = 'messages' ;
$this -> assertValidLocale ( $locale );
$this -> resources [ $locale ][] = array ( $format , $resource , $domain );
if ( in_array ( $locale , $this -> fallbackLocales )) {
$this -> catalogues = array ();
} else {
unset ( $this -> catalogues [ $locale ]);
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function setLocale ( $locale )
$this -> assertValidLocale ( $locale );
$this -> locale = $locale ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getLocale ()
return $this -> locale ;
* Sets the fallback locale ( s ) .
* @ param string | array $locales The fallback locale ( s )
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException If a locale contains invalid characters
2017-02-03 00:28:38 +00:00
* @ deprecated since version 2.3 , to be removed in 3.0 . Use setFallbackLocales () instead
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
public function setFallbackLocale ( $locales )
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
@ trigger_error ( 'The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the setFallbackLocales() method instead.' , E_USER_DEPRECATED );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$this -> setFallbackLocales ( is_array ( $locales ) ? $locales : array ( $locales ));
* Sets the fallback locales .
* @ param array $locales The fallback locales
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException If a locale contains invalid characters
public function setFallbackLocales ( array $locales )
// needed as the fallback locales are linked to the already loaded catalogues
$this -> catalogues = array ();
foreach ( $locales as $locale ) {
$this -> assertValidLocale ( $locale );
$this -> fallbackLocales = $locales ;
* Gets the fallback locales .
* @ return array $locales The fallback locales
public function getFallbackLocales ()
return $this -> fallbackLocales ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function trans ( $id , array $parameters = array (), $domain = null , $locale = null )
if ( null === $domain ) {
$domain = 'messages' ;
return strtr ( $this -> getCatalogue ( $locale ) -> get (( string ) $id , $domain ), $parameters );
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function transChoice ( $id , $number , array $parameters = array (), $domain = null , $locale = null )
if ( null === $domain ) {
$domain = 'messages' ;
$id = ( string ) $id ;
$catalogue = $this -> getCatalogue ( $locale );
$locale = $catalogue -> getLocale ();
while ( ! $catalogue -> defines ( $id , $domain )) {
if ( $cat = $catalogue -> getFallbackCatalogue ()) {
$catalogue = $cat ;
$locale = $catalogue -> getLocale ();
} else {
break ;
return strtr ( $this -> selector -> choose ( $catalogue -> get ( $id , $domain ), ( int ) $number , $locale ), $parameters );
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getCatalogue ( $locale = null )
if ( null === $locale ) {
$locale = $this -> getLocale ();
} else {
$this -> assertValidLocale ( $locale );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> catalogues [ $locale ])) {
$this -> loadCatalogue ( $locale );
return $this -> catalogues [ $locale ];
* Gets the loaders .
* @ return array LoaderInterface []
protected function getLoaders ()
return $this -> loaders ;
* Collects all messages for the given locale .
* @ param string | null $locale Locale of translations , by default is current locale
* @ return array [ array ] indexed by catalog
2016-04-20 16:56:34 +00:00
* @ deprecated since version 2.8 , to be removed in 3.0 . Use TranslatorBagInterface :: getCatalogue () method instead .
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
public function getMessages ( $locale = null )
2016-04-20 16:56:34 +00:00
@ trigger_error ( 'The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use TranslatorBagInterface::getCatalogue() method instead.' , E_USER_DEPRECATED );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$catalogue = $this -> getCatalogue ( $locale );
$messages = $catalogue -> all ();
while ( $catalogue = $catalogue -> getFallbackCatalogue ()) {
$messages = array_replace_recursive ( $catalogue -> all (), $messages );
return $messages ;
* @ param string $locale
protected function loadCatalogue ( $locale )
if ( null === $this -> cacheDir ) {
$this -> initializeCatalogue ( $locale );
} else {
$this -> initializeCacheCatalogue ( $locale );
* @ param string $locale
protected function initializeCatalogue ( $locale )
$this -> assertValidLocale ( $locale );
try {
$this -> doLoadCatalogue ( $locale );
} catch ( NotFoundResourceException $e ) {
if ( ! $this -> computeFallbackLocales ( $locale )) {
throw $e ;
$this -> loadFallbackCatalogues ( $locale );
* @ param string $locale
private function initializeCacheCatalogue ( $locale )
if ( isset ( $this -> catalogues [ $locale ])) {
/* Catalogue already initialized. */
return ;
$this -> assertValidLocale ( $locale );
$self = $this ; // required for PHP 5.3 where "$this" cannot be use()d in anonymous functions. Change in Symfony 3.0.
$cache = $this -> getConfigCacheFactory () -> cache ( $this -> getCatalogueCachePath ( $locale ),
function ( ConfigCacheInterface $cache ) use ( $self , $locale ) {
$self -> dumpCatalogue ( $locale , $cache );
if ( isset ( $this -> catalogues [ $locale ])) {
/* Catalogue has been initialized as it was written out to cache. */
return ;
/* Read catalogue from cache. */
$this -> catalogues [ $locale ] = include $cache -> getPath ();
* This method is public because it needs to be callable from a closure in PHP 5.3 . It should be made protected ( or even private , if possible ) in 3.0 .
* @ internal
public function dumpCatalogue ( $locale , ConfigCacheInterface $cache )
$this -> initializeCatalogue ( $locale );
$fallbackContent = $this -> getFallbackContent ( $this -> catalogues [ $locale ]);
$content = sprintf ( <<< EOF
< ? php
use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue ;
\ $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue ( '%s' , % s );
% s
return \ $catalogue ;
$locale ,
var_export ( $this -> catalogues [ $locale ] -> all (), true ),
$cache -> write ( $content , $this -> catalogues [ $locale ] -> getResources ());
private function getFallbackContent ( MessageCatalogue $catalogue )
$fallbackContent = '' ;
$current = '' ;
$replacementPattern = '/[^a-z0-9_]/i' ;
$fallbackCatalogue = $catalogue -> getFallbackCatalogue ();
while ( $fallbackCatalogue ) {
$fallback = $fallbackCatalogue -> getLocale ();
$fallbackSuffix = ucfirst ( preg_replace ( $replacementPattern , '_' , $fallback ));
$currentSuffix = ucfirst ( preg_replace ( $replacementPattern , '_' , $current ));
2017-02-03 00:28:38 +00:00
$fallbackContent .= sprintf ( <<< 'EOF'
$catalogue % s = new MessageCatalogue ( '%s' , % s );
$catalogue % s -> addFallbackCatalogue ( $catalogue % s );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
$fallbackSuffix ,
$fallback ,
var_export ( $fallbackCatalogue -> all (), true ),
$currentSuffix ,
$current = $fallbackCatalogue -> getLocale ();
$fallbackCatalogue = $fallbackCatalogue -> getFallbackCatalogue ();
return $fallbackContent ;
private function getCatalogueCachePath ( $locale )
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
return $this -> cacheDir . '/catalogue.' . $locale . '.' . sha1 ( serialize ( $this -> fallbackLocales )) . '.php' ;
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private function doLoadCatalogue ( $locale )
$this -> catalogues [ $locale ] = new MessageCatalogue ( $locale );
if ( isset ( $this -> resources [ $locale ])) {
foreach ( $this -> resources [ $locale ] as $resource ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> loaders [ $resource [ 0 ]])) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'The "%s" translation loader is not registered.' , $resource [ 0 ]));
$this -> catalogues [ $locale ] -> addCatalogue ( $this -> loaders [ $resource [ 0 ]] -> load ( $resource [ 1 ], $locale , $resource [ 2 ]));
private function loadFallbackCatalogues ( $locale )
$current = $this -> catalogues [ $locale ];
foreach ( $this -> computeFallbackLocales ( $locale ) as $fallback ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> catalogues [ $fallback ])) {
2017-07-03 15:47:07 +00:00
$this -> initializeCatalogue ( $fallback );
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
2015-10-08 18:40:12 +00:00
$fallbackCatalogue = new MessageCatalogue ( $fallback , $this -> catalogues [ $fallback ] -> all ());
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foreach ( $this -> catalogues [ $fallback ] -> getResources () as $resource ) {
$fallbackCatalogue -> addResource ( $resource );
2015-10-08 18:40:12 +00:00
$current -> addFallbackCatalogue ( $fallbackCatalogue );
$current = $fallbackCatalogue ;
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protected function computeFallbackLocales ( $locale )
$locales = array ();
foreach ( $this -> fallbackLocales as $fallback ) {
if ( $fallback === $locale ) {
continue ;
$locales [] = $fallback ;
if ( strrchr ( $locale , '_' ) !== false ) {
array_unshift ( $locales , substr ( $locale , 0 , - strlen ( strrchr ( $locale , '_' ))));
return array_unique ( $locales );
* Asserts that the locale is valid , throws an Exception if not .
* @ param string $locale Locale to tests
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException If the locale contains invalid characters
protected function assertValidLocale ( $locale )
if ( 1 !== preg_match ( '/^[a-z0-9@_\\.\\-]*$/i' , $locale )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid "%s" locale.' , $locale ));
* Provides the ConfigCache factory implementation , falling back to a
* default implementation if necessary .
* @ return ConfigCacheFactoryInterface $configCacheFactory
private function getConfigCacheFactory ()
if ( ! $this -> configCacheFactory ) {
$this -> configCacheFactory = new ConfigCacheFactory ( $this -> debug );
return $this -> configCacheFactory ;