2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader ;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection ;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource ;
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use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException ;
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use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser as YamlParser ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader ;
* YamlFileLoader loads Yaml routing files .
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* @ author Tobias Schultze < http :// tobion . de >
class YamlFileLoader extends FileLoader
private static $availableKeys = array (
'resource' , 'type' , 'prefix' , 'pattern' , 'path' , 'host' , 'schemes' , 'methods' , 'defaults' , 'requirements' , 'options' , 'condition' ,
private $yamlParser ;
* Loads a Yaml file .
* @ param string $file A Yaml file path
* @ param string | null $type The resource type
* @ return RouteCollection A RouteCollection instance
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException When a route can ' t be parsed because YAML is invalid
public function load ( $file , $type = null )
$path = $this -> locator -> locate ( $file );
if ( ! stream_is_local ( $path )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'This is not a local file "%s".' , $path ));
if ( ! file_exists ( $path )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'File "%s" not found.' , $path ));
if ( null === $this -> yamlParser ) {
$this -> yamlParser = new YamlParser ();
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try {
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$parsedConfig = $this -> yamlParser -> parse ( file_get_contents ( $path ));
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} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The file "%s" does not contain valid YAML.' , $path ), 0 , $e );
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$collection = new RouteCollection ();
$collection -> addResource ( new FileResource ( $path ));
// empty file
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if ( null === $parsedConfig ) {
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return $collection ;
// not an array
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if ( ! is_array ( $parsedConfig )) {
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The file "%s" must contain a YAML array.' , $path ));
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foreach ( $parsedConfig as $name => $config ) {
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if ( isset ( $config [ 'pattern' ])) {
if ( isset ( $config [ 'path' ])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The file "%s" cannot define both a "path" and a "pattern" attribute. Use only "path".' , $path ));
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "pattern" option in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "path" option in the route definition instead.' , $path ), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
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$config [ 'path' ] = $config [ 'pattern' ];
unset ( $config [ 'pattern' ]);
$this -> validate ( $config , $name , $path );
if ( isset ( $config [ 'resource' ])) {
$this -> parseImport ( $collection , $config , $path , $file );
} else {
$this -> parseRoute ( $collection , $name , $config , $path );
return $collection ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function supports ( $resource , $type = null )
return is_string ( $resource ) && in_array ( pathinfo ( $resource , PATHINFO_EXTENSION ), array ( 'yml' , 'yaml' ), true ) && ( ! $type || 'yaml' === $type );
* Parses a route and adds it to the RouteCollection .
* @ param RouteCollection $collection A RouteCollection instance
* @ param string $name Route name
* @ param array $config Route definition
* @ param string $path Full path of the YAML file being processed
protected function parseRoute ( RouteCollection $collection , $name , array $config , $path )
$defaults = isset ( $config [ 'defaults' ]) ? $config [ 'defaults' ] : array ();
$requirements = isset ( $config [ 'requirements' ]) ? $config [ 'requirements' ] : array ();
$options = isset ( $config [ 'options' ]) ? $config [ 'options' ] : array ();
$host = isset ( $config [ 'host' ]) ? $config [ 'host' ] : '' ;
$schemes = isset ( $config [ 'schemes' ]) ? $config [ 'schemes' ] : array ();
$methods = isset ( $config [ 'methods' ]) ? $config [ 'methods' ] : array ();
$condition = isset ( $config [ 'condition' ]) ? $config [ 'condition' ] : null ;
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if ( isset ( $requirements [ '_method' ])) {
if ( 0 === count ( $methods )) {
$methods = explode ( '|' , $requirements [ '_method' ]);
unset ( $requirements [ '_method' ]);
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "_method" requirement of route "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "methods" option instead.' , $name , $path ), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
if ( isset ( $requirements [ '_scheme' ])) {
if ( 0 === count ( $schemes )) {
$schemes = explode ( '|' , $requirements [ '_scheme' ]);
unset ( $requirements [ '_scheme' ]);
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "_scheme" requirement of route "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "schemes" option instead.' , $name , $path ), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
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$route = new Route ( $config [ 'path' ], $defaults , $requirements , $options , $host , $schemes , $methods , $condition );
$collection -> add ( $name , $route );
* Parses an import and adds the routes in the resource to the RouteCollection .
* @ param RouteCollection $collection A RouteCollection instance
* @ param array $config Route definition
* @ param string $path Full path of the YAML file being processed
* @ param string $file Loaded file name
protected function parseImport ( RouteCollection $collection , array $config , $path , $file )
$type = isset ( $config [ 'type' ]) ? $config [ 'type' ] : null ;
$prefix = isset ( $config [ 'prefix' ]) ? $config [ 'prefix' ] : '' ;
$defaults = isset ( $config [ 'defaults' ]) ? $config [ 'defaults' ] : array ();
$requirements = isset ( $config [ 'requirements' ]) ? $config [ 'requirements' ] : array ();
$options = isset ( $config [ 'options' ]) ? $config [ 'options' ] : array ();
$host = isset ( $config [ 'host' ]) ? $config [ 'host' ] : null ;
$condition = isset ( $config [ 'condition' ]) ? $config [ 'condition' ] : null ;
$schemes = isset ( $config [ 'schemes' ]) ? $config [ 'schemes' ] : null ;
$methods = isset ( $config [ 'methods' ]) ? $config [ 'methods' ] : null ;
$this -> setCurrentDir ( dirname ( $path ));
$subCollection = $this -> import ( $config [ 'resource' ], $type , false , $file );
/* @var $subCollection RouteCollection */
$subCollection -> addPrefix ( $prefix );
if ( null !== $host ) {
$subCollection -> setHost ( $host );
if ( null !== $condition ) {
$subCollection -> setCondition ( $condition );
if ( null !== $schemes ) {
$subCollection -> setSchemes ( $schemes );
if ( null !== $methods ) {
$subCollection -> setMethods ( $methods );
$subCollection -> addDefaults ( $defaults );
$subCollection -> addRequirements ( $requirements );
$subCollection -> addOptions ( $options );
$collection -> addCollection ( $subCollection );
* Validates the route configuration .
* @ param array $config A resource config
* @ param string $name The config key
* @ param string $path The loaded file path
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException If one of the provided config keys is not supported ,
* something is missing or the combination is nonsense
protected function validate ( $config , $name , $path )
if ( ! is_array ( $config )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The definition of "%s" in "%s" must be a YAML array.' , $name , $path ));
if ( $extraKeys = array_diff ( array_keys ( $config ), self :: $availableKeys )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf (
'The routing file "%s" contains unsupported keys for "%s": "%s". Expected one of: "%s".' ,
$path , $name , implode ( '", "' , $extraKeys ), implode ( '", "' , self :: $availableKeys )
if ( isset ( $config [ 'resource' ]) && isset ( $config [ 'path' ])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf (
'The routing file "%s" must not specify both the "resource" key and the "path" key for "%s". Choose between an import and a route definition.' ,
$path , $name
if ( ! isset ( $config [ 'resource' ]) && isset ( $config [ 'type' ])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf (
'The "type" key for the route definition "%s" in "%s" is unsupported. It is only available for imports in combination with the "resource" key.' ,
$name , $path
if ( ! isset ( $config [ 'resource' ]) && ! isset ( $config [ 'path' ])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf (
'You must define a "path" for the route "%s" in file "%s".' ,
$name , $path