2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler ;
2016-04-20 16:56:34 +00:00
@ trigger_error ( 'The ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\MongoDbProfilerStorage class is deprecated since Symfony 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use FileProfilerStorage instead.' , E_USER_DEPRECATED );
* @ deprecated Deprecated since Symfony 2.8 , to be removed in Symfony 3.0 .
* Use { @ link FileProfilerStorage } instead .
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
class MongoDbProfilerStorage implements ProfilerStorageInterface
protected $dsn ;
protected $lifetime ;
private $mongo ;
* Constructor .
* @ param string $dsn A data source name
* @ param string $username Not used
* @ param string $password Not used
* @ param int $lifetime The lifetime to use for the purge
public function __construct ( $dsn , $username = '' , $password = '' , $lifetime = 86400 )
$this -> dsn = $dsn ;
$this -> lifetime = ( int ) $lifetime ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function find ( $ip , $url , $limit , $method , $start = null , $end = null )
$cursor = $this -> getMongo () -> find ( $this -> buildQuery ( $ip , $url , $method , $start , $end ), array ( '_id' , 'parent' , 'ip' , 'method' , 'url' , 'time' , 'status_code' )) -> sort ( array ( 'time' => - 1 )) -> limit ( $limit );
$tokens = array ();
foreach ( $cursor as $profile ) {
$tokens [] = $this -> getData ( $profile );
return $tokens ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function purge ()
$this -> getMongo () -> remove ( array ());
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function read ( $token )
$profile = $this -> getMongo () -> findOne ( array ( '_id' => $token , 'data' => array ( '$exists' => true )));
if ( null !== $profile ) {
$profile = $this -> createProfileFromData ( $this -> getData ( $profile ));
return $profile ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function write ( Profile $profile )
$this -> cleanup ();
$record = array (
'_id' => $profile -> getToken (),
'parent' => $profile -> getParentToken (),
'data' => base64_encode ( serialize ( $profile -> getCollectors ())),
'ip' => $profile -> getIp (),
'method' => $profile -> getMethod (),
'url' => $profile -> getUrl (),
'time' => $profile -> getTime (),
'status_code' => $profile -> getStatusCode (),
$result = $this -> getMongo () -> update ( array ( '_id' => $profile -> getToken ()), array_filter ( $record , function ( $v ) { return ! empty ( $v ); }), array ( 'upsert' => true ));
return ( bool ) ( isset ( $result [ 'ok' ]) ? $result [ 'ok' ] : $result );
* Internal convenience method that returns the instance of the MongoDB Collection .
* @ return \MongoCollection
* @ throws \RuntimeException
protected function getMongo ()
if ( null !== $this -> mongo ) {
return $this -> mongo ;
if ( ! $parsedDsn = $this -> parseDsn ( $this -> dsn )) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'Please check your configuration. You are trying to use MongoDB with an invalid dsn "%s". The expected format is "mongodb://[user:pass@]host/database/collection"' , $this -> dsn ));
list ( $server , $database , $collection ) = $parsedDsn ;
$mongoClass = version_compare ( phpversion ( 'mongo' ), '1.3.0' , '<' ) ? '\Mongo' : '\MongoClient' ;
$mongo = new $mongoClass ( $server );
return $this -> mongo = $mongo -> selectCollection ( $database , $collection );
* @ param array $data
* @ return Profile
protected function createProfileFromData ( array $data )
$profile = $this -> getProfile ( $data );
if ( $data [ 'parent' ]) {
$parent = $this -> getMongo () -> findOne ( array ( '_id' => $data [ 'parent' ], 'data' => array ( '$exists' => true )));
if ( $parent ) {
$profile -> setParent ( $this -> getProfile ( $this -> getData ( $parent )));
$profile -> setChildren ( $this -> readChildren ( $data [ 'token' ]));
return $profile ;
* @ param string $token
* @ return Profile [] An array of Profile instances
protected function readChildren ( $token )
$profiles = array ();
$cursor = $this -> getMongo () -> find ( array ( 'parent' => $token , 'data' => array ( '$exists' => true )));
foreach ( $cursor as $d ) {
$profiles [] = $this -> getProfile ( $this -> getData ( $d ));
return $profiles ;
protected function cleanup ()
$this -> getMongo () -> remove ( array ( 'time' => array ( '$lt' => time () - $this -> lifetime )));
* @ param string $ip
* @ param string $url
* @ param string $method
* @ param int $start
* @ param int $end
* @ return array
private function buildQuery ( $ip , $url , $method , $start , $end )
$query = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $ip )) {
$query [ 'ip' ] = $ip ;
if ( ! empty ( $url )) {
$query [ 'url' ] = $url ;
if ( ! empty ( $method )) {
$query [ 'method' ] = $method ;
if ( ! empty ( $start ) || ! empty ( $end )) {
$query [ 'time' ] = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $start )) {
$query [ 'time' ][ '$gte' ] = $start ;
if ( ! empty ( $end )) {
$query [ 'time' ][ '$lte' ] = $end ;
return $query ;
* @ param array $data
* @ return array
private function getData ( array $data )
return array (
'token' => $data [ '_id' ],
'parent' => isset ( $data [ 'parent' ]) ? $data [ 'parent' ] : null ,
'ip' => isset ( $data [ 'ip' ]) ? $data [ 'ip' ] : null ,
'method' => isset ( $data [ 'method' ]) ? $data [ 'method' ] : null ,
'url' => isset ( $data [ 'url' ]) ? $data [ 'url' ] : null ,
'time' => isset ( $data [ 'time' ]) ? $data [ 'time' ] : null ,
'data' => isset ( $data [ 'data' ]) ? $data [ 'data' ] : null ,
'status_code' => isset ( $data [ 'status_code' ]) ? $data [ 'status_code' ] : null ,
* @ param array $data
* @ return Profile
private function getProfile ( array $data )
$profile = new Profile ( $data [ 'token' ]);
$profile -> setIp ( $data [ 'ip' ]);
$profile -> setMethod ( $data [ 'method' ]);
$profile -> setUrl ( $data [ 'url' ]);
$profile -> setTime ( $data [ 'time' ]);
$profile -> setCollectors ( unserialize ( base64_decode ( $data [ 'data' ])));
return $profile ;
* @ param string $dsn
* @ return null | array Array ( $server , $database , $collection )
private function parseDsn ( $dsn )
if ( ! preg_match ( '#^(mongodb://.*)/(.*)/(.*)$#' , $dsn , $matches )) {
return ;
$server = $matches [ 1 ];
$database = $matches [ 2 ];
$collection = $matches [ 3 ];
preg_match ( '#^mongodb://(([^:]+):?(.*)(?=@))?@?([^/]*)(.*)$#' , $server , $matchesServer );
if ( '' == $matchesServer [ 5 ] && '' != $matches [ 2 ]) {
$server .= '/' . $matches [ 2 ];
return array ( $server , $database , $collection );