2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Util\XmlUtils ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\DefinitionDecorator ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Alias ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException ;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression ;
* XmlFileLoader loads XML files service definitions .
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
class XmlFileLoader extends FileLoader
const NS = 'http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services' ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function load ( $resource , $type = null )
$path = $this -> locator -> locate ( $resource );
$xml = $this -> parseFileToDOM ( $path );
$this -> container -> addResource ( new FileResource ( $path ));
// anonymous services
$this -> processAnonymousServices ( $xml , $path );
// imports
$this -> parseImports ( $xml , $path );
// parameters
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$this -> parseParameters ( $xml );
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// extensions
$this -> loadFromExtensions ( $xml );
// services
$this -> parseDefinitions ( $xml , $path );
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function supports ( $resource , $type = null )
return is_string ( $resource ) && 'xml' === pathinfo ( $resource , PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
* Parses parameters .
* @ param \DOMDocument $xml
2015-09-04 20:20:09 +00:00
private function parseParameters ( \DOMDocument $xml )
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
if ( $parameters = $this -> getChildren ( $xml -> documentElement , 'parameters' )) {
$this -> container -> getParameterBag () -> add ( $this -> getArgumentsAsPhp ( $parameters [ 0 ], 'parameter' ));
* Parses imports .
* @ param \DOMDocument $xml
* @ param string $file
private function parseImports ( \DOMDocument $xml , $file )
$xpath = new \DOMXPath ( $xml );
$xpath -> registerNamespace ( 'container' , self :: NS );
if ( false === $imports = $xpath -> query ( '//container:imports/container:import' )) {
return ;
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$defaultDirectory = dirname ( $file );
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foreach ( $imports as $import ) {
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$this -> setCurrentDir ( $defaultDirectory );
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$this -> import ( $import -> getAttribute ( 'resource' ), null , ( bool ) XmlUtils :: phpize ( $import -> getAttribute ( 'ignore-errors' )), $file );
* Parses multiple definitions .
* @ param \DOMDocument $xml
* @ param string $file
private function parseDefinitions ( \DOMDocument $xml , $file )
$xpath = new \DOMXPath ( $xml );
$xpath -> registerNamespace ( 'container' , self :: NS );
if ( false === $services = $xpath -> query ( '//container:services/container:service' )) {
return ;
foreach ( $services as $service ) {
if ( null !== $definition = $this -> parseDefinition ( $service , $file )) {
$this -> container -> setDefinition (( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), $definition );
* Parses an individual Definition .
* @ param \DOMElement $service
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* @ param string $file
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* @ return Definition | null
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private function parseDefinition ( \DOMElement $service , $file )
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if ( $alias = $service -> getAttribute ( 'alias' )) {
$public = true ;
if ( $publicAttr = $service -> getAttribute ( 'public' )) {
$public = XmlUtils :: phpize ( $publicAttr );
$this -> container -> setAlias (( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), new Alias ( $alias , $public ));
return ;
if ( $parent = $service -> getAttribute ( 'parent' )) {
$definition = new DefinitionDecorator ( $parent );
} else {
$definition = new Definition ();
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foreach ( array ( 'class' , 'shared' , 'public' , 'factory-class' , 'factory-method' , 'factory-service' , 'synthetic' , 'lazy' , 'abstract' ) as $key ) {
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if ( $value = $service -> getAttribute ( $key )) {
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if ( in_array ( $key , array ( 'factory-class' , 'factory-method' , 'factory-service' ))) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "%s" attribute of service "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.6 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "factory" element instead.' , $key , ( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), $file ), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
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$method = 'set' . str_replace ( '-' , '' , $key );
$definition -> $method ( XmlUtils :: phpize ( $value ));
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if ( $value = $service -> getAttribute ( 'autowire' )) {
$definition -> setAutowired ( XmlUtils :: phpize ( $value ));
if ( $value = $service -> getAttribute ( 'scope' )) {
$triggerDeprecation = 'request' !== ( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' );
if ( $triggerDeprecation ) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "scope" attribute of service "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0.' , ( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), $file ), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
$definition -> setScope ( XmlUtils :: phpize ( $value ), false );
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if ( $value = $service -> getAttribute ( 'synchronized' )) {
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
$triggerDeprecation = 'request' !== ( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' );
if ( $triggerDeprecation ) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "synchronized" attribute of service "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.7 and will be removed in 3.0.' , ( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), $file ), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
$definition -> setSynchronized ( XmlUtils :: phpize ( $value ), $triggerDeprecation );
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if ( $files = $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'file' )) {
$definition -> setFile ( $files [ 0 ] -> nodeValue );
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if ( $deprecated = $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'deprecated' )) {
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$definition -> setDeprecated ( true , $deprecated [ 0 ] -> nodeValue ? : null );
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$definition -> setArguments ( $this -> getArgumentsAsPhp ( $service , 'argument' ));
$definition -> setProperties ( $this -> getArgumentsAsPhp ( $service , 'property' ));
if ( $factories = $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'factory' )) {
$factory = $factories [ 0 ];
if ( $function = $factory -> getAttribute ( 'function' )) {
$definition -> setFactory ( $function );
} else {
$factoryService = $this -> getChildren ( $factory , 'service' );
if ( isset ( $factoryService [ 0 ])) {
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
$class = $this -> parseDefinition ( $factoryService [ 0 ], $file );
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} elseif ( $childService = $factory -> getAttribute ( 'service' )) {
$class = new Reference ( $childService , ContainerInterface :: EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE , false );
} else {
$class = $factory -> getAttribute ( 'class' );
$definition -> setFactory ( array ( $class , $factory -> getAttribute ( 'method' )));
if ( $configurators = $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'configurator' )) {
$configurator = $configurators [ 0 ];
if ( $function = $configurator -> getAttribute ( 'function' )) {
$definition -> setConfigurator ( $function );
} else {
$configuratorService = $this -> getChildren ( $configurator , 'service' );
if ( isset ( $configuratorService [ 0 ])) {
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
$class = $this -> parseDefinition ( $configuratorService [ 0 ], $file );
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} elseif ( $childService = $configurator -> getAttribute ( 'service' )) {
$class = new Reference ( $childService , ContainerInterface :: EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE , false );
} else {
$class = $configurator -> getAttribute ( 'class' );
$definition -> setConfigurator ( array ( $class , $configurator -> getAttribute ( 'method' )));
foreach ( $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'call' ) as $call ) {
$definition -> addMethodCall ( $call -> getAttribute ( 'method' ), $this -> getArgumentsAsPhp ( $call , 'argument' ));
foreach ( $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'tag' ) as $tag ) {
$parameters = array ();
foreach ( $tag -> attributes as $name => $node ) {
if ( 'name' === $name ) {
continue ;
if ( false !== strpos ( $name , '-' ) && false === strpos ( $name , '_' ) && ! array_key_exists ( $normalizedName = str_replace ( '-' , '_' , $name ), $parameters )) {
$parameters [ $normalizedName ] = XmlUtils :: phpize ( $node -> nodeValue );
// keep not normalized key for BC too
$parameters [ $name ] = XmlUtils :: phpize ( $node -> nodeValue );
2016-04-20 16:56:34 +00:00
if ( '' === $tag -> getAttribute ( 'name' )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The tag name for service "%s" in %s must be a non-empty string.' , ( string ) $service -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), $file ));
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$definition -> addTag ( $tag -> getAttribute ( 'name' ), $parameters );
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foreach ( $this -> getChildren ( $service , 'autowiring-type' ) as $type ) {
$definition -> addAutowiringType ( $type -> textContent );
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if ( $value = $service -> getAttribute ( 'decorates' )) {
$renameId = $service -> hasAttribute ( 'decoration-inner-name' ) ? $service -> getAttribute ( 'decoration-inner-name' ) : null ;
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$priority = $service -> hasAttribute ( 'decoration-priority' ) ? $service -> getAttribute ( 'decoration-priority' ) : 0 ;
$definition -> setDecoratedService ( $value , $renameId , $priority );
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return $definition ;
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
* Parses a XML file to a \DOMDocument .
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* @ param string $file Path to a file
* @ return \DOMDocument
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When loading of XML file returns error
private function parseFileToDOM ( $file )
try {
$dom = XmlUtils :: loadFile ( $file , array ( $this , 'validateSchema' ));
} catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Unable to parse file "%s".' , $file ), $e -> getCode (), $e );
$this -> validateExtensions ( $dom , $file );
return $dom ;
* Processes anonymous services .
* @ param \DOMDocument $xml
* @ param string $file
private function processAnonymousServices ( \DOMDocument $xml , $file )
$definitions = array ();
$count = 0 ;
$xpath = new \DOMXPath ( $xml );
$xpath -> registerNamespace ( 'container' , self :: NS );
// anonymous services as arguments/properties
if ( false !== $nodes = $xpath -> query ( '//container:argument[@type="service"][not(@id)]|//container:property[@type="service"][not(@id)]' )) {
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
// give it a unique name
$id = sprintf ( '%s_%d' , hash ( 'sha256' , $file ), ++ $count );
$node -> setAttribute ( 'id' , $id );
if ( $services = $this -> getChildren ( $node , 'service' )) {
$definitions [ $id ] = array ( $services [ 0 ], $file , false );
$services [ 0 ] -> setAttribute ( 'id' , $id );
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// anonymous services are always private
// we could not use the constant false here, because of XML parsing
$services [ 0 ] -> setAttribute ( 'public' , 'false' );
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// anonymous services "in the wild"
if ( false !== $nodes = $xpath -> query ( '//container:services/container:service[not(@id)]' )) {
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
// give it a unique name
$id = sprintf ( '%s_%d' , hash ( 'sha256' , $file ), ++ $count );
$node -> setAttribute ( 'id' , $id );
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$definitions [ $id ] = array ( $node , $file , true );
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// resolve definitions
krsort ( $definitions );
foreach ( $definitions as $id => $def ) {
list ( $domElement , $file , $wild ) = $def ;
if ( null !== $definition = $this -> parseDefinition ( $domElement , $file )) {
$this -> container -> setDefinition ( $id , $definition );
if ( true === $wild ) {
$tmpDomElement = new \DOMElement ( '_services' , null , self :: NS );
$domElement -> parentNode -> replaceChild ( $tmpDomElement , $domElement );
$tmpDomElement -> setAttribute ( 'id' , $id );
} else {
$domElement -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $domElement );
* Returns arguments as valid php types .
* @ param \DOMElement $node
* @ param string $name
* @ param bool $lowercase
* @ return mixed
private function getArgumentsAsPhp ( \DOMElement $node , $name , $lowercase = true )
$arguments = array ();
foreach ( $this -> getChildren ( $node , $name ) as $arg ) {
if ( $arg -> hasAttribute ( 'name' )) {
$arg -> setAttribute ( 'key' , $arg -> getAttribute ( 'name' ));
// this is used by DefinitionDecorator to overwrite a specific
// argument of the parent definition
if ( $arg -> hasAttribute ( 'index' )) {
$key = 'index_' . $arg -> getAttribute ( 'index' );
2017-02-03 00:28:38 +00:00
} elseif ( ! $arg -> hasAttribute ( 'key' )) {
// Append an empty argument, then fetch its key to overwrite it later
$arguments [] = null ;
$keys = array_keys ( $arguments );
$key = array_pop ( $keys );
} else {
$key = $arg -> getAttribute ( 'key' );
// parameter keys are case insensitive
if ( 'parameter' == $name && $lowercase ) {
$key = strtolower ( $key );
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switch ( $arg -> getAttribute ( 'type' )) {
case 'service' :
$onInvalid = $arg -> getAttribute ( 'on-invalid' );
$invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface :: EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE ;
if ( 'ignore' == $onInvalid ) {
$invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface :: IGNORE_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE ;
} elseif ( 'null' == $onInvalid ) {
$invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface :: NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE ;
if ( $strict = $arg -> getAttribute ( 'strict' )) {
$strict = XmlUtils :: phpize ( $strict );
} else {
$strict = true ;
$arguments [ $key ] = new Reference ( $arg -> getAttribute ( 'id' ), $invalidBehavior , $strict );
break ;
case 'expression' :
$arguments [ $key ] = new Expression ( $arg -> nodeValue );
break ;
case 'collection' :
$arguments [ $key ] = $this -> getArgumentsAsPhp ( $arg , $name , false );
break ;
case 'string' :
$arguments [ $key ] = $arg -> nodeValue ;
break ;
case 'constant' :
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$arguments [ $key ] = constant ( trim ( $arg -> nodeValue ));
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break ;
default :
$arguments [ $key ] = XmlUtils :: phpize ( $arg -> nodeValue );
return $arguments ;
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* Get child elements by name .
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* @ param \DOMNode $node
* @ param mixed $name
* @ return array
private function getChildren ( \DOMNode $node , $name )
$children = array ();
foreach ( $node -> childNodes as $child ) {
if ( $child instanceof \DOMElement && $child -> localName === $name && $child -> namespaceURI === self :: NS ) {
$children [] = $child ;
return $children ;
* Validates a documents XML schema .
* @ param \DOMDocument $dom
* @ return bool
* @ throws RuntimeException When extension references a non - existent XSD file
public function validateSchema ( \DOMDocument $dom )
$schemaLocations = array ( 'http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services' => str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , __DIR__ . '/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd' ));
if ( $element = $dom -> documentElement -> getAttributeNS ( 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' , 'schemaLocation' )) {
$items = preg_split ( '/\s+/' , $element );
for ( $i = 0 , $nb = count ( $items ); $i < $nb ; $i += 2 ) {
if ( ! $this -> container -> hasExtension ( $items [ $i ])) {
continue ;
if (( $extension = $this -> container -> getExtension ( $items [ $i ])) && false !== $extension -> getXsdValidationBasePath ()) {
$path = str_replace ( $extension -> getNamespace (), str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , $extension -> getXsdValidationBasePath ()) . '/' , $items [ $i + 1 ]);
if ( ! is_file ( $path )) {
throw new RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'Extension "%s" references a non-existent XSD file "%s"' , get_class ( $extension ), $path ));
$schemaLocations [ $items [ $i ]] = $path ;
$tmpfiles = array ();
$imports = '' ;
foreach ( $schemaLocations as $namespace => $location ) {
$parts = explode ( '/' , $location );
if ( 0 === stripos ( $location , 'phar://' )) {
$tmpfile = tempnam ( sys_get_temp_dir (), 'sf2' );
if ( $tmpfile ) {
copy ( $location , $tmpfile );
$tmpfiles [] = $tmpfile ;
$parts = explode ( '/' , str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , $tmpfile ));
$drive = '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? array_shift ( $parts ) . '/' : '' ;
$location = 'file:///' . $drive . implode ( '/' , array_map ( 'rawurlencode' , $parts ));
$imports .= sprintf ( ' <xsd:import namespace="%s" schemaLocation="%s" />' . " \n " , $namespace , $location );
$source = <<< EOF
< ? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?>
< xsd : schema xmlns = " http://symfony.com/schema "
xmlns : xsd = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema "
targetNamespace = " http://symfony.com/schema "
elementFormDefault = " qualified " >
< xsd : import namespace = " http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace " />
</ xsd : schema >
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$disableEntities = libxml_disable_entity_loader ( false );
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$valid = @ $dom -> schemaValidateSource ( $source );
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libxml_disable_entity_loader ( $disableEntities );
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foreach ( $tmpfiles as $tmpfile ) {
@ unlink ( $tmpfile );
return $valid ;
* Validates an extension .
* @ param \DOMDocument $dom
* @ param string $file
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When no extension is found corresponding to a tag
private function validateExtensions ( \DOMDocument $dom , $file )
foreach ( $dom -> documentElement -> childNodes as $node ) {
if ( ! $node instanceof \DOMElement || 'http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services' === $node -> namespaceURI ) {
continue ;
// can it be handled by an extension?
if ( ! $this -> container -> hasExtension ( $node -> namespaceURI )) {
$extensionNamespaces = array_filter ( array_map ( function ( $ext ) { return $ext -> getNamespace (); }, $this -> container -> getExtensions ()));
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf (
'There is no extension able to load the configuration for "%s" (in %s). Looked for namespace "%s", found %s' ,
$node -> tagName ,
$file ,
$node -> namespaceURI ,
$extensionNamespaces ? sprintf ( '"%s"' , implode ( '", "' , $extensionNamespaces )) : 'none'
* Loads from an extension .
* @ param \DOMDocument $xml
private function loadFromExtensions ( \DOMDocument $xml )
foreach ( $xml -> documentElement -> childNodes as $node ) {
if ( ! $node instanceof \DOMElement || $node -> namespaceURI === self :: NS ) {
continue ;
$values = static :: convertDomElementToArray ( $node );
if ( ! is_array ( $values )) {
$values = array ();
$this -> container -> loadFromExtension ( $node -> namespaceURI , $values );
* Converts a \DomElement object to a PHP array .
* The following rules applies during the conversion :
* * Each tag is converted to a key value or an array
* if there is more than one " value "
* * The content of a tag is set under a " value " key ( < foo > bar </ foo > )
* if the tag also has some nested tags
* * The attributes are converted to keys ( < foo foo = " bar " /> )
* * The nested - tags are converted to keys ( < foo >< foo > bar </ foo ></ foo > )
* @ param \DomElement $element A \DomElement instance
* @ return array A PHP array
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public static function convertDomElementToArray ( \DOMElement $element )
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return XmlUtils :: convertDomElementToArray ( $element );