2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper ;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue ;
* XliffFileDumper generates xliff files from a message catalogue .
* @ author Michel Salib < michelsalib @ hotmail . com >
class XliffFileDumper extends FileDumper
* { @ inheritdoc }
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public function formatCatalogue ( MessageCatalogue $messages , $domain , array $options = array ())
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$xliffVersion = '1.2' ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'xliff_version' , $options )) {
$xliffVersion = $options [ 'xliff_version' ];
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if ( array_key_exists ( 'default_locale' , $options )) {
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$defaultLocale = $options [ 'default_locale' ];
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} else {
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$defaultLocale = \Locale :: getDefault ();
if ( '1.2' === $xliffVersion ) {
return $this -> dumpXliff1 ( $defaultLocale , $messages , $domain , $options );
if ( '2.0' === $xliffVersion ) {
return $this -> dumpXliff2 ( $defaultLocale , $messages , $domain , $options );
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throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'No support implemented for dumping XLIFF version "%s".' , $xliffVersion ));
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* { @ inheritdoc }
protected function format ( MessageCatalogue $messages , $domain )
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@ trigger_error ( 'The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the formatCatalogue() method instead.' , E_USER_DEPRECATED );
return $this -> formatCatalogue ( $messages , $domain );
* { @ inheritdoc }
protected function getExtension ()
return 'xlf' ;
private function dumpXliff1 ( $defaultLocale , MessageCatalogue $messages , $domain , array $options = array ())
$toolInfo = array ( 'tool-id' => 'symfony' , 'tool-name' => 'Symfony' );
if ( array_key_exists ( 'tool_info' , $options )) {
$toolInfo = array_merge ( $toolInfo , $options [ 'tool_info' ]);
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$dom = new \DOMDocument ( '1.0' , 'utf-8' );
$dom -> formatOutput = true ;
$xliff = $dom -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'xliff' ));
$xliff -> setAttribute ( 'version' , '1.2' );
$xliff -> setAttribute ( 'xmlns' , 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2' );
$xliffFile = $xliff -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'file' ));
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$xliffFile -> setAttribute ( 'source-language' , str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $defaultLocale ));
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$xliffFile -> setAttribute ( 'target-language' , str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $messages -> getLocale ()));
$xliffFile -> setAttribute ( 'datatype' , 'plaintext' );
$xliffFile -> setAttribute ( 'original' , 'file.ext' );
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$xliffHead = $xliffFile -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'header' ));
$xliffTool = $xliffHead -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'tool' ));
foreach ( $toolInfo as $id => $value ) {
$xliffTool -> setAttribute ( $id , $value );
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$xliffBody = $xliffFile -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'body' ));
foreach ( $messages -> all ( $domain ) as $source => $target ) {
$translation = $dom -> createElement ( 'trans-unit' );
$translation -> setAttribute ( 'id' , md5 ( $source ));
$translation -> setAttribute ( 'resname' , $source );
$s = $translation -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'source' ));
$s -> appendChild ( $dom -> createTextNode ( $source ));
// Does the target contain characters requiring a CDATA section?
$text = 1 === preg_match ( '/[&<>]/' , $target ) ? $dom -> createCDATASection ( $target ) : $dom -> createTextNode ( $target );
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$targetElement = $dom -> createElement ( 'target' );
$metadata = $messages -> getMetadata ( $source , $domain );
if ( $this -> hasMetadataArrayInfo ( 'target-attributes' , $metadata )) {
foreach ( $metadata [ 'target-attributes' ] as $name => $value ) {
$targetElement -> setAttribute ( $name , $value );
$t = $translation -> appendChild ( $targetElement );
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$t -> appendChild ( $text );
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if ( $this -> hasMetadataArrayInfo ( 'notes' , $metadata )) {
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foreach ( $metadata [ 'notes' ] as $note ) {
if ( ! isset ( $note [ 'content' ])) {
continue ;
$n = $translation -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'note' ));
$n -> appendChild ( $dom -> createTextNode ( $note [ 'content' ]));
if ( isset ( $note [ 'priority' ])) {
$n -> setAttribute ( 'priority' , $note [ 'priority' ]);
if ( isset ( $note [ 'from' ])) {
$n -> setAttribute ( 'from' , $note [ 'from' ]);
$xliffBody -> appendChild ( $translation );
return $dom -> saveXML ();
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private function dumpXliff2 ( $defaultLocale , MessageCatalogue $messages , $domain , array $options = array ())
$dom = new \DOMDocument ( '1.0' , 'utf-8' );
$dom -> formatOutput = true ;
$xliff = $dom -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'xliff' ));
$xliff -> setAttribute ( 'xmlns' , 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0' );
$xliff -> setAttribute ( 'version' , '2.0' );
$xliff -> setAttribute ( 'srcLang' , str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $defaultLocale ));
$xliff -> setAttribute ( 'trgLang' , str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $messages -> getLocale ()));
$xliffFile = $xliff -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'file' ));
$xliffFile -> setAttribute ( 'id' , $domain . '.' . $messages -> getLocale ());
foreach ( $messages -> all ( $domain ) as $source => $target ) {
$translation = $dom -> createElement ( 'unit' );
$translation -> setAttribute ( 'id' , md5 ( $source ));
$segment = $translation -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'segment' ));
$s = $segment -> appendChild ( $dom -> createElement ( 'source' ));
$s -> appendChild ( $dom -> createTextNode ( $source ));
// Does the target contain characters requiring a CDATA section?
$text = 1 === preg_match ( '/[&<>]/' , $target ) ? $dom -> createCDATASection ( $target ) : $dom -> createTextNode ( $target );
$targetElement = $dom -> createElement ( 'target' );
$metadata = $messages -> getMetadata ( $source , $domain );
if ( $this -> hasMetadataArrayInfo ( 'target-attributes' , $metadata )) {
foreach ( $metadata [ 'target-attributes' ] as $name => $value ) {
$targetElement -> setAttribute ( $name , $value );
$t = $segment -> appendChild ( $targetElement );
$t -> appendChild ( $text );
$xliffFile -> appendChild ( $translation );
return $dom -> saveXML ();
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* @ param string $key
* @ param array | null $metadata
* @ return bool
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private function hasMetadataArrayInfo ( $key , $metadata = null )
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return null !== $metadata && array_key_exists ( $key , $metadata ) && ( $metadata [ $key ] instanceof \Traversable || is_array ( $metadata [ $key ]));
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