2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
< ? php
* @ file
* Archived Webform update hooks .
use Drupal\Component\Uuid\Php as Uuud ;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache ;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database ;
use Drupal\Core\Serialization\Yaml ;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element ;
use Drupal\Core\Url ;
use Drupal\views\Entity\View ;
use Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform ;
use Drupal\webform\Entity\WebformOptions ;
use Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformHandler\EmailWebformHandler ;
use Drupal\webform\WebformInterface ;
use Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformHandler\RemotePostWebformHandler ;
use Drupal\webform\Utility\WebformArrayHelper ;
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
use Drupal\webform\Utility\WebformFormHelper ;
2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
use Drupal\webform\Utility\WebformOptionsHelper ;
use Drupal\webform\Utility\WebformReflectionHelper ;
use Drupal\webform\Utility\WebformYaml ;
* Implements hook_update_dependencies () .
function webform_update_dependencies () {
// Ensure that system_update_8501() runs before the webform update, so that
// the new revision_default field is installed in the correct table.
// @see https://www.drupal.org/project/webform/issues/2958102
$dependencies [ 'webform' ][ 8099 ][ 'system' ] = 8501 ;
return $dependencies ;
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta1 - December 7, 2016 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta2 - December 8, 2016 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta3 - December, 21 2016.
* Issue #2834203: Convert webform field target_id to 32 characters.
function webform_update_8001 () {
$database_schema = \Drupal :: database () -> schema ();
$schema = \Drupal :: keyValue ( 'entity.storage_schema.sql' ) -> getAll ();
foreach ( $schema as $item_name => $item ) {
foreach ( $item as $table_name => $table_schema ) {
foreach ( $table_schema as $schema_key => $schema_data ) {
if ( $schema_key == 'fields' ) {
foreach ( $schema_data as $field_name => $field_data ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/_target_id$/' , $field_name ) && $field_data [ 'description' ] == 'The ID of the webform entity.' && $schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $field_name ][ 'length' ] === 255 ) {
$schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $field_name ][ 'length' ] = 32 ;
if ( $database_schema -> tableExists ( $table_name )) {
$database_schema -> changeField ( $table_name , $field_name , $field_name , $schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $field_name ]);
\Drupal :: keyValue ( 'entity.storage_schema.sql' ) -> setMultiple ( $schema );
* Issue #2834572: Refactor and improve token management.
function webform_update_8002 () {
_webform_update_string_replace ( '[webform-submission:' , '[webform_submission:' );
* Issue #2834654: Add close button to messages.
function webform_update_8003 () {
// Change webform.* to webform.* state.
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$state = \Drupal :: state () -> get ( 'webform.' . $webform -> id (), NULL );
if ( $state !== NULL ) {
\Drupal :: state () -> set ( 'webform.webform.' . $webform -> id (), $state );
\Drupal :: state () -> delete ( 'webform.' . $webform -> id ());
* Issue #2836948: Problem with autocomplete field. Change '#autocomplete_options' to '#autocomplete_items'.
function webform_update_8004 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , '#autocomplete_options' ) !== FALSE ) {
$elements = str_replace ( '#autocomplete_options' , '#autocomplete_items' , $elements );
$webform_config -> set ( 'elements' , $elements );
$webform_config -> save ( TRUE );
* Issue #2837090: Undefined function call webform_schema.
function webform_update_8005 () {
// @see webform_update_8006() which fixes this broken hook.
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta4 - December 26, 2016.
* Issue #2837090: Undefined function call webform_schema.
function webform_update_8006 () {
// Fix key_value.collection which was no updated during the migration.
$module_handler = \Drupal :: moduleHandler ();
$database_type = Database :: getConnection ( 'default' ) -> databaseType ();
if ( $module_handler -> moduleExists ( 'webform' ) && ! $module_handler -> moduleExists ( 'webform' ) && $database_type == 'mysql' ) {
$database = \Drupal :: database ();
$select = $database -> select ( 'key_value' , 'kv' );
$select -> fields ( 'kv' , [ 'collection' , 'name' , 'value' ]);
$select -> condition ( 'collection' , '%webform%' , 'LIKE' );
$result = $select -> execute ();
while ( $record = $result -> fetchAssoc ()) {
$old_collection = $record [ 'collection' ];
$new_collection = str_replace ( 'webform' , 'webform' , $record [ 'collection' ]);
$collection_select = $database -> select ( 'key_value' , 'kv' );
$collection_select -> fields ( 'kv' , [ 'collection' , 'name' , 'value' ]);
$collection_select -> condition ( 'collection' , $new_collection );
$collection_result = $collection_select -> execute ();
// Only insert the new record if there the collection does not exist.
if ( ! $collection_result -> fetchAll ()) {
$record [ 'collection' ] = $new_collection ;
$database -> insert ( 'key_value' )
-> fields ([ 'collection' , 'name' , 'value' ])
-> values ( array_values ( $record ))
-> execute ();
// Delete the old record.
$database -> delete ( 'key_value' )
-> condition ( 'collection' , $old_collection )
-> execute ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta5 - January 30, 2017.
* Issue #2840521: Add support for global CSS and JS.
function webform_update_8007 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2839615: Disabling message about viewing user's previous submissions.
function webform_update_8008 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2844020: Add admin and form specific setting to allow submit button to be clicked only once.
function webform_update_8009 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2843400: Automated purging of submissions.
function webform_update_8010 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2845028: Refactor and rework element formatting to better support multiple values.
function webform_update_8011 () {
// Update admin.settings format to support
// 'formats.{element_type}.item' and 'formats.{element_type}.items'.
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$data = $admin_config -> getRawData ();
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'format' ])) {
foreach ( $data [ 'format' ] as $element_type => $element_format ) {
if ( is_string ( $element_format )) {
$data [ 'format' ][ $element_type ] = [ 'item' => $element_format ];
$admin_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
// Update webform element to support #format_items.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
// Update 'webform.webform.*' configuration.
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
// Get data.
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( strpos ( $data [ 'elements' ], " '#format' " ) === FALSE ) {
continue ;
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $data [ 'elements' ]);
_webform_update_8011 ( $elements );
$data [ 'elements' ] = Yaml :: encode ( $elements );
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Move $element [ '#format' ] to $element [ '#format_items' ] .
* Applies to ol , ul , comma , and semicolon .
* @ param array $element
* A form element .
function _webform_update_8011 ( array & $element ) {
// Issue #2863986: Allow updating modules with new service dependencies.
\Drupal :: service ( 'kernel' ) -> rebuildContainer ();
if ( isset ( $element [ '#format' ])) {
/** @var \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
$element_manager = \Drupal :: service ( 'plugin.manager.webform.element' );
$webform_element = $element_manager -> getElementInstance ( $element );
$format = $element [ '#format' ];
$item_formats = $webform_element -> getItemFormats ();
$items_formats = $webform_element -> getItemsFormats ();
if ( ! isset ( $item_formats [ $format ]) && isset ( $items_formats [ $format ])) {
unset ( $element [ '#format' ]);
$element [ '#format_items' ] = $format ;
foreach ( Element :: children ( $element ) as $key ) {
if ( is_array ( $element [ $key ])) {
_webform_update_8011 ( $element [ $key ]);
* Issue #2845776: Improve #multiple handling.
function webform_update_8012 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2840858: Create Webform and Webform Submission Action plugins.
function webform_update_8013 () {
_webform_update_actions ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta6 - February 13, 2017.
* Issue #2848042: Rework #type shorthand prefix handling.
function webform_update_8014 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
// Get data, get elements, and update elements #type.
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $data [ 'elements' ]);
// Make sure $elements has been decoded into an array.
if ( is_array ( $elements )) {
_webform_update_8014 ( $elements );
// Set elements, set data, and save data.
$data [ 'elements' ] = Yaml :: encode ( $elements );
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Add 'webform_' prefix to #type.
* @ param array $element
* A form element .
function _webform_update_8014 ( array & $element ) {
// Issue #2863986: Allow updating modules with new service dependencies.
\Drupal :: service ( 'kernel' ) -> rebuildContainer ();
/** @var \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElementManagerInterface $element_manager */
$element_manager = \Drupal :: service ( 'plugin.manager.webform.element' );
// Add 'webform_' prefix to #type.
if ( isset ( $element [ '#type' ]) && ! $element_manager -> hasDefinition ( $element [ '#type' ]) && $element_manager -> hasDefinition ( 'webform_' . $element [ '#type' ])) {
$element [ '#type' ] = 'webform_' . $element [ '#type' ];
foreach ( Element :: children ( $element ) as $key ) {
if ( is_array ( $element [ $key ])) {
_webform_update_8014 ( $element [ $key ]);
* Issue #2850247: Experiment with system tray integration.
function webform_update_8015 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2850455: Add lookup_keys to webform config entity. Flush cache entity definitions.
function webform_update_8016 () {
drupal_flush_all_caches ();
* Issue #2850455: Add lookup_keys to webform config entity. Update Webform lookup keys.
function webform_update_8017 () {
// Must resave all Webform config lookup keys.
// @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\Query\QueryFactory::updateConfigKeyStore
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$webform -> save ();
* Issue #2850885: Add ability to disable autocomplete for form and/or element.
function webform_update_8018 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta7 - February 15, 2017 (No updates required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta8 - March 5, 2017.
* Issue #2853302: Allow confirmation page title to be customized.
function webform_update_8019 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2845724: Add webform opening and closing date/time.
function webform_update_8020 () {
// Resave all webforms to convert status boolean to string.
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$webform -> setStatus ( $webform -> get ( 'status' )) -> save ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta9 - March 5, 2017 (No updates required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta10 - April 4, 2017.
* Issue #2858139: Add OptGroup support to WebformOption entity.
function webform_update_8021 () {
_webform_update_options_settings ();
// Get WebformOptions category from config/install.
$webform_options = WebformOptions :: loadMultiple ();
$config_install_path = drupal_get_path ( 'module' , 'webform' ) . '/config/install' ;
foreach ( $webform_options as $id => $webform_option ) {
if ( ! $webform_option -> get ( 'category' )) {
if ( file_exists ( " $config_install_path /webform.webform_options. $id .yml " )) {
$yaml = file_get_contents ( " $config_install_path /webform.webform_options. $id .yml " );
$data = Yaml :: decode ( $yaml );
$webform_option -> set ( 'category' , $data [ 'category' ]);
$webform_option -> save ();
* Issue #2858246: Enhance checkboxes and radios using iCheck.
function webform_update_8022 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2854021: Send email based on element options selection.
function webform_update_8023 () {
// Add *_options: [] to email handler settings.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( $handler [ 'id' ] === 'email' ) {
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
$settings = [];
foreach ( $handler [ 'settings' ] as $settings_key => $setting_value ) {
$settings [ $settings_key ] = $setting_value ;
if ( preg_match ( '/_mail$/' , $settings_key )) {
$options_name = str_replace ( '_mail' , '' , $settings_key ) . '_options' ;
if ( empty ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ $options_name ])) {
$settings [ str_replace ( '_mail' , '' , $settings_key ) . '_options' ] = [];
$handler [ 'settings' ] = $settings ;
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2861651: Add Opened and Closed Messages.
function webform_update_8024 () {
// Change 'default_form_closed_message' to 'default_form_close_message' in
// admin settings.
$settings_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$settings_config -> set ( 'default_form_close_message' , $settings_config -> get ( 'default_form_closed_message' ));
$settings_config -> clear ( 'default_form_closed_message' );
$settings_config -> save ();
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Change 'default_form_closed_message' to 'default_form_close_message' in
// webform config.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$webform_config -> set ( 'settings.form_close_message' , $webform_config -> get ( 'settings.form_closed_message' ));
$webform_config -> clear ( 'settings.form_closed_message' );
$webform_config -> save ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2857417: Add support for open and close date/time to Webform nodes. Update database scheme.
function webform_update_8025 () {
// Issue #2863986: Allow updating modules with new service dependencies.
\Drupal :: service ( 'kernel' ) -> rebuildContainer ();
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformEntityReferenceManagerInterface $entity_reference_manager */
$entity_reference_manager = \Drupal :: service ( 'webform.entity_reference_manager' );
$webform_tables = $entity_reference_manager -> getTableNames ();
$database_schema = \Drupal :: database () -> schema ();
$schema = \Drupal :: keyValue ( 'entity.storage_schema.sql' ) -> getAll ();
foreach ( $schema as $item_name => $item ) {
foreach ( $item as $table_name => $table_schema ) {
foreach ( $table_schema as $schema_key => $schema_data ) {
if ( $schema_key == 'fields' ) {
foreach ( $schema_data as $field_name => $field_data ) {
$is_webform_field_status = ( isset ( $webform_tables [ $table_name ]) && $field_name === $webform_tables [ $table_name ] . '_status' );
$is_webform_field_integer = ( $field_data [ 'type' ] == 'int' );
if ( $is_webform_field_status && $is_webform_field_integer ) {
$temp_field_name = $field_name . '_temp' ;
// Add temp status field and copy value.
$database_schema -> addField ( $table_name , $temp_field_name , [
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'length' => 20 ,
\Drupal :: database ()
-> query ( " UPDATE { " . $table_name . " } SET $temp_field_name = 'open' WHERE $field_name = 1 " )
-> execute ();
\Drupal :: database ()
-> query ( " UPDATE { " . $table_name . " } SET $temp_field_name = 'closed' WHERE $field_name <> 1 " )
-> execute ();
// Drop, re-create, and restore status field.
$schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $field_name ] = [
'description' => 'Flag to control whether this webform should be open, closed, or scheduled for new submissions.' ,
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'length' => 20 ,
$database_schema -> dropField ( $table_name , $field_name );
$database_schema -> addField ( $table_name , $field_name , $schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $field_name ]);
\Drupal :: database ()
-> query ( " UPDATE { " . $table_name . " } SET $field_name = $temp_field_name " )
-> execute ();
// Drop temp field.
$database_schema -> dropField ( $table_name , $temp_field_name );
// Add open and close.
$states = [ 'open' , 'close' ];
foreach ( $states as $state ) {
$state_field_name = preg_replace ( '/_status$/' , '_' . $state , $field_name );
$schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $state_field_name ] = [
'description' => " The $state date/time. " ,
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'length' => 20 ,
$database_schema -> addField ( $table_name , $state_field_name , $schema [ $item_name ][ $table_name ][ 'fields' ][ $state_field_name ]);
\Drupal :: keyValue ( 'entity.storage_schema.sql' ) -> setMultiple ( $schema );
* Issue #2857417: Add support for open and close date/time to Webform nodes. Update entity definitions.
function webform_update_8026 () {
_webform_update_field_storage_definitions ();
* Issue #2857417: Add support for open and close date/time to Webform nodes. Update field config settings.
function webform_update_8027 () {
$field_configs = \Drupal :: entityTypeManager () -> getStorage ( 'field_config' ) -> loadByProperties ([ 'field_type' => 'webform' ]);
foreach ( $field_configs as $field ) {
$field -> setSetting ( 'status' , $field -> getSetting ( 'status' ) ? WebformInterface :: STATUS_OPEN : WebformInterface :: STATUS_CLOSED );
$field -> setSetting ( 'open' , '' );
$field -> setSetting ( 'close' , '' );
$field -> save ();
* Issue #2859528: Add reply-to and return-path to email handler.
function webform_update_8028 () {
// Add reply_to and return_path to Update admin settings.
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Add reply_to and return_path to email handler settings.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( $handler [ 'id' ] === 'email' ) {
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
$handler [ 'settings' ] += [
'reply_to' => '' ,
'return_path' => '' ,
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2856842: Allow emails to be sent to selected roles.
function webform_update_8029 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2838423: Drafts for anonymous users.
function webform_update_8030 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$data [ 'settings' ][ 'draft' ] = ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'draft' ] == TRUE ) ? WebformInterface :: DRAFT_AUTHENTICATED : WebformInterface :: DRAFT_NONE ;
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
* Issue #2854021: Send email based on element options selection.
function webform_update_8031 () {
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
* Issue #2854020: Provide a mechanism to log submission transactions.
function webform_update_8032 () {
_webform_update_webform_submission_storage_schema ();
if ( ! \Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> tableExists ( 'webform_submission_log' )) {
// Copied from:
// \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionStorageSchema::getEntitySchema.
$schema = [
'description' => 'Table that contains logs of all webform submission events.' ,
'fields' => [
'lid' => [
'type' => 'serial' ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique log event ID.' ,
'webform_id' => [
'description' => 'The webform id.' ,
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'length' => 32 ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'sid' => [
'description' => 'The webform submission id.' ,
'type' => 'int' ,
'unsigned' => TRUE ,
'not null' => FALSE ,
'handler_id' => [
'description' => 'The webform handler id.' ,
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'length' => 64 ,
'not null' => FALSE ,
'uid' => [
'type' => 'int' ,
'unsigned' => TRUE ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'default' => 0 ,
'description' => 'The {users}.uid of the user who triggered the event.' ,
'operation' => [
'type' => 'varchar_ascii' ,
'length' => 64 ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'default' => '' ,
'description' => 'Type of operation, for example "save", "sent", or "update."' ,
'message' => [
'type' => 'text' ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'size' => 'big' ,
'description' => 'Text of log message.' ,
'data' => [
'type' => 'blob' ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'size' => 'big' ,
'description' => 'Serialized array of data.' ,
'timestamp' => [
'type' => 'int' ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'default' => 0 ,
'description' => 'Unix timestamp of when event occurred.' ,
'primary key' => [ 'lid' ],
'indexes' => [
'webform_id' => [ 'webform_id' ],
'sid' => [ 'sid' ],
'uid' => [ 'uid' ],
'handler_id' => [ 'handler_id' ],
'handler_id_operation' => [ 'handler_id' , 'operation' ],
\Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> createTable ( 'webform_submission_log' , $schema );
* Issue #2864851: Allow form builder to opt-in to converting anonymous drafts/submissions to authenticated drafts/submissions.
function webform_update_8033 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2865353: Improve submission log integration.
function webform_update_8034 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta11 - April 6, 2017 (No updates required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta12 - April 21, 2017.
* Issue #2867529: Email handler states setting should be index array.
function webform_update_8035 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( $handler [ 'id' ] == 'email' ) {
if ( isset ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ 'states' ]) && is_array ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ 'states' ])) {
$handler [ 'settings' ][ 'states' ] = array_values ( array_filter ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ 'states' ]));
if ( $has_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2867855: Add category support to webform config entity.
function webform_update_8036 () {
// Add an empty category to all webforms.
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Must resave all Webform config lookup keys.
// @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\Query\QueryFactory::updateConfigKeyStore
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$title = $webform -> get ( 'title' );
if ( preg_match ( '/^(Test: ([^:]+))/' , $title , $match )) {
$webform -> set ( 'category' , $match [ 1 ]);
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^Example:/' , $title )) {
$webform -> set ( 'category' , 'Example' );
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^Demo:/' , $title )) {
$webform -> set ( 'category' , 'Demo' );
else {
$webform -> set ( 'category' , '' );
$webform -> save ();
* Issue #2868075: Token types are not defined but have tokens.
function webform_update_8037 () {
\Drupal :: token () -> resetInfo ();
* Issue #2870218: Improve External Library Management.
function webform_update_8038 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2871215: Copied webform templates should not have dependencies.
function webform_update_8039 () {
if ( ! \Drupal :: moduleHandler () -> moduleExists ( 'webform_templates' )) {
return ;
// Remove 'webform_templates' dependency copied to new forms.
$config_install_directory = drupal_get_path ( 'module' , 'webform_templates' ) . '/config/install' ;
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( isset ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ]) && $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ] == [ 'webform_templates' ]) {
if ( ! file_exists ( " $config_install_directory / $webform_config_name .yml " )) {
unset ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ]);
if ( empty ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ])) {
unset ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ]);
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #286655: Add Quick Edit off canvas form.
function webform_update_8040 () {
// Copied from: outside_in_install()
Cache :: invalidateTags ([ 'rendered' ]);
\Drupal :: service ( 'cache.discovery' ) -> deleteAll ();
* Issue #2871606: Add (optional) support for Chosen.
function webform_update_8041 () {
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$data = $config -> getRawData ();
$data [ 'libraries' ][ 'excluded_libraries' ][] = 'jquery.chosen' ;
$config -> setData ( $data );
$config -> save ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta13 - May 31, 2017.
* Issue #2875371: Can't Add Email Handler w/Select "Send To".
function webform_update_8042 () {
$settings = [ 'to_options' , 'cc_options' , 'bcc_options' , 'from_options' ];
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( in_array ( $handler [ 'id' ], [ 'email' , 'scheduled_email' ])) {
foreach ( $settings as $setting_name ) {
if ( ! empty ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ])) {
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
$handler [ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ] = WebformOptionsHelper :: encodeConfig ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ]);
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2874555: Add "How can we help you?" link to the Webform module admin pages.
function webform_update_8043 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2872464: MultiStep Preview Page - change the Page Title and Progress Bar Title.
function webform_update_8044 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2878307: webform example module disable causes a customised webform deleted.
function webform_update_8045 () {
// Remove sub module dependencies copied to new forms.
$webform_modules = WebformReflectionHelper :: getSubModules ();
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
// Don't remove dependencies for submodule config files.
if ( _webform_update_8045_is_submodule_config ( $webform_config_name )) {
continue ;
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
// Remove enforce module dependency when a sub-module's webform is
// duplicated.
if ( isset ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ])) {
$data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ] = array_diff ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ], $webform_modules );
if ( empty ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ])) {
unset ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ][ 'module' ]);
if ( empty ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ])) {
unset ( $data [ 'dependencies' ][ 'enforced' ]);
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Check if config is from a Webform submodule .
* @ param string $webform_config_name
* Webform config file name .
* @ return bool
* TRUE if config is from a Webform submodule .
function _webform_update_8045_is_submodule_config ( $webform_config_name ) {
$modules = WebformReflectionHelper :: getSubModules ();
foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
if ( file_exists ( drupal_get_path ( 'module' , $module ) . " /config/install/ $webform_config_name .yml " )) {
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
* Issue #2878193: Allow actions (aka submit buttons) to be placed anywhere on a webform.
function webform_update_8046 () {
// Change 'default_submit_button_label' to 'default_form_submit_label'.
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$data = $config -> getRawData ();
if ( ! isset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'default_submit_button_label' ]) && isset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'default_form_submit_label' ])) {
$data [ 'settings' ][ 'default_submit_button_label' ] = $data [ 'settings' ][ 'default_form_submit_label' ];
unset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'default_submit_button_label' ]);
$config -> setData ( $data );
$config -> save ();
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Update default (source) webform configuration.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$data = _webform_update_8046_convert_data ( $data );
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
// Update translated webform configuration.
// ISSUE: Can't figure out the right way to update translated webform config.
// WORKAROUND: Directly update config data stored in the database.
$langcodes = array_keys ( \Drupal :: languageManager () -> getLanguages ());
$collections = [];
foreach ( $langcodes as $langcode ) {
$collections [] = " language. $langcode " ;
foreach ([ 'config' , 'config_snapshot' ] as $table_name ) {
if ( ! \Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> tableExists ( $table_name )) {
continue ;
$query = \Drupal :: database () -> select ( $table_name , 'c' )
-> fields ( 'c' , [ 'name' , 'collection' , 'data' ])
-> orderBy ( 'name' )
-> orderBy ( 'collection' )
-> condition ( 'name' , 'webform.webform.%' , 'LIKE' )
-> condition ( 'collection' , $collections , 'IN' );
$result = $query -> execute ();
while ( $record = $result -> fetchAssoc ()) {
$data = unserialize ( $record [ 'data' ]);
$data = _webform_update_8046_convert_data ( $data );
\Drupal :: database () -> update ( $table_name )
-> fields ([ 'data' => serialize ( $data )])
-> condition ( 'collection' , $record [ 'collection' ])
-> condition ( 'name' , $record [ 'name' ])
-> execute ();
* Convert webform config data from settings . buttons to use the 'webform_actions' element .
* @ param array $data
* Webform config data .
* @ return array
* Webform config data with 'webform_actions' element .
function _webform_update_8046_convert_data ( array $data ) {
$button_names = [
'submit' ,
'draft' ,
'wizard_prev' ,
'wizard_next' ,
'preview_prev' ,
'preview_next' ,
// Build actions element from webform's settings.
$actions_element = [];
$settings = $data [ 'settings' ];
foreach ( $button_names as $button_name ) {
$settings_prefix = ( $button_name == 'submit' ) ? 'form_' . $button_name : $button_name . '_button' ;
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ $settings_prefix . '_label' ])) {
$actions_element [ '#' . $button_name . '__label' ] = $settings [ $settings_prefix . '_label' ];
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ $settings_prefix . '_attributes' ])) {
$actions_element [ '#' . $button_name . '__attributes' ] = $settings [ $settings_prefix . '_attributes' ];
unset ( $settings [ $settings_prefix . '_label' ]);
unset ( $settings [ $settings_prefix . '_attributes' ]);
$data [ 'settings' ] = $settings ;
// Append actions element to elements.
if ( $actions_element ) {
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $data [ 'elements' ]);
$elements [ 'actions' ] = [
'#type' => 'webform_actions' ,
'#title' => ( string ) t ( 'Submit button(s)' ),
] + $actions_element ;
$data [ 'elements' ] = Yaml :: encode ( $elements );
return $data ;
* Issue #2879217: Allow WebformHandlers and WebformExporters to be excluded.
function webform_update_8047 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2879421: Cleanup webform.settings.
function webform_update_8048 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
// Change webform.settings.purge_settings to webform.settings.purge.
if ( $config -> get ( 'purge_settings' )) {
$config -> set ( 'purge' , $config -> get ( 'purge_settings' ));
$config -> clear ( 'purge_settings' );
// Change webform.config.elements to webform.settings.element.
if ( $config -> get ( 'elements' )) {
$config -> set ( 'element' , $config -> get ( 'elements' ));
$config -> clear ( 'elements' );
// Change webform.settings.element.exclude_types to
// webform.settings.element.exclude_elements.
if (( $element = $config -> get ( 'element' )) && isset ( $element [ 'excluded_types' ])) {
$element [ 'excluded_elements' ] = $element [ 'excluded_types' ];
unset ( $element [ 'excluded_types' ]);
$config -> set ( 'element' , $element );
$config -> save ();
* Issue #2864843: Create a new computed_value element.
function webform_update_8049 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , '#display_on' ) !== FALSE ) {
$elements = str_replace ( '#display_on: display' , '#display_on: view' , $elements );
$webform_config -> set ( 'elements' , $elements );
$webform_config -> save ( TRUE );
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta14 - June 28, 2017.
* Issue #2856472: Allow multiple drafts per users.
function webform_update_8050 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2885183: Add support for customized webform submission labels.
function webform_update_8051 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2886173: Ability to have no empty option on a select element.
function webform_update_8052 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2757491: Allow Webforms to be submitted using AJAX.
function webform_update_8053 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2886853: Ability to customize user draft and submission columns.
function webform_update_8054 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2887078: Allows preview page to customized.
function webform_update_8055 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2887443: Default to and from email settings missing and not used.
function webform_update_8056 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2854021: Send email based on element options selection.
function webform_update_8057 () {
// Add ignore_access: FALSE to email handler settings.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( $handler [ 'id' ] === 'email' ) {
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
$settings = [];
foreach ( $handler [ 'settings' ] as $settings_key => $setting_value ) {
$settings [ $settings_key ] = $setting_value ;
if ( $settings_key == 'excluded_elements' ) {
$settings [ 'ignore_access' ] = FALSE ;
$handler [ 'settings' ] = $settings ;
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2888076: Redirect users to login page when trying to access a protected webform file.
function webform_update_8058 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2888850: Validate source entity that passed as URL parameters.
function webform_update_8059 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2888615: Allow preview to exclude elements.
function webform_update_8060 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2871207: Random Multiple Submissions. Create webform table.
function webform_update_8061 () {
// Issue #2923303: Problems with updating the webform module.
if ( \Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> tableExists ( 'webform' )) {
\Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> dropTable ( 'webform' );
// Copied from: webform_schema().
$schema = [
'description' => 'Stores all webform data.' ,
'fields' => [
'webform_id' => [
'description' => 'The webform id.' ,
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'length' => 32 ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'next_serial' => [
'description' => 'The serial number to give to the next submission to this webform.' ,
'type' => 'int' ,
'unsigned' => TRUE ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'default' => 1 ,
'primary key' => [ 'webform_id' ],
\Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> createTable ( 'webform' , $schema );
* Issue #2871207: Random Multiple Submissions. Populate next serial in webform table.
function webform_update_8062 () {
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
\Drupal :: database () -> insert ( 'webform' )
-> fields ([ 'webform_id' , 'next_serial' ])
-> values ([ $webform -> id (), $webform -> getState ( 'next_serial' ) ? : 1 ])
-> execute ();
$webform -> deleteState ( 'next_serial' );
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta15 - June 30, 2017.
* Issue #2891108: Recreating deleted webform with same name results in error.
function webform_update_8063 () {
$webform_ids = array_keys ( Webform :: loadMultiple ());
if ( $webform_ids ) {
\Drupal :: database () -> delete ( 'webform_submission_log' )
-> condition ( 'webform_id' , $webform_ids , 'NOT IN' )
-> execute ();
\Drupal :: database () -> delete ( 'webform' )
-> condition ( 'webform_id' , $webform_ids , 'NOT IN' )
-> execute ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta16 - August 7, 2017.
* Issue #2878193: Allow actions (aka submit buttons) to be placed anywhere on a webform.
function webform_update_8064 () {
// Move disabled HTML editor from ui to element.html_editor.
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$data = $config -> getRawData ();
if ( isset ( $data [ 'ui' ][ 'html_editor_disabled' ])) {
$data [ 'html_editor' ][ 'disabled' ] = $data [ 'ui' ][ 'html_editor_disabled' ];
$config -> setData ( $data );
$config -> save ();
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2888717: Option to include empty components in [webform_submission:values] token.
function webform_update_8065 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Add exclude_empty: TRUE to email handler settings.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( $handler [ 'id' ] === 'email' ) {
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
$settings = [];
foreach ( $handler [ 'settings' ] as $settings_key => $setting_value ) {
$settings [ $settings_key ] = $setting_value ;
if ( $settings_key == 'ignore_access' ) {
$settings [ 'exclude_empty' ] = TRUE ;
$handler [ 'settings' ] = $settings ;
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2893111: Add permissions to form and element access controls.
function webform_update_8066 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
foreach ( $data [ 'access' ] as & $rules ) {
$rules [ 'permissions' ] = [];
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
* Issue #2893147: Allow empty element label to be customized.
function webform_update_8067 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2896667: Add Reset button.
function webform_update_8068 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2895140: Email handler field(s) convert special chars to HTML code.
function webform_update_8069 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( $handler [ 'id' ] === 'email' ) {
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
foreach ( $handler [ 'settings' ] as $settings_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( in_array ( $settings_key , [ 'from_name' , 'subject' ])) {
$handler [ 'settings' ][ $settings_key ] = preg_replace ( '/^\[([^]]+):value\]$/' , '[\1:raw]' , $setting_value );
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #2895809: Promote partnerships within the Webform module.
function webform_update_8070 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2898424: Improve Remote Post.
function webform_update_8071 () {
$settings_mapping = [
'insert_url' => 'completed_url' ,
'insert_custom_data' => 'completed_custom_data' ,
'update_url' => 'updated_url' ,
'update_custom_data' => 'updated_custom_data' ,
'delete_url' => 'deleted_url' ,
'delete_custom_data' => 'deleted_custom_data' ,
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$has_remote_post = FALSE ;
$handlers = $webform -> getHandlers ();
foreach ( $handlers as $handler ) {
if ( $handler instanceof RemotePostWebformHandler ) {
$has_remote_post = TRUE ;
$configuration = $handler -> getConfiguration ();
foreach ( $configuration [ 'settings' ] as $key => $value ) {
if ( isset ( $settings_mapping [ $key ])) {
$configuration [ 'settings' ][ $settings_mapping [ $key ]] = $value ;
unset ( $configuration [ 'settings' ][ $key ]);
$configuration [ 'settings' ] += $handler -> defaultConfiguration ();
$handler -> setConfiguration ( $configuration );
if ( $has_remote_post ) {
$webform -> save ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta17 - September 10 2017.
* Issue #2901738: Add support conditions to WebformHandler.
function webform_update_8072 () {
drupal_flush_all_caches ();
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$handlers = $webform -> getHandlers ();
foreach ( $handlers as $handler ) {
$configuration = $handler -> getConfiguration ();
$handler -> setConfiguration ( $configuration );
$webform -> save ();
* Issue #2905955: Update hook webform_update_8048 is broken.
function webform_update_8073 () {
webform_update_8048 ();
* Issue #2906292: Display element description as help text (tooltip).
function webform_update_8074 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2895671: Entity reference format.
function webform_update_8075 () {
// Update webform.settings.
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
if ( $admin_config -> get ( 'export.entity_reference_format' ) === 'id' ) {
$admin_config -> set ( 'export.entity_reference_items' , [ 'id' ]);
else {
$admin_config -> set ( 'export.entity_reference_items' , [ 'id' , 'title' , 'url' ]);
$admin_config -> clear ( 'export.entity_reference_format' );
$admin_config -> save ();
// Update webform results.export state.
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$namespace = 'webform.webform.' . $webform -> id ();
$values = \Drupal :: state () -> get ( $namespace , []);
if ( empty ( $values )) {
continue ;
// Loop through state values looking for results.export variable.
foreach ( $values as $key => & $value ) {
if ( strpos ( $key , 'results.export' ) === 0 ) {
switch ( $value [ 'entity_reference_format' ]) {
case 'id' :
$value [ 'entity_reference_items' ] = [ 'id' ];
break ;
default :
case 'link' :
$value [ 'entity_reference_items' ] = [ 'id' , 'title' , 'url' ];
break ;
unset ( $value [ 'entity_reference_format' ]);
\Drupal :: state () -> set ( $namespace , $values );
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta18 - September 12, 2017.
* Issue #2908080: Allow options single and multiple format to be specified during export.
function webform_update_8076 () {
// Update webform.settings.
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
if ( $options_format = $admin_config -> get ( 'export.options_format' )) {
$admin_config -> set ( 'export.options_single_format' , $options_format );
$admin_config -> set ( 'export.options_multiple_format' , $options_format );
$admin_config -> clear ( 'export.options_format' );
$admin_config -> save ();
// Update webform results.export state.
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$namespace = 'webform.webform.' . $webform -> id ();
$values = \Drupal :: state () -> get ( $namespace , []);
if ( empty ( $values )) {
continue ;
// Loop through state values looking for results.export variable.
foreach ( $values as $key => & $value ) {
if ( strpos ( $key , 'results.export' ) === 0 ) {
$value [ 'options_single_format' ] = $value [ 'options_format' ];
$value [ 'options_multiple_format' ] = $value [ 'options_format' ];
unset ( $value [ 'options_format' ]);
\Drupal :: state () -> set ( $namespace , $values );
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta19 - September 28, 2017.
* Issue #2909723: Improve hook requirements.
function webform_update_8077 () {
// Convert libraries.cdn to requirements.cdn.
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$cdn = $admin_config -> get ( 'libraries.cdn' ) ? : FALSE ;
$admin_config -> set ( 'requirements.cdn' , ! $cdn );
$admin_config -> clear ( 'libraries.cdn' );
$admin_config -> save ();
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2906792: Sender and Return-path headers are not used correctly.
function webform_update_8078 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
* Issue #2911329: Create 'About' tab.
function webform_update_8079 () {
// Convert ui.help_menu_disabled to ui.contribute_disabled.
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$help_menu_disabled = $admin_config -> get ( 'ui.help_menu_disabled' ) ? : FALSE ;
$admin_config -> set ( 'ui.contribute_disabled' , $help_menu_disabled );
$admin_config -> clear ( 'ui.help_menu_disabled' );
$admin_config -> save ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta20 - October 30, 2017.
* Issue #2914153: Add 'More' hide/show text support to elements.
function webform_update_8080 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2913215: Remote Post handler add GET method support.
function webform_update_8081 () {
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
* Issue #2912672: Mismatch entity Webform submission caused by langcode changes.
function webform_update_8082 () {
// Set webform_submission.langcode to NOT NULL.
// Copied from: system_update_8007().
$schema = \Drupal :: keyValue ( 'entity.storage_schema.sql' ) -> getAll ();
$item = & $schema [ 'webform_submission.field_schema_data.langcode' ];
foreach ( $item as & $table_schema ) {
foreach ( $table_schema [ 'fields' ] as & $field ) {
$field [ 'not null' ] = TRUE ;
\Drupal :: keyValue ( 'entity.storage_schema.sql' ) -> setMultiple ( $schema );
// Update field definition.
// Copied from: node_update_8300().
$spec = [
'type' => 'varchar_ascii' ,
'length' => 12 ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
Database :: getConnection () -> schema () -> changeField ( 'webform_submission' , 'langcode' , 'langcode' , $spec );
* Issue #2914904: Add section element.
function webform_update_8083 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2917174: Improve "Webform Scheduled Email Handler".
function webform_update_8084 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2908882: Loading next or previous page with AJAX should scroll to top of the window.
function webform_update_8085 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2918860: Webform MultiStep URL Params.
function webform_update_8086 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2918860: Webform MultiStep URL Params.
function webform_update_8087 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( isset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_complete' ])) {
$data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation' ] = $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_complete' ];
unset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_complete' ]);
if ( isset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_complete_label' ])) {
$data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation_label' ] = $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_complete_label' ];
unset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_complete_label' ]);
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta21 - October 30, 2017 (No updates required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta22 - November 1, 2017.
* Issue #2919989: Add horizontal rule element.
function webform_update_8088 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta23 - November 2, 2017 (No updates required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta24 - November 16, 2017 (No updates required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-beta25 - December 11, 2017.
* Issue #2920762: Typo in update 8087: "wizard_comfirmation_label".
function webform_update_8089 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( isset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation' ])) {
$data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_confirmation' ] = $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation' ];
unset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation' ]);
if ( isset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation_label' ])) {
$data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_confirmation_label' ] = $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation_label' ];
unset ( $data [ 'settings' ][ 'wizard_comfirmation_label' ]);
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
* Issue #2920443: Browser Back Button to submit to previous wizard page.
function webform_update_8090 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2923047: Redirect to user login when Access Denied for a Webform.
function webform_update_8091 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2915653: Remote post error handling.
function webform_update_8092 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2924551: Move the WebformComposite element to WebformCustomComposite.
function webform_update_8093 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $config_name ) {
$config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $config_name );
$elements = $config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , " '#type': webform_composite " ) !== FALSE ) {
$elements = str_replace ( " '#type': webform_composite " , " '#type': webform_custom_composite " , $elements );
$config -> set ( 'elements' , $elements );
$config -> save ( TRUE );
* Issue #2929665: Permit one webform submission per day based on email entered.
function webform_update_8094 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc1 - December 25, 2017.
* Issue #2918721: Access controlling Webform administration.
function webform_update_8095 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( ! isset ( $data [ 'access' ][ 'administer' ])) {
$data [ 'access' ][ 'administer' ] = [
'roles' => [],
'users' => [],
'permissions' => [],
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
* Issue #2931888: Add a boolean flag 'use as likert' for options list and remove the machine name pattern matching in likert element.
function webform_update_8096 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform_options.' ) as $config_name ) {
$config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $config_name );
$data = $config -> getRawData ();
$likert = ( strpos ( $data [ 'id' ], 'likert_' ) === 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
WebformArrayHelper :: insertAfter ( $data , 'category' , 'likert' , $likert );
$config -> setData ( $data );
$config -> save ( TRUE );
* Issue #2932607: Add Twig support to email body.
function webform_update_8097 () {
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc2 - January 30, 2018.
* Issue #2933705: Element Range.
function webform_update_8098 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , '#range__output' ) !== FALSE ) {
// Convert properties.
$elements = str_replace (
[ '#range__output_prefix' , '#range__output_suffix' , '#range__output' ],
[ '#output__field_prefix' , '#output__field_suffix' , '#output' ],
$elements );
// Convert '#output': true to '#output': right.
$elements = str_replace ( " '#output': true " , " '#output': right " , $elements );
$webform_config -> set ( 'elements' , $elements );
$webform_config -> save ( TRUE );
* Issue #2888862: Provide a mechanism to lock a webform submission.
function webform_update_8099 () {
// Copied from: node_update_8001()
// Install the definition that this field had in
// \Drupal\webform\Entity\WebformSubmission::baseFieldDefinitions()
// at the time that this update function was written. If/when code is
// deployed that changes that definition, the corresponding module must
// implement an update function that invokes
// \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->updateFieldStorageDefinition()
// with the new definition.
$storage_definition = BaseFieldDefinition :: create ( 'boolean' )
-> setLabel ( t ( 'Locked' ))
-> setDescription ( t ( 'A flag that indicates a locked webform submission.' ))
-> setDefaultValue ( FALSE );
\Drupal :: entityDefinitionUpdateManager ()
-> installFieldStorageDefinition ( 'locked' , 'webform_submission' , 'webform' , $storage_definition );
// Set default value.
\Drupal :: database () -> update ( 'webform_submission' )
-> fields ([ 'locked' => 0 ])
-> execute ();
// Add submission locked message to admin and webform settings.
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2888862: Provide a mechanism to lock a webform submission. Update handlers.
function webform_update_8100 () {
// Add locked to action handler.
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
// Add locked to remote post handler's excluded data.
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface[] $webforms */
$webforms = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
foreach ( $webforms as $webform ) {
$has_handler = FALSE ;
$handlers = $webform -> getHandlers ();
foreach ( $handlers as $handler ) {
if ( $handler instanceof RemotePostWebformHandler ) {
$has_handler = TRUE ;
$configuration = $handler -> getConfiguration ();
$settings = $configuration [ 'settings' ];
if ( $settings [ 'excluded_data' ]) {
$settings [ 'excluded_data' ][ 'locked' ] = 'locked' ;
$configuration [ 'settings' ] = $settings ;
$handler -> setConfiguration ( $configuration );
if ( $has_handler ) {
$webform -> save ();
* Issue #2935697: Add support for new Off-Canvas dialog tray. Remove quickedit links.
function webform_update_8101 () {
\Drupal :: service ( 'cache.discovery' ) -> deleteAll ();
Cache :: invalidateTags ([ 'rendered' ]);
* Issue #2939828: Allow site builder to display required indicator on all webforms or a specified webform.
function webform_update_8102 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2939948: Date fields should respect #min and #max in test-mode. Remove hard-coded test date values.
function webform_update_8103 () {
$test_date_elements = [ 'date' , 'datetime' , 'datelist' ];
$test_date_values = [ '1942-06-18' , '1940-07-07' , '1943-02-25' , '1940-10-09' ];
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$data = $config -> getRawData ();
$types = Yaml :: decode ( $data [ 'test' ][ 'types' ]);
foreach ( $test_date_elements as $test_date_element ) {
if ( isset ( $types [ $test_date_element ]) && $types [ $test_date_element ] === $test_date_values ) {
unset ( $types [ $test_date_element ]);
$data [ 'test' ][ 'types' ] = Yaml :: encode ( $types );
$config -> setData ( $data );
$config -> save ();
* Issue #2940490: Autofill webform with previous submission data.
function webform_update_8104 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc3 - February 4, 2018.
* Issue #2941174 Notice: Undefined index: administer in WebformEntitySettingsAccessForm.
function webform_update_8105 () {
// Re-execute update hook to make sure RC2 installs have the correct config.
webform_update_8095 ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc4 - March 13, 2018.
* Issue #2934970: Fully support for inline error form.
function webform_update_8107 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2944515: Report proper dependencies of a webform block.
function webform_update_8108 () {
/** @var \Drupal\block\Entity\Block $block */
foreach ( \Drupal :: entityTypeManager () -> getStorage ( 'block' ) -> loadMultiple () as $block ) {
if ( $block -> getPluginId () == 'webform_block' ) {
$webform_id = $block -> getPlugin () -> getConfiguration ()[ 'webform_id' ];
if ( \Drupal :: entityTypeManager () -> getStorage ( 'webform' ) -> load ( $webform_id )) {
$block -> save ();
else {
// The webform does not exist. There is no point to keep this block.
$block -> delete ();
* Issue #2933909: Webform Image Select Element Improvements.
function webform_update_8109 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
$install_webform_image_select = FALSE ;
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> get ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , 'webform_image_select' ) !== FALSE ) {
$install_webform_image_select = TRUE ;
break ;
if ( $install_webform_image_select && ! \Drupal :: moduleHandler () -> moduleExists ( 'webform_image_select' )) {
\Drupal :: service ( 'module_installer' ) -> install ([ 'webform_image_select' ]);
* Issue #2947991: Disable the password field.
function webform_update_8110 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
$has_password_element = FALSE ;
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> get ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
// Check for password and password_confirm element #type.
if ( strpos ( $elements , " '#type': password " ) !== FALSE ) {
$has_password_element = TRUE ;
break ;
// If password element is not being used in any webform display both the
// password and password_confirm element.
if ( ! $has_password_element ) {
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$excluded_elements = $admin_config -> get ( 'element.excluded_elements' ) ? : [];
$excluded_elements [ 'password' ] = 'password' ;
$excluded_elements [ 'password_confirm' ] = 'password_confirm' ;
$admin_config -> set ( 'element.excluded_elements' , $excluded_elements );
$admin_config -> save ();
* Issue #2947991: Disable the password field. Fix webform_update_8110().
function webform_update_8111 () {
webform_update_8110 ();
* Issue #2951368: Provide dedicated 'test' webform operation and access rule.
function webform_update_8112 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( ! isset ( $data [ 'access' ][ 'test' ])) {
$data [ 'access' ][ 'test' ] = [
'roles' => [],
'users' => [],
'permissions' => [],
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
* Issue #2951001: Convert About section into Contribute section.
function webform_update_8113 () {
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$config -> set ( 'ui.contribute_disabled' , $config -> get ( 'ui.about_disabled' ) ? : FALSE );
$config -> save ();
* Issue #2951921: The contribute module is missing from the file system.
function webform_update_8114 () {
// Skip if the Contribute module still exists.
if ( file_exists ( drupal_get_path ( 'module' , 'contribute' ) . '/contribute.info.yml' )) {
return ;
$contribute_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'contribute.settings' );
// Migrate Contribute account info to Webform Contribute account info.
\Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' )
-> set ( 'contribute.account_type' , $contribute_config -> get ( 'account_type' ) ? : 'user' )
-> set ( 'contribute.account_id' , $contribute_config -> get ( 'account_id' ) ? : NULL )
-> save ();
// Manually delete the Contribute module's configuration.
$contribute_config -> delete ();
// Manually remove the contribute module from core.extension configuration.
$extension_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'core.extension' );
$module = $extension_config -> get ( 'module' );
unset ( $module [ 'contribute' ]);
$extension_config -> set ( 'module' , $module );
$extension_config -> save ();
// Remove schema definitions.
\Drupal :: database () -> delete ( 'key_value' )
-> condition ( 'collection' , 'system.schema' )
-> condition ( 'name' , 'contribute' )
-> execute ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc5 - March 14, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc6 - March 16, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc7 - March 23, 2018.
* Issue #2955218: Allow query and token to be removed from confirmation URL.
function webform_update_8115 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc8 - April 2, 2018.
* Stop #multiple__label and #multiple__labels from being saved with every element.
function webform_update_8116 () {
_webform_update_elements_clear_properties ([
'#multiple__label' => '' ,
'#multiple__labels' => '' ,
* Issue #2957192: Add postal_code to test data.
function webform_update_8117 () {
$config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$names = Yaml :: decode ( $config -> get ( 'test.names' ));
$names += [
'postal_code' => [ '11111' , '12345' , '12345-6789' ],
$config -> set ( 'test.names' , WebformYaml :: encode ( $names ));
$config -> save ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc9 - April 7, 2018.
* Issue #2957074: Invalid Tokens in Email Handler.
function webform_update_8118 () {
_webform_update_string_replace ( '[webform-submission:' , '[webform_submission:' );
* Issue #2957002: Same webform multiple times on the same page.
function webform_update_8119 () {
// Issue #2863986: Allow updating modules with new service dependencies.
\Drupal :: service ( 'kernel' ) -> rebuildContainer ();
// Issue #2982273: Route "webform.config.libraries" does not exist.
\Drupal :: service ( 'router.builder' ) -> rebuild ();
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformHelpManagerInterface $help_manager */
$help_manager = \Drupal :: service ( 'webform.help_manager' );
$help_manager -> addNotification ( 'webform_update_8119' ,
t ( " <strong>ATTENTION DEVELOPERS!!!</strong> The webform submission form's BASE_FORM_ID and FORM_ID have changed. " ) .
'<br/>' . t ( 'Please make sure to update all webform related <code>hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter()</code> and <code>hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()</code> hooks.' ) .
' ' . t ( '<a href=":href">Learn more</a>' , [ ':href' => 'https://www.drupal.org/node/2959264' ]),
* Issue #2953929: Remote handler does not display messages when HTTP status is different than 200.
function webform_update_8120 () {
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
* Issue #2953929: Remote handler does not display messages when HTTP status is different than 200.
function webform_update_8121 () {
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc10 - April 9, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc11 - April 20, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc12 - April 25 2018.
* Issue #2952419: Attached files are deleted without usage checking.
function webform_update_8122 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc13 - June 4, 2018.
* Issue #2962442: Remove [webform-authenticated-user] token and use [current-user] token with clear value option.
function webform_update_8123 () {
_webform_update_string_replace ( '[webform-authenticated-user:' , '[current-user:' );
* Issue #2971207: Hidden Field updated values not being captured on Submit.
function webform_update_8124 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( strpos ( $data [ 'elements' ], " '#type': hidden " ) !== FALSE ) {
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $data [ 'elements' ]);
_webform_update_8124 ( $elements );
$data [ 'elements' ] = Yaml :: encode ( $elements );
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Recursively convert hidden elements #value to #default_value.
* @ param array $element
* An element .
function _webform_update_8124 ( array & $element ) {
if ( isset ( $element [ '#type' ]) && $element [ '#type' ] === 'hidden' ) {
if ( isset ( $element [ '#value' ]) && ! isset ( $element [ '#default_value' ])) {
$element [ '#default_value' ] = $element [ '#value' ];
unset ( $element [ '#value' ]);
foreach ( Element :: children ( $element ) as $key ) {
if ( is_array ( $element [ $key ])) {
_webform_update_8124 ( $element [ $key ]);
* Issue #2966507: Start-to-finish documentation for showing Webforms in modals.
function webform_update_8125 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2973377: Make the previously saved messages customizable.
function webform_update_8126 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc14 - June 6, 2018.
* Issue #2974597: Enable default publishing status of new webforms.
function webform_update_8127 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2932893: Filter out closed forms in webform field.
function webform_update_8128 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #2977378: Add 'exclude unselected checkboxes' from email notification and preview.
function webform_update_8129 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc15 - June 12, 2018.
* Issue #2974153: Non admin duplicate form.
function webform_update_8130 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc16 - June 29, 2018.
* Issue #2980470: Convert email handler "default" settings to use "_default_" to prevent localization issues.
function webform_update_8131 () {
// Get all webform handlers that are instances of the email handler.
// This allows any custom handler that extends the EmailWebformHandler to be
// updated.
/** @var \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformHandlerManagerInterface $handler_manager */
$handler_manager = \Drupal :: service ( 'plugin.manager.webform.handler' );
$definitions = $handler_manager -> getDefinitions ();
$email_handler_ids = [];
foreach ( $definitions as $plugin_id => $definition ) {
if ( $handler_manager -> createInstance ( $plugin_id ) instanceof EmailWebformHandler ) {
$email_handler_ids [ $plugin_id ] = $plugin_id ;
$default_settings = [
'to_mail' ,
'from_mail' ,
'from_name' ,
'subject' ,
'body' ,
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
// Update 'webform.webform.*' configuration.
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
// Get data.
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
// Change 'default' to '_default' is email handler settings.
$save_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( ! isset ( $email_handler_ids [ $handler [ 'id' ]])) {
continue ;
foreach ( $handler [ 'settings' ] as $settings_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( $setting_value === 'default' && in_array ( $settings_key , $default_settings )) {
$handler [ 'settings' ][ $settings_key ] = EmailWebformHandler :: DEFAULT_VALUE ;
$save_handler = TRUE ;
if ( $save_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data ) -> save ();
* Issue #2980276: Webform assumes the /tmp directory is always the same, but if there are multiple servers, each may have its own /tmp directory.
function webform_update_8132 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc17 - August 6, 2018.
* Issue #2890861: Webform toggle element is not accessible.
function webform_update_8133 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$yaml = Yaml :: encode ( $data );
if ( strpos ( $yaml , 'webform_toggle' )) {
return ;
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$settings = $admin_config -> getRawData ();
$settings [ 'libraries' ][ 'excluded_libraries' ][] = 'jquery.toggles' ;
$admin_config -> setData ( $settings ) -> save ();
* Issue #2984348: Link to relevant wizard page on preview.
function webform_update_8134 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2984868: Allow to specify the text format for emails.
function webform_update_8135 () {
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$settings = $admin_config -> getRawData ();
$settings [ 'html_editor' ][ 'element_format' ] = $settings [ 'html_editor' ][ 'format' ];
$settings [ 'html_editor' ][ 'mail_format' ] = $settings [ 'html_editor' ][ 'format' ];
unset ( $settings [ 'html_editor' ][ 'format' ]);
$admin_config -> setData ( $settings ) -> save ();
* Issue #2987174: Replace and improve word/character counter.
function webform_update_8136 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
if ( strpos ( $data [ 'elements' ], " '#counter_message' " ) === FALSE ) {
continue ;
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $data [ 'elements' ]);
_webform_update_8136 ( $elements );
$data [ 'elements' ] = Yaml :: encode ( $elements );
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc18 - August 7, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc19 - September 6, 2018.
* Update #counter_* attributes.
* Replace 'X' in counter message with '%d' and
* move '#counter_message' to '#counter_maximum_message' .
* @ param array $element
* A form element .
function _webform_update_8136 ( array & $element ) {
if ( isset ( $element [ '#counter_message' ])) {
if ( strpos ( $element [ '#counter_message' ], 'X' ) === FALSE ) {
$element [ '#counter_message' ] = '%d ' . $element [ '#counter_message' ];
else {
$element [ '#counter_message' ] = str_replace ( 'X' , '%d' , $element [ '#counter_message' ]);
$element [ '#counter_maximum_message' ] = $element [ '#counter_message' ];
unset ( $element [ '#counter_message' ]);
foreach ( Element :: children ( $element ) as $key ) {
if ( is_array ( $element [ $key ])) {
_webform_update_8136 ( $element [ $key ]);
* Issue #2983137: WYSIWYG editor not saving inline images for advanced html/text editor.
function webform_update_8137 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2947303: Location element's geocomplete library is not supported.
function webform_update_8138 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
// Track if webform location geocomplete is being used.
$has_geocomplete_element = FALSE ;
// Convert 'webform_location' to 'webform_location_geocomplete'.
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $config_name ) {
$config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $config_name );
$elements = $config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , " '#type': webform_location " ) !== FALSE ) {
$elements = str_replace ( " '#type': webform_location " , " '#type': webform_location_geocomplete " , $elements );
$config -> set ( 'elements' , $elements );
$config -> save ( TRUE );
$has_geocomplete_element = TRUE ;
// Update exclude elements.
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
$excluded_elements = $admin_config -> get ( 'element.excluded_elements' ) ? : [];
if ( isset ( $excluded_elements [ 'webform_location' ])) {
// Convert 'webform_location' to 'webform_location_geocomplete'.
unset ( $excluded_elements [ 'webform_location' ]);
$excluded_elements [ 'webform_location_geocomplete' ] = 'webform_location_geocomplete' ;
elseif ( ! $has_geocomplete_element ) {
// If location geocomplete element is not being used then excluded it.
$excluded_elements [ 'webform_location_geocomplete' ] = 'webform_location_geocomplete' ;
$admin_config -> set ( 'element.excluded_elements' , $excluded_elements );
$admin_config -> save ();
* Issue #2918669: Elements separated by conditional inside multistep wizard are both saved to submission.
function webform_update_8139 () {
$build = [
'list' => [
'#theme' => 'item_list' ,
'#title' => t ( 'IMPORTANT! Elements, containers, and pages that are hidden using conditional logic will now have their submission data cleared when a webform is submitted.' ),
'#items' => [
t ( 'Please make sure to test any webform that contains conditionally hidden elements, containers, or pages.' ),
t ( 'Any element that is conditionally hidden will have its submission data cleared.' ),
t ( " Existing submissions that have conditionally hidden elements will have the element's submission data cleared when the submission is updated. " ),
'link' => [
'#type' => 'link' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Learn more' ),
'#url' => Url :: fromUri ( 'https://www.drupal.org/node/2956589' ),
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformHelpManagerInterface $help_manager */
$help_manager = \Drupal :: service ( 'webform.help_manager' );
$help_manager -> addNotification ( __FUNCTION__ , $build , 'warning' );
* Issue #2994411: Allow help to be hidden.
function webform_update_8140 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
* Issue #2993327: Provide Default View to Override Submission Results Tab.
function webform_update_8141 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Copied from: redirect_update_8103()
$message = NULL ;
if ( \Drupal :: moduleHandler () -> moduleExists ( 'views' ) && ! View :: load ( 'webform_submissions' )) {
$config_path = drupal_get_path ( 'module' , 'webform' ) . '/config/optional/views.view.webform_submissions.yml' ;
$data = [ 'uuid' => ( new Uuud ()) -> generate ()] + Yaml :: decode ( file_get_contents ( $config_path ));
\Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'views.view.webform_submissions' ) -> setData ( $data ) -> save ( TRUE );
$message = 'The new webform submissions view has been created.' ;
else {
$message = 'Not creating a webform submissions view since it already exists.' ;
return $message ;
* Issue #2995413: Allow email handler theme to be customized.
function webform_update_8142 () {
_webform_update_webform_handler_settings ();
* Issue #2943879: How to display alternate text when the user is not allowed to create a Webform?
function webform_update_8143 () {
$admin_config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform.settings' );
// Convert form login message to access denied message.
if ( $admin_config -> get ( 'settings.default_form_login_message' ) !== NULL ) {
$admin_config -> set ( 'settings.default_form_access_denied_message' , $admin_config -> get ( 'settings.default_form_login_message' ));
$admin_config -> clear ( 'settings.default_form_login_message' );
$admin_config -> save ();
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $config_name ) {
$config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $config_name );
// Convert form login to access denied.
if ( $config -> get ( 'settings.form_login' ) !== NULL ) {
$config -> set ( 'settings.form_access_denied' , $config -> get ( 'settings.form_login' ) ? WebformInterface :: ACCESS_DENIED_LOGIN : WebformInterface :: ACCESS_DENIED_DEFAULT );
$config -> clear ( 'settings.form_login' );
// Convert form login message to access denied message.
if ( $config -> get ( 'settings.form_login_message' ) !== NULL ) {
$config -> set ( 'settings.form_access_denied_message' , $config -> get ( 'settings.form_login_message' ));
$config -> clear ( 'settings.form_login_message' );
// Convert submission login to access denied.
if ( $config -> get ( 'settings.submission_login' ) !== NULL ) {
$config -> set ( 'settings.submission_access_denied' , $config -> get ( 'settings.submission_login' ) ? WebformInterface :: ACCESS_DENIED_LOGIN : WebformInterface :: ACCESS_DENIED_DEFAULT );
$config -> clear ( 'settings.submission_login' );
// Convert submission login message to access denied message.
if ( $config -> get ( 'settings.submission_login_message' ) !== NULL ) {
$config -> set ( 'settings.submission_access_denied_message' , $config -> get ( 'settings.submission_login_message' ));
$config -> clear ( 'settings.submission_login_message' );
$config -> save ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc20 - September 7, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc21 - September 8, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc22.
* Issue #2998239: Swift Mailer no longer working after custom email handler theme option was added.
function webform_update_8144 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$data = $webform_config -> getRawData ();
$has_email_handler = FALSE ;
foreach ( $data [ 'handlers' ] as & $handler ) {
if ( in_array ( $handler [ 'id' ], [ 'email' , 'scheduled_email' ])) {
// Change 'theme' setting to 'theme_name' to prevent conflicts with
// Swift Mailer.
if ( isset ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ 'theme' ])) {
$handler [ 'settings' ][ 'theme_name' ] = $handler [ 'settings' ][ 'theme' ];
unset ( $handler [ 'settings' ][ 'theme' ]);
$has_email_handler = TRUE ;
if ( $has_email_handler ) {
$webform_config -> setData ( $data );
$webform_config -> save ();
* Issue #3002183: Upload Total Limit instead of Upload File limit.
function webform_update_8145 () {
_webform_update_admin_settings ();
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #3000542: Remove webform_devel.module logger debugging.
function webform_update_8146 () {
if ( $config = \Drupal :: configFactory () -> getEditable ( 'webform_devel.settings' )) {
$config -> delete ();
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc23 - October 20, 2018.
2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
* Issue #3006468: Hide empty fields on on submission page.
function webform_update_8147 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #3007215: Option to retain webform title when source entity is provided.
function webform_update_8148 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
* Issue #3007247: Custom composite fields appear as block elements.
function webform_update_8149 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
if ( strpos ( $elements , " 'add_more' " ) !== FALSE ) {
$elements = str_replace ( " '#add_more' " , " '#add_more_items' " , $elements );
$elements = str_replace ( " '#multiple__add_more' " , " '#multiple__add_more_items' " , $elements );
$webform_config -> set ( 'elements' , $elements );
$webform_config -> save ( TRUE );
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc24 - October 22, 2018.
2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
* Issue #2980032: SUBMISSION BEHAVIORS: Allow edit the previous submission.
function webform_update_8150 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc25 - November 5, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc26 - November 5, 2018 (No update required).
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc27 - November 28, 2018.
* Issue #3013767: Computed twig element is not working on multi-step form.
function webform_update_8151 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
// Try to decode elements.
try {
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $elements );
catch ( \Exception $exception ) {
continue ;
// Make sure elements is an array.
if ( ! is_array ( $elements )) {
continue ;
$has_computed_element = FALSE ;
$flattened_elements =& WebformFormHelper :: flattenElements ( $elements );
foreach ( $flattened_elements as & $element ) {
// Convert #value property to #template property.
// @see \Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform::initElementsRecursive
if ( isset ( $element [ '#type' ]) && strpos ( $element [ '#type' ], 'webform_computed_' ) === 0 ) {
$has_computed_element = TRUE ;
if ( isset ( $element [ '#value' ]) && ! isset ( $element [ '#template' ])) {
$element [ '#template' ] = $element [ '#value' ];
unset ( $element [ '#value' ]);
if ( $has_computed_element ) {
$webform_config -> set ( 'elements' , Yaml :: encode ( $elements ));
$webform_config -> save ( TRUE );
* Issue #3014933: Webform paths not being removed when a webform is deleted.
function webform_update_8153 () {
// Load all webforms to improve performance.
$webform = Webform :: loadMultiple ();
$database = \Drupal :: database ();
$select = $database -> select ( 'url_alias' , 'u' );
$select -> fields ( 'u' , [ 'pid' , 'source' , 'alias' , 'langcode' ]);
$select -> condition ( 'source' , '/webform/%' , 'LIKE' );
$result = $select -> execute ();
while ( $record = $result -> fetchAssoc ()) {
if ( preg_match ( '#^/webform/([^/]+)/(?:drafts|submissions)$#' , $record [ 'source' ], $match )) {
// Check if the webform still exists.
$webform_id = $match [ 1 ];
if ( ! isset ( $webform [ $webform_id ])) {
// Delete the broken URL alias.
$database -> delete ( 'url_alias' )
-> condition ( 'pid' , $record [ 'pid' ])
-> execute ();
* Issue #3015990: Option not to store the IP address for logged-in users.
function webform_update_8154 () {
_webform_update_webform_settings ();
// Webform-8.x-5.0-rc28 - TBD.
* Issue #3017679: 2 different validation range modes for date/time field.
function webform_update_8155 () {
$config_factory = \Drupal :: configFactory ();
foreach ( $config_factory -> listAll ( 'webform.webform.' ) as $webform_config_name ) {
$webform_config = $config_factory -> getEditable ( $webform_config_name );
$elements = $webform_config -> get ( 'elements' );
// Try to decode elements.
try {
$elements = Yaml :: decode ( $elements );
catch ( \Exception $exception ) {
continue ;
// Make sure elements is an array.
if ( ! is_array ( $elements )) {
continue ;
$has_date_element = FALSE ;
$flattened_elements =& WebformFormHelper :: flattenElements ( $elements );
foreach ( $flattened_elements as & $element ) {
// Convert #min/max property to #date_date_(min|max) property.
// @see \Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform::initElementsRecursive
if ( isset ( $element [ '#type' ]) && in_array ( $element [ '#type' ], [ 'date' , 'datetime' , 'datelist' ])) {
$has_date_element = TRUE ;
if ( isset ( $element [ '#min' ]) && ! isset ( $element [ '#date_date_min' ])) {
$element [ '#date_date_min' ] = $element [ '#min' ];
unset ( $element [ '#min' ]);
if ( isset ( $element [ '#max' ]) && ! isset ( $element [ '#date_date_max' ])) {
$element [ '#date_date_max' ] = $element [ '#max' ];
unset ( $element [ '#max' ]);
if ( $has_date_element ) {
$webform_config -> set ( 'elements' , Yaml :: encode ( $elements ));
$webform_config -> save ( TRUE );
* Issue #3015180: Add 'webform_submission_log' submodule.
function webform_update_8156 () {
$enable = \Drupal :: config ( 'webform.settings' ) -> get ( 'settings.default_submission_log' );
if ( ! $enable ) {
$query = \Drupal :: entityQuery ( 'webform' )
-> condition ( 'settings.submission_log' , TRUE )
-> count ();
$enable = $query -> execute () > 0 ;
if ( $enable ) {
try {
\Drupal :: service ( 'module_installer' ) -> install ([ 'webform_submission_log' ]);
catch ( \Drupal\Core\Database\SchemaObjectExistsException $exception ) {
// This is actually expected. The table {webform_submission_log} would exist
// from webform submission entity schema.
// Because MySQL does not allow default value on blob/text column types and
// we want to add a not null blob column to a table that is likely to have
// existing rows, we are doing it in such a 3-step fashion.
\Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> addField ( 'webform_submission_log' , 'variables' , [
'type' => 'blob' ,
'size' => 'big' ,
'description' => 'Serialized array of variables that match the message string and that is passed into the t() function.' ,
\Drupal :: database () -> update ( 'webform_submission_log' ) -> fields ([
'variables' => serialize ([]),
]) -> execute ();
\Drupal :: database () -> schema () -> changeField ( 'webform_submission_log' , 'variables' , 'variables' , [
'type' => 'blob' ,
'not null' => TRUE ,
'size' => 'big' ,
'description' => 'Serialized array of variables that match the message string and that is passed into the t() function.' ,
* Issue #3022398: Possible modification to update hook and/or documentation.
function webform_update_8157 () {
_webform_update_webform_submission_storage_schema ();