2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\Exception ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\ForbiddenOverwriteException ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidTypeException ;
* The base node class .
* @ author Johannes M . Schmitt < schmittjoh @ gmail . com >
abstract class BaseNode implements NodeInterface
protected $name ;
protected $parent ;
protected $normalizationClosures = array ();
protected $finalValidationClosures = array ();
protected $allowOverwrite = true ;
protected $required = false ;
protected $deprecationMessage = null ;
protected $equivalentValues = array ();
protected $attributes = array ();
* @ param string | null $name The name of the node
* @ param NodeInterface | null $parent The parent of this node
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException if the name contains a period
public function __construct ( $name , NodeInterface $parent = null )
if ( false !== strpos ( $name = ( string ) $name , '.' )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'The name must not contain ".".' );
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> parent = $parent ;
public function setAttribute ( $key , $value )
$this -> attributes [ $key ] = $value ;
public function getAttribute ( $key , $default = null )
return isset ( $this -> attributes [ $key ]) ? $this -> attributes [ $key ] : $default ;
public function hasAttribute ( $key )
return isset ( $this -> attributes [ $key ]);
public function getAttributes ()
return $this -> attributes ;
public function setAttributes ( array $attributes )
$this -> attributes = $attributes ;
public function removeAttribute ( $key )
unset ( $this -> attributes [ $key ]);
* Sets an info message .
* @ param string $info
public function setInfo ( $info )
$this -> setAttribute ( 'info' , $info );
* Returns info message .
* @ return string The info text
public function getInfo ()
return $this -> getAttribute ( 'info' );
* Sets the example configuration for this node .
* @ param string | array $example
public function setExample ( $example )
$this -> setAttribute ( 'example' , $example );
* Retrieves the example configuration for this node .
* @ return string | array The example
public function getExample ()
return $this -> getAttribute ( 'example' );
* Adds an equivalent value .
* @ param mixed $originalValue
* @ param mixed $equivalentValue
public function addEquivalentValue ( $originalValue , $equivalentValue )
$this -> equivalentValues [] = array ( $originalValue , $equivalentValue );
* Set this node as required .
* @ param bool $boolean Required node
public function setRequired ( $boolean )
$this -> required = ( bool ) $boolean ;
* Sets this node as deprecated .
* You can use % node % and % path % placeholders in your message to display ,
* respectively , the node name and its complete path .
* @ param string | null $message Deprecated message
public function setDeprecated ( $message )
$this -> deprecationMessage = $message ;
* Sets if this node can be overridden .
* @ param bool $allow
public function setAllowOverwrite ( $allow )
$this -> allowOverwrite = ( bool ) $allow ;
* Sets the closures used for normalization .
* @ param \Closure [] $closures An array of Closures used for normalization
public function setNormalizationClosures ( array $closures )
$this -> normalizationClosures = $closures ;
* Sets the closures used for final validation .
* @ param \Closure [] $closures An array of Closures used for final validation
public function setFinalValidationClosures ( array $closures )
$this -> finalValidationClosures = $closures ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function isRequired ()
return $this -> required ;
* Checks if this node is deprecated .
* @ return bool
public function isDeprecated ()
return null !== $this -> deprecationMessage ;
* Returns the deprecated message .
* @ param string $node the configuration node name
* @ param string $path the path of the node
* @ return string
public function getDeprecationMessage ( $node , $path )
return strtr ( $this -> deprecationMessage , array ( '%node%' => $node , '%path%' => $path ));
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getName ()
return $this -> name ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getPath ()
$path = $this -> name ;
if ( null !== $this -> parent ) {
$path = $this -> parent -> getPath () . '.' . $path ;
return $path ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
final public function merge ( $leftSide , $rightSide )
if ( ! $this -> allowOverwrite ) {
throw new ForbiddenOverwriteException ( sprintf ( 'Configuration path "%s" cannot be overwritten. You have to define all options for this path, and any of its sub-paths in one configuration section.' , $this -> getPath ()));
$this -> validateType ( $leftSide );
$this -> validateType ( $rightSide );
return $this -> mergeValues ( $leftSide , $rightSide );
* { @ inheritdoc }
final public function normalize ( $value )
$value = $this -> preNormalize ( $value );
// run custom normalization closures
foreach ( $this -> normalizationClosures as $closure ) {
$value = $closure ( $value );
// replace value with their equivalent
foreach ( $this -> equivalentValues as $data ) {
if ( $data [ 0 ] === $value ) {
$value = $data [ 1 ];
// validate type
$this -> validateType ( $value );
// normalize value
return $this -> normalizeValue ( $value );
* Normalizes the value before any other normalization is applied .
* @ param $value
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* @ return The normalized array value
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protected function preNormalize ( $value )
return $value ;
* Returns parent node for this node .
* @ return NodeInterface | null
public function getParent ()
return $this -> parent ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
final public function finalize ( $value )
$this -> validateType ( $value );
$value = $this -> finalizeValue ( $value );
// Perform validation on the final value if a closure has been set.
// The closure is also allowed to return another value.
foreach ( $this -> finalValidationClosures as $closure ) {
try {
$value = $closure ( $value );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw $e ;
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid configuration for path "%s": %s' , $this -> getPath (), $e -> getMessage ()), $e -> getCode (), $e );
return $value ;
* Validates the type of a Node .
* @ param mixed $value The value to validate
* @ throws InvalidTypeException when the value is invalid
abstract protected function validateType ( $value );
* Normalizes the value .
* @ param mixed $value The value to normalize
* @ return mixed The normalized value
abstract protected function normalizeValue ( $value );
* Merges two values together .
* @ param mixed $leftSide
* @ param mixed $rightSide
* @ return mixed The merged value
abstract protected function mergeValues ( $leftSide , $rightSide );
* Finalizes a value .
* @ param mixed $value The value to finalize
* @ return mixed The finalized value
abstract protected function finalizeValue ( $value );