2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler ;
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use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface ;
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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Exception\ConflictingHeadersException ;
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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DataCollectorInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\LateDataCollectorInterface ;
* Profiler .
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
class Profiler
private $storage ;
* @ var DataCollectorInterface []
private $collectors = array ();
private $logger ;
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private $initiallyEnabled = true ;
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private $enabled = true ;
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* @ param bool $enable The initial enabled state
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public function __construct ( ProfilerStorageInterface $storage , LoggerInterface $logger = null , $enable = true )
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$this -> storage = $storage ;
$this -> logger = $logger ;
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$this -> initiallyEnabled = $this -> enabled = ( bool ) $enable ;
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* Disables the profiler .
public function disable ()
$this -> enabled = false ;
* Enables the profiler .
public function enable ()
$this -> enabled = true ;
* Loads the Profile for the given Response .
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* @ return Profile | false A Profile instance
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public function loadProfileFromResponse ( Response $response )
if ( ! $token = $response -> headers -> get ( 'X-Debug-Token' )) {
return false ;
return $this -> loadProfile ( $token );
* Loads the Profile for the given token .
* @ param string $token A token
* @ return Profile A Profile instance
public function loadProfile ( $token )
return $this -> storage -> read ( $token );
* Saves a Profile .
* @ return bool
public function saveProfile ( Profile $profile )
// late collect
foreach ( $profile -> getCollectors () as $collector ) {
if ( $collector instanceof LateDataCollectorInterface ) {
$collector -> lateCollect ();
if ( ! ( $ret = $this -> storage -> write ( $profile )) && null !== $this -> logger ) {
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$this -> logger -> warning ( 'Unable to store the profiler information.' , array ( 'configured_storage' => \get_class ( $this -> storage )));
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return $ret ;
* Purges all data from the storage .
public function purge ()
$this -> storage -> purge ();
* Finds profiler tokens for the given criteria .
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* @ param string $ip The IP
* @ param string $url The URL
* @ param string $limit The maximum number of tokens to return
* @ param string $method The request method
* @ param string $start The start date to search from
* @ param string $end The end date to search to
* @ param string $statusCode The request status code
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* @ return array An array of tokens
* @ see http :// php . net / manual / en / datetime . formats . php for the supported date / time formats
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public function find ( $ip , $url , $limit , $method , $start , $end , $statusCode = null )
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return $this -> storage -> find ( $ip , $url , $limit , $method , $this -> getTimestamp ( $start ), $this -> getTimestamp ( $end ), $statusCode );
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* Collects data for the given Response .
* @ return Profile | null A Profile instance or null if the profiler is disabled
public function collect ( Request $request , Response $response , \Exception $exception = null )
if ( false === $this -> enabled ) {
return ;
$profile = new Profile ( substr ( hash ( 'sha256' , uniqid ( mt_rand (), true )), 0 , 6 ));
$profile -> setTime ( time ());
$profile -> setUrl ( $request -> getUri ());
$profile -> setMethod ( $request -> getMethod ());
$profile -> setStatusCode ( $response -> getStatusCode ());
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try {
$profile -> setIp ( $request -> getClientIp ());
} catch ( ConflictingHeadersException $e ) {
$profile -> setIp ( 'Unknown' );
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$response -> headers -> set ( 'X-Debug-Token' , $profile -> getToken ());
foreach ( $this -> collectors as $collector ) {
$collector -> collect ( $request , $response , $exception );
// we need to clone for sub-requests
$profile -> addCollector ( clone $collector );
return $profile ;
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public function reset ()
foreach ( $this -> collectors as $collector ) {
if ( ! method_exists ( $collector , 'reset' )) {
continue ;
$collector -> reset ();
$this -> enabled = $this -> initiallyEnabled ;
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* Gets the Collectors associated with this profiler .
* @ return array An array of collectors
public function all ()
return $this -> collectors ;
* Sets the Collectors associated with this profiler .
* @ param DataCollectorInterface [] $collectors An array of collectors
public function set ( array $collectors = array ())
$this -> collectors = array ();
foreach ( $collectors as $collector ) {
$this -> add ( $collector );
* Adds a Collector .
public function add ( DataCollectorInterface $collector )
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if ( ! method_exists ( $collector , 'reset' )) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'Implementing "%s" without the "reset()" method is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will be unsupported in 4.0 for class "%s".' , DataCollectorInterface :: class , \get_class ( $collector )), E_USER_DEPRECATED );
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$this -> collectors [ $collector -> getName ()] = $collector ;
* Returns true if a Collector for the given name exists .
* @ param string $name A collector name
* @ return bool
public function has ( $name )
return isset ( $this -> collectors [ $name ]);
* Gets a Collector by name .
* @ param string $name A collector name
* @ return DataCollectorInterface A DataCollectorInterface instance
* @ throws \InvalidArgumentException if the collector does not exist
public function get ( $name )
if ( ! isset ( $this -> collectors [ $name ])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Collector "%s" does not exist.' , $name ));
return $this -> collectors [ $name ];
private function getTimestamp ( $value )
if ( null === $value || '' == $value ) {
return ;
try {
$value = new \DateTime ( is_numeric ( $value ) ? '@' . $value : $value );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
return ;
return $value -> getTimestamp ();