2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tests ;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\CommandLoader\FactoryCommandLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\DependencyInjection\AddConsoleCommandPass ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleCommandEvent ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleErrorEvent ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleExceptionEvent ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleTerminateEvent ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\Output ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\StreamOutput ;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\ApplicationTester ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder ;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher ;
class ApplicationTest extends TestCase
protected static $fixturesPath ;
public static function setUpBeforeClass ()
self :: $fixturesPath = realpath ( __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/' );
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FooCommand.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FooOptCommand.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/Foo1Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/Foo2Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/Foo3Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/Foo4Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/Foo5Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FooSameCaseUppercaseCommand.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FoobarCommand.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/BarBucCommand.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FooSubnamespaced1Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/FooSubnamespaced2Command.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/TestTiti.php' ;
require_once self :: $fixturesPath . '/TestToto.php' ;
protected function normalizeLineBreaks ( $text )
return str_replace ( PHP_EOL , " \n " , $text );
* Replaces the dynamic placeholders of the command help text with a static version .
* The placeholder % command . full_name % includes the script path that is not predictable
* and can not be tested against .
protected function ensureStaticCommandHelp ( Application $application )
foreach ( $application -> all () as $command ) {
$command -> setHelp ( str_replace ( '%command.full_name%' , 'app/console %command.name%' , $command -> getHelp ()));
public function testConstructor ()
$application = new Application ( 'foo' , 'bar' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $application -> getName (), '__construct() takes the application name as its first argument' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'bar' , $application -> getVersion (), '__construct() takes the application version as its second argument' );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'help' , 'list' ), array_keys ( $application -> all ()), '__construct() registered the help and list commands by default' );
public function testSetGetName ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setName ( 'foo' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $application -> getName (), '->setName() sets the name of the application' );
public function testSetGetVersion ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setVersion ( 'bar' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'bar' , $application -> getVersion (), '->setVersion() sets the version of the application' );
public function testGetLongVersion ()
$application = new Application ( 'foo' , 'bar' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo <info>bar</info>' , $application -> getLongVersion (), '->getLongVersion() returns the long version of the application' );
public function testHelp ()
$application = new Application ();
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_gethelp.txt' , $this -> normalizeLineBreaks ( $application -> getHelp ()), '->getHelp() returns a help message' );
public function testAll ()
$application = new Application ();
$commands = $application -> all ();
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\HelpCommand' , $commands [ 'help' ], '->all() returns the registered commands' );
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$commands = $application -> all ( 'foo' );
$this -> assertCount ( 1 , $commands , '->all() takes a namespace as its first argument' );
public function testAllWithCommandLoader ()
$application = new Application ();
$commands = $application -> all ();
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\HelpCommand' , $commands [ 'help' ], '->all() returns the registered commands' );
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$commands = $application -> all ( 'foo' );
$this -> assertCount ( 1 , $commands , '->all() takes a namespace as its first argument' );
$application -> setCommandLoader ( new FactoryCommandLoader ( array (
'foo:bar1' => function () { return new \Foo1Command (); },
$commands = $application -> all ( 'foo' );
$this -> assertCount ( 2 , $commands , '->all() takes a namespace as its first argument' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( \FooCommand :: class , $commands [ 'foo:bar' ], '->all() returns the registered commands' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( \Foo1Command :: class , $commands [ 'foo:bar1' ], '->all() returns the registered commands' );
public function testRegister ()
$application = new Application ();
$command = $application -> register ( 'foo' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $command -> getName (), '->register() registers a new command' );
public function testAdd ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( $foo = new \FooCommand ());
$commands = $application -> all ();
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $commands [ 'foo:bar' ], '->add() registers a command' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> addCommands ( array ( $foo = new \FooCommand (), $foo1 = new \Foo1Command ()));
$commands = $application -> all ();
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( $foo , $foo1 ), array ( $commands [ 'foo:bar' ], $commands [ 'foo:bar1' ]), '->addCommands() registers an array of commands' );
* @ expectedException \LogicException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage Command class " Foo5Command " is not correctly initialized. You probably forgot to call the parent constructor.
public function testAddCommandWithEmptyConstructor ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \Foo5Command ());
public function testHasGet ()
$application = new Application ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'list' ), '->has() returns true if a named command is registered' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $application -> has ( 'afoobar' ), '->has() returns false if a named command is not registered' );
$application -> add ( $foo = new \FooCommand ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'afoobar' ), '->has() returns true if an alias is registered' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $application -> get ( 'foo:bar' ), '->get() returns a command by name' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $application -> get ( 'afoobar' ), '->get() returns a command by alias' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( $foo = new \FooCommand ());
// simulate --help
$r = new \ReflectionObject ( $application );
$p = $r -> getProperty ( 'wantHelps' );
$p -> setAccessible ( true );
$p -> setValue ( $application , true );
$command = $application -> get ( 'foo:bar' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand' , $command , '->get() returns the help command if --help is provided as the input' );
public function testHasGetWithCommandLoader ()
$application = new Application ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'list' ), '->has() returns true if a named command is registered' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $application -> has ( 'afoobar' ), '->has() returns false if a named command is not registered' );
$application -> add ( $foo = new \FooCommand ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'afoobar' ), '->has() returns true if an alias is registered' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $application -> get ( 'foo:bar' ), '->get() returns a command by name' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $application -> get ( 'afoobar' ), '->get() returns a command by alias' );
$application -> setCommandLoader ( new FactoryCommandLoader ( array (
'foo:bar1' => function () { return new \Foo1Command (); },
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'afoobar' ), '->has() returns true if an instance is registered for an alias even with command loader' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $application -> get ( 'foo:bar' ), '->get() returns an instance by name even with command loader' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo , $application -> get ( 'afoobar' ), '->get() returns an instance by alias even with command loader' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'foo:bar1' ), '->has() returns true for commands registered in the loader' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( \Foo1Command :: class , $foo1 = $application -> get ( 'foo:bar1' ), '->get() returns a command by name from the command loader' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> has ( 'afoobar1' ), '->has() returns true for commands registered in the loader' );
$this -> assertEquals ( $foo1 , $application -> get ( 'afoobar1' ), '->get() returns a command by name from the command loader' );
public function testSilentHelp ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( '-h' => true , '-q' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertEmpty ( $tester -> getDisplay ( true ));
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage The command " foofoo " does not exist .
public function testGetInvalidCommand ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> get ( 'foofoo' );
public function testGetNamespaces ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'foo' ), $application -> getNamespaces (), '->getNamespaces() returns an array of unique used namespaces' );
public function testFindNamespace ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $application -> findNamespace ( 'foo' ), '->findNamespace() returns the given namespace if it exists' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $application -> findNamespace ( 'f' ), '->findNamespace() finds a namespace given an abbreviation' );
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $application -> findNamespace ( 'foo' ), '->findNamespace() returns the given namespace if it exists' );
public function testFindNamespaceWithSubnamespaces ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooSubnamespaced1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \FooSubnamespaced2Command ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo' , $application -> findNamespace ( 'foo' ), '->findNamespace() returns commands even if the commands are only contained in subnamespaces' );
public function testFindAmbiguousNamespace ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \BarBucCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
$expectedMsg = " The namespace \" f \" is ambiguous. \n Did you mean one of these? \n foo \n foo1 " ;
if ( method_exists ( $this , 'expectException' )) {
$this -> expectException ( CommandNotFoundException :: class );
$this -> expectExceptionMessage ( $expectedMsg );
} else {
$this -> setExpectedException ( CommandNotFoundException :: class , $expectedMsg );
$application -> findNamespace ( 'f' );
public function testFindNonAmbiguous ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \TestTiti ());
$application -> add ( new \TestToto ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'test-toto' , $application -> find ( 'test' ) -> getName ());
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage There are no commands defined in the " bar " namespace .
public function testFindInvalidNamespace ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> findNamespace ( 'bar' );
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage Command " foo1 " is not defined
public function testFindUniqueNameButNamespaceName ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
$application -> find ( $commandName = 'foo1' );
public function testFind ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'foo:bar' ), '->find() returns a command if its name exists' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand' , $application -> find ( 'h' ), '->find() returns a command if its name exists' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:bar' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation for the namespace exists' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:b' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation for the namespace and the command name exist' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'a' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation exists for an alias' );
public function testFindCaseSensitiveFirst ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooSameCaseUppercaseCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseUppercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:B' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation is the correct case' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseUppercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:BAR' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation is the correct case' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:b' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation is the correct case' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:bar' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation is the correct case' );
public function testFindCaseInsensitiveAsFallback ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:b' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation is the correct case' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:B' ), '->find() will fallback to case insensitivity' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'FoO:BaR' ), '->find() will fallback to case insensitivity' );
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage Command " FoO:BaR " is ambiguous
public function testFindCaseInsensitiveSuggestions ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \FooSameCaseUppercaseCommand ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooSameCaseLowercaseCommand' , $application -> find ( 'FoO:BaR' ), '->find() will find two suggestions with case insensitivity' );
public function testFindWithCommandLoader ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setCommandLoader ( new FactoryCommandLoader ( array (
'foo:bar' => $f = function () { return new \FooCommand (); },
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'foo:bar' ), '->find() returns a command if its name exists' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand' , $application -> find ( 'h' ), '->find() returns a command if its name exists' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:bar' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation for the namespace exists' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:b' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation for the namespace and the command name exist' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FooCommand' , $application -> find ( 'a' ), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation exists for an alias' );
* @ dataProvider provideAmbiguousAbbreviations
public function testFindWithAmbiguousAbbreviations ( $abbreviation , $expectedExceptionMessage )
if ( method_exists ( $this , 'expectException' )) {
$this -> expectException ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' );
$this -> expectExceptionMessage ( $expectedExceptionMessage );
} else {
$this -> setExpectedException ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $expectedExceptionMessage );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
$application -> find ( $abbreviation );
public function provideAmbiguousAbbreviations ()
return array (
array ( 'f' , 'Command "f" is not defined.' ),
array (
'a' ,
" Command \" a \" is ambiguous. \n Did you mean one of these? \n " .
" afoobar The foo:bar command \n " .
" afoobar1 The foo:bar1 command \n " .
' afoobar2 The foo1:bar command' ,
array (
'foo:b' ,
" Command \" foo:b \" is ambiguous. \n Did you mean one of these? \n " .
" foo:bar The foo:bar command \n " .
" foo:bar1 The foo:bar1 command \n " .
' foo1:bar The foo1:bar command' ,
public function testFindCommandEqualNamespace ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \Foo3Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo4Command ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Foo3Command' , $application -> find ( 'foo3:bar' ), '->find() returns the good command even if a namespace has same name' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Foo4Command' , $application -> find ( 'foo3:bar:toh' ), '->find() returns a command even if its namespace equals another command name' );
public function testFindCommandWithAmbiguousNamespacesButUniqueName ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \FoobarCommand ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'FoobarCommand' , $application -> find ( 'f:f' ));
public function testFindCommandWithMissingNamespace ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \Foo4Command ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Foo4Command' , $application -> find ( 'f::t' ));
* @ dataProvider provideInvalidCommandNamesSingle
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage Did you mean this
public function testFindAlternativeExceptionMessageSingle ( $name )
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \Foo3Command ());
$application -> find ( $name );
public function provideInvalidCommandNamesSingle ()
return array (
array ( 'foo3:barr' ),
array ( 'fooo3:bar' ),
public function testFindAlternativeExceptionMessageMultiple ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
// Command + plural
try {
$application -> find ( 'foo:baR' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/Did you mean one of these/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo1:bar/' , $e -> getMessage ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo:bar/' , $e -> getMessage ());
// Namespace + plural
try {
$application -> find ( 'foo2:bar' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/Did you mean one of these/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo1/' , $e -> getMessage ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo3Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo4Command ());
// Subnamespace + plural
try {
$a = $application -> find ( 'foo3:' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() should throw an Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException if a command is ambiguous because of a subnamespace, with alternatives' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo3:bar/' , $e -> getMessage ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo3:bar:toh/' , $e -> getMessage ());
public function testFindAlternativeCommands ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
try {
$application -> find ( $commandName = 'Unknown command' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist' );
$this -> assertSame ( array (), $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertEquals ( sprintf ( 'Command "%s" is not defined.' , $commandName ), $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, without alternatives' );
// Test if "bar1" command throw a "CommandNotFoundException" and does not contain
// "foo:bar" as alternative because "bar1" is too far from "foo:bar"
try {
$application -> find ( $commandName = 'bar1' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist' );
$this -> assertSame ( array ( 'afoobar1' , 'foo:bar1' ), $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( sprintf ( '/Command "%s" is not defined./' , $commandName ), $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternatives' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/afoobar1/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternative : "afoobar1"' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo:bar1/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, with alternative : "foo:bar1"' );
$this -> assertNotRegExp ( '/foo:bar(?>!1)/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command does not exist, without "foo:bar" alternative' );
public function testFindAlternativeCommandsWithAnAlias ()
$fooCommand = new \FooCommand ();
$fooCommand -> setAliases ( array ( 'foo2' ));
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( $fooCommand );
$result = $application -> find ( 'foo' );
$this -> assertSame ( $fooCommand , $result );
public function testFindAlternativeNamespace ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo3Command ());
try {
$application -> find ( 'Unknown-namespace:Unknown-command' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist' );
$this -> assertSame ( array (), $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'There are no commands defined in the "Unknown-namespace" namespace.' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist, without alternatives' );
try {
$application -> find ( 'foo2:command' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist' );
$this -> assertCount ( 3 , $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertContains ( 'foo' , $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertContains ( 'foo1' , $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertContains ( 'foo3' , $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/There are no commands defined in the "foo2" namespace./' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist, with alternative' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist, with alternative : "foo"' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo1/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist, with alternative : "foo1"' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/foo3/' , $e -> getMessage (), '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if namespace does not exist, with alternative : "foo3"' );
public function testFindAlternativesOutput ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo1Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo2Command ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo3Command ());
$expectedAlternatives = array (
'afoobar' ,
'afoobar1' ,
'afoobar2' ,
'foo1:bar' ,
'foo3:bar' ,
'foo:bar' ,
'foo:bar1' ,
try {
$application -> find ( 'foo' );
$this -> fail ( '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command is not defined' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException' , $e , '->find() throws a CommandNotFoundException if command is not defined' );
$this -> assertSame ( $expectedAlternatives , $e -> getAlternatives ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/Command "foo" is not defined\..*Did you mean one of these\?.*/Ums' , $e -> getMessage ());
public function testFindNamespaceDoesNotFailOnDeepSimilarNamespaces ()
$application = $this -> getMockBuilder ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Application' ) -> setMethods ( array ( 'getNamespaces' )) -> getMock ();
$application -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'getNamespaces' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( array ( 'foo:sublong' , 'bar:sub' )));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'foo:sublong' , $application -> findNamespace ( 'f:sub' ));
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage Command " foo::bar " is not defined .
public function testFindWithDoubleColonInNameThrowsException ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$application -> add ( new \Foo4Command ());
$application -> find ( 'foo::bar' );
public function testSetCatchExceptions ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=120' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( true );
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> areExceptionsCaught ());
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception1.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception1.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag' );
$this -> assertSame ( '' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ));
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
try {
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> fail ( '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag' );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( '\Exception' , $e , '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Command "foo" is not defined.' , $e -> getMessage (), '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag' );
public function testAutoExitSetting ()
$application = new Application ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $application -> isAutoExitEnabled ());
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$this -> assertFalse ( $application -> isAutoExitEnabled ());
public function testRenderException ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=120' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception1.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'verbosity' => Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'Exception trace' , $tester -> getErrorOutput (), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception with a stack trace when verbosity is verbose' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--foo' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception2.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() renders the command synopsis when an exception occurs in the context of a command' );
$application -> add ( new \Foo3Command ());
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo3:bar' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception3.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo3:bar' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'verbosity' => Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE ));
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/\[Exception\]\s*First exception/' , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception without code exception when code exception is default and verbosity is verbose' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/\[Exception\]\s*Second exception/' , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception without code exception when code exception is 0 and verbosity is verbose' );
$this -> assertRegExp ( '/\[Exception \(404\)\]\s*Third exception/' , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception with code exception when code exception is 404 and verbosity is verbose' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo3:bar' ), array ( 'decorated' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception3decorated.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo3:bar' ), array ( 'decorated' => true , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception3decorated.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=32' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception4.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() wraps messages when they are bigger than the terminal' );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=120' );
public function testRenderExceptionWithDoubleWidthCharacters ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=120' );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function () {
throw new \Exception ( 'エラーメッセージ' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringMatchesFormatFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_doublewidth1.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => true , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringMatchesFormatFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_doublewidth1decorated.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=32' );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function () {
throw new \Exception ( 'コマンドの実行中にエラーが発生しました。' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'capture_stderr_separately' => true ));
$this -> assertStringMatchesFormatFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_doublewidth2.txt' , $tester -> getErrorOutput ( true ), '->renderException() wraps messages when they are bigger than the terminal' );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=120' );
public function testRenderExceptionEscapesLines ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=22' );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function () {
throw new \Exception ( 'dont break here <info>!</info>' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringMatchesFormatFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_escapeslines.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->renderException() escapes lines containing formatting' );
putenv ( 'COLUMNS=120' );
public function testRenderExceptionLineBreaks ()
$application = $this -> getMockBuilder ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Application' ) -> setMethods ( array ( 'getTerminalWidth' )) -> getMock ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> expects ( $this -> any ())
-> method ( 'getTerminalWidth' )
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( 120 ));
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function () {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( " \n \n line 1 with extra spaces \n line 2 \n \n line 4 \n " );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringMatchesFormatFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_linebreaks.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->renderException() keep multiple line breaks' );
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
public function testRenderExceptionStackTraceContainsRootException ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function () {
throw new \Exception ( 'Verbose exception' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ), array ( 'decorated' => false , 'verbosity' => Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE ));
$this -> assertContains ( sprintf ( '() at %s:' , __FILE__ ), $tester -> getDisplay ());
2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
public function testRun ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> add ( $command = new \Foo1Command ());
$_SERVER [ 'argv' ] = array ( 'cli.php' , 'foo:bar1' );
ob_start ();
$application -> run ();
ob_end_clean ();
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput' , $command -> input , '->run() creates an ArgvInput by default if none is given' );
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput' , $command -> output , '->run() creates a ConsoleOutput by default if none is given' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$this -> ensureStaticCommandHelp ( $application );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array (), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run1.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() runs the list command if no argument is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( '--help' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run2.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() runs the help command if --help is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( '-h' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run2.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() runs the help command if -h is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--help' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run3.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() displays the help if --help is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '-h' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run3.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() displays the help if -h is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( '--ansi' => true ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $tester -> getOutput () -> isDecorated (), '->run() forces color output if --ansi is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( '--no-ansi' => true ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $tester -> getOutput () -> isDecorated (), '->run() forces color output to be disabled if --no-ansi is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( '--version' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run4.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() displays the program version if --version is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( '-V' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertStringEqualsFile ( self :: $fixturesPath . '/application_run4.txt' , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ), '->run() displays the program version if -v is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--quiet' => true ));
$this -> assertSame ( '' , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->run() removes all output if --quiet is passed' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $tester -> getInput () -> isInteractive (), '->run() sets off the interactive mode if --quiet is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '-q' => true ));
$this -> assertSame ( '' , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->run() removes all output if -q is passed' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $tester -> getInput () -> isInteractive (), '->run() sets off the interactive mode if -q is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--verbose' => true ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to verbose if --verbose is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--verbose' => 1 ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to verbose if --verbose=1 is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--verbose' => 2 ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to very verbose if --verbose=2 is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--verbose' => 3 ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_DEBUG , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to debug if --verbose=3 is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '--verbose' => 4 ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to verbose if unknown --verbose level is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '-v' => true ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_VERBOSE , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to verbose if -v is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '-vv' => true ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to verbose if -v is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'list' , '-vvv' => true ));
$this -> assertSame ( Output :: VERBOSITY_DEBUG , $tester -> getOutput () -> getVerbosity (), '->run() sets the output to verbose if -v is passed' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo:bar' , '--no-interaction' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertSame ( 'called' . PHP_EOL , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->run() does not call interact() if --no-interaction is passed' );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo:bar' , '-n' => true ), array ( 'decorated' => false ));
$this -> assertSame ( 'called' . PHP_EOL , $tester -> getDisplay (), '->run() does not call interact() if -n is passed' );
* Issue #9285.
* If the " verbose " option is just before an argument in ArgvInput ,
* an argument value should not be treated as verbosity value .
* This test will fail with " Not enough arguments. " if broken
public function testVerboseValueNotBreakArguments ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> add ( new \FooCommand ());
$output = new StreamOutput ( fopen ( 'php://memory' , 'w' , false ));
$input = new ArgvInput ( array ( 'cli.php' , '-v' , 'foo:bar' ));
$application -> run ( $input , $output );
$this -> addToAssertionCount ( 1 );
$input = new ArgvInput ( array ( 'cli.php' , '--verbose' , 'foo:bar' ));
$application -> run ( $input , $output );
$this -> addToAssertionCount ( 1 );
public function testRunReturnsIntegerExitCode ()
$exception = new \Exception ( '' , 4 );
$application = $this -> getMockBuilder ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Application' ) -> setMethods ( array ( 'doRun' )) -> getMock ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'doRun' )
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
-> willThrowException ( $exception );
2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
$exitCode = $application -> run ( new ArrayInput ( array ()), new NullOutput ());
$this -> assertSame ( 4 , $exitCode , '->run() returns integer exit code extracted from raised exception' );
public function testRunDispatchesIntegerExitCode ()
$passedRightValue = false ;
// We can assume here that some other test asserts that the event is dispatched at all
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.terminate' , function ( ConsoleTerminateEvent $event ) use ( & $passedRightValue ) {
$passedRightValue = ( 4 === $event -> getExitCode ());
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'test' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
throw new \Exception ( '' , 4 );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $passedRightValue , '-> exit code 4 was passed in the console.terminate event' );
public function testRunReturnsExitCodeOneForExceptionCodeZero ()
$exception = new \Exception ( '' , 0 );
$application = $this -> getMockBuilder ( 'Symfony\Component\Console\Application' ) -> setMethods ( array ( 'doRun' )) -> getMock ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'doRun' )
2019-01-24 08:00:03 +00:00
-> willThrowException ( $exception );
2018-11-23 12:29:20 +00:00
$exitCode = $application -> run ( new ArrayInput ( array ()), new NullOutput ());
$this -> assertSame ( 1 , $exitCode , '->run() returns exit code 1 when exception code is 0' );
public function testRunDispatchesExitCodeOneForExceptionCodeZero ()
$passedRightValue = false ;
// We can assume here that some other test asserts that the event is dispatched at all
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.terminate' , function ( ConsoleTerminateEvent $event ) use ( & $passedRightValue ) {
$passedRightValue = ( 1 === $event -> getExitCode ());
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'test' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
throw new \Exception ();
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'test' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $passedRightValue , '-> exit code 1 was passed in the console.terminate event' );
* @ expectedException \LogicException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage An option with shortcut " e " already exists .
public function testAddingOptionWithDuplicateShortcut ()
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher ();
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> getDefinition () -> addOption ( new InputOption ( '--env' , '-e' , InputOption :: VALUE_REQUIRED , 'Environment' ));
-> register ( 'foo' )
-> setAliases ( array ( 'f' ))
-> setDefinition ( array ( new InputOption ( 'survey' , 'e' , InputOption :: VALUE_REQUIRED , 'My option with a shortcut.' )))
-> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {})
$input = new ArrayInput ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$output = new NullOutput ();
$application -> run ( $input , $output );
* @ expectedException \LogicException
* @ dataProvider getAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData
public function testAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData ( $def )
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
-> register ( 'foo' )
-> setDefinition ( array ( $def ))
-> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {})
$input = new ArrayInput ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$output = new NullOutput ();
$application -> run ( $input , $output );
public function getAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData ()
return array (
array ( new InputArgument ( 'command' , InputArgument :: REQUIRED )),
array ( new InputOption ( 'quiet' , '' , InputOption :: VALUE_NONE )),
array ( new InputOption ( 'query' , 'q' , InputOption :: VALUE_NONE )),
public function testGetDefaultHelperSetReturnsDefaultValues ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$helperSet = $application -> getHelperSet ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $helperSet -> has ( 'formatter' ));
public function testAddingSingleHelperSetOverwritesDefaultValues ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> setHelperSet ( new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ())));
$helperSet = $application -> getHelperSet ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $helperSet -> has ( 'formatter' ));
// no other default helper set should be returned
$this -> assertFalse ( $helperSet -> has ( 'dialog' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $helperSet -> has ( 'progress' ));
public function testOverwritingDefaultHelperSetOverwritesDefaultValues ()
$application = new CustomApplication ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> setHelperSet ( new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ())));
$helperSet = $application -> getHelperSet ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $helperSet -> has ( 'formatter' ));
// no other default helper set should be returned
$this -> assertFalse ( $helperSet -> has ( 'dialog' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $helperSet -> has ( 'progress' ));
public function testGetDefaultInputDefinitionReturnsDefaultValues ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$inputDefinition = $application -> getDefinition ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasArgument ( 'command' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'help' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'quiet' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'verbose' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'version' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'ansi' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'no-ansi' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'no-interaction' ));
public function testOverwritingDefaultInputDefinitionOverwritesDefaultValues ()
$application = new CustomApplication ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$inputDefinition = $application -> getDefinition ();
// check whether the default arguments and options are not returned any more
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasArgument ( 'command' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'help' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'quiet' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'verbose' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'version' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'ansi' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'no-ansi' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'no-interaction' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'custom' ));
public function testSettingCustomInputDefinitionOverwritesDefaultValues ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> setDefinition ( new InputDefinition ( array ( new InputOption ( '--custom' , '-c' , InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Set the custom input definition.' ))));
$inputDefinition = $application -> getDefinition ();
// check whether the default arguments and options are not returned any more
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasArgument ( 'command' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'help' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'quiet' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'verbose' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'version' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'ansi' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'no-ansi' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'no-interaction' ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $inputDefinition -> hasOption ( 'custom' ));
public function testRunWithDispatcher ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ());
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'before.foo.after.' . PHP_EOL , $tester -> getDisplay ());
* @ expectedException \LogicException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage error
public function testRunWithExceptionAndDispatcher ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ());
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( 'foo' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
public function testRunDispatchesAllEventsWithException ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ());
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
throw new \RuntimeException ( 'foo' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.foo.error.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
public function testRunDispatchesAllEventsWithExceptionInListener ()
$dispatcher = $this -> getDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.command' , function () {
throw new \RuntimeException ( 'foo' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.error.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
* @ requires PHP 7
public function testRunWithError ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> register ( 'dym' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'dym.' );
throw new \Error ( 'dymerr' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
try {
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'dym' ));
$this -> fail ( 'Error expected.' );
} catch ( \Error $e ) {
$this -> assertSame ( 'dymerr' , $e -> getMessage ());
public function testRunAllowsErrorListenersToSilenceTheException ()
$dispatcher = $this -> getDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.error' , function ( ConsoleErrorEvent $event ) {
$event -> getOutput () -> write ( 'silenced.' );
$event -> setExitCode ( 0 );
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.command' , function () {
throw new \RuntimeException ( 'foo' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.error.silenced.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
$this -> assertEquals ( ConsoleCommandEvent :: RETURN_CODE_DISABLED , $tester -> getStatusCode ());
public function testConsoleErrorEventIsTriggeredOnCommandNotFound ()
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.error' , function ( ConsoleErrorEvent $event ) {
$this -> assertNull ( $event -> getCommand ());
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( CommandNotFoundException :: class , $event -> getError ());
$event -> getOutput () -> write ( 'silenced command not found' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'unknown' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'silenced command not found' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $tester -> getStatusCode ());
* @ group legacy
* @ expectedDeprecation The " ConsoleEvents::EXCEPTION " event is deprecated since Symfony 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0 . Listen to the " ConsoleEvents::ERROR " event instead .
public function testLegacyExceptionListenersAreStillTriggered ()
$dispatcher = $this -> getDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.exception' , function ( ConsoleExceptionEvent $event ) {
$event -> getOutput () -> write ( 'caught.' );
$event -> setException ( new \RuntimeException ( 'replaced in caught.' ));
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( 'foo' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.caught.error.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
$this -> assertContains ( 'replaced in caught.' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
* @ requires PHP 7
public function testErrorIsRethrownIfNotHandledByConsoleErrorEvent ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> setDispatcher ( new EventDispatcher ());
$application -> register ( 'dym' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
new \UnknownClass ();
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
try {
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'dym' ));
$this -> fail ( '->run() should rethrow PHP errors if not handled via ConsoleErrorEvent.' );
} catch ( \Error $e ) {
$this -> assertSame ( $e -> getMessage (), 'Class \'UnknownClass\' not found' );
* @ requires PHP 7
* @ expectedException \LogicException
* @ expectedExceptionMessage error
public function testRunWithErrorAndDispatcher ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ());
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setCatchExceptions ( false );
$application -> register ( 'dym' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'dym.' );
throw new \Error ( 'dymerr' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'dym' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.dym.error.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay (), 'The PHP Error did not dispached events' );
* @ requires PHP 7
public function testRunDispatchesAllEventsWithError ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ());
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'dym' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'dym.' );
throw new \Error ( 'dymerr' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'dym' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.dym.error.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay (), 'The PHP Error did not dispached events' );
* @ requires PHP 7
public function testRunWithErrorFailingStatusCode ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ());
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'dus' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'dus.' );
throw new \Error ( 'duserr' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'dus' ));
$this -> assertSame ( 1 , $tester -> getStatusCode (), 'Status code should be 1' );
public function testRunWithDispatcherSkippingCommand ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $this -> getDispatcher ( true ));
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$exitCode = $tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'before.after.' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
$this -> assertEquals ( ConsoleCommandEvent :: RETURN_CODE_DISABLED , $exitCode );
public function testRunWithDispatcherAccessingInputOptions ()
$noInteractionValue = null ;
$quietValue = null ;
$dispatcher = $this -> getDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.command' , function ( ConsoleCommandEvent $event ) use ( & $noInteractionValue , & $quietValue ) {
$input = $event -> getInput ();
$noInteractionValue = $input -> getOption ( 'no-interaction' );
$quietValue = $input -> getOption ( 'quiet' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' , '--no-interaction' => true ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $noInteractionValue );
$this -> assertFalse ( $quietValue );
public function testRunWithDispatcherAddingInputOptions ()
$extraValue = null ;
$dispatcher = $this -> getDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.command' , function ( ConsoleCommandEvent $event ) use ( & $extraValue ) {
$definition = $event -> getCommand () -> getDefinition ();
$input = $event -> getInput ();
$definition -> addOption ( new InputOption ( 'extra' , null , InputOption :: VALUE_REQUIRED ));
$input -> bind ( $definition );
$extraValue = $input -> getOption ( 'extra' );
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setDispatcher ( $dispatcher );
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> register ( 'foo' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
$output -> write ( 'foo.' );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'foo' , '--extra' => 'some test value' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'some test value' , $extraValue );
* @ group legacy
public function testTerminalDimensions ()
$application = new Application ();
$originalDimensions = $application -> getTerminalDimensions ();
$this -> assertCount ( 2 , $originalDimensions );
$width = 80 ;
if ( $originalDimensions [ 0 ] == $width ) {
$width = 100 ;
$application -> setTerminalDimensions ( $width , 80 );
$this -> assertSame ( array ( $width , 80 ), $application -> getTerminalDimensions ());
public function testSetRunCustomDefaultCommand ()
$command = new \FooCommand ();
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> add ( $command );
$application -> setDefaultCommand ( $command -> getName ());
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array (), array ( 'interactive' => false ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'called' . PHP_EOL , $tester -> getDisplay (), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command' );
$application = new CustomDefaultCommandApplication ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array (), array ( 'interactive' => false ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'called' . PHP_EOL , $tester -> getDisplay (), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command' );
public function testSetRunCustomDefaultCommandWithOption ()
$command = new \FooOptCommand ();
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> add ( $command );
$application -> setDefaultCommand ( $command -> getName ());
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( '--fooopt' => 'opt' ), array ( 'interactive' => false ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'called' . PHP_EOL . 'opt' . PHP_EOL , $tester -> getDisplay (), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command' );
public function testSetRunCustomSingleCommand ()
$command = new \FooCommand ();
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> add ( $command );
$application -> setDefaultCommand ( $command -> getName (), true );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ());
$this -> assertContains ( 'called' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
$tester -> run ( array ( '--help' => true ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'The foo:bar command' , $tester -> getDisplay ());
* @ requires function posix_isatty
public function testCanCheckIfTerminalIsInteractive ()
$application = new CustomDefaultCommandApplication ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'help' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $tester -> getInput () -> hasParameterOption ( array ( '--no-interaction' , '-n' )));
$inputStream = $tester -> getInput () -> getStream ();
$this -> assertEquals ( $tester -> getInput () -> isInteractive (), @ posix_isatty ( $inputStream ));
public function testRunLazyCommandService ()
$container = new ContainerBuilder ();
$container -> addCompilerPass ( new AddConsoleCommandPass ());
-> register ( 'lazy-command' , LazyCommand :: class )
-> addTag ( 'console.command' , array ( 'command' => 'lazy:command' ))
-> addTag ( 'console.command' , array ( 'command' => 'lazy:alias' ))
-> addTag ( 'console.command' , array ( 'command' => 'lazy:alias2' ));
$container -> compile ();
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setCommandLoader ( $container -> get ( 'console.command_loader' ));
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'lazy:command' ));
$this -> assertSame ( " lazy-command called \n " , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ));
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'lazy:alias' ));
$this -> assertSame ( " lazy-command called \n " , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ));
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'lazy:alias2' ));
$this -> assertSame ( " lazy-command called \n " , $tester -> getDisplay ( true ));
$command = $application -> get ( 'lazy:command' );
$this -> assertSame ( array ( 'lazy:alias' , 'lazy:alias2' ), $command -> getAliases ());
* @ expectedException \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException
public function testGetDisabledLazyCommand ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setCommandLoader ( new FactoryCommandLoader ( array ( 'disabled' => function () { return new DisabledCommand (); })));
$application -> get ( 'disabled' );
public function testHasReturnsFalseForDisabledLazyCommand ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setCommandLoader ( new FactoryCommandLoader ( array ( 'disabled' => function () { return new DisabledCommand (); })));
$this -> assertFalse ( $application -> has ( 'disabled' ));
public function testAllExcludesDisabledLazyCommand ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setCommandLoader ( new FactoryCommandLoader ( array ( 'disabled' => function () { return new DisabledCommand (); })));
$this -> assertArrayNotHasKey ( 'disabled' , $application -> all ());
protected function getDispatcher ( $skipCommand = false )
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.command' , function ( ConsoleCommandEvent $event ) use ( $skipCommand ) {
$event -> getOutput () -> write ( 'before.' );
if ( $skipCommand ) {
$event -> disableCommand ();
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.terminate' , function ( ConsoleTerminateEvent $event ) use ( $skipCommand ) {
$event -> getOutput () -> writeln ( 'after.' );
if ( ! $skipCommand ) {
$event -> setExitCode ( ConsoleCommandEvent :: RETURN_CODE_DISABLED );
$dispatcher -> addListener ( 'console.error' , function ( ConsoleErrorEvent $event ) {
$event -> getOutput () -> write ( 'error.' );
$event -> setError ( new \LogicException ( 'error.' , $event -> getExitCode (), $event -> getError ()));
return $dispatcher ;
* @ requires PHP 7
public function testErrorIsRethrownIfNotHandledByConsoleErrorEventWithCatchingEnabled ()
$application = new Application ();
$application -> setAutoExit ( false );
$application -> setDispatcher ( new EventDispatcher ());
$application -> register ( 'dym' ) -> setCode ( function ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output ) {
new \UnknownClass ();
$tester = new ApplicationTester ( $application );
try {
$tester -> run ( array ( 'command' => 'dym' ));
$this -> fail ( '->run() should rethrow PHP errors if not handled via ConsoleErrorEvent.' );
} catch ( \Error $e ) {
$this -> assertSame ( $e -> getMessage (), 'Class \'UnknownClass\' not found' );
protected function tearDown ()
putenv ( 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' );
unset ( $_ENV [ 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' ]);
unset ( $_SERVER [ 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' ]);
class CustomApplication extends Application
* Overwrites the default input definition .
* @ return InputDefinition An InputDefinition instance
protected function getDefaultInputDefinition ()
return new InputDefinition ( array ( new InputOption ( '--custom' , '-c' , InputOption :: VALUE_NONE , 'Set the custom input definition.' )));
* Gets the default helper set with the helpers that should always be available .
* @ return HelperSet A HelperSet instance
protected function getDefaultHelperSet ()
return new HelperSet ( array ( new FormatterHelper ()));
class CustomDefaultCommandApplication extends Application
* Overwrites the constructor in order to set a different default command .
public function __construct ()
parent :: __construct ();
$command = new \FooCommand ();
$this -> add ( $command );
$this -> setDefaultCommand ( $command -> getName ());
class LazyCommand extends Command
public function execute ( InputInterface $input , OutputInterface $output )
$output -> writeln ( 'lazy-command called' );
class DisabledCommand extends Command
public function isEnabled ()
return false ;